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Everything posted by yordan

  1. Maybe the is somewhere a firewall preventing pop-ups from opening on nightfox's pc. But I can certifiy that "standard" PC's whith nothing special installed open these windows.Also, I have seen, when I was at dot.tk, that the owner had no popups, only the visitors.
  2. The new version of Zone Alarm (65_714_000) refuses installing on a computer if Mc Afee antivirus is found. The installation stops with the following message (click on the tumbnail for readability) : Too bad, I loved being protected simultaneously by zone Alarm and by Mc Afee. Probably, the reason is that Zone Alarm now sells it's own antivirus program, and does not want to share a computer with McAfee.
  3. The official Symantec Uninstaller download page is here : https://support.symantec.com/en_US.html You will have to download and then run three files : MSIFIX.bat, SymNRT.exe and SYMMSICLEANUP.reg and then you will be able to correctly install Norton (according to Symatec) or not install it at all.
  4. The last mouse I bought was a brand new one (not second-hand) and costed me one euro (about one dollar)!It will probably not last a lot time, but I could finish one hundred of such mouses for $100 !
  5. Lucky people ! I need some giga for all the things I want to show, and I only have some megs at asta ! Those who could don't know how, those who know can't... Such is life.
  6. I tried it, and I had a lot of pop-ups and advertisement windows, and nothing else. Maybe because my browser is Netscape. However, be careful, popups make people get angry, you should better have a site at asta.
  7. I can sell you my splat! (yes, it was fre for Vyoma, however now I am well-known as splat-designers, and next users will have to licence for them!)
  8. You may simply create a gallery with your preferred photos, and show them everytime you are with friends who ask you "show me your girl-friend" our "show me your mother".
  9. Nice, vujsa, I had the same problem but I didn't dare ask the question. I'll try your method for the next pages I will have to write.
  10. Thanks, I'm happy to see that my graphic works seems suited for your project.See you Yordan
  11. The father of all the RPG games, text-based games running on big computers, which were devoted to completely different work (payroll work for instance).The PC's made this kind of game quite old-fashioned.
  12. OK, I'll tell him to uninstall his version of MSN. I was curious to see if his strange message was really able to do what it said (scanning, propagating). If this is the case, I must immediately stop using MSN Messenger on any of my own computers in order not to propagate to my contacts.And, by the way, yes, the german site is almost readable, the danish or swedish one is less obvious. Maybe a swedish guy at asta could provide a translation ? Isn't it funny that this unspellable site is named spellforum?
  13. Yes, I will switch to Google Talk as soon as all my contacts will switch from hotmail to gmail. However, today, I would like to know if this "Virus - (1513 kB)" thing is a hoax or not.At least, it's something running on my contact's PC, so I would like to be able to tell him how to get rid of this. And, of course, Xisto is still my favourite help line...
  14. MSN now opens a window where wee see things happening :It starts a frame with with the words Virus - (1513 kB)Then it says "scanning C disk"Then "installing"Then "propagating"Then it ends with "Thank you for usin' and sharin'"What is that thing ?Is it a fake ?Or is it a ral virus ? I must confess I'm a little bit afraid.A goggling made me find a german site saying roughly "probably a fake". However, even if it's a fake, it behaves like a trojan because it's a program residing on your computer and activated evrytime you open a new window.If somebody has info, I would appreciate.RegardsYordan
  15. So, Vyoma, don't you like the nice splat I designed especially for you ?The black one on the white background ?Yordan
  16. @pawitp : today, very often, if you buy a ready-to use computer, you receive the computer with everything pre-installed on it, in a hidden partition. And you have no install CD's (probably for anti-piracy things). In case of problem, you may re-install everyithing from this hidden partition, but there is no way of partial install. This is the way HP does, for instance.
  17. Did you receive the McAfee install disk with your computer ? Then, try starting again the McAfee install, it should allow you the "uninstall" option.Unfortunately, I confirm that on some computers the Symantec Norton Antinvirus is installed with the option "cannot be uninstalled".
  18. I tried myphotoalbum.com. I loved the way of changing the look and feel and the "easy upload" tool, and I really appreciated the "slideshow" button. Unfortunately it also displays a lot of banners, especially one "You have a spyware problem, click here", so it's not very usable for sharing pictures with your family. The Xisto photo galleries remain the best way to share photos with friends!
  19. If the Linux is a RedHat, no blue screen, but probably a redscreen or a hatscreen!Linux makes cores, panics, but no bluescreens!
  20. Not so easy, of course.Obviously, you have to find out some customers who need something to be done using a computer.what about starting up your own marketing programes ? Have a look at all the shops around where you are living, asking them if they have a web site. The ones who don't have they own web site, ask them if they want you to create their website, advertising for their shop. This is typically a king of job where you can stay at home, doing that at your own rythp. Your first big work will be to find your first customers, then the other ones should come more easily.
  21. Or maybe you prefer that one, more black image on white background ? If you look carefully you will see it very similar to the previous one. (double-click on the thumbnail if you want to download the full size image) Still Royalty Free, it's my own graphic art and if you want it I offer it. Regards Yordan
  22. What about that one ? Is it enough black, anough 3D, and anough uniform background ? At least it's Royalty free ! I like the moire effect, due to the coffee/water separation during the impact. Regards Yordan
  23. Nope, my pc is rather correct (Pentium4 3GHz).Need for Speed Most Wanted simly crashes (no sound, no image) two seconds after startup. No error message allowing to know what happened, no process running, simply back to the WinXP standard screen.
  24. The web is a way of accessing computers all around the world.These computers store data. SQL is a way of storing data inside computers, retrieve them, query them. SQL is not the only way of storing data, a lot of proprietary databases use non-sql databases. Simply, using relational databases allow writing down complex programs on big computers. Non-SQL programming on small computers some years ago needed a lot of science in order to achieve correct response times. By the way, you probably missed it a few lines above in the present topic, kgd2006 explained you where to look for the info : you should really have a look at that document, it's clear and rather complte, it's a good starting point before going back to school.
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