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Everything posted by HTML_Guru

  1. I have nothing to say here but... GOOD GOD. 1 terabyte of space... computers don't have that much space! Absolutely ridiculous - outrageous - impossible!That being said, I'm not going to even take the time to sign-up. Like I've said, I have Gmail, and that will do just fine - thanks.
  2. I assumed that that was the marketing you were employing - it's certainly a good idea, and I bet that's a good survey tool for the ad proprietors themselves - ascertaining what ads actually produce results. In any case, I'm currently attempting to get that on my forum, but it's a one-man show for me so far. Plus the fact that I just started not too long ago. BTW, excuse my ever slow-slight spam, but if anyone would like to help me by becoming staff for my forum, click my link at the bottom of the page.
  3. Well, the fact of the matter is that it very well could be improved, and it very well could be better - and for that reason only I am planning to download it. And yes, any security patches as well. In any case the only way any software, program, etc. will get better is if it is used, inspected, and thusly updated to handle the problems its earlier version(s) had. That, and the fact that, throughout my use of SP2, have found little to no trouble with it. I mean sure, the unnecessary prompts and warnings are slightly annoying, but other than that, it's treated me pretty well. I must have gotten the good SP2 - you guys all got the ornery, spiteful ones... .
  4. Hell, yeah... deathmatching is good fun... "me likey destroy thingies!" - .
  5. HTML_Guru

    Hi Pals!

    You had it pretty much right, Killer008r - except for: To first request for any hosting package, you must have at least 10 hosting credits; if you like, you can post up to 30 credits and immediately get the best package. You were incorrect, Killer008r, on the maintanence of hosting credits and thusly your hosting. Once you get your hosting, your credits turn into, simply put, "days". In other words, if you have 35.34 credits when you acquired your hosting package, you would now have 35.34 days. This means that you have technically have 35.34 days before you even have to worry about posting. I'm saying, then, that once a hosting packaged is aquired, you then have to keep your credits above 0. This is a simple task, as all you have to do is post in the forums and don't spam. As a matter of fact, I believe the guys here at Xisto are even so generous to give you time to recooperate your credits if they managed to get below 0... but I wouldn't take my word for it - !
  6. I completely understand where you're coming from, but you also cannot deny the downsides of piracy and the ramifications of such. That, plus the fact that piracy is illegal; at least, from a civil standpoint. the fact of the matter is that piracy could not become anymore illegal than it is now. Still, one would have to look at their own conscience for what they believe to be correct, then go from there. In any case, I couldn't pirate worth, well, *bleep*. I suppose it's a good thing, 'cause, chances are, if I knew HOW to pirate, I wouldn't be surprised if I WOULD pirate... then again I wouldn't be surprised if I didn't either - ! But - hey, whatever floats your boat...
  7. Though I've never seen you here before, Micheal, I still wish you a nice time here at Xisto - I know I've had a good time!If you are good at Web Design, you should post some tutorials - it helps give you standing. I'm also 15 years of age, and have good knowledge in Web Design. As a matter of fact, I can support that from the several tutorials on the Web Design Sub-Forum... nyuk, nyuk, nyuk...
  8. Well, it's very good to know the both of you deal in Warez, a "civil wrong". While I don't approve, it is and can only be a "civil wrong", and nothing more.In any case, I'm not a pirater and thoroughly enjoy when stuff is fed to me on a sliver spoon - !
  9. Yeah, I see what you mean... you'd think it would be the other way around - you want to see the Top 46 list, you should have to subscribe. Oh well... poor marketing, I suppose. Either way, they aren't lying on the "best freeware ever" part - really good stuff they're showcasing. I wonder if one would have to pay to have their freeware posted, or perhaps they could bribe for a higher position. Or, maybe, for the the sake of the article, it's simply a gratuitous matter to get your link posted on the site. Who knows... and I just realized - who cares?! You know what they need to make freeware... calculators... as if those aren't already freeware to begin with.
  10. Jeez... way too high-traffic for me. Looks like they're still trying to get their, well, their stuff together. In any case, if it works for you, it works for you. Nah, I prefer good-ol' Google and BrainBoost, myself.
  11. Nope - I'm "laptopin'" it with an hp pavilion ze4300 powered by an AMD Athlon processor. Yeah, I end up giving my pants a good steam press daily - keeps the wrinkles out... win-win, I suppose.
  12. Cool, man - good job on your accomplishment!In any case, I hope you stick to your guns and also have a fun time here!
  13. Nice post darkranger! Yeah, I'm actually trying #15, "The Best Free HTML Editor"; it looks good so far. If anyone is interested in this program, go here: http;//http://www.nvu.com/
  14. Good! Yeah, I actually had it in mind to make a newbie tutorial for LAN set-up; I myself am not extremely proficient in the matter. But also, if you want to make such a tutorial, I'm sure it should fly. Just make sure that you don't make it tedious and look like mine, otherwise they might disregard it. For instance, I might just include the advanced steps, and perhaps refer them back to this tutorial for more information on basic set-up. Thanks anyways bud - !
  15. Hell, with those terms, I could only imagine that there would be ads superimposed over your e-mail - ! Seroiusly, though, would a corporate even require such space?! I mean, c'mon, 30 GIGS - I would allow spam just to take up space! No, I'm fine with my Gmail account, thank-you very much. And, at the rate it's going, I can't imagine it'd be too long before it starts getting in the double digits space-wise...
  16. Thanks for bringing up the question, IWroteCode - I have the same sort of problem! I have an AMD laptop, and often, I notice the machine heats up somethin' terrible.Hopefully there is such a device, that would certainly be nice; I don't like burning my pants - !
  17. HTML_Guru

    Hi Guys

    My God; I don't think I've ever seen anything quite as short-handed as the post above... In any case, I hope you have a good time here, theinspirer!Try to post in the tutorials, 'cause that certainly helps!
  18. Thanks for the update Killer008 - I appreciate the help!
  19. Want to learn how to set up a LAN network? I suppose I should first define for you the abbreviation and thusly, the term Local Area Network. Probably the simplest definition around: LAN: Local Area Network (LAN) is a computer network covering a local area, like a home, office or small group of buildings such as a college. Source: Wikipedia; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LAN With that in mind, you can now have some grasp of the handiness of such a "network". Another example not mentioned is the fact that, with LAN, one could play multiplayer PC games together/against anyone else connected to the same LAN; in most case, games have a seperate option for just that. To set up a LAN, you must first realize (if you have somehow managed NOT to so far) that you need more than one computer for this to be completed correctly. No, on to the steps: 1. Open your Start Menu; if you have the Settings directory in the immediate toggled menu, continue from here - otherwise, refer to the below sub-steps to reach step 2. 2. Once you've clicked on Settings, click on Control Panel, which should pull up a window with your computer's main settings. 3. In the Control Panel, locate Network Setup Wizard; pull up that setting. 4. A Wizard program should have opened, now allowing you to configure your LAN among your computers. 5. Complete the Wizard accordingly; if you are unsure, the Wizard should have examples of each option it gives. 6 (Optional). To see that you have correctly completed the LAN set-up, you can refer to the Network Connections setting, which should also be located in the Control Panel. There you go! You should now have a complete LAN set up. All that is necessary for you to do now is to repeat the same steps on the other computers you wish to set up the LAN for. Alternate Step 1. If you do not have the Settings option in the Start Menu, no worries. Probably the simplest way to show you how to reach the Settings/Control Panel, go to your My Computer or equivalent; Locate the Control Panel there or simply click the drop-down menu and you should be able to find it there. ============== If you have any more questions, either reply here or PM me.
  20. [/i][/b]I'd try some reverse psychology and "teacher's pet" techniques: Oh, oh jeez, my Mathematics homework? I have it. right - NO! "What's wrong?!" Well... no, no, you'd never believe me - besides, I'm a lowly nobody who doesn't deserve to get understanding for an honest mistake. "It's okay - tell me..." (now you've got the teacher by his... well, his manly units...) It's just... well, I mean... (begin to tear a bit, if you can manage it) I hate it when this happens to me! Aargh, I'm so stupid! (Begin to whomp yourself in the head) "No, listen - really, it's okay; there's obviously a logical reason. I'm not gonna get mad; I promise." Well, (now stop sobbing, look seroiusly at your teacher, and state defiantly) 'it was nuclear-bombed when I went to Area 51 for a Covert Ops mission'. You see? It's not that hard at all. As a matter of fact, I tried it in 3rd grade, and look at me now - I'm 15, and all the way in 4th grade, so you know this stuff works!
  21. [EDIT]Mr. Obvous meant, "don't do anything that WILL get you banned or ostracized."Hehe, sorry...[EDIT]
  22. Don't worry; you'll be fine here - everyone seems to get along okay... hehe. No but seriously, have fun posting and I hope you get your hosting account with no problems. Some tips: Post in the Tutorials Section; more preferably, post a tutorial in the tutorials section - it shows your intelligence and expertise in matters which other may not have. Have lengthy posts - I mean, really, that's a no-brainer; you post more, you're gonna get more post credits, which you need to request a hosting account. Oh, and Mr. Obvious says, "don't do anything that won't get you banned or ostracized!" (Mr. Obvious' a real dork - don't listen to him .)
  23. Hmm... I'll be damned - a flying car; a hover car. I mean, what are the credentials of this thing - can those flying automobiles really pick up to 25,000 feet? Can they maintain the speed at which they've been deemed to? In other words, are they what they say they are?! My other thought is on the fact that you have to assume the actual safety of such a car nowadays, in this society. Would it require some sort of license; training of sorts? Well, obviously it would, but you see what I'm getting at. In any case, that would be a really cool industry, if it ever takes off... (Oh my freakin' God, I just made an accidential double entendre - sweet...)
  24. The funny thing is, they actually let you compare your searches with BrainBoost among other search engines - even Google. All in all, I think they're going somewhere with this; I mean, I've always been interested in A.I., and so by default that makes my appreciate for BrainBoost that much more. Plus, you can ask really stupid questions and see what the engine can make of it... hehe...
  25. My only consideration on it is on the size of webspace you get - I mean, 50 MEGs is just not acceptable, in my standards - unless of course, I mean to make a rather small site. Then again... I can't imagine a beginner not finding use out of this hosting site. Hmm... ANYWAYS - no, I would probably just pass that hosting site up. I mean, we already have the wonderful proprietors here at Xisto hookin' us up! [EDIT] (Cheesiness of the above statement: 9/10 - )
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