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Everything posted by CroSpartacus

  1. I still need to play the new version of Axis and Allies. I hear it has good reviews. Right now i'm on a low gaming budget so I will wait until the price of the game goes down. I was really bad when I bought Empire Earth for $50, and now they have a Golden edition of Empire Earth and the Expansion pack for only $20!!! I also bought the game "Black and White" for $50 and now they sell that game along with the expansion pack for only $9.99!!! I feel like I have been getting scammed.
  2. I enjoyed Age of Mythology, Age of Empires, and Empire Earth. All games have a special creativity and fun gameplay. Those have to be the best strategy games of all time. I prefer them over starcraft and red alert any day
  3. Age of Empires is great. But I really need to get a new video card, whenever I play the game it starts lagging at times. I enjoyed the Age of Empires series, I only hope it keeps getting better and better. But the thing is that I believe the makers of Age of Empires III focused mostly on graphics. That is not what made the previous Age of Empire games so great, it was the game play and the creativity. Graphics quality is important, but not the most important.
  4. Yeah, Norton Anti-Virus has to be one of the most difficult things to remove from your computer. It's a real hassle to get rid of, kind of like a stubborn stain that wont go away when you want it to.
  5. I'm kind of have a hard time keeping track of which threads I posted on. Maybe there can be a section on our controls that says "My Threads" which can show all the threads we have posted on so it will be easier to check if someone has responded or not.
  6. I am considering taking a career involving computers. I was wondering what kind of computer field does everyone reccomend. I have been told that Computer Engineering is the biggest thing which pays the best money. I would like to be involved with working on computer parts and learning where everything goes. Also I would like the money to be good. Anyone have any suggestions as to what kind of computer field I should take?
  7. I would have to say I use Google the most. It's the only one where I can get the most information about a topic compared to the other search engines such as Yahoo and AskJeeves.
  8. Does anyone know if Yahoo will give back the "Europe" chatroom under Teens? I used to go on that and enjoyed it. Then I noticed it's not there anymore. Are they going to be bringing back the User chatrooms anytime soon?
  9. Welcome,And I think for you Anti-Homophobe people, you're being the same towards people who don't support homosexuality. Many people don't support it and it's their right. Most people don't support pedophile or incest because it's morally wrong and it's their right not to support it.
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