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Everything posted by yordan

  1. Hi, pumbles, welcoma aboard.
  2. So, you have your answer, Mysql is the best choice for the database.Now comes the question you did not ask : how to build a social networking site. You are familiar with dreamweaver 8, that's a good point. However, Dreamweaver will only create the html pages. You need something more in order to make your website be a social networking site. How do you imagine such a site ? Is this organized around a forum ? Or did you already think about something more relevant ? Yordan
  3. Wow !At least thanks for the main info.I joust bought three Western Digital disks.Now, I know that I should never do that, buying anything else would have been a better choice.
  4. Hi, man, welcome aboard.Just a little warning, isn't it a little bit dangerous, when you run with scissors ?
  5. Remember that you must have at least 10 credits before applying for the starter package. If you don't have the credits when applying, your request will be denied, and you will have to apply again when you have all the necessary credits.
  6. Wile goggling around (https://www.google.fr/search?hl=fr&q=online+monopoly&meta=&aq=f&oq= ) I found this : http://boardgames.about.com/od/ which lead me here : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Don't know if the info is still valid, but seems great.
  7. I guess you are talking about this topic : http://forums.xisto.com/topic/95986-topic/?findpost=1064393013 ? Well, maybe also the tutorial specification page was not clear enough. This means that, at creation time, the topic exists, but can only be seen by moderators and administrators, until it has been approved. Before approval, the topic is still in the "new topic" list (where it should be, because it's a new topic) but you cannot see it because you don't have permissions on this topic.So, the error message is somehow confusing, the error message should not say "sorr, error", it should say "sorry, not approved yet". However, this problem occurs only on "not approved yet" tutorials, so, once you know the trick you are not trapped any more. By the way, that's a way of knowing if your approval is still pending : bookmark this link, and as soon as your tutorial will be approved, it will replace the error message.
  8. Sorry, I didn't understand the step3-Step4 part. Probably the drawings are not enough for a newbie. And of course a non-newbie does not need this tuto.
  9. You could imagine using the AuthUserFile authentication instruction in in the .htaccess file. These instructions tell the Apache server to use the user passwords you have define using the password generated by the htpasswd command. See for instance here http://bignosebird.com/apache/a10.shtml
  10. rahulappe, I appreciate the effort you made in order to quote the copied text. However, you should use the correct syntax. There are two ways : 1) The easiest way is to use the "wrap in quote tags" (four blocks left to the smiley tool). 2) You can also manually use the quote tags, but the correct syntax ends with and it begins with
  11. Maybe it's somehow confusing, but the you posted your topic in the forum section " Free Web Hosting > Computers & Tech > How-To's and Tutorials > Graphics and Animation > Vray/3dsmax Tutorials"However, the topic you wrote is not really a tutorial, it looks like an invitation to post a tutorial request.That's why I moved it here.RegardsYordan
  12. Here http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ can be found the definitions of these options. For instance :
  13. Hi, Tanimoto. You posted your topic in the "tutorial" section of your forums. This is not a tutorial, your topic seems closer to a call for help on a networking problem. That's why I moved your topic here, in order to make it visible and allow people answering it. Now, concerning your technical problem, I would like to have more info. I would like to know where the problem is coming from. Could you please try to ping one of the hosts you are familiar with ? Simply ping one of the hosts you added in the host file. Please try these three tests : 1) ping one host by it's name in the hosts file. For instance, in a cmd command line window, type "ping http://forums.xisto.com/;'>http://forums.xisto.com/; (without the quotes of course). Tell us if this ping is successful, this means that the name is correctly resolved. 2) ping the host by it's IP address in the hosts file (for instance "ping 208.87.blah.blah" (replace blah's by the exact numbers). This will show us if you have physical access to the site. 3) Open Firefox and in the URL field don't type http://forums.xisto.com/ but put the IP address. This will tell us if your gateway is correct and if the routing works correctly. Regards Yordan ------------- P.S. maybe it would also wise if you could fix the "Hi all" thing in your post, it would show out nicer.
  14. You probably forgot to quote the parts copied from http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I did this for you. Next time, please remember to quote the text you copy from somewhere else. You initially posted this topic in the "tutorial" forums. Please remember the rules for the tutorial, namely : This post is not a tutorial, it's far below the 500 words threshold. That's why I moved it here, where is most probably it's place.Regards Yordan
  15. This is typical from the Open World. Linux (and more generally Unix) is the basis of the Open World.In this world, if you ask two gurus the same question, you have two different answers. So, let me give my own answer, different from the previous ones. I would recommend Mandriva for a guy starting up on Linux. Especially if he has Wifi networking.
  16. Inside the url box, you remove the three letters www and you type "yourname.astahost.com/cpanel" (without the quotes).Of course, you don't really type "yourname", you type your site name, maybe it's Maxfelgar
  17. You will still have to use a pendrive in order to pass information to your colleagues.Also, a laptop is more exposed to shocks than a desktop, this means that you should use a pendrive at least every day in order to have a backup of all your data in case of broken or stolen laptop problem. So, a laptop computer does not make you free from using a pendrive.
  18. Hi, shotgun,Your topic is not a tutorial, that's why it should not be in our tutorial forum.I moved it here, where it's most probable place.RegardsYordan
  19. Have a look here http://forums.xisto.com/topic/95959-topic/?findpost=1064392707 concerning some trouble you could imagine with flash. As usually, you will have first to install flash on your system (the exact way depends from the distro you have) and then you will have to include flash in your browser (depending from the browser you use, konqueror or FireFox for instance).
  20. OK, temporarily forget the sudo. Concerning the shutdown command, I would have a look that way :1) type :su - root(You will be prompted for the root password). This will give you the full root environment and administrative rights for the rest of your command line session.2) Have a look to verify that shutdown is available, type :type shutdown(Yes, you must key the words "type shutdown", this will show you where the "shutdown" command currently is.3) Type the following command :shutdown -g 0 now -h(I don't know the -P option in shutdown, I use mines.) This should power down the system.
  21. alex198555, you posted your topic in the tutorial section, and it is not really a tutorial. That's why I moved your topic here, where is it's most probable place.Regards Yordan
  22. Nice intro. I hope that you will write down the rest of the contents very soon. Else, this would not really be a tutorial...
  23. That's good news. I am rather familiar with Ethernet being available only in expensive hotels, or being expensive in cheap hotels. And till now I thought the only way for accessing Internet was paying a lot of money for ADSL on your private wired phone line.This means that big communities make efforts for offering Internet for free, so that poor people can access it.
  24. No problem, I added the missing A. Yordan
  25. You're fully right. This costs nothing : only the time for burning the CD and waiting until it boots.Then you will have a Linux, with very few efforts. This will allow you to taste the Genoo look and feel. After that, I would suggest you to "taste" the following : . Knoppix . Mandriva You must really try these two. Knoppix because it's the most popular LiveCD today, and Mandriva because it's my favorite Linux distro, so if you trust me you must taste it.
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