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Everything posted by twitch

  1. It is 2Gb and rising constantly. There are more features that prove invaluable, for example, unlimited POP3 direction. Everybody who signs up to GMail now, within a week or so get 100 invites. I think that google are planning on making it global (in a sense). If you are worried about your hotmail being connected to your MSN, then get a passport on GMail and use that. Yahoo mail does not work properly with Mozilla Firefox or anyother browser apart from the crumbling Internet Explorer. It allows for emails to be sent and recieved, but formatting options are out of the question.
  2. Letting people do what they want can lead to future problems. Just because people do something a lot anyway, doesn't justify the reason for them continuing to do it. Part of your opinion I agree with. But we must always remember that as members of society and life, we have a moral responsability to the people that will shape our futures.
  3. It doesn't matter how many planets are in our solar system, as Earth is the only one known for definate to sustain and contain life. The only good thing the other planets could serve is rich resources required for deep space travel, but with the government holding back, that is not likely in the foreseable future.I believe that Pluto-Chiron to be classed as one planet, as Earth and the moon are. If we were to colonize the moon, would it become a planet? I therefore believe that there are 9 planets. I have not heard of Sedna, or is it Planet X with a name?
  4. After careful evaluation of it, I can see the point. But I believe that we are too early in experience to be starting on such complexity. The new table does put it in a better order, and groups things by using concentric circles and wavey patterns. Maths and science has been joined to help create a new table. Personally, I prefer this new table. It, for me is easier on the brain. It may require a little more thinking in the visual department, but that is the way in which I learn and think. However, there is one problem.As you can see from the map, it has only a little space within it for more elements. Unlike the table, it puts them into a logical pattern, and almost mirrors the structure of an atom viewed in 2D. To expand outwards would undermine the current pattern and it would have to be reset. To expand inwards would mean to again expand the outer edges to cope with the intnsity of the elements within. This flaw, undermines it's elegance. And bings back the strength of the periodic table.
  5. In reply to organicbmx, I use the computer everyday, sometimes I will be on it for a full twelve hours and my eyesight has not changed. In fact, I can see colour variations better because of all the colours used on the web and desktop. Remember, after every 15 minutes of staring at the screen, you need to move your eyes onto something else. For example, moving your finger towards you and away will help exercise them.And as for the threadstarter, I agree. Children should be out playing and I am 15. But on the more hand they should have the choice and they do have the choice. If children want to spend more time on their computer games and such than actually 'playing out' then that is up to them, but I also believe that it is down to the parents that they get a proportional time on the computer and socialising. That way, they can mix the two.
  6. Hello, I am Michael Land (or mik). I'm a 15 year old happy-go-lucky web designer, developer and spork manic. I have been in the design circles for about two years, but in the past year or so I decided to make a real attempt and my ambition is to one-day rule the world... or become a professional; whichever happens first.My sense of humour is a little more ranged than some might imagine; most of the time I use sarcastic comments to make the misfortune of others look as a brighter thing. I can't stand mopes (people who a drag) and I dislike fruit and veg' just as much. Chips, they are the only veg' I will eat.And yeah, I have been here before I moved to Xisto, but I lost touch with myself and had too much to do to be worrying about hosting. But now I am back, and fully loaded... with rubbish.
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