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Everything posted by HTML_Guru

  1. Hey TrianGulum, First off, I just wanna say... SWEET NAME! Seriously, that flows off the tongue so perfectly and (I'm sidetracking)... Hmm, anyways, welcome to Xisto; I hope you enjoy your time here! Be sure to read through the FAQ's for answers to any confusions you may have concerning our board. Also, post any worthwhile knowledge about a technical subject in the How-To's & Tutorials forum; it's a good way to have a headstart in the forum and it shows that you are another commodity here (not to say that those who don't post in that forum AREN'T). Have fun, HTML_Guru
  2. In lamen's terms, Aberration: a deviation from either logical process or thought OR "the norm". My thought on homosexuality is that, in essence, that viewpoint or idea is an aberration; a wrong. In all actuality, homosexuality is illogical, mainly pertaining to the point of procreation. One could expound upon different supposed "logics" or at least "non-logics" of homosexuality - or, for that matter, bisexuality, but you would find, in most cases, that it would be nothing more than a via to the basic illogic(s) of homosexuality or bisexuality. However, do in no way get me wrong; I am NOT a homophobe - I can't even see how one might go about BEING a homophobe. I do not mind those that are gay, but I will not validate their sexuality, or lack thereof. Keepin' it real, HTML_Guru
  3. Hehehe...guy, now... you shouldn't have said that... you should have said that it looks more like some drunk retarded peanut-head trying to color inside the lines - !Yeah, you noticed he was banned, oh, not long after that post? Surprise, surprise...
  4. Pffht, is there any reason to discuss this?! Google, of course; it is simply the best search engine out there - and it shows. Well, I've also been using a bit of BrainBoost, too; it's a new type of search engine that uses AI to find suitable answers to your questions. Go here to check it out, http://www.answers.com/topic/brainboost-1. There you are, HTML_Guru
  5. Haha! I have played that game before - freakin' hilarious, it is. Especially when you start buying skins and making the guy look like Bush or Moore or something. Then, you start getting really ridiculous and buying enough rockets to just go trigger-happy. Yeah, you want about 10 minutes of non-stop, doofus fun? Try Interactive Buddy; good stuff... HTML_Guru
  6. From what I've been hearing, this sounds like something some inebriated fellow came up with while playing Magic the Gathering... but that's just me... You know what, I really don't know enough about the supposed "religion" to criticize it, but at first glance... it doesn't look good. Wicca? HTML_Guru
  7. No doubt 'bout it, Final Fantasy III and Final Fantasy VII are the best. The 3rd one 'cause it had a great storyline and plot while maintaining spectacular graphics (for the time); the 7th 'cause it was one of the first PS games, by default making it an incredibly good looking game and because the story meshed perfectly. If you've tried other Final Fantasy titles and at least thought them to be decent, you will have to try FF III and FF VII. Yeah, those were the days... hehe... HTML_Guru
  8. ebbinger_413, Your site has a good design; albeit you have little to no content, but I believe that the content was not an aspect of the "website review". Anyways, yes, I like the template; it's very clean, but your navigation menu could use a slight updating... unless of course you like it that way - in which case, keep it. That's all I have to say; keep up the good work, HTML_Guru
  9. Cube Domain, While you are partly correct, I do know of a sort of addiction that tends to be prevalent among the "veteran" users; simply put, in Xisto and among other forums as well that those members that have been there longer will assume dominance or control among other newer users, whether or not they have posted more or are in better standings. That's just what I've observed, though. Like I said, I have no problem with "time-management" myself, I can spend 3 - 4 hours per every 2 - 3 days on Xisto and I'll have done everything I need to do. Then again, one needs to take into account the actual jobs and tasks of other staff and how they thusly mesh that with their lives. Eh... Thanks for your input, HTML_Guru
  10. Luckily enough for me, I've never posted my e-mail in these forums; however, I will take into consideration your suggestions - I get enough spam as it is; I don't need more!
  11. Actually, I find that sort of "jargon" just as annoying... as you noticed, I like to keep my writing/typing very clean and grammatical. I'm not anal about it, but it's a bit of a peeve when some go so far as to use terms I don't even know of! Well, who cares, right? I mean, YTI HFISK SJP ! (The above supposed jargon did not actually mean a sing thing; I took about 3 seconds making it up.) Hating abbreviated terms since 1989, HTML_Guru
  12. My 100 cents (I'm gonna need about 88 cents back...), I have to agree with Viz on the sites you listed there, Cube Domain; the fact of the matter is, I've never viewed/played/etc any of those sites/games! Still, from the descriptions, I could see how they could be addicting games. I would have to say one of the majorly addicting sites is: http://www.runescape.com/ That is an insanely addicting game, in my viewpoint - or at least it was... my addiction wore off slightly. On the matter of Xisto.com addiction, I would say I just really like this site and the forum and like being on here. I find myself spending average of, oh, 4 hours every 2 days or so... Not bad, HTML_Guru
  13. Cube Domain (Andy), Great suggestion; currently, as you may or may not know, we are working on some form of "new layout". While that may or may not imply that we plan on a new template is more up to the paying administrators, ! Nonetheless, thanks for idea and we may look into it! Listening to the people, HTML_Guru
  14. Herbert, Hehe - I listen to Coast to Coast AM! With George Norrie, right? (Well, it might have been some different DJ when you were listening...) Anyways, I actually would like to think that I believe of some existence of every monster discussed there and otherwise anywhere else, but the fact of the matter is that that's just too broad of a view. As such, I would have to limit to those more infamous, known monsters, like the Loch Ness Monster, Big Foot, etc. Those, I certainly believe in. And, others, well, I think some are making up their own "pictures", so to speak... Continue, HTML_Guru
  15. MajesticTreeFrog,Believe me, I was NOT bent out of shape... hehe... but I can show you "bent out of shape"... ! Also - excuse my being blunt - if you misunderstood my post then it is simply your own fault and you should not find my reply "wrong" or "bent out of shape". Nonetheless, I apologize if you found my post as such... . And... I am still waiting for any othe questions anyone may have... as I said, I don't mind answering any questions and clearing things up. Well? HTML_Guru
  16. Uzumaki-Naruto, How're you doin'?! I hope you like our forums, and I hope everything goes well while you're here! On another note... I've never heard of Naruto; I have however heard of the Dragonball series (abhiram, HIGH-FIVE - !). I've also heard of Inyuasha, Cowboy Bebop, Ghost in the Shell, and Trigun, among others. Still, Dragonball ranks top #1, no doubt about it. Albeit, I've sort of moved from the anime aspect of it and switched to the videogame aspect, hehe... Dragonball-Z lover here, HTML_Guru
  17. While I'm not proud () of it, I can play the recorder like nothing you've ever seen before... hehe... Well, truthfullly, I could play recorder, when I was younger. I've still got the skill, but it probably requires some refining now. Also, I tried guitar for a bit; if I strum fast enough, I can make, well, noise... Oh, and I can do this piece; I'm not sure of the exact song/etc of it, so I'm going to SPELL out the beat for you guys, and you see what you can make of it: Dum, duem, dam, dume, dum, due - DAM... dume dume, dam - DAM DAM...Haha! There is just no way anyone will really get what that is; still, IF someone does, good job, because I can barely make out what I put. Thanks, HTML_Guru
  18. Killer008r, Your templates are... okay. While I don't work much with Flash, I do know when I've spyed upon, well, a simply *new* flash template. But, luckily for you, that's just it - you are new at it and you do request help! As such, I will say you've got a good start; I would simply consider maintaining the same template throughout your pages and perhaps making it a bit more clear as to where the navigation, etcetera are. Unless, of course, you were simply viewing the Flash as-is to see how it looked... in which case, I would just say to apply the above when you DO begin your website. On the other hand, if you're planning on a whole new template all together, just disregard the above, because it will not in any way fit into context - ! Here to help, HTML_Guru
  19. MajesticTreeFrog, While I dislike your unfounded insinuation, I will attempt to handle it properly; firstly, realize that the above comment I made was nothing more than a joke to put some levity into this thread. Secondly, I have no fear of such an occurence - none at all... as a matter of fact, I'm unsure where you came up with such an opinion. Nonetheless... The comment on how there have been killings connected with Scientology is nothing more than black propaganda; i.e., lies. The purpose of such a comment is to stimulate a reader to one view or another; that is all. So... While I myself don't appreciate your view, MajesticTreeFrog, it IS your view, and I will respect it as YOUR view. If you have any more questions, please ask. Would anyone like any other questions, confusions, or unassurances answered? Don't be hesitant, as I don't mind clearing things up! Thanks, HTML_Guru
  20. HTML_Guru


    Devildude02, Hey; welcome to the Xisto Forums; I hope you enjoy your time here! One note: Be sure to read the TOS/AUP to make sure of the rules around here; also, we ask you to read the rules found at the top of every forum (it it titled, Rules, hehe...). I don't want to find you doing anything illegal, 'ya know?! I might have to kick 'ya out, 'ya know?! And yes, I am "trigger happy"! No, I'm just joking, but please pay attention to all rules, as some consequences will only be minor, others will be severe. Actually, two notes: Be sure to post any of your knowledge in the How-To's & Tutorials Section; it gives you a headstart in the forum! Have fun, HTML_Guru
  21. LOL, everyone's giving the guy the same suggestions... HTMLGoodies.com, W3CSchools.com, W3.org, etcetera, etcetera. Let's give some new ideas here, shall we? LOL, this is gonna turn into an accidental spam soon - ! But, please, continue with the posts. HTML_Guru
  22. I'm not a programmer, so that just looked like a bunch of encrypted junk to me; still, I got the concept. That same sort of thing can happen with HTML too. HTML_Guru
  23. guy, I appreciate the help on monitering the forums - ! warbird, I understand your upset, and I also appreciate your apologies, but we actually really like to not have a flame war, as this discussion is already a touchy one. Next time, attempt to spew your upset on something else, if you would; or, at least try to use euphimisms and otherwise so you can express your anger without flames. Glad to help, HTML_Guru
  24. Haha... hilarious...I dunno, though - I could starve and die by this weekend!
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