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Everything posted by yordan

  1. Ha-ha, right.Nevertheless, mine never had handled a punch. Only keyboard problems while playing games!
  2. Open a ticket at Xisto, mentioning that the MyCents are frozen due to the forum upgrade. They will transmit to the commercial staff, which certainly will freeze your invoices until the update is finished.
  3. So, if you can access the folder with Linux, you can do something funny cd /mydisk/myfolderfor i in `ls`doecho rename $i $i.jpgdoneredirect this to a Windows file named myrename.bat, read the file in order to check that everything is correct, and you can run the generated file when booted with Windows. Of course, if you want to take the risk, you can also run it directly from Linux, than replace "echo rename" with "mv", that's all. put a "set -x" in front of that and a "set +x" at the end, in order to have a display while working. Maybe I should not have written all this, you probably knew this syntax since a long time?
  4. Where are the files today? Can you see them on a linux system? Then it's easy to write a "mv" loop.
  5. Don't think that. We still need valuable contributors, please stay with us!
  6. Wow! Very nice computer! I want the same one!Happy Birthday Opaque!
  7. The mycents are frozen until the forum upgrade is finished. Then, the daemons will be restarted. Don't worry, no MyCents will be lost.
  8. Have a look at the "View New Content" button, on the upper right part of the main screen, just under the "Search" white rectangle.Now you have several ways to see the new contents : New since my last visit, content I have not read, past 24 hours and some more.It's worth having a look.
  9. If no real photo gallery plugin is available, you could link to your real photo gallery ? 4 images photo gallery is rather nice, have a look here : https://www.4homepages.de/
  10. Isn't this the main goal of a hoax? Hoping that people will pass the info to others without verifying their sources ?
  11. It's really necessary to own an extra disk for backup purposes. Each piece of your own data must be on an external disk, a simple electrical outage while your hard disk head is over the FAT area could destroy your whole disk data.And, yes a physical error on your hard drive can raise problems. Fortunately, you have so many things on your computer that not necessarily a vital info will fall oh the faulty sector. But this is an indication that your hard disk has to be put under strict observation and you should keep backing up your personal data. However, there is no indication that a system file will necessarily be written on a faulty sector, so you could also happen to keep using your computer during several years before another system failure.
  12. Maybe you should first check at the server side. Usually SMS support is something which has to be paid (the server owner has to give money to the phone company). So very often it's free at the beginning and then stops beeing free. Or completely stops because lack of money.
  13. Hi, Robin, welcome aboard.Let's say "One of the Last HandsomeS" because I must confess that I feel myself rather handsome.
  14. Huh? On my Crosoft Word, ctrl-right goes at the end of the current word, it does not select from the cursor to the end of the word.
  15. If you cannot access https://www.google.de/?gfe_rd=cr&ei=BwkjVKfAD8uH8QfckIGgCQ&gws_rd=ssl by itself, this probably means that the university people don't want you to use google (first option) or the outgoing Ethernet link is saturated (second option).If it works sometimes, than the second option is probably true.
  16. If you forgot your password and/or you mistyped your password three times, gmail disables your account. Did you try the "lost my password" procedure?
  17. Have a look here : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ All news concerning the forum upgrade will appear there.
  18. Please do not forget the "code" tag when you post code examples.
  19. Yes, OpaQue is doing a great job. This is a live update, so the forum is not stopped while the new scripts are put in place, that's why some features behave strangely, this should be fixed soon.
  20. Ahem.I muss confess that every day I use ms-dos commands in a command text of each one of my Crosoft Windows system.A lot of things are so easier in a text command-line.Ping my gateway or ping my router.Net use myremotedisk /droute add something somethingelse.Strangely, in most of cases, the linux and the ms-dos commands look very similar, so no reason to neglect them.
  21. A nicer way to explain this is the step-by-step procedure described here : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  22. Welcome to Xisto Free Web Hosting, No Ads. Once you have accumulated 5 quality posts you can activate Free Web Hosting, No Ads by following the instruction below. If you have not registered with Billing & Support take this time to register to begin your Free Web Hosting, No Ads account activation. This step is crucial to your hosting account. Do not skip this step. Visit Billing & Support and use the SAME email address you registered with our forum. Start by clicking the ORDER link and choose LOGIC PLAN and proceed. On the next screen choose I will update my nameservers on an existing domain Or I will register a new domain if you want to apply with our sub-domain name. If you have your own domain name or would like to purchase one, choose other appropriate selection and continue. If you are choosing one of our sub-domain names please follow this step carefully. After selecting I will update my nameservers on an existing domain Or I will register a new domain enter your desired sub-domain name in the SECOND field followed by entering Xisto.com or Xisto.com extension in the THIRD field. On the next screen select (as a default) monthly payment schedule. This is the quickest way to start our free web hosting, no ads. You can upgrade additional features or upgrade to different hosting plans with your Account Credit Balance. Select other options you desire. Be sure to fill in and double check, especially your sub-domain or domain name that would be activating your hosting account. Finish your order by pressing Add to cart. Check out your order and then COMPLETE ORDER. Be sure to select payment type as myCENT. Once completed, your credit balance debits automatically. Wait about 5 hours for our Billing and Support Team to activate your hosting account. Please refer any FAQ to Forum Announcements section. You can submit additional questions to Billing and Support from your dashboard.
  23. Hi, folks, what's new?

    1. tritesh


      New is that electric ink blocked me from this forum :(

      Not able to shout or post anything. :(

    2. tritesh


      Sad ..... I think its time to say GoodBye Xisto... Electric Ink blocked me from this forum with no reason.

    3. tritesh


      Please, tell me why Electric Ink blocked me?

    4. Show next comments  138 more
  24. You are right, I tried playing with gimp for a couple of minutes, and there is no "vertical text" option. I found how to rotate the text, but not how to make the text vertical.
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