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Everything posted by yordan

  1. OK, you should master three different items.1) Ad-Aware is a spyware remover. It does correctly it's job, and you are right you must use this, because you always need a spyware remover. Unfortunately, it acts only on sypwares, it does not take care of viruses. 2) AVG is a virus remover. You need a virus remover. AVG is free, check the today version to see if you can support it. I think if it tells you that you have a virus, it's a good thing, you know that you have a problem aind you know on which file this problem is related. It's better than nothing, sometimes you don't know that you have a virus and you do nothing. If I knew I had a virus and my antivirus could not remove it, I could look for a specific virus remover, or re-format my hard disk. 3) You also need a firewall, in order to prevent people from outside entering your system without being invited. These external people or processes are neither viruses neither spywares, you need a firewell in order to block them. Zone-alarm has a free version which is rather correct, better than nothing. Of course, if you have money, you could by an integrated environment, like Mc Afee sells one, doing everything : anti-spyware, anti-virus and firewall. Unfortunately, their trial version is free only during one month, then you have to buy the full version.
  2. I love portraits photography. And I think that from each "normal" person you could have a very nice picture. Of course, sometimes you have to try several times (sometimes several tens of times). When the portrait is nice, I'm proud to show it.If not, I simply hide it somewhere on my own PC, waiting for the next occasion of taking a nice picture.
  3. There are two ways of thinking.1) You suppose that it's a software problem. Let's see if it's a real software problem. Try to boot several times from a ms-dos disquette, or on a Knoppix Linux CD. If you have no problem with ms-dos or with Knoppix, this means that your Windows has a problem and has to be repaired (several solutions, we will see furtherly).2) Let's suppose there is a hardware problem. I suspect a newly added device which really has a bad IRQ.Then, I would suggest to open the box, and remove everything not mandatory(only leave the disks, CD's, keyboard, video adapter and that's all). Try powering up several times.If you have no problem with the vary basic configuration, add one device (let's say Ethernet adapter) and try again. If this still works, add another adapter (let's say the USB mouse). and try again. Untill you see the problem ocuring again, then remove the last added device, you found the faulty device.
  4. What kind of nice way of teaching how to correctly speak english !
  5. Did you notice that Xisto is not in the list of tiki friendly hosts ? This list is here : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  6. Nicely seen. This is the main difference between a tutorial and a step-by-step.A tutorial is here in order to make you think and learn. If you have to think more than necessary, it's even better. A step-by-step would be a list of things you should do and which will always word. So, the present topic is a tutorial. Unfortunately, the word "idiot" appears in the title, so you should not have to think by yourself when you read this tutorial.
  7. Sorry, but I definitively do not accept this kind of words.Here we are on the Earth, most of gases are two : 20% Oxygen and 80% Nitrogen, and some very few other ones. So, there is no "cold" or "hot" thing.We could imagine that some type of pollution (deleting the Ozone layers) could increase the temperature ; and some other pollution (mainly solid particles coming when coal is burning) hide the sun rays and make a "cold" effect.I know that real life is a balance of several factors in our biotope.But I will not accept this words of "cold gas" and "hot gas" balance.Sorry, but if you have no better arguments, you should stop talking about this subject.
  8. I would say, let's first try to eliminate the hardware component option.I would like to suggest that you boot on the Knoppix disk, and see if you see a "normal" screen with "normal" colours, and if you are able to connect to the web with mozilla. If this works, then you have no hardware problems, and all you have to do is using software means to solve your software problem.
  9. yordan

    Hi Ya'll

    Nice job, John. I like your style, I like the design of your sites. Except one word in the title, the word placed after "Elite Tutorials, Downloads and..." Yordan
  10. yordan

    Hi Ya'll

    Hi, John, welcome back here.Did you personnally design the site your friend is currently hosting, or did you have the job done by someone else ?
  11. Let's see if an admin is around here, and let's ask this admin have a look and see if the account has been partly created. If I suppose correctly, then an admin will have to first delete the account, and then you will be able to create the account again.
  12. I use CutePdf. As far as I understand, PrimoPDF works the same way.When you install it, it installs an additional printer.So, you open your document the same way as usual (with Notepad or with a brower or with Microsoft Excel Viewer, anything you neeed to see your file), and you print it, choosing th CutePdf printer.So, it works like a printer.If your document has a picture, the picture is in the pdf file.Unfortunately, it also works like a printer concerning the modification feature : a printer is supposed to add nothing to a document. So, you have your pd file, but you cannot edit it to add things.So, it's a converter, converting to pdf. It's not a pdf editor, you cannot change a previously created document.
  13. The concept is really attractive.Maybe some details could import ?How big will the screen be ? How load will the loudspeakers be ?I imagine my son watching a heavy metal show in the classrom...
  14. Nice !Than's right, it works fine.No trouble, no data lost, everything transparent from user point of view!Thanks and congrats to our admins!
  15. No problem, it's a joke. In fact we are really patient because our hosted site have no problems.Unfortunately, we also want to show that we are active, that's why we post as soon as we see something. So, don't take it bad. Take it cool, be cause Niran an I take it cool. You know, sometimes we are happy being the customer, instead being the system administrator having to solve all the problems.
  16. Unofortunately, it's not available in my WinXP Pro SP2.Maybe there is trick in order to make it available, wich seems strange because it's a command line statement.
  17. I have the same problem. My cpanl accepts my login and password, and then I have an error message saying : @buffalo : could you try 'df -kI /" to see if really / is running out of space ?
  18. This is a Win2k shortcut, it does not work with windows XP. The tweak trick has this advantage. Your still have several users, each user has a password, the screensaver has a password, so everything is secured. Simply, the default user is asked no password at boot time, exactly with the old "control userpasswords2" thing.
  19. that's right. Unfortunately, we did not solve the problem.
  20. Yes, I certify. I used the tweak provided by Niran and it works perfectly. Thanks again, Niran.
  21. Sorry, I don't really like most of them. This is a kind of art some people appreciate.Unfortunately I don't.
  22. And, of course, do not forget my very nice tutorial which gives step-by-step instructions exactly for that : My tutorial is here : http://forums.xisto.com/topic/90536-topic/?findpost=1064350523
  23. Thanks, Niran. I love your congrats, really nice job ! And what I love is that, the number of posts appearing will continuously vary (I hope) changing to 1001, 1002, etc.. and the comments will stay fix (999, how ?) no problem for that, you are so helpful for us, I'm pretty sure your post count will grow very fast.
  24. Very nice summary, and thanks for the effort explaining thins which are supposed to be obvious.SQL stands for "simple query language", so everybody forgets that it has concepts, syntax and rules.
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