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Everything posted by CroSpartacus

  1. Isn't it true that if you are obese it lowers the risk of certain types of cancer and diseases? It raises the risk of many more diseases but I remember hearing something that fatness prevents a few diseases.
  2. Now that the US is in Iraq they cannot just leave.This type of war is one of those wars that you cannot win. Even if you defeat Saddam's army, that's only the easy part. The hard part is fighting the guerilla forces, guerilla war is very difficult to supress. They can shoot at an American soldier whenever they feel like it and have the ability to attack by surprise. That is why nearly every day a soldier is killed in Iraq.
  3. Fat acceptance is wrong. I don't think we should harrass fat people but encourage them to lose some weight. I couldn't live with myself if I was obese, the first thing I would do is lose the weight.
  4. Are you cheap? Yes, I have to be. Since I'm still in school and have to pay for things like Rent, tuition, books, utilities, groceries, cable, phone, internet, car maintenance, etc, etc I can't afford to not be cheap. Which is why it sucks whenever I hang out with friends since I end up spending waaaayy too much money because they are definitely NOT cheap and like to spend the cash....When it comes to others, such as tipping or buying drinks yadda yadda, I am never cheap. I will work around the money. I like helping people out, making sure people have a good time, etc. etc. Money is never an object between friends. But in all other aspects of life I'm nice and cheap. When I need to buy something (for example I just bought a new bed a few weeks ago), I always take forever and do so much research so that I can get as best quality for the best price ever. I love the deals I get It pays to be a bargain shopper...more money for the bar then....
  5. I always try to get at least 8 hours sleep. Pretty hard because I have to get up very early, but I manage.
  6. I hold Right Wing beliefs, but Bush has really screwed up the economy. Gas prices are ridiculous. I liked it better with Clinton. Bush Senior was also a horrible president. It seems that the Republicans wish to help countries with oil and ignore the other ones.
  7. I think this world would be in chaos without religion.Christianity does not teach to feel superior to other religions. I don't think any religion teaches that. In Islam they are taught to respect Christians and Jews as they are the People of the Book.The bible is not only a religious book but it has history, philosophy, and prediction of future events. After centuries of persecution and attempts to destroy it the bible still stands.It's just different viewpoints of the bible that has divided Christianity into many sects.I'm a Catholic and we believe in the Virgin birth of Christ. People say it's impossible, but this is God we are talking about, nothing is impossible.And what is that guy talking about that Jesus was a "racist"? It was Jesus' teachings such as to spread the word not only to Jews but also non-jews. What about the time Jesus healed the Roman Centurion's servant?
  8. I am a good student. But it's my senior year and graduation is coming up so I got a bit lazy.I enjoy chatting with my class mates but the school administration annoys me. They have security guards acting like Communists trying to boss us around but when there is a fight going on it takes them 20 minutes to get to it.
  9. That sucks.My computer teachers only know about stuff like microsoft word, excel, powerpoint etc.But on those other kind of stuff they don't know anything. I prefer firefox too, but my schools computers are so slow that downloading firefox takes 30 minutes.
  10. I doubt it was a conspiracy. Only propaganda against the current government. I do not think that the White House would murder thousands of their own people just to have an excuse for war. The attack was the terrorists fault, not Bush's.
  11. I don't like people that act stuck up as if they are better then others. Other things that annoy me are people that drive or walk extremely slow and also people who are extremely loud and have to shout.
  12. I had a great Easter. My aunts and uncles threw a party and I think I gained 10 pounds eating. I hope everyone had a great Easter.
  13. They always show army brochures of people having fun and laughing like they are having a good time there. In reality they go through hell and only an idiot would fall for that. Always the people flocking to the army recruiters at school are not the brightest, you just show them pics of guys holding guns amd they will want to join.I respect the people who go out there and fight, but I think the US is one of the last nations in the world that needs protection right now. If it were for defending your homeland or fighting for your freedom then I can see the reason but just to go into a foreign country fighting for the politicians I would not.
  14. Sometimes I dream and know I am dreaming, it's kind of weird. And I sometimes have the same dream as before.
  15. Happy Easter! and for the jews happy Passover!My stupid school gave us our Easter Break this week off. So while most other people start there vacations after I Easter, I finish mines after Easter.
  16. I hate alarm clocks too. My alarm clock is that loud one that makes the panicking noise "beep! beep! beep! beep!" Scares the *BLEEP* out of me every time.I had good dreams too until I was awoken by an alarm clock.I once dreamt that I was in control of a country and was supreme dictator. Then it started out like an Age of Empires game and I was so close to conquering the entire world until the alarm clock exploded.
  17. The Catholic Church did issue apologies for all the wrongs they have done in the past, I believe Pope John Paul II was the one who issued it.The Catholic Church is a human organization and they make mistakes as well. Some things they have done were not Christian nor what Jesus Christ taught.People should not blame the church's faults on Christ or Christianity.
  18. The reason of incomprehensibility is maybe due to the limitation of language. Our language is spoken in tenses. Past, present and future, hence we are crippled by lingustics to think in terms of a begining, now, and end. This is why there is a great difficulty of our limited intellect, to grasp the idea of a something that which has no begining. Especially of a something that has no end. One must dig deeper past that to find the answers.Our language is limited. But we have other limitations to overcome as well. What about our thought-process limitation which is related to our language limitation. Since we were not eternal but have a beginning and live with others, none of which does not have a beginning, how can the human mind comprehend what being eternal - meaning without beginning or end - really means? Everything we look at in this would points to the principle that everything that has a beginning has an end. The truth that God is eternal is not something we can possibly grasp or conclude from a study of the created world. To try to reason oneself to this conclusion cannot, therefore, come from anything we know of our experience or study in the natural world. To be the Eternal Creator of all that is means that the life of God is so unlike our own in a sense. God is not bound by time or space as He exists in His essence, since time is a measure of rotations of the Earth around the Sun and space is limited by being physical (even the 'His' language to express identity to God is inaccurate and so possibly misleading). God is not physical, but Spirit, and we must worship Him in Spirit and Truth. The nature of God's being then is other than physical based. And spirit is not something that can be impirically witnessed or studied as our society is taught with the Scientific Method, for example. We so are caught in a conumdrum. How does a physical-based life form express an understanding about a spiritual-based life form when the physical based life form's understanding is so tied to this physical-based reality and language and ways of thinking that to even conceive of a different base for life is nearly impossible? It's impossible to comprehend at all what the Eternal God means without knowing the Eternal God, end of story.
  19. This has been bugging me. People who think rules don't apply to them.This happens every day in life. School, Work, everywhere.In band, our band director clearly states you can't miss practices all the time and expect to have an A in band. Well, this one person we shall not name, tends to miss practice quite often for stupid reasons. One time it's because he had "a headache". So do other people, but we're still in there playing our asses off. "I'll go to school the whole day, but not go to practice because I feel a little sick." Just stupid things like that. Or, I can't make the football game because it's an "unsafe environment". But yeah, they still have a 100% A in band. Weird, or no? In my English class. People come in late ALL THE TIME from lunch, and the teacher always threatens to write them up for skipping. Does she? No. Why? Because she lets them walk all over them.I don't only blame the people disobeying the rules, I blame the adults who let them get away with it. I know if I'd missed a practice over a headache, I'd get crucified by the band teacher.Also the teachers at my school, especially the subsitutes are the worse. Kids curse right in their faces and they do nothing about it. They have no control whatsoever over the class.
  20. I guess I fall into Pride. I always try to be better than everyone at everything, however I show some humility.
  21. My least favorite sports have to be golf and baseball. I just can't stand them. Other sports I don't like are Cricket and i'm not too much of a fan for American Football.
  22. I think I like the Spring time the best. The reason is the weather. It's not too cold, nor too hot. In the summer it's always over 90 Degrees outside and makes you want to stay inside all day with the air condition. I feel lazy when there is hot weather. I don't like the cold either, especially when you can't stay outside longer than a minute. I like Spring time
  23. I can't dance either. All I do is try and follow the steps the girl is doing and then there's nothing to it. I still don't know if i'm gonna be going to my schools prom.
  24. I love playing Texas Holde'm, that has the be the greatest poker game ever made.
  25. I live in Chicago and the traffic here is horrible. The most annoying thing for me are trains. I don't know how they could allow trains to be able to cut through the street like that, while they go extremely slow, sometimes even stopping for 10 minutes or going backwards. They cause so much traffic and I've been late to school a few times because of those trains. I always wondered what if a fire truck or an ambulance need to get through and the trains are there. I don't see why they can't make all trains run under the streets.
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