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Everything posted by yordan

  1. Hi, I think the question was something like : "from a practical point of view, what should I do ?" If you have enough credits, you should simply fill the form asking for an account creation. The form you have to fill up is here : http://forums.xisto.com/topic/82651-topic/?findpost=1064294591 Hope this helps Yordan
  2. Thanks for the link. It works nice! Even from CD ! So I can use it anywhere, even on computers where I can't install anything ! Very useful !I wil try inclduding it in my Windows Live-CD.
  3. Hi, welcome on board.I sincerely think you found here a quality host. Juste hope you will enjoy it.
  4. Loading lasts too much on my PC. When you have a site, you should consider making it smaller for fast loading.
  5. The astronmes can measure the speed of the galaxy. And they see that they are not simply floating or moving all toward the same direction, all of them are moving far off a center, that's why they say our univerese is expanding, and not having pariticles randomly moving. You know, random moving in gases or liquids are known behaviour, and the stars and galaxies have a different behaviour.
  6. Yes, t3jem, you correctly expressed what I was also thinking.I think there are only three possibilities :The Universe may only be :. static. expanding. shrinking There is no evidence for the universe to be static, seems that all distances are increasing. If it were shrinking, of course at one moment all the materials in the universe would finally be in a single point, and the collision of all these giant objects would give a huge amount of energy similar to the big bang some theories imagined. And when the energy of the initial big bang will be exhausted, gravitationnal forces will impulse a universe shrinking, finally leading to another big bang. Infortunately, even if I am right, I will for myself not last enough to verify my theory, I will probably not be able to see several occurencies of the big bang.
  7. I thought Linux was future. Until I saw this strange sentence during my last test : "Your wifi adapter needs a proprietary driver. this driver is part of the paid Linux distro". So, the trick is really stupid : I learn how to use Linux, I like it because it's free, and then the drivers I need are part of a version that is no more free. And of course, the source drivers can be compiled but they need the kernel sources rpms which also are not part of the free version... So, I really feel that I will go back to Windows if it's cheaper that the paid version of Linux.
  8. You don't really need to mount them on the same folder.I suppose that you want both of them to be mounted at the same time, and do copy-paste from the first one to the second one ?The, mount the first one on /mnt/oneAnd mount the second one on /mnt/twoAnd then, use a symbolic link to the real directory. CONSOLE ln -s /home/myreal_folder /mnt/two The, when you want to youse /home/myreal_folder you will use the first disk.If you prefer switch to the first folder, just typeCONSOLE unlink /home/myreal_folder ln -s /home/myreal_folder /mnt/one Hope this helpedYordan
  9. Vujsa told that he could help us if after reading his post we were still unable to do it, so tell us if you are successful. Yordan
  10. re-coding is simply the default value, you simply have to change it.Go to "video" in Virtualdub, and choose "direct copy". Then go to "Audio" and choose "direct copy". And then VirtualDub will split the movie without re-compressing it, it goes very fast. Also, look if there are keyframes in your movie, don't split in a random place, there is an option "go to the next keyframe" in order to choose the beginning or the end of the splitted part.
  11. I choose my preferred language when installing Mandriva. Isn't it the case with other distros ?
  12. I'm not familiar with Ubuntu. I do this kind of things with Mandrake of Mandriva.It should be the same kind of problem and the same solution on all distros, just try my way, it's not harmful as long as you do not clik "format the hard disk".With Mandrake or Mandriva, and probably with Ubuntu, you boot on the first install CD (or on the install DVD), choose "install or update", then choose "update", it verifies a lot of things and you see "installing the bootloader". Choose to put the boot loader on your first disk, and everything should go fine.Hope this helped.Yordan
  13. If you are not logged in, you cannot save the picture to your computer. You can only save a html page. Of course, if you save this html page to your hard disk and edit the source code, you can extract the bare location of the picture, open this picture, and then save it to your computer. Honestly, I think that doing this needs more time than registering and using the registered user download mode.
  14. Yes, askin it in the dedicated place works fine. Simply, don't forget to be kind and humbly ask for ssh access, explaining why you need it. Then, remember that ssh will not work from everywhere. It works from my home, but at my office the firewall blocks the 22 port requests.
  15. Of course, Linux has these server, but nobody installs them. When I install a Linux workstation, I do not install the server rpms.
  16. French people pronouche it as *bottom*-key, and it's quite natural because it's the way in France words written that way are pronounced.
  17. You are a person, I am a computer.But nobody can be a computer person !
  18. You should read the other growing topic at Xisto talking about the fourth dimension, and travelling along the time axis.
  19. On our important production sites, each one of us should have efficient backup procedures, in order to recover from system crashes. There is no real system which is guaranteed free of crash possibility, so we should always be ready to recover from a disaster.As SI, backups is our job. When I forget backing up my own files, I cannot complain if they disappear, it's my responsability. By the way, of course, if Xisto is able to do some important migrations without any data loss, thank a lot, good job folks!
  20. This is also my preferred method, and my collegues are really impressed everytime I use it. Unfortunately, you may use it only for small file on a very stable network. If you loose your network before the end of your download, you have to restart from scratch.That's why it's useful using ftp clients like FileZilla. If you happen to loose the network or to be disconnected by the remote host, you see FileZilla reconnecting and countinuing the download from where it stopped. MoreOver, when downloading or oploading a filder with several files, you may ask FileZilla to open several connection, donwloading several files at the same time, which allows you to exchaust your internet bandwidth and make your download last less.
  21. Sorry, but what is UTC ? Unified Techical Collapsus ?
  22. Seems this is not due to blocked programs, but due to blocked sites. Isn't everytime the same host or the same domain blocked ?
  23. I also saw this on a Xisto's forum post, and I'm still looking back to it. Also look here, Vujsa suggests a very nice way on a server having php like yours : http://forums.xisto.com/topic/91231-topic/?findpost= Yordan
  24. Not sure. I had often had battery problem on the computer clock, and the date and time simply disappeared at each system powerdown. And no BIOS halt due to checksum failure, because it's not a checksum error or a fatal error, it's only a local time possible error, but we could also really be January 1st 1970, so the hardware has to be able to boot today.
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