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Everything posted by boyCradle

  1. I know don't much about PayPal because we do not have it here in the Philippines. but ofcourse I know how it works. There are plenty of PayPal scams out there and we would probably have second thoughts on giving out out aacount numbers because of these hoaxes and fraud. i am sure you can contact paypal to verify the veracity of a paypal reciepient account. If i am not mistaken there are supposed to have buttons or links that would verify if the account exist.But I guess those PayPals of Most Ebay sellers are for real, you just have to check the sellers' "positive Feedbacks'" those are something like testimonials that the seller is not a fraud or hoax.
  2. I would probably tell my brother the passwords to all of my online accounts (Xisto, Gmail, Yahoo, Friendster etc) so he could continue updating ang maintening my websites. hehehe and then I would listen to my favorite songs and artist. until i passed out.
  3. Wow!! i was just reading some posts at the forum then POOF!! the forum has changed it's version. :PI like the new layout! Thank you OpaQue for upgrading.The forum loads faster now, and it just looks so much better than before!
  4. boyCradle

    Sponge Bob

    If you don't like Spongebob, tell your friend in a nice way that you do not like him. But keep the watch, for it was a gift for you.I am 23 years old and I watch Spongebob Square Pants. I watch the show at Nickelodeon, even the reruns. but I have to say It is an adult-humor cartoon. I wonder why Nick shows it.And please don't say Spongebob and Patrick are stupids. They are not!! they are just naive, just like most kids. We watche Spongebob Square Pants here in the Philippines, but we are not like those people going Ga-ga over Sopongebob. We watch it for entertainment.
  5. This is a good news for those who where banned from Google Adsense.And I don't think this is not a bad idea, and because Google and Yahoo! are direct compettitors they might make the payments for each clich higher than the other. I really hope Yahoo Publisher would pay better!
  6. Apple Ipod is so expensive. and you won't need all those amount fo drive. i suggest looking and buying for a more afforable MP3 Players. something that has 512Mb drive is enough for me, I would buy an Apple Ipod Shuffle if I were you.
  7. there is no way man could create such device. it is so much impossible to create and design a machine that could time travel. even if we would be so much technologically advanced in the future it would be impossible!Reading history books, and getting up to date with current events would be the best time machine for us. we coould learn what people were before. and by learning these things we could prevent unwanted events to happen on the future!
  8. I have the same experoence! My brother reformatted our PC, and Microsoft Windows XP runs so smooth even when connected to a dial-up internet connection. everything loads so fast until I installed McAffe Virus Scanner and Firewall!! But I just can not change my Anti-virus software becuase most of my friends suggest using McAfee Anti Virus and Firewall. they say it so so much better that PCCellin and the likes. and I do not find Free and downloadable Anti-virus softwares to be safe and secure.
  9. A best friend of mine who works as a costumer support for Microsoft said that Windows Longhorn OS will not be available until 2007, (if i have not misheard that). And he has told me to wait for Microsoft Internet Explorer 7, it will be available before the release of Longhorn. I'll try to ask more about longhorg the next time we see each other.
  10. OH MY GOSH!! Everyone was like waiting for the long over due release of Microsoft Windows Longhorn at the market, only to be dissapointed by this news that it is a Spyware! too bad!! Is Bill Clinton only into our money?? he has so much money on his name, what would he do with too much money anyways??
  11. I reccommend Fed Ex. they are fast and the price for shipment is very reasonable. The also over a 24 hour shipping like any other but theris is much affordable. I even laugh when I found out the a Local Shipping company here in the Philippines cont way too costly than Fed Ex. when my brother sent 5 CDs as an entry for a website contest, it cost him only 66 (less that 2 US Dollars)Pesos at Fedex while the price for the local is around 250Pesos (5 US Dollars).
  12. I do not believe that these so called flying cars would be ruuning or flying soon. They are too complicated to create. I just hope they would be affordable to everyone when they are already available, which i think is impossible. The price of gasoline right now is so high, what more for such special automobiles that fly. When they are already flying those cars up in the sky i would buy my car that runs on land. I guess the road would be empty by that time, And I won't have to worry about traffic. heheheheIn case those cars are out already, how would they run them? If I would buy one, do i need to have my own runways like those at airports? or the gravity would have something to do with it?
  13. If this is true I hope the baby would be born without any defects. it may be fatal for the child because he/she is just an experiment. Some of the cloned animals were not that successful. they grew up with some complications and eventually died because of those defects. We should wait until they show us the child when born. This has nothing to do with religion or race or anything, but I don't agree with human loning.
  14. Why not focus on their service rather than doing worthless things like that?!! Their patties here in the Philippines does not taste that good, I prefer local burger chains'. And their buns do not look good either.
  15. I think this is a crazy idea. I am a comsumer and i don't want to look at the sky most of the time to find out what products are available at the atores. hehehe Looking up at those big billboards is already pretty tiring for me, what more for those advertisements on the sky.The first problem to solve on this kind ob "billboards" is how to stop the lights/projector from beaming all the way to the space. I guess most people, find products on the internet nowadays, and they are busy doing everything on internet at night time. so there would probably less market for those advertisments. people living on Cities woul not see those billboards as well because they would be obstructed by hihg rise buildings, and yes, air pollution.
  16. personally, i do not think George Lucas and his team would loss that much because of piracy. He still sells those LIMITED edition action figures, t-shirts etc., and gets so much money for those exclusive footages and the likes. and those stores, like the Mc Donald's, also pay him for the rights to have his Star Wars Characters on their Happy Meals. And The Saga is not over yet, I have heard that George Lucas will be releasing TWO special television series of Star Wars, and he will be getting so much money from the advertisers. After the Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith they will release it on DVD with special fooatges and "Making the Movie," and the fanatics will sure buy it as well. And they will be getting so much money from that!And the Statr Wars items will still be available even though there is no more of the saga. or maybe they will do another special movie about it on it's golden Anniversary. hehehe
  17. I guess 150MB of webspace and 500MG bandwidth is enough. I don't want Xisto to be like any other free webhosting site who has offered so much webspace and bandwidth, only to fail after a month of existence because their system can't cope with so many problems. with 150MB and 500Mb of webspace and bandwidth respectably, Trap 17 can control the system errors and can fix it easier. If you want larget webspace and bandwidth, I sussgest looking for another free hosting forum. just my two cents.
  18. There may also be some one other who is jealous about your website and tried to harass you by clicking your Google Adsense advertisements all the time. It happened to me and now my Google Adsense account is suspended. I I think I am suspended for life. But if you you have passed the minimum amount for payment before getting suspended Google Adsense would still pay you the amount. I recieved my cheque last March.
  19. I use Adobe Photoshop, although i only have Photoshop 7. I am much much comfortable using it, i tried using other programs but i just can't do it better. Maybe because i am already used to doing my designs on Adobe Photoshop and I am more familiar with it's buttons, navigations, and work space. but it depends on a persons familiariry and comfort on a particular program. I can say Adobe Photoshop is better because that is the one i am using. Others may say Corel Draw because that is what they have been using for a long time.
  20. Another great service from Google!! I don't have much videos to upload for now, but i guess it would be very helpful for me in the near future. and it is also nice to find out that they have their own upload manager or program.I just hope people would use this service in the legal manner. there would definitely guys who would try to upload illegal videos. I wish they could give us free webhosting accounts as well.
  21. You are right guys, i wouldn't feel secured using that kind of third party service. Unless Goolge or Gmail recommends us to use the service for wap to check our email. and it is better to check Gmails using internet at your personal computers.
  22. I am in the Philippines and we are one of those countries which already have the pirated DVD copys of Star Wars Episode 3 the day after the first screen. I am not proud of course. I still prefer to watch films on big screen at theaters. there's nothing equal than feeling the whole movie house with the Dolby Digital system. The Movie house fee in the Philippines is very much affordable and reasonable but people still but those pirated copies, maybe because their whole family could watch the fild for the price of 1 seat at the movie house. the pay for a seat at a movie house could be as low as 50Pesos or around US$1 here. and a pirated DVD is around US$1.50.
  23. if you got talents using Photoshop, why not try to open your own small t-shirt printing business?? why work and design for an online tshirt store, for a very small commission if you could sell your own designs for your own profit. start sellin t-shirts to your friends then let them pass the words around if they are satisfied with the designs. you can even do a shirt of personalized designs, and never used it again. so it would be a one-of-a-kind t-shirt print. spread the business using internet through email, Gmail, friendster, myspace, online fora, and your very own website. simple as that!
  24. When my account was suspended I can't remember if my credit has gone to a -4. but I remember they required me to have atleast 4 credits before my account to be okay again. That is probably for us to have another good few days of not posting here. hehehe! but I like the idea that they require us to have at least 4 or more credits before unsuspending our accounts
  25. I don't think if this kind of money earning schemes work. but i wouldnt apply for such thing, it would be a waste of time opening junk mail and then click those worthless advertisements that do not have any thing to do with you. I know most of us want to earn monet the quicker and easier way, but people, do not do things like subscribing to junk mails.
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