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Everything posted by Plenoptic

  1. This sounds like a pretty decent idea. I like the sound of it. I thought though that would give out the credit system's secret. I guess the script that checks to see how many credits you have would have to be run before hand so that the script knows what to add by because you know the lower you are the easier it is to get credits.
  2. The way I look at it, it's more money to their pockets. They could be doing it to eliminate competition by being the competition. Or they could be combining the two together as part of a project. It's really hard to say what their plans/ideas are with this purchase but I'm sure whatever it is they will make money out of it in the long run. I have been thinking about this yesterday and I'm anxious to see what happens.
  3. The problem though is people could go around creating names with that referal link. Say they go to their friend's house and just make a name on their IP for the heck of it to get the referal or go to the local library. Sure some people will use it for good but a few bad people can ruin it. Plus they could just go around telling people to join for them and they don't have to use it. I'm not trying to be negative about it but you sort of have to look at the bad sides of things. Of course this doesn't mean you can't refer people that'd use Trap
  4. Looks great. I'd have to do the flash tutorial on one computer as i do it on the other because I'd get tired of pausing and rewinding. Hopefully I'd go fast enough to go with the tutorial. I've always wanted to learn flash and I guess this would be the way to do it. Site looks good and is organized itself... bookmarked.
  5. I can't say I've heard of that before. Only problem I think you could have with it would just be a different schedule then others. Of course if you have a job or school you normally work more than 4 hours, of course you could just schedule so you sleep during lunch hour and on break. I don't know what it could do to your health really but you need a lot of sleep to recooperate and what not and half an hour I don't think can do that.
  6. lol I would prefer Google because they'll soon be bigger than Microsoft but in different ways. Microsoft may have a lot of money and what not but that has nothing to do with politics. Well it does but computer companies won't have any control unless Bill Gates runs for president and then sends us all to war. If Microsoft takes over the world I'll kill myself
  7. I don't know about free hosting but you can get vbulletin with a free domain and webspace for $5 a month. Just go to this link https://www.siteground.com/vbulletin-hosting.htm It's pretty cheap and actually I think is a good deal. I would just recommend using a forum like PHPBB or MYBB.
  8. It shouldn't affect the members in anyway except maybe loss of Cpanel access temporarily. The release date of the Cpanel depends on when they get all the bugs and kinks fixed in it and what not. You really can't tell unless they already have a release date set up. I don't think there will be any problem with the upgrade it's just a matter of time.
  9. Well I started here at 14 and started posting and got the package easily. When I first joined I ended up building up 100 credits easily here because there is a lot of topics you can post in or create. I have found that at times I can go a few weeks without posting because I like you have school and other things to do but I right now have 215 credits so no matter what I'll be able to go away for long periods at a time and still be fine on credits... even 100 days and i'll still have 115 left. I have found that a few days spent can build up a lot of credits it's easier than just getting to 10 and keeping it there because something might come up so I go a bit farther.
  10. Last year I was looking into becoming a reseller and my choice was to go with Host Gator. I never was able to get started but it had nothing to do with the host just deciding it wasn't worth the time and money and I had to make sure I could get things taken care of all the time and with school that wouldn't work. I have heard many good things about them which was partly why I was going to go with them. Today though I'd have to go with Xisto - Web Hosting
  11. lol I have gone through that many times. My teachers though have a schedule on who gives tests on what days and they still put them together although most of the time my chemistry teacher will ask us when we have a test and see what's best for us. She is so nice. I have had tests in all subjects though in one day and it gets annoying but atleast once it's over with you feel a lot better. I just hate trying to cram in subject after subject. After I finish one test I take what time I have to study for the one next period
  12. I might have to try this as well. I enjoyed the trial I had of different themes. I 'm downloading the Logon Studio now to see if I could make a Login Screen that would be pretty cool. I didn't really get to experiment before because I didn't want to not be able to put it back when the trial was over and be stuck with the same theme forever. With the free software I should be able to do whatever I want Thanks for the link.
  13. Yup with the help of adsense people can find there way to relative places pretty quickly. Although people will leave the site either way if they if it is not enough... either they'll hit the back button or <- snipped -> The ad though does give you a few cents which I think is what the author was trying to get at. Adsense does seem to be a very useful tool and if I can ever create a decent site I intend to use it.}}
  14. I personally am not going to belive a site is legitamate just because they have professional looking ads. Anyone can make "professional looking" ads with a little practice and some can just lead to other sites. Ads really in my opinion do nothing for me except to show that the person is hoping to make an income or to help pay for the site for them and they are seen regularly around the internet now that who knows what to believe or not.
  15. lol That's pretty funny. I bet they had a lot of people scared if they didn't read the whole article. Although I'd like to take the $500 per vulnerability pointed out. If they really know 30 ways to hack Firefox they'd make $15,000 dollars, which is more than a pretty penny. I would like to know though what vulnerabilities can be found in Firefox so I can try to stay away from sites if they point out what to look for.
  16. Well if you can make quality posts and what not here this is the place to be if you can keep up with the posts and hosting credits. If you want to pay for it though I'd suggest Xisto - Web Hosting.com Hosting plans starting at $9.95 a year. It's really cheap and reliable and is also part of the Xisto Corporation like Xisto. .com and .net domains are only $7.99 a year. Or if you would like a .org they are only $1.80 right now.
  17. It was really depressing to see all the brutality occuring over there while here I am living a great life with a good education. I am going to be buying a bracelet through my school and might end up buying more than one. It makes you look back and really think of all you have had and are grateful for.
  18. I haven't heard of this virus before. Hopefully I don't end up with that on my computer. Sounds as bad as the one that continually restarts the computer. I never thought that overusage and then sudden stop of using CPU could hurt your computer beucase that happens to me when I tried playing a few games it jumped my CPU up to about 99% and as soon as I closed the game it went back to normal. I have deleted that game though and had only played it for like a week and a half so I hope it didn't do that much damage although I used it continually during that time.
  19. Three kids went out looking for a story over in Africa the day that the war between the United States and Iraq started. They weren't sure what they were looking for and they found it. They made a documentary of a place in Uganda and the children that live there. They don't really have much of a place to live, hundreds of them live in small buildings and are lucky to have a bed. They mostly sleep on crowded floors with no room whatsoever. Many are abducted everyday and are brainwashed to fight for the Lords Resistance Army of children carrying guns learning only to kill and to get more children for the army ages 5 to 14. They don't have much at all and rarely eat more than once a day. They sleep in the cold and it can rain 3 days a week. They don't give up hope though, they sing and praise everyday and try to make the best of their circumstances, most with a dream to come to America. After coming back and making their documentary they started a new program to help support the kids so they can go to school and learn and make their area a better place. I would suggest you buy the DVD or watch the rough cut film http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ If you would like to donate you can buy a bracelet homemade in Uganda for $20 to go to the lives of these children or donate old clothing. To learn more you can go to http://invisiblechildren.com/
  20. I have played a few times here and there. It's a lot of fun. I only have played with my family members though not actually for sport but we did play by the rules. I was pretty good at it but I would probably prefer tennis over it My really big sport though is baseball. I don't think bad minton would be something I'd watch on TV just one of those sports you'd rather play than watch.
  21. Like Albus said it really depends on what you are looking to download. Filefront does have a lot more than just graphics though. People set up usernames for downloads of games or tools for games as well. Download.com has software, music, and videos for download but you also must make sure they aren't illegal. Download also has antivirus software and games. If you are looking for scripts I'd go to hotscripts.com Music you would have to buy unless you find a site that offers downloads legally.
  22. Yes 1 credit = 1 day of hosting or vice versa it's the same thing. You need 30 credits (days) to upgrade to the 2nd package and then your credits will be reset again to between 1 and 4. In green it'll say Hosting Credits: XX.XX Days and that'll be how many credits you have as well as days left on your web hosting.
  23. Look at the index page of the forums and in a big yellow box in gree lettering it says how many hosting credits you have. 1 credit = 1 day of hosting To transfer to your friend you must have atleast 30 credits before and after the transaction.
  24. If you are trying to award credits instead of transfer you must have credits in the bank first as well. I noticed that if I go to the transfer credit page and put the username in as bank and then you can go to the award credits page and give them credits in your bank. If you aren't trying to award credits then just follow jlhaslip's advice and make sure you have 30 credits.
  25. I really wonder what they think that's going to accomplish. I mean the guy worked with a bunch of animals, some more dangerous than others. I really feel bad for the stingray population in Australia. Hopefully people will realize it was a freak accident. I mean it's not like the stingray is gonna say "Hey It's that crocidile guy. Let's kill him!" I guess it's just a way to take out anger for their loss.
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