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Everything posted by twitch

  1. I personally wont touch such a service. As pointed out by me, and others, filling up a Tb of space is nier impossible for one individual. Large file hosting companies like Rapidshare.de have only just managed to fill it with tonnes of crap and warez. To offer a service that provides the most space is not wanted. The people who use e-mail services (free-ones) more often than not, want: Enough space to archive their emails Fast access to their accounts Easy access Large file size limits Reliable And is not going to suddenly shut down after being on the Internet 5 months GMail (US)/Google Mail (UK) only require invitations so to stop or try and stop spammers. It is a genious idea, and people can't complain about it, because literally everyone you know on the Internet either has an account with unlimited invitations or knows someone else with an account. To get GMail/Google Mail is very easy. And why am I mentioning GMail/Google Mail? Because they offer an excellent service, with ever increasing functions (like POP3 access). Other email clients, like Hotmail (or Spamail as I see it), are trying to chase GMail, but will fail, because they either flood the page with adverts, limit reliability or totally demean the whole system. GMail/Google Mail even beats the likes of 1&1 Paid Email service. Although with those you can get your own e-mail name (@yourname.com/net/org/etc) they still don't offer a large enough table to sustain it. They have a crap design, low file disk space and the speed at which the email's are delivered is hurrendous. So next time something comes along saying that they offer 20Tb of data storage, just ask yourself, why are they doing this? It's obviously not out of the good of their heart's.
  2. Lol. I personally prefer building a site from scratch and have no generators involved. If I get stuck on making something, I check out examples and then formulate my own. Using site generators is only good for those that want a website but don't want to know the mechanics of them.
  3. twitch

    Hi All

    You've wasted no time. Been on for 3 days and already hosted. Well done.Welcome to the community and look forward to seeing your posts.
  4. It fell from the sky lol. Great tutorial, but I have to agree with the green light and the bright grass.
  5. Although customizing your OS look is cool. The novelty soon wear's off. Trust me. I paid for WindowsBlinds and all the other little blocks and used it once. It just get's annoying, where the OS loads up in it's original state, then suddenly zaps into freak mode. The Longhorn skin for WB is a little buggy to say the least and causes some errors. Great tut though.
  6. That's a problem a lot of people fall into. Creation. Personally, I do not believe in a solid state creation as most people see it. I think that everything is just there. Does there need to be a creator for something to exist?
  7. Mr Vincent Eats Marmite & Jam Sandwiches Under Nathan's Piano. (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune & Pluto). I think it is easier to remember the actual order of the planet's names, rather than the pnemonic. But that is just me. Personally, if I have to listen or make another pnemonic, I will shoot myself.
  8. Vujsa, that is a little cold and unforgiving. What about people that are falsely accused of doing something, and they are MURDERED before they can be proven innocent? What happens then? "Oh sorry, we got it wrong. Please forgive us". There would be national outcry. I agree that in a lot of cases, the death penalty would solve the problems. However, something you pointed out is a little obvious: You can't exactly commit a murder if you aren't alive to do it. For the likes of rapists, they do need a severe punishment. However, giving them the death penalty is not the answer. Alternatively, depending on the case and the circumstances, I think it should be a variable time in imprisonment. Nobody likes rapists, especially prisoners. It would save a lot of money having the death penalty more widely used. However, the implications of sending anyone person to their death's needs to be thoroughly examined. A simple, "he raped her, he's gonna pay with his life" will not surfice. There needs to be a lot of reasoning behind it. For example, the person who raped the other one stalked them, molested, whatever. There needs to be more depth to a case in order to publish a death wish. If we start reverting to the "old times" where the community get a say, we will be dooming civillization to reverting back into Medieval times.
  9. Is the banner just a GoogleAD, or is it advertising Xisto.net? I am pondering to sign-up, as I don't know if I can have multiple accounts here at Xisto.
  10. You non-recycling person you. And Kaputnik, you are full of it recently. Where do you phish for all this informatio Cool though.
  11. The Website Review at the moment is a little lacking, and I think it because of two reasons. One, it doesn't allow for post counts, which if combined with its own rules and regulations could be done away with and two, people like me get slightly confused on how to actually review the site. When I review a site, I often do it in-depth. In order to help the person to better their site. And some of the replies I have seen whilst wondering about that forum are: "I like it" and "I don't like it". Whilst these may be slightly giving, it is always just to explain it, so that the author can get better.So, what am I jibbering on about? Apply some review rules to that forum and grant post counts. If anybody abuses it, then they get a warning or similar action. I personally think it is a good idea that the community has a place to put their site and ask for it to be reviewed properly, instead of getting basic yes, no and maybe.Thanks,--mik
  12. The servers are currently under a lot of stress from DDoS attacks (DEE-DOS). This is whereby hackers find zombie computers (home/business that are connected to the internet but not in use) and use them (on a wide scale) by deploying worms and viruses, and concentrate information exchange between them and the root servers. Several larg companies in the past few years have been suffering DDoS attacks, for example the 13 main routes servers of the ISC. There are a few helpers in to putting this problem down, but so-far no-one has overcome it.
  13. I think this is a step in the right direction for Xisto. As you pointed out, the new service is perfect for those who want a good free webhost without spending time nor money. Also, by releaving of the e-mails, you allow for more resources. I am a little confused on the Disk Space though. If Xisto are offering 333Mb of space, eventually that will add up and consume the present HD, making it slower, less responsive and may even cause errors, if someone uploads a virus (accidental) to their account. Or am I wrong, and the space you provide is virtual?Anyway, I believe this will go down very well and you may find yourself in the top-spot of all the respectable free-web-host directories/guides.--mik
  14. OpaQue, is DDOS Distributed Denial of Service? If so, have you tried: https://staff.washington.edu/dittrich/misc/ddos/, under Defensive Tools.
  15. Ignore that last bit. I forgot that you can reset the integer's back to their original state automatically.
  16. Right, I have run into a problem. This advancement starts to fail when it comes to wide-site jspx communications. The website Pogo.com deteriorates with this improvement. If someone could please post the original values, that would be a great help.
  17. I think this is a topic that will go on for ever (excuse the pun). We need to move and see what other people have to say.
  18. As far as I am aware, there are several ways in which to ban someone.1. Remove all the privilages for that account, so it literally becomes null.2. Delete the account.3. Ban username4. Ban IPIf it is possible to use PHP to find the TRUE IP, instead of a dynamic one, then banning would be a bit easier. And as MC pointed out, it is the job of the admin/mods to maintain that problem accounts are banned. People who get banned once, are more often than not banned again and again due to their repetitive defiance. Those people always have the same mannerisms, so it is easy to spot them.
  19. The new AMD dual core processor looks cool. I would personally go for AMD, as it is best suited to Web Design. Although PowerMac's are the designer's best friend, the next best thing is AMD. As said before, Intel is better for business people and those on the run.
  20. I think the application simply does the same job as this manual work. And thanks very much for that modding advice. All the webpages load extra-fast which is always good. If only this could be repeated with IE. I think you should be given at least 30 credits for this post (perhaps admin injection).
  21. Hawkins and every othr scientist have been proven inaccurate or even incorrect on many occasions. We must step back and ask, can we actually say the current universe is so many light years in size, or do we have to live without an answer. I believe that too many scientists and mathematicians believe that they know the answer, but when working with the fourth-dimension, time and space, I don't think that normal measurement, theories and other standards should be taken effect.I do not believe that we know the true size of this universe, nor do we know as much as scientists say (e.g. if they say we know 70% of what is out there, I am inclined to say, no we don't). Not because I like disagreeing, but because deep down, I know we don't know.
  22. Warbird, please edit your post. M^e clearly stated that this thread is not to be flamed.
  23. The team that run Xisto run it on very little or no funding, and you expect them to bend over backwards, to suite you??? I am a hosted member here, and whilst times can be bad, I would have no other free host (even my own machine). You must learn patience and not allow your insociable arrogance to ruin this site's very good reputation.
  24. Noooo. But I will accept it. From reviewing the posts made about my 'tutorial' I have to say, yes. Content is more important than design. But without any design thought, then it still can flop. Therefore, I now believe there is no ratio in the whole process. Every aspect should be considered as 100% importance, this would give a top-heavy percentage. But we must do what we have to do.
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