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Everything posted by CroSpartacus

  1. Democracy always brings corruption. Politicians look for ways to find benefits for themselves and this is what brings scandals. I think that if a nation has a good leader it will progress, such as the Romans with Julius Caesar or the Prussians with Bismarck. The problem is that you can't find many good strong leaders.
  2. I believe Intelligent Design should be taught in school. Liberals appear to be so ""open-minded"" while we are "close-minded" but look at their hypocrisy not wanting Intelligent Design to be taught as well as evolution.
  3. my hosting credits went to the negatives for a while, but now they are back up. Does this affect my host in any way? because before I was able to log on, but now i cant and im sure it's the same username and password.
  4. I am unable to access my control panel. I go into the C-panel and type my user name and password exactly the way it should be but it never accepts. What is the problem??
  5. Well that is basically what Christianity teaches. It is always open to all people and Christians are not supposed to force other people to convert or have the exact same beliefs as them. People are supposed to come up with their own conclusions and have their own relationships with God. Churches are supposed to help give the person a guideline to the beliefs and morals, but overall YOU are to decide which path to take. When a person forces or pressures you to convert that is not Christianity.However things work both ways. Atheists seem to be cramming their beliefs onto religious people and when Christians,Muslims, Jews, or whichever denomination steps up to defend their belief's, the atheist claims that we are "forcing our beliefs on him" or they use the "separation of church and state" remark.
  6. True, but when people such as Atheists or even Protestants who dislike Catholics make statements that attack our church, we are supposed to take that? But the second we start defending our belief's they go on the defensive saying "stop trying to cram your religion down my throat" And in schools some people make such a huge big deal if someone mentions God, as if it is a curse word. The days of Communism are over and we should freely express who we are. I remember last year when I was taking an AP European History class my teacher told us that he received a complaint from someones parents about him teaching us about the history of Christianity. Then my teacher says "How can you expect me to teach these students the history of European Civilization without mentioning Christianity?" He was correct. It is impossible to teach these sort of things without mentioning the way Christianity played its role.
  7. I think that the English language is ridiculous with the way it's rules are made. Also the spelling of words is crazy! I find it amazing how people manage to learn English in other countries. Unlike other languages where words are spelled as they sound, English takes away the common sense in that. "Through" should be Thru, "Pencil" should be Pensil, why can't we write it just like it's supposed to sound!
  8. And most Catholics/Christians don't even try to cram religion down peoples throats. The only people I can think of are Jehovas Witnesses that go door to door. The teachings of Christianity do not want you to join only because of fear that you will go to hell. But when our belief's are being bashed I think it is our right to defend it.
  9. I doubt you know anything about religion to be criticizing it. If you are so secure in your belief against religion then why try to tell us not to believe in it?
  10. Hi,Why does Jesus say, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?"My Response:This is a very good question. Obviously, Jesus' words from the cross are especially significant. Everything in scripture and everything Jesus said is important, but we Catholics/Christians can be sure that His final words have special prophetic significance, and this is certainly so in the case of the quote you ask about.When Jesus says "My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?", He is quoting from Psalm 22 (verse 1 in the English versions). This is important to understand, because Psalm 22 is a prophecy of Jesus' crucifixion. The rejection of the Messiah by the people (v.6), the insults they hurled at Him on the cross (vv.7-8 - compare with Matt.27:38-43), the pain of the crucifixion (vv.14-15), the piercing of His hands and feet (v.16), the dividing up of His clothing by lot (v.18) are just some of the more obvious parallels this Psalm prophecies. Jesus knew exactly what was going to happen to Him because He understood this Psalm and how it applied to His death on our behalf (cf. Matt.20:18-19). By quoting Psalm 22, our Jesus makes this clear, and makes it clear to all who would later hear these words of His that He was well aware that He would have to die on our behalf in order to save us - for this reason He came into the world (Jn.3:16-17).Some people very wrongly take this quote you ask about to be a sign of desperation on our Lord's part in His hour of trial - but nothing could be further from the truth.In the Catholic faith we believe in the Trinity: Father, Son, Holy Spirit. We are forgiven by the Father, because Jesus was forsaken. The Father at the moment of the Cross turned away from Jesus because Jesus took on and became all of our sins, and the Father cannot look upon our sin, thus Jesus had to suffer that moment where the feeling of the separation and wrath of God went upon Him. So Jesus suffered the Hell of becoming sin so that we wouldn't have to face the consequences of sin ourselves. That's why Jesus had to say "Father, why have you forsaken me?"Religion in general is a good thing, only some people will abuse religion or use it for their own benefits, this is what brings down religion.
  11. Has anyone ever played Shadow of Rome on the Playstation II?? This game is really good, I like the graphics and it looks realistic. In my opinion it has to be the best game set in Ancient times. Notice from mayank: Edited topic title & description
  12. Im more of a coffee person, but when I drink tea I like Camomil
  13. I don't see that many people with glasses these days. It's all about wearing contacts now. I don't wear glasses or contacts, but to me it seems harding handling contacts than glasses.
  14. sretan bozic,,Today I just realized that smaller Catholic groups such as Greek Catholics or Catholics that follow the Julian Calendar celebrate Christmas on the seventh of January as well as the Orthodox people. I never knew that.
  15. I just got a cell phone, they can be useful during times such as an emergency. But I would prefer the old days where people would just call people by shouting "hey!" What really annoys me is people using cell phones while driving. That is an accident waiting to happen.
  16. Being forced not to say Merry Christmas, forced not to pray to yourself, being forced not even to talk about religion in schools is also to me an Atheist forced belief. All those things negative of Christianity you posted are not what Christianity teaches. Christ taught against wars, killings etc. What the Catholic Church did in the past is not what Christ would have supported. The Church is human and does make mistakes. But what about all the good Christianity has done? education, charity organizations (I don't recall any Atheist charity organizations around) And what about the evil Atheists have done such as Communism which killed people for decades, murdered innocent priests, mock trials, forced collectivization. The French Revolution of 1789 was not a "good angel" either when it killed priests and even closed down the churches.
  17. Ando n peppered moths there are two varieties - the light and the dark. Elimination of the light variety is NOT evolution. They are still Peppered Moths. Kettlewell's experiments were specifically designed to get the results he wanted and were seriously flawed. Results contradicting his evolutionary views were ignored.
  18. Evolution is not a fact, it has many gaps in it and flaws along with hoaxes. If it were a fact it would be proclaimed a fact instead of a theory. Unless someone was around to witness evolution take place he cannot say it happened which is why both evolution and intelligent design should be taught.And the concept of hell was not the way people think of it today as a place where you get roasted on an open fire.
  19. Atheists are also forcing their belief's by making us learn evolution in schools and not allow the Intelligent Design theory to be taught as well. When a religious person at all says something the atheist dislikes, he is being accused of "Forcing his belief". Things can work both ways buddy.And people who say someone is going to hell are plain idiots and God even knows that. The concept of hell was invented during the middle ages. God doesn't want people believing him out of fear but out of love. And those people are not supposed to be judging others which makes them hypocrites.
  20. If you don't like religion then don't worry about it. I'm a Catholic and it really annoys me that people are allowed to bash Christianity all over the place while if we say something bad about atheism we are supposedly "Forcing our beliefs on that person". I remember once my teacher was making us use BCE and CE rather then BC and AD saying "not all of us are Christians" well not all of us are atheists. Religion is a thing people have faith in, it's rather a personal relationship with God. They have that in Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. Even atheists use faith believing things happened by chance. Bashing another religion is plain stupid.And God cannot stop suffering every time it happens. It is our duty to stop suffering, if God interferes in every problem then how can we prove ourselves? God wont give evidence because think of how different everything would be if God just came down to earth and said "I am the one and mighty God!" Our lives on Earth are a test to see what kind of true people we really are. And another myth is that if you're not a Christian you will go to hell. I think that God will judge u based on the kind of person you are whether you're Christian, Jewish, Atheist, Muslim etc.The Catholic Church has been the product of huge attacks. While people always talk about the bad, they forget to mention all the good Christianity has done to the world. The Catholic church did make mistakes, but remember that the Church is human and some of the things they have done Christ wouldn't support.
  21. My favorite games are PC games. I like Strategy type games. My vote would go out to Age of Empires, Empire Earth, and Age of Mythology.
  22. Dude, you have nothing to worry about. I'm decent looking too and I'm 18, still haven't had a girlfriend yet, flirted with a few and could have maybe had a relationship but they were not my type. Just hang in there, you're still young.
  23. He must be one of those guys that wont give up. I would guess that through time he would realize that you only want to be friends with him and will stop bothering you. For some people it might take a short time, but for others it might take months or even years before they get the message.
  24. I like Ring 4, it looks more creative than the others. But they all look really nice.
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