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Everything posted by HTML_Guru

  1. In actuality, yes. It does, as a matter of fact, way more towards getting your site noticed and added to search engines than without meta tags altogether. And of course, you can also buy higher search enginge positions. Yeah, you go ahead and dish out some $700 for that...
  2. My name brings up one result... and in it, a portal to the 7th dimension of Hell... go figure. Oh, and another where apparently I suck pig meat.....................Hehe, right.
  3. My preference:Spybot S&D - Microsoft Anti Spyware Beta (yeah, I use 2, wanna fight about it?!)Spyware BlasterSymantec AntiVirus programAlone, they're cold, helpless beings... but together, a deadly combination...
  4. So, you've got your beginning page started, your homepage is defined, neat, and it looks like everyone will love it - STOP. Do you really think your site will be even accidently view by anyone, even if you do have a bought domain?! Don't kid yourself; the fact of the matter is, you're just one infantesimle speck in the universe of much greater websites than yours. Don't worry, though - I got your back. Here, I'm gonna explain what meta tags are, and what they're used for. I'm also going to show how to utilize them for your site, to increase your traffic. What are Meta Tags/What are they Used for? Meta tags are HTML tags which are used to identify your site. More specifically, as an example, meta tags will give your site at least the slim chance of being caught by the search engine crawlers*, which are, in a sense, lazy; they barely want to look at your site, they just want a "superficial" look; hence, the meta tags. How do I Add them to My Site? To add them to your site, first realize this form: <html><head><title>YOUR TITLE HERE</title></head><body>YOUR MAIN TEXT HERE</body></html> Meta tags fit in there right after the TITLE tag and before the end of the HEAD tag: <html><head><title>YOUR TITLE HERE</title><meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=YOUR UNICODE HERE" /><meta name="generator" content="YOUR GENERATOR HERE" /><meta name="description" content="YOUR DESCRIPTION HERE" /><meta name="author" content="YOUR NAME HERE" /><meta name="reply-to" content="YOUR SITE/MAIN E-MAIL HERE" /><meta name="title" content="YOUR SITE TITLE HERE" /></head><body>YOUR MAIN TEXT HERE</body></html> I'll explain some of the confusing meta tags: UNICODE: Unicode is the necessary for identifying the specific set of characters that you use; sites without them will result in browsers using a default unicode. GENERATOR: Generator is simply the program you used to create your HTML page; Stone's WebWriter, wysiwyg editors (though you might need the name of that editor), and others could fall into this category. DESCRIPTION: C'mon, really? Do you really need me to tell you that description just implies the details of your site; what it's about?! Get a grip people! AUTHOR: I'm not even explaining this one... REPLY-TO: Just your e-mail that you can be reached at. TITLE: The title of your site, jeez... There you go; those were just some of the meta tags you can add to ultimately create more traffic to your site. Ask around, I'm sure you'll find some other useful tags to spice your site up. Go for it... --------------------------------------- crawlers*: simply put, the "robots" that anally search your site to identify; that's where my "meta tag" deal fits in. H**l, you could "loophole" the crawlers with incorrect data - might be a bit difficult though... --------------------------------------
  5. Oh, okay, so someone has made a tutorial like mine before... good, then mine's just reinforcement, . (vujsa likes my tutorial... YES!)
  6. Hey SickGrrl, why don't 'ya check your e-mail?
  7. I was reading through the tutorials, and it seems throughout the tutorials, no one has ever really taught how to build a beginner's page using HTML. Not that it's anyone's fault, but if someone is unsure of how to begin and end a page with HTML, then they will not be able to make a page. So, I figured I'd lend a hand... -------------------------------------------- To begin your first webpage using HTML, you will need these tags* (in this order): <html><head><title>YOUR TITLE FOR YOUR PAGE</title></head><body>THIS IS WHERE YOUR MAIN TEXT GOES</body></html> To explain: The HTML is in other words used to signify the beginning of the page; the beginning of the HyperText Markup Language* "coding". The HEAD tag is used to show that everything between the beginning and end of that tag will be shown at the top, as the title of the page. Though it's not necessary for beginners to know this, it's also used for meta tags and things of that nature. The TITLE tag is exactly what it says, the title for the page, which shows at the top... all the way at the top. Then you have the end of the HEAD (shown by the slash before the code; that's necessary in all cases to end tags), and the beginning of the BODY. The BODY is used for the main text of your page. This is where mostly all of your information will go. Then, finally, the end of the BODY, and thusly the end of the webpage, shown by the "/HEAD" tag. -------------------------------------------- That about covers all you need to know to start a page. Mind you, as yo uget more experienced, you'll learn more codes and tidbits to add to spice up your page... but for now, that's all you need to know. P.S. If you want to understand a bit more of how the codes translate into webpages and such, play with the tags a bit; see what happens. -------------------------------------------- tag*: simply the HTML coding, shown in this manner: <CODE> and often ending in </CODE> HTML (HyperText Markup Lanuguage)*: the "language", if you will, for websites; this is the set of codes and otherwise that ultimately leads to a webpage.
  8. Hey, so I was thinking of setting up my own forum from InvisionFree, but I was wondering if there were any other knowledgeable Forum "doers" who would like work with me to make a forum together. I just wanted to see how it went, so if there is anyone interested, reply with some info.
  9. Pros:1. Tons of space (more than 2.5 mb of the stuff)2. Very clean and tidy (white background; some varying colors)3. No annoying ads (just little teeny ads to the side that correlate with your e-mail)4. Invites to taunt your friends with (hehe)Cons:1. You feel ashamed that you're not paying Google for such a service.And there it is, your pros & cons... when are you switching?
  10. Actually, Spybot S & D and Spyare Blaster are a good, useful combo, but I appreciate your "slight-mini-rant"... However, I'm not saying Ad-Aware is bad, because I haven't used it as much so I don't know as much about it.
  11. Hmm... I doubt it... the fad has just started not to long ago and because of it's sheer popularity, I would say that it has quite a few years before in ends in the "fad" sewer, along with the yo-yo and Pok'e-mon (why won't Pok'e-mon just die already?!). I actually have posted a few genuine Googlewhacks myself, though they have definetly been replaced already.Googlewhacking... it's the stuff of legends.
  12. That game is actually really cool. If I ever have the patience, I'll be sure to take the time to play it!Seriously, though, I did get to level 4 but I should probably read through the site to get more understand on what exactly to do next. Still, I've never seen a game quite like that - that's a really nice set-up.David, you monster ...the above is a joke, btw...
  13. I believe this belongs, so I'm posting it here--------------------------------------------------I was wonderng for anyone who can help... I've been making websites and things like that for a couple of years, but through my time, I have never taken the time to make my own counter. In all the cases, I simply found some advertised counter and put it in my site. And while that isn't a bad idea, I would like to make my own, customizable counter, that's all my own. If anyone has any ideas on how to make a cool counter, or even perhaps just a starter counter, that would be great.My preference, by the way, would be some counter that was1. mini2. tidy3. futuristic.If there's someone who's knowledgeable enough in the subject to give some advice, that would be great.Thanks!
  14. Well, I'm gonna have to disagree with you there. I've used solely I.E., except for when I was in Elementary school, where they used Netscape, and I still find Internet Explorer to be a really good tool. It has it's ups and downs, sure, but if you really have that much trouble with I.E., you should check to see if there is some other, indirect problem, that may perhaps be causing that.Still, opinions to each their own... (or am I saying it wrong?)
  15. Hehe; don't worry Hatim, I don't mind. Like I said, this is my dad's old site and while the colors could be better, I still appreciate the site. However, thanks for the input - and don't worry, I'm not gonna knock skulls with you because you think the color scheme is bad... especially considering the fact that, as I said, they aren't the best .
  16. I'm just going to come out with it right now: any site that offers practically free web hosting... ROCKS! I don' mind posting at all in your forum, and in exchange, with enough credits, I can have hosting for my website. It's rather genious, if you ask me. But yes, Cube Domain has some points - you should really create some different title that elaborates on your terms, because, frankly, they are really good terms. However, if a new consumer doesn't know that, he may pass right by it at the flash homepage that's a tad confusing. I happened to find this site from a web hosting search engine, so I was lucky. If you were to just find some way to tell a bit more about your hosting plan and terms without losing the customer due to long speeches, I think you could really heighten your customer load. Nonetheless, keep up the good work.
  17. You want to know how to get a job, and keep it? Plain & simple?Do this: find a job you want to do - not have to, want to. You'll notice that if you want to do it, you'll do it. If you have to do it, there's gonna be resistance. Secondly, to keep the job, just do the job. By that I mean, when you get something that needs done, do it then and there. You'll find that when that happens, you might even have time to break until your next object of "doingness" comes along. If you allow your job tasks to pile on you, you allow your job to become endangered, weakened. But, if you do your job, just do it, you'll see that then you will actually like doing the job, you will have time to "loaf" (break, take time off) and you will be "in the good" with your boss/manager/superior.Just try it - see what happens.
  18. "Watch where you go on the internet", he says... Rich. No, but seriously, nowadays, it would seem rather difficult to actually "watch" where you go on the internet. Sure, you can adjust your internet settings, etc., etc., etc., but when you get to point of it, many sites and hackers have discovered ways to access your computer besides just having you watch where you go. A seemingly good, valid site could be infecting your computer or monitoring you via your computer. And while this isn't a large enough threat yet that it should be necessary for you to give your computer "vitamins" out the wazoo, you should very well be paying attention to any unsimilarities in your computer, as well as cleaning your computer as much as necessary.
  19. I also have played Runescape, and I've noticed often times that once you actually get into the game, once you get the hang of the things, you know the layout, it gets quite fun. I know someone who tried it once, thought it was too slow, and quit. Later, when she tried again and really tried to play, she go into it and now she likes to play. So if you can stand the boring tutorial and slow start, it gets fun. I used to play, like I said, and had a lvl. 53 account. But now, I bought Guild Wars for $50 - and that's all you have to pay, including for online play. So, incredible graphics, free online play, and so much customization - for $50?!Yeah... I know a good deal when I see one.
  20. For those in the like good things... Stone's WebWriter... anyone heard of it? Well, I'll tell you about it. Stone's WebWriter is an HTML editor PLUS from some Danish company. The program can be freeware (or for business purposes, there's a price), and you can register it as freeware. This is a great starter's tool. While it is ever so slightly outdated, this program is very good if you just want to learn what you need to build a webpage. It comes with predesigned HTML templates so that you can get started making your own site. If you are interested, go to http://www.webwriter.dk/english/index.htm
  21. I'm not sure if anyone's heard of Googlewhacking, but it is very addicting. Let me explain - Googlewhacking is the process of inputing two words (not too long or not too short; no quotations) in the Google search engine, and seeing if that search brings only one result. To elaborate: one puts in two words that aren't long or short and aren't surrounded in quotations, hits ENTER, and views the result. If only one webpage or PDF or one result shows up, you have a Googlewhack! It's gotten so big now that there is a website on it, http://www.googlewhack.com/ and one main Googlewhack guy was even on the Tonight Show w/ Jay Leno at one point! You guys should really try it out! For more information and rules, go to http://www.googlewhack.com/
  22. Hey guys... MY MAILBOX'S BIGGER THAN YOURS! Uh, anyways... yes, I have GMail myself, and it's a great e-mail program. I have 2500-some MB of space, and I never have to worry about deleting a thing. You can also import your contacts from another e-mail service to GMail, so it's very cool. Thing is, for anyone who's interested, I have 46 invites left. As of right now, the only way to get GMail for yourself is from invite from someone who has it. So... if you're really interested in getting the great e-mail program known as GMail... perhaps all you might have to do is ask...
  23. I'm sure many have heard of FarCry, but has anyone actually played it? Oh, man, that is a great FPS. The graphics are incredible - even at a low setting, the story actually meshes well, and, well I must say, the gore is great. I don't mean to say, I like destruction, but if you really wanna put some bullets in the bad guy, this game is the way to do it. If you've played it, you know what I'm talking about... I mean, you can just destroy people with your weapons. All in all, it's very realistic.if you're looking for a rocking guy with a good plot and you like the idea of practically ripping faces off, you should try this game!P.S. On PC, you better make sure you have a really good computer and video card to run the game, otherwise, you're outta luck!
  24. I actually used to use this spyware combo in my old computer, and it happens to be a really good one. The main spyware program that you need to first get is called Spybot S & D, which is a free spyware blocker and deleter program. It's a very handy program, and it can be found at this address: security.kolla.de. You can download it for free, and it has some credentials, which is a plus. Then, the next bit to get to finish it off is the Spyware Blaster. Spyware Blaster is a free spyware install preventer, if you will. With the both of them, you get a pretty much unbeatble wall of spyware protection. The location of the Spyware Blaster is:http://www.brightfort.com/spywareblaster.html. Those two products actually work together, so it doesn't get much better. Oh, and you can find different download sites for those, those just happen to be the main sites.
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