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Everything posted by boyCradle

  1. First I wrote poetry, it is like my refuge when no one seems to care and listen to me. It is the easist and cheapest form of anti-stress.If poetry writing does not work, I listen to rock music. Is is one way of releasing angst. I can headbang while listening. and when I am all tired jumping and shouting, I could just sleep, and the pain and anger just goes out of me when i wake up.But I cannot just shout all the time at our house, I go to places when shouting is allowed. Like at theme parks, I would ride those fast roller coasters, and viking ship. so I could shout all my hated to the whole world. at least no one would get angry at me because we are all shouting.
  2. I Am so excited about this. Hong Kong is so near the Phillippines. We can visit the place anytime, because they are not requiring people to have Visa when entering Hong Kong. They will be catering people with different Western and Asian cuisine, but they will not be serving the famous Shark's fin dish because people are rallying about that.China is really starting to conquer the world!
  3. The london police is getting paranoid about the bombings. They shoot an innocent man thought to be a participant in the attempted bombing. it is not an standard operating procedure to fire at the suspect, he is after all just a suspect.
  4. I am not sure but probably you have place something that has magnet near your monitor, and you have placed it too close. Speakers have magnets on them. but again I am not sure.
  5. I guess it is a pretty neat and clean lay-out, alyhough I am not familiar with tabs because I am an Internet Explorer user. are tabs those buttons below the Address bar of the browser? Explorer 7 should have more templates for the users to choose from, my current version's lay-out depends on how i choose the look of my Windows. I am using the Classic.I cannot comment on the Hotmail for I have never used hotmail before.
  6. My friend who works at Microsoft customer help told the information to me. I have been asking him for any news (or leakage) about Windows Longhorn, but he was busy to send about those news. But he emailed me yesterday to tell about the change of Longhorn's name.
  7. Forget about Windows Longhorn!Say hello to Microsoft Windows VISTA! this will the the new name of Windows Longhorn on its release by Next year, 2006. the Beta version will be out this August. So much people have reacted to its new name.
  8. I have watched from BBC that there are no fatalities, just one badly injured. the headlines day it was an Attempted Bombing, so most probably the bomb did not explode. or maybe it exploded but not much as the bombers expected them to be. These happened at the sub-way again and another double decker bus. To think, London has already tighten their security after the bombing excactly two weeks ago. This just means that terrorism could actually happen on even the most secured place on earth.
  9. Most people are now open about their views about homosexuality. They do not care about other people's prefernces as long as they do not get to step on other people's business.Some base their views about it on their religion, culture and even family background.Here in the Philippines, We have high respects on Gay men (most of them the girly-like) because they are earning way higher that those real men. but still they get discriminated on some stuff, like entering military and the police. But for me they are fine, I do not get bothered by having gay friends, they do not harass me anyways. I have some classmates since high school and even in college and they actually have balls than most of us straight men. But still, most people don't agree about thier (the gay peole's) way of life. Moral does not neccessarily means legal, but legal does not necessarily means moral. These is the rule in this world, so let us just allow people to do what they all want.
  10. ei evry1 sori bout dis, bt dis is how we typ words w sms hir n d Phils.most of us hir cud undrstnd each oder wen sendng msgs in shrt 4mat.we cud insert as mny charctrs 2 maxmize d power of d tx mesagng.u see, txtng is so much cheapr hir dan makin a col, dats y ull c most of us walkng wyl txtng & not making a fon col.Translation:Hey everyone! Sorry about this, but this is how we type words with SMS here in the Philippines. Most of us here could understand each other when sending messages in short format. We could insert as many characters to maximize the power of test messaging. You see, testing is so much cheaper here than making a call, that is why you will see most of us walking while testing and not making a phone call.I do not think this method of conversation is annoying, you just have to use it on a certain medium. You should not use it for formal conversations for email (especially if it is a bussiness matter). I guess it is allowed for chatroom. But please do not use them for your school reviews and composition writings.
  11. I would like to have a tattoo. but now this time. Probably when I am already stable, have a good and permanent job. Sometimes, finding and getting a good job here in the Philippines do not only depend on how yo think or howmuch talent you have. The companiesalso look at your personal apperance, and they hardly hire people with tattoos, especially those big tribal designs. They think you are a gangster or an ex-convict. It is discrimination! But for me having a tattoo is a personal freedom, a part of democracy. It is even a part of our local culture. our ancestros had these WHOLE BODY tattooes, and they considered them arts. And it was for them a sogn of being real men. It is also a sign of heirarchy or something, if you have this particulat design tattoed in your body you are a part of this kings or queens.
  12. OMG! I love watching The Simpsons. It is being shown every 6pm here in the Philippines at STAR WORLD channel at cable.It is a cartoon which for me has a sense. It has moral lessons after every story. The characters are so funny, it makes me laugh every thirty seconds. heheheI like Lisa, she is so smart and somehow i could relate to her situation as a child. Although I am not as talented as her, and I do not know how to play a musical instrument.I like every epeisodes, but my favorites are those which Homer Simpson's mother comes to their home. She is an underground sort of activist and the govertment is hunting for her. She is such a good mother. And she the only person who could tame Homer. The endings are always very touching because she has to leave to hide. And Homer is saddened by that always. But they have this secret messages... she send messages to homer via the newspaper. the first letter of each line in the news paper constructs the words she wants to say to Homer. I also like that episode where Hoer was halluciantin, and there are some weird creatures like a wolf that talks to him to find his real soul mate. And he thinks that Marge was not really his soulmate. and of course in the endeing he realizes that they are indeed soulmates.There's this episode to that Mr.Burns was thought to be an alien. Hehehe. very funny!
  13. Finding friends online is very easy. You could register as a member to a particular forum with people who have the same interest as you. Is is fun, because you get to interact with them with ease because of your common likes and hobbies, you can meet them up and find more closeness with them. Some people get to see their soulmates, future husband or wife, and bestfriends though it. I have this friend who got to marry a guy he "saw" online. the friendship started when they met at an online chat about their recent break-ups with their girlfriends and boyfriends, and they turned-up to be the perfect match. :Dbut please be careful when meeting up people personally, especially if you are a girl. here are my tips:1. Always bring a friend with you.2. Meet them at a public place, like a park. Do not agree at once when they invite you to his place.3. When they invite you for a lunch or dinner, be careful with the food or drinks that they give. it may contain some sort of drugs.4. Always tell someone, like your parents or close friends, that you are meeting up with someone.5. If possible, tell your firends about your whereabouts every hour or thirty-minutes. 6. Bring something that can be used as a protection, like pepper spray.7. ALWAYS BE AWARE!
  14. another great thing from google! although I think this is for United States residents for now. I hope they could expand their service. And I wish this is free. You can use it for emergency use.
  15. Don't they have people to test their scripts first before launching their suposed "latest" versions?? It is sickening to update your phpBB frequently because your latest update has a bug or bugs.
  16. I love going to school, I like seeing my classmates and going to the library. I also love staying at our chairperson's office. hehehe But I enrolled to a course that I don't really like, which made me hate going to school. But I like our University and the democracy that we have. Most of the facilities are delapidated, as seen on other public schools in the Philippines, but I like staying at the classroom during free time.
  17. What I loved about the university that I went to is the diversity of the peole. I went to a State University (the sschool is being subsidized by the government, there are not much universities and colleges in the Philippines that are being funded by th Philippine Government). Most students come from different region in the Philippines. We have different cultures and religion. But despite these, we communicate and interact as if there are no differences between us. We learn a lot from each other, and share this new knowledge to others. which lessens the fear that they (the persons from other region) must be feared because they have different religion and/or culture.We also respect other people's opinion and we practice our rights. Although our university is under the government, we have our rights to rally against them if they are doing something that should be rallied. the students can march and protest. And if you don't want to go out and rally, it's your decision. we practice democracy in our university.
  18. I rememberd watching the Smurf when I was so much younger, it was a hit during that time. those little blue creatures are lovable when I was watching them during that time, but now for me they are not. hehehe but i really liked them when I was young!! What was wrong with me?? :DI am not sure if is Cartoon Network, but a cartton channel was showing the reruns before. maybe a year or two. I am not sure.About the movie, I am not sure if it would be a hit to the kids of the present. They don't know much about those dwarves. The Producers and film makers should show the reruns on TV first before showing thme on the Movie Houses.The success of Spongbob Squarepants (If it is really a succes) was due to the success of the television show. The producers of The Smurf Movie shoould definitely do the same.
  19. I do not think this thing is new. I have watched long ago a show on television, although I am not sure if it was Ripley's Believe It Or Not, Rescue 911 or a show on Discovery chanel, and it was about a person whom doctors had conducted a surgery or operation on his/her heart, and they remove the blood from the patient's body. they performed the operation and returned the blood back to the body after the operation.
  20. almost everything is possible now. we cannot blame the government if they would track down and smeak on our computers especially now that child pornography and other unlawful activities are happening using personal computers.Some of the "hackings" that the government do are security purposes. This is like security of the people against the security of other peoples personal computers, our something to that effect.But in some countries like the Philippines, these hackings against child pornographers, and those so called 'Live online shows" using webcams, is worthless. they cannot arrest people because there are no laws regarding this cases. Like about those Live shows using webcams for business, we have no laws about that. is is not under the law against prostitution, they say, because there are no physical contact.
  21. it was their April Fool's day joke, and when i sent the link to to my friends' and clasmates' email everyone was asking where to get the Gogle Gulp bottle cap! bwahaha! they are fool enough to believe that product, maybe because it was a Google website that is why it appears true to them.
  22. I prefer any day on weekdays. I stay here at home most of the time and work on some webdesigning and some internet stuff and I do not want to be bothered by family members. My brother is home on Saturdays and the rest of the family is here on Sundays, and I cannot work on my duties when they are around. too much people, too much noise. And my brother and sister use the computer the whole day which prevents me from finishing my work. not that i do not want them around, i see them every night when they arrive from school offices and work. but i do not like them with me during day time. hehehe but i love them.
  23. A close friend, a high school classmate to be exact, has told me that Microsoft is not going to release Microsoft Windows Longhorn operating system until 2007. He works as as Microsoft customer care representative. of course there may be changes upon its release but he has told me that there are beta version running on some test servers. They will release Internet Explorer 7 first.
  24. I just hope people here in the Philippines could use that latest service from Google. we do not have Paypal here, thus it is imposible to purchase items using Paypal. I really hope they could, Google is the biggest media group in the world right now anyway.
  25. Yahoo! Publisher won't be out to soon, but if you want to get updates about its launh just leave your email at the Yahoo! Publisher Network website: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ or http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
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