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Everything posted by yordan

  1. Yes, I have seen this topic. The same day Yordan was asked to switch from moderator to system admin.
  2. Thanks, Folks !Amigo Easy Video converter did the job. Strangely, the last version failed, but older versions (5.01) worked perfectly.Yordan
  3. Also the tutorials are listed in the "last topic" list, and they cannot be accessed until they are approved. So, now we have a nice and funny game. When a topic cannot be accessed, let's guess if it's a Staff-only topic, or if it's a tutorial. Bye the way, I hope that the closed topics are still readable. It's really interesting to see why a topic is closed, in order to avoid posting on the same subject and have a topic being closed.
  4. Tell us a little bit more, please.How do you want to use your modem ? In order to connect to the Inernet ? or in order to send faxes ? Is your Linux already installed on your PC ? Which LInux is it ?
  5. You could simply give each guy a serial associated to it's name and mail. Then, your program can ask your computer if this serial/name/mail correct. if it's in your file, your computer says "OK" (it could simple be "grep password |grep name |grep serial |wc -l"). If your computer says OK, the program is activated. (for instance receiving a necessary myfile.dll.If your computer says "NO", the fake dll file is not replaced by the correct one, and the program says "please ask a new registration from tansqrx.com
  6. The post title is "chinese version", so no translation seems to be provided. Or, the post title should be changed into "chinese version and english translation". By the way, Gavin, tobi is right. Our courtesy rules here on this forum ask you to speak english, in order to make yourself understood.
  7. Teaches something at least. So, useful for those (like me) who don't know how to do these things.
  8. And, precisely, the very first question was : which info has to be written and encrypted ? This info has to be related to the hardware on which it is installed.
  9. That's what I was thinking. However, this needs the computer to be on the public network, a standalone machine will not be able to connect to the Sql database.
  10. Inspired, maybe not. But we know something about you now. Welcome aboard, Kyro.
  11. Has the computer to be on the Internet network in order the software to be used ? Or has it to be able to work even when disconnected from the network ?
  12. What is helm ? High Energy Leverage Microbes ?Or are you using the "HELM - Historic Environment Local Management : HELM " from http://www.HistoricEngland.org.uk/advice/planning/local-heritage/helm-redirect ?
  13. or two 500 gig drives ? One internal and one in the USB box ?
  14. Why PS ?PS is not the only available program ?Are you talking about altering pictures ? Or creating images from scratch ? Then, this shouls rather be named "Image creation" instead of PS, according to people using other softwares.Unless I missed something ?
  15. Most of the spammer's mails I receive these days come from fake address, or even from other people's personal address. Causing these latter stolen personal address mailboxes denial of service would be rather unfair and probably fully unlegal...
  16. By the way, yes, there is a way you can use it harmless. Open a dos prompt window, and type "chkdsk c:" (or chkdsk d: depending if your file is on C: or D: or E:) It will tell you "you did not provide the /f flag, I will only look without reparing". No problem, let it look, and if it says "no errors", then chkdsk is not the solution. If it finds a problem, run it again with the /f option, like this : chkdsk d: /F sometimes it's useful, sometimes not.
  17. Booting on the Knoppix CD also helps.You are under windows then, having less problems. You click on your Windows partition, choose mount, choose switch to write-enabled mode, go to your folder, choose your file and choose "delete". Probably the Linux file manager will have no problem deleting this corrupted file.The only reason I see for being really definitively unable to delete the file would be a physical corrupted sector on the disk, then, only a disk format would be able to recover the error.Regardsyordan
  18. putfile.com is really good.You have your account where you master everything you want.When you uplaod a picture you have the BBC codes for forums, or for your website.You decide if each image is private or public (my Xisto tutorials images are private images for my Xisto topic only, my public images are organized in albums which can be seen at putfile.com/myname/myalbumchosennname.
  19. Some other servers are easier to setup for your PC.Try downloading and installing easyphp.It will install and automatically configure the web server, the database and a php environment, and phymyadmin which will help you create the dabases and their users.
  20. I agree.Mainle, I see what ++i is (it changes i to i+1). I would like to know what += means. if a=-1, += applied to a makes it change to -2 or to 0 ?
  21. I'm still makin errors in my current days of database administrating. After ten years experience. Is there a hope of improvement ? Or isn't making errors part of human behaviour ? Personnally, I think that a normal person makes 5 % errors : If you type 100 instructions, there are five lines with errors. The difficult part of the game is finding where the errors are.
  22. What about trying here : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ There is a "kontakt" link, there should be possible to contact them and ask them for the drivers. Or probably download directly here : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ ----------- ouch ! wutske was faster today, and directly gave the international download link, mine is german !
  23. Really nice job, I like it.Maybe you should try to make it smaller, on my computer it loads slowly.
  24. Depends from the operating system.Some versions include some controllers drivers, and some others need to install the drivers.Which Operating System are you using ? windows XP ? windows98 ?RegardsYordan
  25. That's right, but this break should be going outside and have some minutes of fresh air.Which is still quite free and healthy. The university could imagine not having to buy computers and pay for bandwidth for people who want to play. If you want to play, you are supposed to buy your own computer and have your own internet account, or go to a cybercafe. Public school money has to go precisely where it's necessary for students education, and I imagine that paying some extra teochers should be a better investment than buying internet bandwidth for playing games or going to comics sites "almost not" concerned by extra-school activity.
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