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Everything posted by wutske

  1. It's probably a bit more complex to do (but it's better code than using tables), but it's doable with divs. First you need a main div that will hold your map, you must provide a width and height (eg. 1000 x 200) for it. Inside this div you'll make new div's, also with fixed sizes (eg 10x10). Using the css "position: relative", "top" and "left" properties, you can position your smaller div's inside the larger div. For example HTML <div id="map_container"><div class="mini_map" id="m11"></div><div class="mini_map" id="m12"></div><div class="mini_map" id="m21"></div><div class="mini_map" id="m22"></div></div> CSS #map_container { width: 20px; height: 20px;}div.mini_map { width: 10px; height: 10px; position: relative;}#m11 { top: 0px; left: 0px;}#m12 { top: 0px; left: 10px;}#m21 { top: 10px; left: 0px;}#m22 { top: 10px; left: 10px;} The CSS code is a bit complex. You could also use classes to position the divs <div id="map_container"><div class="mini_map top0 left0" id="m11"></div><div class="mini_map top0 left10" id="m12"></div><div class="mini_map top10 left0" id="m21"></div><div class="mini_map top10 left10" id="m22"></div></div> CSS #map_container { width: 20px; height: 20px;}div.mini_map { width: 10px; height: 10px; position: relative;}div.top0 { top: 0px;}div.top10 { top: 10px;}div.left0 { left: 0px;}div.left10 { left: 10px;} Do note that I kept the id parameter for the smaller div's, this way you can alter every div using for example javescript.
  2. wutske

    C++ & Vista

    It's not only the coding style that differs in Visual C++, Microsoft has added it's own set of functions and global variables which aren't available in gcc and other compilers. I also suggest getting Eclipse, it's bit tough to begin with, but once you know it you have an up to date SDK to work with
  3. Haha, touché . I do like the fact that opera is an all-in-one solution, it might consume more memory, but it definatly useses a lot less memory if you have only standalone apps.
  4. You can change the latency in the bios. The point of overclocking is indeed to up the speeds, but sometimes you can even achieve higher spees by reducing some stuff. A good example is the good old BH5 memory. It was one of the few memory chips that could achive 2.0-2-2-11 latencies (whereas most were stuck at 2.0-2-3-11). However, at 2.0-2-2-11 they couldn't achieve high frequencies. By lowering the latencies to 2.5-3-3-11 you could get close to 300Mhz (instead of 200), which was still a lot faster compared to 220Mhz 2.0-2-2-11. It's a matter of finding the right balance. //edit: the link works fine here. It's the first article (AMD Phenom In-Depth Performance Scaling Analysis) at http://www.madshrimps.be/
  5. Maybe you updated windows or your drivers 2 years ago. Updating windows might be a problem because I microsoft has pulled the supportplug for win98 a long time ago. Drivers should be available after registration at some dull driver-hosting website like driverguide.com
  6. Vistumbler: https://www.vistumbler.net/ InSSIDer: http://www.metageek.com/products/inssider/personal// Xirrus Wifi gadget: https://www.xirrus.com/ You need to look at the RSSI column
  7. Firefox runs on linux too and it has a way better support for flash (altough Flash 10 seems to work a hell lot better with Opera compared to the always crashing flash 9) . The thing with Opera is, either you like it or not, you just need to get to know it's powers and for some people it takes too long to find out how powerfull it is (and some people just like the mozilla add-on system with all it's useless add-on's that slow down the software )
  8. She just bought Nvidia dvd codecs ... it would be idiot to let her use free codes now.
  9. The best way to see what's best is to test this . The problem is to find a good benchmark that take the cpu and the memory in account (most synthetic test only stress on of the two). Futurmark PCMark Vantage is probably the best test. Btw. have you tried increase the memory latencies to get higher memory frequencies at 2.8GHz ? //edit: ps. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  10. It's a matter of optimizing. First you need to make code that is solid and does everything you want without errors. Then, one step at a time you start to optimize the codes and keep testing for errors. Supporting instruction sets like MMX/3DNow/SSEx, ... and maybe multiple cores can speed up things too.
  11. Well, it is an old system ... maybe it's just dying . Using Prime95 you can stess the CPU and memory (altough I suggest SuperPI for the memory) to see if those are the problem.
  12. Try updating your video drivers.
  13. 3/5 isn't bad, I wouldn't worry too much if the speed isn't affected. What you might try is turning the antenna in another direction, no omni-direction antenna is perfect and maybe you're sitting in it's weak spot. You also mentioned there's at least one wall between you and the router. Do note that extremely thick walls and walls with old power lines can weaken the signal significantly. //edit: ps. try monitoring the signal with some 3th party app (something like vistumbler). 3 bars out of 5 says nothing, what you want to know is the amount of attenuation (in dB). This usualy ranges from -20dB (extremely well) to -80dB (almost no connection)
  14. I have just noticed that Google has seriously updated the gmail adresbook. It appears to be that it almost completely supports the Outlook CVS file (btw. Thunderbird supports Outlook CVS files too, but matching the fields is a disaster) and that it's also capable of exporting the contacts as a VCF file, which Thunderbird seems to import fantastic.And no information is lost because unknown fields (like the birtday or someone's webpage) are placed in the contact's comment.So ... basicly I don't need a solution anymore (at least almost, cuz it seems to have some problems with the umlaut in België, but that probably has something to do with the coding scheme)
  15. A long time ago I installed Outlook 2003 because I needed it for synching my PDA. However, I came across some nice, platform independent, applications that can synch calendars and contacts with my pda using Mozilla Thunderbird. Considering I run both windows and linux, it would be great if I could move all my outlook data to thunderbird.So far I got the agenda exported using FreeMiCal and sucessfully imported it in thunderbird (and synched it with google calendar, something that was almost impossible in outlook ).Now I'm trying to export my contacts to thunderbird, but there are a few things that go wrong . For some reason it doesn't make a difference between home and work adress, it set both fields to the same values. Some other information like birthdays, photos, ... are gone too (there is a plugin that adds this information to the adressbook, but the information is not imported in thunderbird).So, does anyone know a free application that is up to the task of exporting moving my contacts correctly from outlook to thunderbird ?
  16. You know what they say, don't fix when it ain't broken. You could try uninstalling directx using this ( http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ ) tool and then looking for an old DX7 installer and see if that fixes the problem.
  17. It supported java when I started using it and that was 4 versions ago ! It is possible that the layout gets screwed up a bit, but that's usualy not opera's fault. Faulty code gives faulty layouts You could try to see if Opera 10 alpha does support your game.http://www.opera.com/computer/beta
  18. I agree that on linux pre-Opera 9.6 and pre-Flash 10 crashed all the time, but on windows flash works extremely well on Opera. No problems with Java and Javascript either (pres F12 in Opera and check whether "Enable Java" and "Enable Javascript" are enabled). Do note you need the install the latest JRE from Sun, otherwise Java won't work in Opera en FF. Java in IE does work because Microsoft ships it's OS with some kind of lightweight homebrewed JRE
  19. a quick look in the documentation revealed the magic code to start the gui JNode /> gcJNode /> startawt http://www.jnode.org/node/798 //edit: djees, this OS is slow
  20. Tried it myself, it's indeed very unstable and development seems stalled a bit. I don't have high hopes for this project, it took decennia and millions of manhours to develop the OSes like they are now (Vista, MacOS X and Linux 2.9) ... I don't think a small open source OS like reactos has a chance to become stable and fully operation .
  21. Hmm, I've checked out the video and I can't say it's very different from any other Linux-based OS. The only interesting fact is that you get a place to store your settings online, but again, most of these things are already available (Google apps and other stuff).
  22. I agree, the only ones I trust are Skype and Ekiga. If I want VOIP calls I definately use SkypeOut, most of my friends use it and I do trust Skype.Also, the download link doesn't work ...
  23. Mplayer en VLC player are probably the most stable players that can play almost any format. They may not be as user friendly as WMP or iTunes, but they are powerfull and lightweight.However, Windows Media Player is still one of the better player for windows imho, as long as you don't use any exotict formats or corrupt movie files I don't like Winamp and iTunes, both player are slow and bulky and are too commercial (especialy iTunes since it's an Apple product).
  24. https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT201295
  25. I don't think it matters if you pay with MyCents.Don't forget they also offer real payed services and if people don't pay they have to be able to send billing information and sue you if you don't pay . Don't forget that when you're working with real money that giving fake information is illegal !
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