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Everything posted by twitch

  1. GML is an abbreviation for GameMaker Language. It is similar to C++ and is used by the application GameMaker for creating games. At the moment, I believe the only games that can be created are flat based (example, FinalFantasy 1,2,3,4,5). However, I may be wrong.To create something like the Sims or anything else that is big, you need to program in either C++ or VisualBasic (although the latter will restrict you).I personally have not tried GameMaker, but the more I read and hear, the more I am wanting to buy it.It was once in my local supermarket for £5.99. They didn't have a clue on how much these items should cost. Because the same program cost £19.99 at PCWorld and leading computer stores. I wish I had bought it.In GameMaker, you are not limited to making games. You can make most pieces of software with it.
  2. For some reason, I can't access the IRC through IE (which I used to do), but it is cool, because mIRC is a lot better.TrianGulum, if you live anywhere in the UK, it is more than likely you wont be able to access the chat.
  3. If they decide to change the layout, it would not be so hard. With a community of web designers and developers, it would take less than a day to do.
  4. golgothurteen, the screenshots you have found show that the particular projectors made work well. However, how long did it take them to perfect it to such a high quality?PS: Your signature would kill a sufferer of epilepsy. Can you tone it down a little?
  5. And that is why I don't like 100% Flash sites (unless they have a HTML version as well).
  6. That's really good. Better than anything I could do in Fireworks. Photoshop/GIMP are a scary duo for me at the moment.The URL should be Anti-aliased to make it smoother, other than that, it looks like a professional's signature.
  7. Sorry, but you are making no sense. Publisher is not the program you should use IN ANY INSTANCE to create a webpage. And a webbot is nothing to do with form submit.And the front page ssl 2.0 is jargon for, does the host have frontpage extension support (i think).
  8. If any of you want to clear your tracks totally (I do this once a month), then use CCLeaner. The latest releases are swines to install. They seem to have some vendeter against being used <.< Anyway, when I used it last, it removed 185MB of Adobe History, IE files and such that were untouched by anything else. And that is after me formatting the hard drive.Why is it, that so many people can delete their temporary files and not suffer, yet when I do it, my whole system seems to get cleared out. I am having no luck. Perhaps I should give in now.
  9. WARNING: This is a VERY image heavy tutorial and will take time to complete Notice from twitch: Topic closed until I can find the time to complete it, and I am getting mad with the large scale plagrism of other articles. Also, the images will no longer work, as I have changed domain name and also removed the images to make space. Creating a basic but effective website For beginners Introduction: Ok, so maybe you want to make a website that is âworthyâ of the web. That is to say, you have made small taster sites before in FrontPage or something basic like it. And realised that no matter how you tried, you could only do so much, and it still wasnât looking as good or respectable as larger sites. I was in this position only a few months back. Through sheer determination, I eventually learnt that it takes more than some WYSIWYG editor and Paint to create a site. And the site doesnât need to be all hip to be good. Unfortunately for me, I threw myself in the deep-end and took on everything like a bull in a China shop, and literally got no where in a hurry. It wasnât until I started relaxing and taking my time that my abilities started to rise. I am still a beginner in the design industry (I have not even scratched Photoshop yet) and would like to share with you all, my take on design and development. In this two part tutorial, I will show you how to design and develop your site. If you do not want to design, but want to start on the development, then download THIS FILE, inside you will find two folders: PNG - This is where you will find complete.png, the file I used for this tutorial Fonts - This is where you can find all the fonts used in this tutorial. Then, skip to the next tutorial (published 5+ days from this tutorial). What you will need: In order to complete or even start this tutorial, you will need the following. Macromedia Fireworks MX 2004 or 8 - you can get it by visiting http://www.adobe.com/ Macromedia Dreamweaver MX 2004 or 8 - find it at the same place as Fireworks Brains - if you havenât one brain cell, then unfortunately I donât know where to download one. Letâs Begin: Firstly, once you have Fireworks, fire it up. Then, create a new file. Make it 1500pixels by 750pixels. The reason we are making it so large, is so that we can accommodate for the larger ranged monitor resolutions, with the background pattern we will be creating. Keep the resolution of the document at 72 pixels/inch and the canvas White. I personally prefer the white canvas as it is much easier to work with, a transparent one scares me. It is your choice, but it may be easier following the way of the white. As for having the document resolution at 72 pixels/inch, this is the default resolution, that all or most designers use, when creating web projects. Below is a screenshot of what you should have. Screenshot 1 Now that we have our document, we are going to start by zooming in to 100%. On your keyboard, hold CTRL and press 1 on the numeric keypad. The size may seem imposing, but in time it will all fall into place. We are now going to create the background. Those who saw an earlier version of my website will recognise the background we are going to create. Anyway, letâs get on with it. Firstly, select the Rectangle Tool, located on the Tools Panel. Screenshot 2 If you can not see the panel, go to Window > Tools. Once you have the tool selected, create a rectangle that is small, it doesnât matter about the size yet, as we are going to adjust it in a minute. Once you have your small rectangle made, change the X and Y co-ordinates to 0 and the Width to 495 and the height to 750. This will make the larger rectangle that will make up the left hand side of the background. Screenshot 3 Now that we have that, we are going to make it sightlier. I consider the background to be as important as any other part of a website, and to leave it to the last minute is often a bad decision. The background is the foundations of a website, and with dodgy foundations, comes an unstable building. To make it more appealing, we are going to add a gradient and a texture. This may sound simple, but the effect created for the amount of effort is very good. Click on the drop-down that says Solid to Gradient > Linear. Screenshot 4 It might not be the same colours as I have on my screen. Now that we have a gradient, the colours are still not the ones that are in the colour scheme. Click on the little down arrow on the gradient box, and then click on the bottom-left colour pot. Change the colour to #009900. Screenshot 5 Then, on the bottom-right pot, change the colour to #004F00. That is that part done. The colour scheme is going to consist of greens, blues, blacks, whites and the occasional other-colour. We are now going to apply the texture. Please note that in Fireworks, there are two ways of styling a fill. Using the Pattern simply changes the whole thing and fills it with the desired pattern. I almost always never use this, unless I have created a specific background tile and want it to be used across the document. The Texture is what I use more commonly. It keeps the current formatting, just applies the texture inside the object. We are going to use Line-Diag 2 for this one. Then, change the percentage to 15%, so that it is not over-powering. Screenshot 6 There, we have created the first panel of the background. Now, select your rectangle and copy/paste it. Then, go to Modify > Transform > Flip Horizontal, this will make it a lot easier for making the opposite panel of the background. Screenshot 7 Move the newly created panel to X = 1005 Y = 0. This will put it on the other side of the document. Now, we need to change the texture so that the lines go in the opposite direction (vertically). So, in the textureâs drop-down, choose Line-Diag 1. There, we have almost finished the background. Now to add a simple part, the centre column. For this, we are going to use a simply colour, so, instead of messing around with a new rectangle, will pick the easy way out. In the Properties Panel, at the bottom of the application, change the colour pot of the canvas to #4C4C4C. Screenshot 8 I suggest at this point you save. Throughout this tutorial, I will continuously tell you to save. Personally, I save all my work with the generic name of Layout_[pagename].png. Fireworks saves all of its work in .png (until you start exporting) and the layers and parts of your development are kept. So, to save, it is pretty simple. File > Save. Now, the background isnât finalised. Although this is just management, I find it useful to do. Select both of your rectangles, by either holding Shift and click on each one, or in the layers panel, hold Shift and select each one. Screenshot 9 Then, once they are selected, hold CTRL and press g on your keyboard to group these objects. Then, simply change the name of the grouped object to BG (double click on the object in the layer panel). Adding the main layout: The background was the foundations of the site design, so now it is time to move onto the main attraction, and possibly the hardest part of the design. Firstly, we are going to look at the header. After all, it does make sense, it is the first part of the site most people will notice. For this, we are not going to do anything too fancy and technical. Use the Rectangle Tool, and create a rectangle that is 500 pixels wide, 75 pixels high, X = 500 and Y = 0. Now, the graphic you will get, will have the formatting of your BG. No worries, this is because the program has simply remembered the last formatting control. Now, we want to remove the texture, so, in the percentage field, change it to 0%. And the line-diag will disappear. However, the gradient isnât the colours that we want. Change the bottom-left to #336699 and the bottom-right to #172F46. This will give use a better and calmer gradient. The balance against the site is now, unfortunately out. So, we are going to change the direction of the gradient from horizontal to vertical (for those into the mathematical side, y=0 to x=0). To do this, make sure your rectangle is selected. A gradient angle/position object will appear. Hold left click on the Circle pointer and move it so that it is on the bottom of the rectangle. Then, angle/distance the square pointer, so that it is EXACTLY adjacent to the circle pointer. Screenshot 10 We now need an example logo. Although many designers may frown at putting it on now, I actually think it is better to put a âbetaâ of the logo in the place of where it is going to go. Using the Text Tool, draw out a rectangle, anywhere within the header. Screenshot 11 Afterwards, in the text-box, put PERSONAL PAGE. Change the font to Trebuchet MS (or Tahoma), size 25, Smooth Anti-Alias. Screenshot 12 Moving on: With a header, underneath comes a navbar. A navbar or navigation bar is needed on every site. No matter how many pages or its structure. Even Flash websites require navbars. For this, we are going to create something dark, but subtle and keeps in touch with current colour scheme. Directly underneath the header, make a new rectangle that is 500x20 pixels. Make sure the gradient is changed to Solid and the colour set at #172F46. We are also going to apply a subtle texture. In the texture field, choose Hatch 2, and have the percentage at 8%. Screenshot 13 To add the items of the navbar, we are going to use the text tool. Again, draw a text box, and fill it in with what you can see on the screenshot below. To get the spacing between the words and dashes, use TAB key. Please note that you will need AgencyFB font installed. You can find it by downloading the file packet found at the beginning and end of this tutorial. For the positioning of the text box, revert to the screenshot. Screenshot 14 DONE. Seriously. We have covered the design aspect. As I am only covering the homepage, no other designs are needed. To create an image holder, use the skills you have accumulated so far. So what about the rest of the design I hear you say? Well, the next parts are done with pure CSS/HTML. The header is ok as it is. If you want to spice it up between now and the next part of the tutorial, then ok.
  10. I have tried the proxy thing, doesn't work. FTP looks like this: I am really getting annoyed.
  11. Ok, I can't get it still. Not even FTP.I'm gonna cry.
  12. Unfortunately, I can not seem to locate my site. Either the server is down for my site (which I don't believe it is) or it has simply vanished off of the face of the Earth.To put it into context, my website, differentlyclued.astahost.com does not exist. Nor can I find the cpanel for it. Can an admin please tell me where it has got to?Thanks--mik
  13. So next time something comes along saying that they offer 20Tb of data storage, just ask yourself, why are they doing this? It's obviously not out of the good of their heart's. If Google try any funny business, then they will have millions of law-suits against them. Unlike this new 1Tb host, nobody would be able to track them down and sue them. No company does anything out of the goodness of their hearts. They do it to earn respect and gain that foothold in the world. Google are very good at this (and MS are failing miserably).
  14. I would say great template, but you stole the design from template-box. So one point on the theft idea.
  15. Great tutorial.But I have a question. In Fireworks, it is simple when creating a layout for a page, as it gives your the X,Y co-ordinates and the size of the image as you are making it. That way, it is easy to adjust. But in Photoshop, I see nothing for this. What is my point? Well, If I was going to make a header with your tutorial signature, then how would I know where to put it, so that it was, say for example 5 pixels from the top and 25 from the left.
  16. It is pathetic. Two role-leading companies bickering over ONE person. He left Microsoft and joined Google. There isn't a legal nor moral leg Microsoft can hang on.The CEO needs to shut his flapper and learn to think.
  17. If that was meant to be sarcastic. Well done. You have officially created the best thread ever.
  18. Talk about fast response. Thanks a lot. I'll do it later when I have less to do.
  19. Back 2 seconds and already stirring the cauldron. Lol. I actually believe it was an army of micro-camels that will return one day and destroy the Earth. But hey. That is my copyright. In all honesty, I think we evolved from a pool of amino acids formed from the secretion of single-celled amoebas. Or, as Stargate depicts, we may have been planted here by some intefering race.
  20. You know where those skins come from lol.I think he means a more personal skin. One that the admin/mods have created.Recently, many sites that I go on are having a re-hall of their designs. For example, webmaster-talk recently upgraded their forums and made a new template. I personally think it looks good (with room for improvement).I personally always use the lo-fi version. A lot easier on the eyes.
  21. I'll start from the beginning.Recently, I formatted my HD, because of all the accumulated rubbish and errors. I re-installed XP SP1 (I can't stand MS Updates, they mess up the system). And installed all my safe programs. I checked my system thoroughly for spyware/viruses/adware/etc and nothing was found. I installed ZoneAlarm and set it up. Then applied my Internet connection.Everything was fine until the other day when some file downloaded itself onto the computer. WebHost. It contained 3 files. Two with no extensions called Ad (somehow it manages to allow two with the same name) and the third is an .exe called Ad.It bugged me that ZA allowed such a program to download itself and install. Especially when I made ZA to be on highest security.I deleted the folder and removed all trace of it (from registry and such). The problem now, is that it is consistantly appearing again. I have deleted it now (completely) four times. And everytime it appears, it loads two Pop-ups with "page cannot be displayed".So, I would like to know, how the hell can I get rid of it, without excorising the machine.
  22. I recieved an e-mail of his work quite a while ago. Excellent to say the least. Personally, I prefer the gold.The books, I have not seen anything of them (I sound like that little green gremlin from Star Wars).
  23. My mother uses VoIP when speaking to her friends in America. There is a lag time of about 1-2 seconds, but I think that is solely down to distance. However, the conversations are sustainable and almost sound natural. The voice is a little off, but in time it will get better. She uses Yahoo! Messenger.The quality only suffers when there is a problem.
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