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Everything posted by WeaponX

  1. I actually tried looking for one myself a while back. What I found was GotLinks. I think I got the information here...might be from m^e or one of the other admins/mods. I haven't tried this out myself yet (not fully) since I don't have the time to do so. But basically you have to create a code on their site and put it on your webpage. Then link to it. Then the link exchange kicks in...
  2. So you didn't install the drivers for either of them at all? You just allowed Windows to do it for you? Windows most likely just gave it generic cd drivers (which only works for those regular cd drives).You most likely will need to install drivers for your cd drive especially when one is a burner and the other is a SCSI drive. So pop in the disc for the HP burner drive and install the drivers.For the SCSI drive, does it have anything on it that can help us determine what type it is? Any markings anywhere on the drive?
  3. I did all those steps already. They are in the same workgroup and I shared a folder on both computers. But neither is seeing each other (one is using Windows 98 and other is XP). But for that one, I will need to find some time and try out the suggestion made by Houdini...hopefully that will make them both share the internet and files.The other question I have remaining is how to ONLY share files between two computers if they have wireless cards. Let's say we wanted to share files using laptops somewhere and there is no router. We want to do this wirelessly (assuming that's what Ad-hoc is for). How do we do this?I will definitely need help on the filtering part for the firewall. I never used that feature in ZoneAlarm before. It might be a problem for my first question also (file share and internet share).Yeah, I added all the security features I can already for my router (changed SSID, disabled broadcast, enabled WEP since I don't have WPA and also have MAC address filtering enabled).
  4. Yeah, according to the Apple site, using the OS X CD for Mac OS X will allow the user to reset the password. I searched high and low for a similar solution for OS 9 and lower but can't find it.Don't think it will work with OS 9 CD because the installer (as far as I know) doesn't have that reset password option. I try to avoid the reinstall, even though it's pretty quick because some users want to keep their data. But if that's what it comes down to...
  5. Thanks for the reply James_K. I do have a crossover cable that I have used previously (pain in the you know where), but I want to do this wirelessly since I'm in my room and the other computer is in the living room.Am I setting it correctly if I assign a manual IP to each computer (doing it wirelessly now)? Is there anything else I need to do? I have already shared a folder to do testing on but can't go to either computer. I assume I can access the other computer's shared folder by typing in something like \\other_comp\shared_folder right? Did that and it didn't work.Regarding the Netgear program, I didn't know that it took control. Can't I just close it and use the Windows one? Don't want to really uninstall it...at least not yet. Want to play around with the Windows wireless connection settings since I need to learn it.The problem with the file sharing might be the firewall like you said. I can't disable it though because I don't want to leave it open to any "hackers". I want to set up the filters instead, but when it comes to the firewall settings (filtering), I'm basically a newbie to it. I'm using ZoneAlarm Pro v5.5. If you don't have it can you just tell me what I need to do in terms of filtering it? What do I need to filter? I will see if I can figure it out from there.Thanks.
  6. It's all crystal clear now yordan :)I will try to play around with Ghost this weekend and hopefully no questions will arise...Thanks again for all the help.
  7. They should have a master password for these iMacs...but I think the user forgot it. Don't know admin password either. I think I did find out how to reset the password for Mac OS X though. See this link on the Apple site. Is there a way to do this for OS 8.6, 9.1 and 9.2 also? Can't find them in the apple support site nor during my online searching...
  8. Yes, last set I will try this out on my laptop...it's time for another format and reinstall anyway Just one more to clarify this part: Yes, I want to get them on CDs...otherwise I'll have to wait until they burn it on CDs for us. You said if I span them (using winrar) it won't be able to be restored. How do I restore it then? I don't think I can combine those rar files on a empty/blank hard drive. That's enough from me I will see if I can get them to span the files using Ghost directly. Need to get my hands on them Thank you everyone and especially you yordan for the help.
  9. Got it all now ;)This should be (hopefully) my last set of questions for now ;)I will see if I can get a few of these images created in the office already (these are the images for the different Dell models). Will they have the ghost.exe in the root directory of the hard drive? I see them ghosting them in the office using these external hard drives.Also, is there a way I can span the images on the external hard drive? I will try to copy those images to my home computer and span them on CDs if that's possible. Or do they have to do it from scratch on the machine with the clean install (with Ghost in it)?Hate to continually pester with these questions, but just wanted to get them out of the way as soon as I can.Thanks again
  10. OK...a little lost again ;)I use WinImage to create those files with Partition Magic and Ghost program right? Then when I tell Ghost to make spanned images without BOOT IMAGE, I assume you want me to include this image created by WinImage and the actual OS image from the hard drive.Question about the "bootable" CD. Does it matter if I tell Nero to make it bootable or not if the ghost.exe file is not on that image CD (meaning I will use either the Ghost CD/floppy or your alternative m^e with WinImage)? Or must it be bootable? Just a curious thing on my mind ;)I hate fdisk also, but why won't it do the job? Maybe for bigger sized hard drives? But I usually work with those under 100GB.For the Partition Magic files, this is the Rescue Disk right? I never created this disk when asked...maybe I should
  11. Thanks yordan, et al, for posting your replies. Mind is at ease now ;)Just wish there was a way to do image installs on any machine...the ideal pc world
  12. Just graduated college after 5 long years. Right now I'm a computer technician fixing hardware problems for PC's, Macs and printers. Pay is not exactly the best (nor average), but hopefully the experience I hope to gain from it will be well worth it
  13. OK, I think I'm getting this all down now. So Ghost can do this two ways. Either burn on the fly (more risky due to errors) or ask it to split into several files and save it for burning later. Assuming I use the latter method and span the files first, I won't be able to make it bootable then right? I need that ghost.exe file in the root folder for CD1...and that only works if I burn those spanned CDs on the fly? Thanks for the WinImage link m^e. I will take a look at that program. Will this be a replacement for Ghost (so instead, use WinImage and not Ghost)? I know hardware is important here, but will hard drive size/brand make a huge difference for the image if we restore it? Will it work if I ghosted it from a 40GB HDD and try to restore it on a identical system except with a 80GB HDD? How about partitions? Will having a different partition setup affect the image restore process? Still curious on this question though. Is there any way to create a Windows image (be it 98/2000/XP) so it works on any machine? Thanks everyone for your continued support on this issue.
  14. I will hold off on the 64 bit system upgrade for the time being then, just to be on the safe side. But is it ok to buy a 64 bit motherboard and use a 32 bit processor on it? So that if I do intend to upgrade in the future, I can just swap out the CPU instead of changing the whole mobo.
  15. I'm not that worried about speed as I want to get some tutorials up on my site. Having those flash tutorials would be great since they have a good presentation on what to do and how to do something on your screen.You said they were using CSS? I don't know much about CSS, but how did they make it animated like it was Flash or a GIF image?
  16. I'm not a big first person shooter kind of guy I do play games but not ones that require such quick response times and at those high frame rates. I usually just surf online and occassionally play some games like Command & Conquer and other strategy games.Is it ok if I buy a 64 bit motherboard but use a 32 bit processor then? I will wait a while longer before moving completely over to the 64 bit side. If not, I will just get a 32 bit board instead.Thanks.
  17. That's what I thought originally also. But they said it can't be duplicated like that. They use Nero 7.0 for most of their burning needs, but have tried others like I said with no success. OK, if they do copy successfully, is the image on the CD still bootable though? They will most likely split the image into 2 CDs or more. I need to get my hands on Ghost to see how they are doing this. So the hardest part is the splitting process...does Ghost split and burn on the fly or is there a way to make it split the files up first so we can then burn them individually and hopefully are still bootable?
  18. I was previously an avid Firefox user like most of you here, but have started to use Opera a short while back. I used to love Opera (back a few years ago) but later switched to IE...Mozilla...Firefox. Then here I am with Opera again (the much improved version).The reason I switched to Opera from Firefox was because it was bombing out on me a lot (shutting down for no reason). I'm not sure if this is all connected, but when it happened to me, my friend also IMed me about it happening to him. The second reason (less important since I'm wary of what I do) is because Firefox is getting very popular now. It's been exploited before and will continue to occur with it's popularity. Still not as vulnerable as IE, but...Opera loads pretty fast, so no complaints here ;)So one more vote for Opera (I'm using v8.5 now).
  19. What was the original driver for this machine? Do you have the driver CD ready? If not, get the download online at the Dell website.See if you can uninstall the update. Check the Add/Remove panel to see if it's listed there. If not, right click on My Computer->Properties->Hardware->Device Manager and look for the video card there. Once found, double click on it to go into the Properties. Click on the Rollback Drivers to see if it will remove it and restore your old driver back.If not, then click on the Uninstall Driver button. That should remove it. Now go install the old driver back.
  20. Thanks for all the replies. Yordan, what I want to accomplish here is to copy the ghost images on those CDs. I'm a "technician" and we have to reinstall the whole operating system sometimes. Since the ghost images will only restore properly to another machine with the same hardware specs (chipset, etc.), we need to create ghost images of many machines. For example, common machines that we reinstall Windows XP on are the Dell Optiplex: GX240, GX260, GX270 and GX280 series. So what we have here are ghost images for each and every one of those. Great, that's no problem. The problem is making copies for us. From what my co-worker told me (he's one of the guys burning these images from scratch on each machine), there's no way to copy the images. What I mean by this is that he got the image on CD already, but now he wants to make the process more easier by copying from the CD directly to another CD instead of going back to the Dell machine and getting it through Ghost again. 1. So I guess my question would be, is there any easy way to duplicate the CDs with the ghost images on them so everyone can have a copy for all those different Optiplex versions? 2. For Windows 98 (on older machines) does it really matter what machine I get the image created from? Meaning...will I be able to get it to work on other older machines without problems? 3. Is there any way to create a ghost image that will work on any machine (regardless of the hardware)? I will see if I can get my grubby hands on the company's Ghost program to do this at the site next time I encounter another reinstall ...One last one before I forget. If they have the images on a external hard drive already, can I split it up using Ghost so I can fit them on one or more CDs? Or do I have to create one from scratch on that machine? Thanks again. Saying this again....I really appreciate the help on this...this will help me out tremendously.
  21. Hi, I will be (hopefully) building a new PC soon. I will most likely go with an AMD chipset. Is it recommended to go with the 64 bit CPU chpset or should I stay with the 32 bit ones (Athlon XP)? This will be my first time building a PC, but I'm 100% sure I can do this without any problems. I will be gathering my parts soon but just want to know if I should stay with 32 bit or not.My main concern is Windows Vista. I heard so many things about it that I'm not even sure if it really exists From what I heard, it will be coming out 2006 and will have like 5 different versions of it. I didn't read too much after that. Will it have 32 bit and 64 bit versions? If I do plan to get the 64 bit chip, will it be able to run 32 bit applications (backward compatible)?Thanks.
  22. plot, read the topic that was posted by miCRoSCoPiC^eaRthLinG. It's all answered there already
  23. My apologies for the abundant questions. Was just so curious about this.Yes, I don't know why it didn't occur to me initially about that. Image must be for same system (hardware-wise) So I guess there's no way to image Windows without copying all the chipset drivers etc...?I will be using CDs to do this since they are more reliable. Will need to get this from the office (*sigh* so many different machines to image).yordan, is there a way to copy a ghost image on a CD? The guys at the office want to make our lives easier by giving us the images, but there's over 50 of us technicians and they tried using Nero, Roxio, CloneCD, etc. and none seem to be able to copy the CD images correctly. They have to use Ghost create a new image and burn it to CDs individually. Any way around this? These are all the same thing except they are for different Dell machines.Thanks.
  24. I would use wireline also but with my room looking like a warehouse now, I probably won't do it. I'm sure someone will trip over it Regarding your gaming question, I think it would be better if you asked it in the Gaming Forum. Hopefully someone there will answer your question.
  25. I'm not so sure about the computer repair profession in general. I just got this new job recently and the pay is not exactly great...I like the job and all but let's just say the job I'm in won't be making much more than $30,000 at least for now.Networking should be a hot area to go into. But like James_K said earlier, there will be others looking to work in this area. If you know friends or family in this area, start learning some networking and try to get a job from them...by recommendations, etc. This may sound corny, but knowing the right people can get you the job and hopefully excel in it ;)Good luck...
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