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Everything posted by yordan

  1. No, this does not really help. First of all, because now the post number 4 is the following : Yes..I agree with all above. This logo is not looking professional. It just looks like some hobby logos we make. The main drawback is the colors and their variations you have chosen in No Ads Free Web Hosting. And the font is not also looking professional. But nice effort. If you try changing the font and colors you can make a great logo. You have that potential.Secondly because the most efficient way to show us a spammed post is to click the "!REPORT" button at the bottom right of the concerning post. This is a fast and efficient way because the system opens a lot of blinking red lights everywhere making mods react immediately.
  2. Sorry, I had a long working day, that's probably why it seems that I am already sleeping.The syntax is almost correct, simply one "\" is missing. The syntax is : net use * \\192.XXX.YYY.3\shareddocumentsI told you \ instead of \\ "net use" means "please Mister Network use" "*" means "the next available disk drive" instead of specifying "net use g:" or "net use W:" \\IPaddress stands for "The server at the IPaddress" and "\shareddocuments" is the name of your shared place. Really sorry, usually my colleagues immediately correct my mistyping...
  3. Ghosh ! I see that you were writing during the time when I was also writing.But now the problem is different, it's not a complicated network problem, it's a simple "firewall instructions" problem on each system.Did you try the "net use" test ?With and without the firewall ?
  4. OK, now I see.No problem with the 192.XXX, you can give me full IP addresses here. I would like that you do something more. So, if I understand correctly, the laptop can ping the desktop. And the desktop cannot ping the laptop (please correct me if I understand things the wrong way, because I hate Laptop/desktop saying, I would prefer master/slave, the master having the files and the slave wanting to use the files). I guess it's a firewall problem. On the system which refuses the ping, can you please the firewall checkings ? Just remove disable the firewall during a couple of minutes and retry the "ping" test. Another possibility could be that your home network is very busy, or you have a wifi distance problem. So, for clearly understang things, you could place the wifi system close to your wifi router. Now, from the laptop, the one which succeeded pinging, do the following : 1) retry "ping 192.xxx.x.2" from a command line box. 2) if the ping is successful, in the same command line box type net use * \192.xxx.x.2\sharedfolder(I assume that you have on the 192.xxx.x.2 a shared folder named "sharedfolder", in my command line syntax replace the work "sharedfolder" by the name you gave to your shared folder, probably "tmp" or "today" or something meaningful to yourself. If the "net use" is successful, this means that you can use the shared folders. When the "ping" problem will be solved the other way, the sharing will also be possible the other way. Please confirm that you did these tests and tell us the results. Regards Yordan
  5. File sharing is the last part of a home (or office) network configuration. When everything else is fine, file sharing is OK without any effort. So, we need to understand a little bit more.Maybe I missed something important from your explanation ? Are your two computers on the same network through the same router ? Are both of them able to go to the Internet ?Please tell us what you see when, in a command prompt, you type "ipconfig".Tell us that in a hidden form (lie 208.XX.YYY.219) don't give the intermediate digits because it's obviously not safe to fully tell your real IP on a public topic.And after you have written the IP=208.XXX.YYY.something address of both your systems, tell us what you have if, from each system, you issue a ping command to the other system. For issuing the ping command, you go on the first system and you type "ping 208.XXX.YYY.ZZ" (the first PC pings the IP address of the second one). And then on the second PC ping the IP address of the first one.
  6. OK, I prefer that one.however, just from Xisto forum point of view, it would have been better adding this post to your previous topic, instead of opening a new topic on the same subject.Be careful, some admins around here don't appreciate double posting.
  7. I greatly prefer the blue version.
  8. Maybe it's a little bit flashy ?And, maybe you should reduce it's size ? It seems too big compared to the length of your posts. Or maybe you could start writing longer posts ? -------------------P.S. By the way, please no comment on my own sig : do what I say, don't say what I do.
  9. If you post it the "Other" forum, in the "gaming" --> "Adventure and RPG Games" it should be accepted, provided that you put the code between the "code" tags.
  10. There is a phpbb3 - Joomla1.5 BridgeRead this : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  11. And of course, remember, downloading commercial movies like "Final Fantasy VII" is strongly forbidden by law in most of modern countries, and is against our forum rules. Except if this movie was made by your cousing, with his own camera, filming his dogs playing in your garden ? Home-made movies can be upladed and shared freely, all other ones are not.
  12. Two different problems, to be managed in two different ways. First of all, when you see message such as yours you should immediately take a piece of paper and write down the name of the virus. Norton gives the name of the virus near the words "virus detected"with the name of the virus, you can go to the internet (from another computer, a healthy one) and look what is this virus, what are it's symptoms and how to get rid of it. Secondly, if you use WPE PRO, be careful with where you are downloading it from. Some people put hacked version of some programs, containing viruses or trojans. So, maybe WPE PRO is not a dangerous program if used correctly, but maybe you downloaded a corrupted or dangerously modified version. By the way, here is what is said concerning WPE PRO here : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ So, clearly, it is a hacking tool. When it runs it's able to modify a process running in memory. This is rather dangerous for most of programs. That's why Norton prevents you from running this program, this is part of it's advanced protection job !
  13. Sorry, I cannot accept this. There are two possibilities : 1) You know what you are doing, you step-by-step tried your thing, you write a tutorial, and the guys who read your tutorial obtain exactly the effect you describe. 2) What you say does not work, and your post goes directly to the "spam" folder, and of coursed you loose all the credits illegally obtained by your spam post. So, you are kindly pleased to review your tutorial, reproduce on a test machine the steps you are describing, and, if something is wrong, correct your text.
  14. I had this problem during the nicely hot summer in Paris. I had to open my computer box, and then I put my living-room fan (the big thing which is 30 centimeters in diameter) in front of my PC and then I had no problem. That's partly true. A single current software cannot use the full power of a duo. However, if you open your Mozilla window for writing down your webmail while you are downloading in a second window, this will use the two cpu's of a Core 2 duo.And if you happen to read my next tutorial concerning Oracle RAC self-training (this tuto is in my head and will slowly go down until my fingers on the keyboard) you will use the 4 cpu's of your Core 2 quad. Simply remember, a current single application cannot use several cpu's. However, Oracle is able using several cpu's without problems. And, in real life, a standard geek does several things at the same time (writing down on a keyboard inside one window, compiling inside another window, compressing a movie in the third window, running a batch shrinking his holidays pictures to 640*800 in the third window), each action being able to overload a single cpu. So, yes, a program cannot overload a cpu, but the tens of running windows on my own computer are able to. Mainly, I will need an extra cpu for the virus analysis, a second one for ad-aware and spybot, and the third one will defrag my C: disk
  15. Bonjour, TehJohn, bienvenue parmi nous. Welcome aboard, TehJohn, I hope you will enjoy your hosting here. I acknowledge this being a not-spam post because it's in the Introductions forum, and you are introducing your self as a non-spammer. You are also introducing yourself as an experienced java developper, we first trust you but we are waiting for you to show us your work in the "Website Review (No post counts) " forum.
  16. Hi, Falguni.Ganatra, Thanks for the info. You first posted your text in the Tutorial section of our forum. Just a small detail. Please have a look at the "Tutorial Specifications" as expressed here : http://forums.xisto.com/topic/6-forum/ Namely, your post does not meet the first specification : Your topic is far below this 500 words threshold, that's why I moved it here.Also, when you post some code examples, don't forget to wrap them between "code" tags, this makes your text more easy to understand for standard people. I did the "code" tags job for you, please do it by yourself next time. By the way, what is Vtigercrm ? "Virtual Tiger Customer Removable Material" ?
  17. At least congrats for the job, this is an important milestone in real life.
  18. However, does this version still work with Windows XP ?
  19. This guy is already in your contact list because you already sent him mails.You already talked with him using google talk, the keyboard-only chat interterface. So, adding video is only one step ahead. And if you hardly know this guy, simply refuse his chat, and remove him from your contact list. This is not really intrusive, you are fully free. Exactly like a letter the postman put in your mailbox in front of your house, nobody forces you to read this letter nor answer it, everything is your own choice.
  20. I would also try removing all the box doors. If the box is fully open, the overheat should be less active. You could even try blowing with something external (like a newspaper) when the box is open, refreshing the hard disk. If the problem still occurs, that would mean that the Entheone version is correct, you have an electrical power problem and not an overheating problem.
  21. Did you try this ? I saw the "new video chat" button appearing on top of my gmail main page, I did not try it yet (because I have no webcam and no speaker on my current PC)
  22. OK, it's a free webhosting site without ads, with 1 gig disk which is enough for a lot of people.And of course, you should first watch the look and feel of the hosted sites, which is the most important for the hosted sites visitors, visitors see your own professionalism as expressed in your own index.html file.
  23. Hi, carlos, welcome aboard.
  24. I guess that the (free) gmail thing is the facility offered by gmail to a domain owner to have their mail hosted by google. As the owner of the domain, if the domain is hosted at Xisto, you use your Xisto control panel (MX entries) to describe your mail settings, explicitly designating the google mailservers as your main mail servers (ASPMX.L.GOOGLE.COM, ASPMX2.GOOGLEMAIL.COM, etc...)And I guess that the other offers are these where your mail servers are Xisto ones (gamma.xisto.com as mailserver, mail.yoursubdomain.astahost.com as outgoing mail server).
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