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Everything posted by WeaponX

  1. This one definitely looks great. I saw this a short while back (I think at the TigerDirect front page). I like the 64bit chip and the specs listed there, but the price is not right for me though LOL. It's a fair price for it, but I would probably go with a Dell 600m instead (still waiting on whether I should get it since I still have this laptop working ).
  2. They probably have to pay me to use their products. I never liked any of their programs due to the stability issues that many users experience when using it. I mean it's great when it works, but if it starts bombing out on you, it can be a huge pain to fix it up (even uninstalling it gives you a migraine sometimes).So why do people buy it? Mainly because they think it's the best since it's more well-known than all the other competition out there like Grisoft AVG for one.
  3. I think it's related to the Prefetch feature in XP. What the prefetch folder does is that it contains a list of current programs that you run (frequently?). So basically if you run some program more often than others, Windows will give that a higher priority. The said program should load faster than usual. But there is a limit. If the prefetch folder gets too big, it can/will slow down Windows. So it's not a bad idea to empty out that folder from time to time.
  4. I think it's a good job. Recognized it immediately as that gollem creature. Definitely good color since it has a dark/creepy effect to it.
  5. Hi, I bought this printer off from eBay and the seller said that it works. The original problem I had was that it kept jamming halfway through a print job. It said something about a cartridge stall. So I opened up the printer and took out the cartridges and re-inserted them back in. Presto...no more jamming.Now the problem is that the print job goes through but I see nothing on my paper (it's still plain white). I checked the cartridges and they look ok to me. Lexmark program said that each of the cartridges has over 50% ink (one has around 70% I think). I tried doing a black and white copy job using this machine and the same thing happens, the copy is just a plain white paper.Does anyone know what's wrong here? I want to open up this printer before (since I couldn't figure out the jamming problem) but couldn't figure out how to. Seems like Lexmark sealed this puppy pretty tight (removed two screws inside, but won't budge at all).Thanks.
  6. Personally I never had problems with BestBuy before. I know BestBuy charge a lot for their "tech support", so maybe extra $30 was labor (whatever they did LOL). Tamer78Aly, so you're saying they install illegal software on the end-users computer? I don't think they can do this especially if they are a big company like BestBuy...but I guess anything can happen these days. I know you will dispute this bill, but check out the Norton Antivirus and SpySweepers licence/serial and call up Symantec and Webroot to check if they are valid. If not, you know what to do from there...report it. Like abhiram said, there are many free antivirus alternatives out there. Personally I use Grisoft AVG and love it. Been using it for years now and have no complaints. For antispyware, I also use free programs like Ad-aware (has a Pro version) and Spybot. I have a list of free programs here which you may be interested in.
  7. WeaponX

    Excel Question

    Can you provide a short sample of what you want? It sounds confusing, but do you want something like this:Add Column 1 and Column 2 and put result in Column 3Add Column 4 and Column 5 and put result in Column 6.....If so, why don't you just put the formula in Columns 3, 6, 9, etc... now and then just copy the formula all the day down the spreadsheet. So now when you enter data in Columns 1 and 2, 4 and 5, .... they will automatically be calculated on the fly.
  8. How about tutorials directly from the GIMP site? They have tutorials ranging from beginning to expert. If you know how to use other image editors like Photoshop, it shouldn't take too long for you to convert. But if you are a newbie to all of this, it's definitely overkill when you first look at it. Play around with the beginner's tutorials and practice a few times before moving on up.
  9. No luck here either. Just tried to sign up for an account and it just brings me to the same page...The email link is switched around with the forum link (just FYI). But no dice here
  10. NguyenVanThoai, do you have 23MB of files there? If not, wait a few days to see if it goes back to normal. Or if you want, send an email to the email address that guy posted earlier. They should be able to fix this up for you.
  11. Confused again Just to wrap this up, so PATA is similar to SATA and it's not ATA at all? That explains the 16MB cache
  12. Setting one up should be pretty simple. Are you using phpBB then or another one like SimpleMachines (which I also recommend)? I will try to help you set it up.Do you have a webhost ready yet? You need one. Either get one or post more here to get your hosting package (I suggest the second package with 30 credits) if you plan to use a lot of space.
  13. OK, what's your username that you created during the application process? If you were approved did you activate your account using the email that Xisto sent you?
  14. Thanks kaputnik. Email sent...will be awaiting for the eBook.Hope it works...If anything, I will post the results here if I find out how to do it.
  15. Yeah, Hotmail seems to have some policies for those overseas. You just need to change some information in your account so Hotmail thinks you are in the USA. Go to this site and follow the steps outlined there. You have to use your account (keep it active) for a short while before they they increase the 25MB to 250MB. This is just to make sure that you are a member that will stay with them. Just one suggestion. You never mentioned anything about emptying out your Trash bin folder. Did you empty that out also?
  16. Forgotto preview before I sent this one out. The above example should have the data aligned properly...my bad. You get the idea
  17. Hi, I have an Excel spreadsheet here that has 4 columns in it. The Date, some number, and whether it was received or not. I have the Not Received column highlighted in blue color. But what I want to do is that if there is an X marked in the column for Received, and the number matches to the one that's not received, I want the blue color to be changed to the default black again. As of now, I'm doing a lot of this manually. So, for example: Date Number Received Not Received 10/1/05 123 X 10/4/05 456 X 10/8/05 123 X So I want that blue X to be marked back to black once the entry for 10/8/05 (with the same number but marked Received this time). I tried doing an IF statement, but I don't know how to loop it through the whole list checking each Number in the column and also verifying that it's received. Thanks in advance.
  18. WeaponX

    Ad Aware

    I think the Pro version just have some other features added to it. According to what I read (skimmed) it could also block popups, but it's really not needed with today's browsers. A lot have built-in popup blockers already. The main thing I remember between the Pro and Free versions is that the Pro version has a program called Ad-Watch. What Ad-Watch does is give you real-time protection against common spyware instrusions. So it basically prevents it from happening in the first place. There is a free program that can do something like this already. Basically it will ask you permission before allowing any changes. Take a look at SpywareGuard. Also, don't forget about the program called Spybot S&D. Basically I use Ad-aware and Spybot side by side for my spyware scans. In Spybot, there is a program called TeaTimer which you can enable during installation. That program provides real-time protection also. Use them and see if you like them. If not, then I say give Ad-Watch a try.
  19. Not too sure myself. Do you mean the GPS programs/software? I just know that you need two components - the GPS device (or antenna if you are using a laptop for it) and the program (like Microsoft Street).It could be services for the GPS devices perhaps? Like the one that sm0k3ymcl3ud's was talking about earlier.
  20. Man, don't even talk about computer time with me My parents always ask me not to be in front of my laptop too long. Just like one of the members here, I too have a desk in my bedroom (where the laptop LIVES LOL).I use to spend over 8 hours online believe it or not. I'm always online at work (nothing to do) and the first thing I do when I get back from work is go online for another 6 or more hours...I know, I'm a online maniac :PNow with the new job, I probably spend around 7 hours online. Usually posting in forums like here at Xisto...
  21. You know why this is happening though right? I'm a security analyst at a few forums and one of the big forums I'm at have basically blacklisted Microsoft AntiSpyware. Micro$oft basically delisted some of the spyware infections that we ask users to remove...they basically set their scanners to Ignore instead of remove/delete. Because of their actions, most of us don't ask users to get that program anymore until they change their ways.Ad-aware at one time did the same thing, but it was only for one of the spyware infections. They put it back to their detection database shortly though...As most users should know, there are no programs that can remove everything. Even when all these programs are combined, they may still not be able to remove some spyware (old or new). That's when other specific tools come into play...I have Ad-aware, Spybot and might I also suggest getting Ewido Security Suite. That program not only removes viruses/trojans but it also targets spyware pretty well too. Ewido has a free edition, which does a fantastic job as well.
  22. sm0k3ymcl3ud, I actually did take that into consideration. But don't they charge you monthly fees for that? I heard that because you are using "their" software, you get charged for it. I thought I'm paying for the device and the program with it...I did see Garmin listed on eBay while I was hunting around for a satellite. Might be too expensive for me though. Would the lower end GPS handheld devices do a decent job also?For your firmware upgrades, are they free?
  23. Do you have the first package (20MB) or second package (150MB)? Remember, if you got the first package and want to upgrade to the second one, you must request for it here. Even if you have enough credits for the second package (30 credits), you must send in your upgrade application before you get the upgrade. That may be the problem.
  24. Why don't you upload the .gz files into your cPanel instead? SMF has a .gz install package that you can download. Download that and then go back to cPanel and create a folder under your public_html folder for SMF (call it SMF if you want). Now upload that single SMF .gz file to that folder. Login to cPanel and click on that .gz file. Then on the right panel, click on Extract file. That should extract all of the files. After that you should run the install.php file from your browser to run the installation.
  25. I like this program also, but make sure you keep in mind that this program is not a lifesaver... What I mean is that if you deleted a file by mistake, you must use Restoration immediately to make sure that no other data overwrites your deleted file. Just to give you a simple example, let's say you deleted a big video file and instead of using Restoration immediately, you created a word document and saved it. That might have corrupted the deleted file a little if it overwrote the same exact sectors on the hard drive. You will get back either a distorted video file or just a plain corrupted/useless one.
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