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Everything posted by CroSpartacus

  1. Santa derived from Saint Nicholas who was a real person that delivered gifts to the poor.
  2. I love South Park. That has to be the funniest cartoon ever made. The stories and the things they do is very creative!
  3. I agree. And I feel offended when people don't allow us to say Merry Christmas. It's Freedom of Religion not Freedom From Religion. If someones a jew tell them Happy Hannukah, if someones a muslim tell them Happy Ramadan. For Catholics and Christians our day is Christmas and we should be allowed to celebrate our day. But unfortunately lots of these corporations use Christmas as a profit. I have nothing against Santa Claus, but these types of things take away the purpose of why we celebrate Christmas.
  4. Cooking food isn't that hard. I think if I had a set of instructions I can handle it. I would prefer cooked foods over microwave any day. Food in the microwave is always either to hot or too cold and it can be frozen in the middle.
  5. I need to get a better video card for my computer, but I found out that the video card I already have is integrated. Lots of people have been telling me that you can't change the video card if it's integrated. But this one kid from my school said that you can change the video card even if it is integrated. Is this true?
  6. You would have to meet her parents in person and talk with them so they can see what kind of person you are. Win there trust, be polite and courteous then after a while they will get to know you and like you. Just don't do anything crazy when you date her because then they wont trust you at all.
  7. And there was one card I think it was called the Charz Art or something like that. It was worth $50. I was thinking "why would I pay that much just for a card??" but some people actually go crazy over it. I don't even know what it's supposed to do.
  8. I remember they made all these other cards such as Magic the Gathering and Digemon, but I don't think either one of them was able to rival Pokeman.
  9. I was wondering what happens when your site used up all its bandwidth? How long does it take for the bandwidth to reset and start all over again? Is it monthly?
  10. My first site was from Bravenet. I didn't like it because there were so many advertisements and it made the page look bad.
  11. Wikipedia is good because it has lots of information on everything, however I wouldn't use it as an Objective source. Lots of bias can be in some articles.
  12. I love the KFC fries, or as they call it Potato Wedges. Mcdonalds I have no problem with the food, but the sandwiches are so small and expensive. Fries cost about $3-4 and the drinks even more.I like Wendys burgers better though.
  13. Okay, one of the things I never understood is why do people buy other people a gift card to a store?? I used to think that maybe to buy a lets say $50 gift card that you can use only at a store would cost about $40, but I realized that to buy a gift card to one specific store it costs the same as the money you pay for it. I wonder why do people like getting gift cards so much that restrict you to buying at only one specific store when you can just give a person money that you can spend wherever you want?
  14. I don't eat peanut butter much, but if I do eat it then I must have jelly. I prefer crunchy peanut butter.
  15. My favorite drink is gatorade or powerade. Any type of sports drink. Lemonade is good too. I try to stay away from soda because those drinks are just chemicals and don't help your thirst much.
  16. I had the same problem. But think of it this way, this is the only time of the year where you can get something really good (Birthday too maybe) so don't waste this chance! Find something that you think you would really like and ask for it.
  17. I prefer eating KFC. I always find Mcdonalds sandwiches so small. I even buy two Big Macs and still get hungry. I love the KFC Twister.
  18. I have a printer and for some strange reason when i installed it i think i accidentally clicked for it to be in the German language, now im having a printing problem but dont know what the problem is since the instructions are in German. I went to "my computer" and deleted the software, but the printer still is in the german language and i dont know how to change it. Does anyone know how i can completely remove the printer from my computer and then i want to reinstall it again in the english language?
  19. Hi,I was wondering if anyone knows any websites that are similar to sites such as E-Bay where you can shop for products and not need to have a credit card. I don't have a credit card and I find it impossible to find any place online where I can buy products using a different payment method such as a money order. Does anyone know a shopping site that accepts payment options other then credit card?
  20. I think stricter laws must be enforced. Many people are taking advantage of a free society with lenient penalties.I remember hearing about one rape incident.It was about a 16 year old girl who was raped when she was 14. The rapist was identified BUT he got OFF THE HOOK! According to one of the amendments in the constitution. Rape is only defined if a woman is taken and sexually abused by force against her own will. But in this case, the girl went to a party, the rapist put a drug in her drink. The girl drank it, not knowing if it was drugged, then minutes later the girl was unconscious. The rapist then took the girl who was unconscious, and raped her while she was drugged. So now we have the rapists lawyers saying"The girl was unconscious, so she did not resist, that cannot be defined as a rape"That is the most ridiculous thingI have ever heard in my life. So now they tell us that it's not considred rape since the girl did not resist the rape! She was unconscious! How can they expect her to resist if she is unconscious! So since the rape laws state that the term rape is only defined when the woman resists it, this guy got the crimes erased from his records. The only punishment he had to do was to stay away from the place where he raped the girl, and then the crime would be erased from his record. I don't know what kind of world we are living in where people can rape whoever they want as long as the victim isn't conscious, and then get away with it free! If I was judge, this guy would be executed! What kind of world are we living in!There are too many loopholes in the Judicial system that need to be changed.
  21. cheating is horrible. A relationship cannot work if you cannot keep the other persons trust.
  22. I think rape is a crime entitled to death. If we had more strict laws then crime rates would lower down, it would make the person think twice before doing anything ridiculous. In the US the Legislative system is too weak and easy. I don't know if they still do this in the Middle East today, but when you stole something over there they would cut your hand off. People wouldn't even dare to pick up a wallet that fell lost on the ground.
  23. Haha. I find it embarassing if there's a sex scene and my parents are watching it too. When my dad has the remote and the movie goes to a sex scene he changes the channel right away and nobody would question him.
  24. I like Myspace. Since I got it I found people that I haven't talk to in years. I think it's great to find old friends. Also you can do whatever you want with your webpage, and the groups that site has are great. You can join a group that talks about topics that interest you and meet newer people.
  25. Seinfeld no doubt. I started watching the show a few months ago and have been attached. The stories are hilarious and very creative. My favorite character has to be George. He is always lazy and trying to find the easy way outs (like building a bed under his office desk so he can sleep during work) and he is always curious over random things such as making a big deal on why security guards are standing instead of being allowed to sit down. That show has to be one of the best out there.
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