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Everything posted by yordan

  1. Stay with us, they should come back soon
  2. OK, that's why you don't remember my name, I was mainly posting on Astahost!
  3. Nope. Same username.Were you a trap user?
  4. Some of them are back. Nevertheless, private peple can't change their public IP address, this address is defined by the ISP, and could be a fixed one or a temporary one changing once a day or once a week. If you have several computers on a private network you can define the IP address of each one of your computers, but this address will be reachable only from the other computers in your network, and will not be your internet IP address.
  5. Hi, Jolina, If the phone has to be rooted first, it's not a simple operation. Rooting for newbies is a dangerous action, does not work correctly from each PC, so it could definitely destroy your android and you will have to bring it back to store for repair. By the way, the link you mentionned seems false, I think it should have no "https://" in front of it, I guess that the site does not have a redirection from https:// to http:// Regards Yordan
  6. yordan

    Forum Alone

    And some good times this winter as well
  7. OK, however the topic subject is "how can I connect my PC to the Internet by means of a cellphone?" Some devices allow this and it's easy, some other devices allow this but your phone operator does not allow you to do this, so it's not possible. I know that some Chinese cell phones don't have the local limitations, so if you buy such a cell phone you can use it as an access point, and provide wifi connection for your friend's PC's, which is very useful if you want to share a text or some pictures. However, this is not always easy to be performed, obviously some people couldn't achieve this and ask the question. So, if possible, could somebody answer the question ? How can we connect a PC to the Internet if an Internet connection is available on a cellphone?
  8. So, the question is "how can I do this?" and your answer is "you don't need it". I think that this is not a technical answer, this is a philosophical act of faith.
  9. Nice. notepad++ for writing the code, and checking with the browser if it really gives the predicted result. I agree, it's probably the best way, having a clean code and checking it as final check or slight adjust.
  10. Cross-browser is a very strong key point. So often I have seen some professional sites warning "firefox only", or other ones which cannot be seen on android tablets. The problem is that, in real life, a lot of browsers are used. IE6 is still there because some old personal computers don't have a lot of memory and cannot (and should not) be upgraded. And when people buy an android device today, the default browser is usually chrome. So quite a wide panel of browsers, and each of them should work (my grand-mother should be able to see my children's pictures, as fluently as my cousins!
  11. I would like to tell some friends/parents/cousins that creating a web page is something easy. You do prefer hand coding, this is not an easy startpoint for non-developers. It's easy to tell a friend "write down your nice text page, and when you like it's look and feel, save it in html format and that's all". Some years ago I told people "use Microsoft Word for creating your page and modify it using FrontPage", this allowed them to create their own pages and quickly modify them. Today I have to use other words. But I definitely cannot tell my neighbours to type "vi index.html" and don't forget ":wq!" So I have to find a new way to show how accessible the open world is. And I'm pretty much convinced that saying "learn Wordpress" or "learn Dreamweaver" is not the best approach. Moreover, "lean html5" is far worse!
  12. If you are in a hurry, what do you use in order to write a very simple html page, with standard font and maybe a couple of pictures or a backgournd image? Of course, nearly anything works. Some years ago I used the things coming with the Microsoft Office environment, mainly FrontPage, but even Microsoft Word was able to save my text as a html file. Also KompoZerPortable seems very useful in such simple cases, It has everything needed (text size, background coulour and background images) for simple cases, and it's a portable version so no installation needed. And I love the "source" tab, which helps me learning html.. Of course, for more complex cases, Notepad++ is still there... And you, how do you do this kind of things? Do you use a tool? Or do you directly start with a plain text editer like Notepad?
  13. Why not? If the topic is still interesting, could be useful to wake it up, bringing new ideas. I always had poor cheap hardware, so voice-to text gave rather disapointing results on my devices. The advertisements say that it works well, seems that saying "please find a bakery around here" would make a smart smartphone show me where to buy my bread. Unfortunately, every time I made this kind of test, the written texts off my own words are not the words I was thinking about. Of course, this could be a philosophical topic : While I am speaking, do people ear the words I am wanting to pronounce? Maybe I think something and my mouth say something else? Or I say something the facing person ear something else? Nevertheless, when I think something and want to say it, the speech-to-text writes something different ! Of course, this behaviour could be due to the fact that I test only free softwares, maybe commercial softwares work fare better. However, I can't test commercial softwares without paying them, I don't want to pay something just for testing, and I don't want to pay for a software which writes down a text I am able to write with my fingers on a keyboard Maybe I will change my wind when I will not have a real 102-keys keybord and have only and Android keyboard, which is very poor from productivity and accuracy whil I am the person using it.
  14. yordan

    Back On Facebook

    Yay! Facebook works again! I used to connect to facebook using the facebook app on my android tablet. Since several weeks, didn't work any more! Crashed each time I clicked on any icon, contact or last news! Fortunately, since the last update of the Facebook android app, it works again, no more crashes! To bad, I have been able to spend several weeks without Facebook, now I will fall in the hole again
  15. OK, why not? However, the guy who says that this is the wrong section is supposed to have moved it somewhere else, so that it's in the devoted section.
  16. OK, in case of emergency, there is a word my dog learned : STOP! Sometimes it works. Fortunately most of the cats walk far away from my home, so there was no know occasion of catching a cat
  17. yordan

    Pet Peeve

    Such is world. If you don't like google, you should not use their search engine. If you want to ask google a question, you should accept that he asks to know something from your computer. Unfortunately, private search engines organizations did not survive, very few people accepted to pay in order to look for some info.
  18. Some layout changes and content moves have unwanted side-effects. Juste open a ticket at XistoSupport for that connection failing, they should fix it quickly
  19. I agree with Iniyila I let google put things in my spam folder and leave them there until they disapear, unless I am waiting for a special mail and, yes, it often goes to spam. The things I'm sure I don't want, I make a filter on the sender or on words inside the subject ("your new car for free") with actions "mark as read" and put in the "delete_this" folder. once a year, I have a look at this "delete_this" folder, I didn't needed the mails inside it it so I can simply delete the whole thing and create an empty one for the future unwanted mails. Don't need to signal them as spams if they are not dangerous, some people may want to read such infos.
  20. The goal is clearly to share the experiences. So, you should not only use the vps or shared server, but first of all you should describe here your experience, and show what you learned, how you learned, and which benefits you obtained. For instance how you could manage to have both free surfing and safe surfing, anonymous and protected Internet usage.
  21. yordan

    Pet Peeve

    If you don't have gps, you can have paper maps? It's somehow old-fashioned, but it's still useful. On the paper map you look roughly where your goal is, and when you arrive near it, you ask people around there. Of course, you need to be able to speak English with people around you. Some guys don't like asking people where to go, they prefer ask their gps. Why not? Same thing playing chess or playing bridge, they play with a machine instead of playing with a human being, why not? And, of course, yes, google and Facebook do things you don't like. However, if you don't like google, simply don't use it! They give you some info's for free, and they get infos from you, that's the goal, such is life. I hate advertising, while I'm watching a movie on the TV I get ads for a brand new car I don't want to buy, or I am told to drink a beer while I would rather have a coke, such is life, when I'm tired I power off the TV.
  22. That's the most funny fact in coding situation. Please be patient, most of "big" bugs are solved, minor things are on their way. OpaQue wants to do a lot of things at the same time, sorry for disturbance.
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