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Everything posted by CroSpartacus

  1. So far there have been lots of close games ending with a goal at the last minute: Germany on Poland and today Sweden on Paraguay. Also England barely got 2 goals near the end of their game with Trinidad.
  2. Well I was nervous when the game started. Even though we lost 0-1 I think we played well, Brazil only got a long-shot goal over us but from then on I think we did a good job controlling the game in the second half. The Croatian players did a good job pushing for the offense and only needed to capitalize on the chances they had of scoring. But a pretty good performance against the former champions brazil.
  3. There have been lots of upsets so far. Trinidad and Tobago managed to tie with Sweden, Ghana played fairly well with Italy, and Paraguay lost to England only an their own goal. I think any team has a chance to win this World Cup.
  4. For those that watch the World Cup who are you hoping to win?I am rooting for my Croatia and hope we pull off and upset against Brazil tomorrow.Other teams I hope that will get far are Germany - It's entertaining watching them play and I'm sure they will fix their defense for the next game.I also hope some of the smaller countries and the underdogs get far in the tournament
  5. I also joined band just to get my music credit. And I am glad I am finished with it. Some people are just designed to like playing instruments and some hate it. I think that the mandatory 1 year of music should be removed.
  6. I'm surprised Paraguay held out that long if it weren't for their own goal mistake. But there are lots of upsets every World Cup, such as the Sweden vs Trinidad and Tobago game.
  7. I like the movies from the older days much better. I think it's because the actors they had back then were much better then today's. They even made the historical films such as with the Ancient Romans much better in the older films. I think the actors and directors back then were much better and more creative.
  8. Today I was extremely furious in school.My first class, computers, began great. We were showing our finals, we had months to create a website of our own about anything and I showed mine on CroCop, everyone loved the video and I got a good grade. But then when I was at my Band Class, I was angry.I walked into the class and this kid tells me "Did you get signed out from your classes?" then I look at him not knowing what the hell he was talking about. And then he tells me that later on in the day we had to play our instruments for some concert our school was holding in the auditorium. I missed school friday because it was a Senior-Dont go to school-Day and the teacher at last minute says we have to perform a concert!Now note that today and tomorrow are finals for me and then i'm finished with high school. And the band teacher had to organize a concert on the same day I had finals for all my other classes!!! 2 weeks ago I had to come to school at 7pm at night because my band class was playing in another concert, I could have gone to my karate class learning how to defend myself but no, I had to go spend 2 hours doing nothing but play one song.Anyways, despite my past sacrifices, the band teacher still wanted me to play at the school auditorium today!!! I was like "Dude, I have finals to take in all my other classes today and I can't. I already played in the other concert" And then the teacher says "Well this is your final for me! u have to play today!!"I was angry. So then I had to grab a sign-out sheet and go to my next two classes asking for excusal. My literature class got to watch a movie, The Pianist, and I wanted to see that! but I had to leave that class for band.Then I went to my other class, Advanced Weight Training, and asked the teacher to sign my sheet and excuse me from the class. So he signs me out, and then starts talking to this lady for 5 minutes. I come up to him asking him to give me my sign-out sheet back so I can give it to my band teacher and he says"I'm French here, I have no idea what you are talking about"I was like "dude! I gave you that sheet to sign, where is it?"And he still was confused not knowing that he signed something just 5 minutes ago!!! So he tells me to come back later.And then 45 minutes later I come back asking him if he found the sheet and he says"Who are you?"I'm like"I am in your 8th period class! You lost my sign-out sheet!"Then he starts thinking for 5 minutes until he says"Ohh, that's right, you are in my class"Then i'm like "yea!"So I had to get another sheet for him to sign finally.And then I was in the schools auditorium for 2 damn hours. My band wasn't even scheduled to play until the very end of the concert. I had to sit there, with my instrument around my neck waiting for the other people to finished singing songs, playing the piano, or the other instruments.I was so bored it's not even funny. First of all, I had to sit through 45 minutes listening to students one-by-one go up to the piano and play a song. And they were horrible! They got their notes all wrong and they only played either 20% or half the song and stopped. Then we had to clap and cheer them on. Having a whole year of piano class, I would guess that you should at least know how to play the whole song! Then this one guy had his turn to play his guitar. He went on stage and it took 20 minutes for him to set up his guitar. I was thinking "well, he plays guitar, I think he's going to play something decent" And the guy plays a few verses of Amazing Grace and stops saying "And that's it, I don't know the rest" And the audience claps! I was shaking my head. 20 minutes to set up his guitar and all he could play was 3 versus!!! Then these other people got up to play another song and we couldn't tell what they were trying to play.Then my band finally started to play and all we did was play one song and that was it.So sitting through 2 hours of doing nothing just to play one song I don't understand. There wasn't even an audience! Only about 20 students! The place was dead. Then when I thought we were done, there was some guest who won that Chicago Idol contest and she sang for 20 minutes. Then she asked people questions and if they answered it right they would get a CD of her music. I didn't even know who she was. I hope I earned my band credit because sitting for 2 hours doing nothing running to classes while my teacher loses the sheet not remembering i'm even his student! While I could have just gone to my normal classes watching The Pianist!
  9. So your friend killed someone? That's very serious and I would turn him in if he did shoot someone. If you don't then your conscience will torture you all your life.
  10. I'm having some problems with my computer as well. I'm thinking of just getting a lab-top, they're small, efficient, and take up less space.
  11. Currently I am looking for a summer job, but the job I would prefer is to be a European History major teaching at the Universities. I love that subject.
  12. I can say the same thing for Vegans and other non-meat eaters. They think that by eating vegetables all day they are more healthy than the greasy meat eaters. There are many vitamins that you need that are always found in meat and non-meat eaters are the ones who are missing out on some important nutrients only found in meat. Depends on which religion. I agree there are some people such as Mormons or Jehova Witnesses who go door-to-door trying to convert people. But all the major religions are not "brainwashed". People's religious belief's is what makes them who they are. Without something to believe in then what are we? Religion has done alot of good in this world. I hold Right Wing views, but I'm not a Republican. The same can be said about Liberal leftist groups who make promises but cannot keep them. The same can be said about non-whites who always think they have been opressed while we had it easy. There are many white people who live hard lives and discrimination on whites does also exist I hate Communists more. The biggest devil on this planet that took the most lives was Communism and even the ieals of Karl Marx would work only in a perfect world which is not possible. Even though I think the working people deserve more rights, Communism did not give them that rather the opposite.
  13. What does everyone think about meeting people from the internet in real life? Everyday when i'm at school or have nothing else to do I talk to people from places such as Canada, Australia, or Europe and I build an internet friendship. It seems that after chatting nearly everyday you seem to know more about a person living thousands of miles away than the people you see everyday.I went on a trip to Canada last week for this folklore festival party and met around 20 people from this one forum site I always go to. It was really amazing meeting these guys in person and talking to them. It felt like I found a missing piece in a puzzle.Did anyone meet someone from the internet in real life?
  14. How did this Muslim owner know you were Jewish? I am kind of surprised that the owner would do that because they are supposed to keep a good business going and he only hurt himself and his business by doing that.
  15. Some rights protestors do get annoying and say the same things over and over again. I'm sick of those Save the Planet people or organizations such as PETA.
  16. Currently I drive a 1999 Hyundai Sonata. It's a nice car, but my dream car is a Mercedes. I always wanted to own one and right now I got a good deal on one.
  17. The only thing I need trap 17 for is to host some music files and video files. Image files or the other things such as ftp I don't need. Is it possible to get more bandwidth in exchange for taking out some of the features that comes with my webspace such as the image hosting, ftp, chatroom etc.?? Or maybe taking these things out will help make my bandwidth last longer??
  18. Hi,I received an e-mail saying that my domain has reached to 80% of its bandwith and is about to exceed its banwidth limit. It told me to contact the system administrator as soon as possible. What am I supposed to do?
  19. So I heard this fourteen year old girl complaining the other day about how her mother wouldn't let her stay out all night on prom night because her boyfriend is nineteen. She called her mother a bich.Uh, hello?You're fourteen! I used to think my parents were being overprotective idiots, but now I understand why. The world is a harsh place out there and has no room for teenagers who think they know everything. Your parents have lived; I am pretty sure they know a thing or two about this thing called life. Sure, sometimes they might be a wee bit ridiculous, and maybe they are sometimes hypocritical, but they are adults and know what consequences are! Getting your cell phone taken away because you snuck out is just something parents do to try and prevent you from sneaking out again. Why? Because sneaking out in the middle of the night can get you killed, raped, etc. I think your lack of a cell phone for a week is just minor compared to what you will get if you get caught doing drugs, fighting, or whatever else it is that teenagers do. Your parents are trying to tame bad habits so you won't have to deal with the real life consequences of them later.And, kids, don't try to throw it up in your parents' faces that they did the same things when they were a kid that you are doing now. How would you feel if your skank of a daughter was running off to have sex with some guy she met off the internet? Exactly.I used to think that I would be a "cool" dad who would let his kids do anything, but now I realize that I am going to be one strict bich. If you are under eighteen, your parents own you. Deal with your "lack of freedom" for these short eighteen years so you can actually have a decent life when you are older. Right now, your life should consist of school and nothing else. School is what helps you live so you aren't living with your parents for the rest of your life. Your parents paid your bills, bought your clothes, and fed you.
  20. Science and Religion can work hand in hand in my opinion. Only people try to use science for their own vendeta against religion. I think of Science as a way for explaining how God made the universe work, when you look at the bible it has some passages that can be seen as scientific, such as somewhere in Psalms it says"By faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that the things which are seen were not made of things which are visible."At a time when the basic structure of matter was unknown, nearly two thousand years ago, the author of the book of Hebrews accurately described the fact that the matter we can see is made of particles which are not visible in natural light. It is a fact of physics that any particle that is smaller than the wavelength of light will in fact be invisible to the naked eye or light microscopes. The atom and its sub-atomic particles, are smaller than the wavelength of visible light and therefore, are invisible. Back then if you talked about atoms, protons, neutrons, and electrons they wouldn't know what you are talking about, I believe that religious teachings two thousand years ago where taught in a way for the people in that time period to be able to understand.
  21. I did not know we had a Ten Commandments Day, it's May 7th?
  22. God created us in his own image so I do not see how one can say God and Evolution can co-exist if God created evolution. I don't see why people can think it is impossible for a supernatural creator to just create the world, the 6-day thing may not necessarily mean 24 hour period days because the bible can be both literal and figurative.
  23. lol, that may be true, unless the fat guy has lots of money. I really don't understand how the extremely fat people can live like that. If that were me, I would lose that weight immediately, it would be impossible for me to live that kind of life.
  24. Halloween is now just a day for fun and for kids to have a good time. The church never tells us anything against it. It's not like we are practicing witchcraft or calling on evil demons.
  25. I am Croatian, I live in the United States, Chicago.
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