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Everything posted by xboxrulz1405241485

  1. don't forget SUSE, it's great for noobs and experts , gotta love it :Pxboxrulz
  2. Building an OS is no easy task. Linus Torvalds took from 1991 to 1992, with barely anything. It was still considered "Minix on steroids". It took him until 1994 to have it working like it should.Building an OS will take a long long time, remember, Linux is never finished.xboxrulz
  3. I was going to investigate this problem, but I have my own little problem myself, I was running Command & Conquer: Generals (& several other games) on Linux, it ran fine, was pretty fast, but when I ran on a freshly installed Windows XP, it crashes. How can this be? Too bad I don't know where the error log is. Is it a graphic card faulty?xboxrulz
  4. LOL! basing a crappy OS on Linux? Wow! I never knew Microsoft was that desperate to get as stable as Linux, by using Linux!xboxrulz
  5. you can do the same thing to debian based distros by telling apt-get to do:apt-get dist-upgradexboxrulz
  6. sorry, most of us can't understand Spanish/Portuguese, can you please translate to EnglishSorry for the inconvenience.xboxrulz
  7. lol, let's take a look what's the difference between the X server on Linux compared to WIN32 API on Windows.The X server is a modular window drawing system for UNIX based machine. It has a frame buffer up to 10x faster than Windows. Therefore, running Windows apps often are faster in rendering than on Windows.WIN32 is an integrated part of Windows, it frame buffer is not as fast. Therefore, your frame rate drops.Windows isn't the best at games, it only has more games. Linux is better because of stability and the X server at being fast.xboxrulz
  8. Shadow X, this announcement of a new Windoze have been made 2 years ago starting out w/ Longhorn. Windows is simply still not as stable as Linux unless they copied somethings from the open sourced system's sourcecodes to do it. Vista still doesn't contain a chroot jail counterpart or a SELinux counterpart which doesn't allow any applications or service to activate any maliculous codes. It maybe faster, but I guarantee it's not faster than SkyOS. Windows has been working on ease of use and security for the past 20 years, but the only thing they achieve was ease of use. Mac has already done that 10-15 years ago. Linux and UNIX have already finished the security part 20-30 years ago. Windows is seriously NOT a great system to use. Close source systems are never as good as the open source counterpart. xboxrulz
  9. funny, no WINE installed software can access to download IE6, WMP9 and other Windows patches without going thru WGA. iT's because Microsoft deliberately denied WINE from entering.xboxrulz
  10. cyborgxxi, multiple operating system is achieved over a bootloader, which is the one that loads the kernel at boot-time. There's one for every operating system in the world. It is stored at your hard disc's MBR (Master Boot Record). The UNIX based boot loader, GRUB (GRand Unified Bootloader) can boot Linux and or UNIX complaint operating system and Windows under a menu which you need to choose.You can have an infinite amount of operating systems if your computer can store that many.xboxrulz
  11. jcguy, Mac OS X is more user friendlier than Windows, why don't you try it B)Happy computing!xboxrulz
  12. Kubuntu and especially Kubuntu/Ubuntu systems do NOT know how to save your settings and over-ride each bootup, that's why my monitor doesn't work because it detects it as a CRT with 1800*something display when my monitor can go up to 1280*1024xboxrulz
  13. yes, but have you also notice that it also blocks out people who uses WINE which they have no part of, but it's the Windows compatibility layer, and they lock the people out just because they want to block the competition.xboxrulz
  14. Let Linux to rescue your system, u ask how? If you have another computer, burn a copy of knoppix (http://www.knoppix.org/) or ultimate bootcd (http://www.ultimatebootcd.com/), then boot from it, it can read NTFS, FAT32 system as well. Just transfer it to a USB disc or something like that, else, type smb:/ to search your Windows network at its file manager and copy everything to your networked computer.I really suggest you use Linux permanently since these memory errors never happens. I recommend SuSE, easy to setup, easy to get around. That is, if you don't have games on it (Most Windows games don't work on Linux)xboxrulz
  15. Well, as we all know, the Windows Genuine Advantage was launched on July 25th, 2005, but is it really to our advantage or theirs? Especially after reading this section of the article: It sounds like it's to their advantage because they of course want customers to buy genuine software, they are the people who are raking in the money. The consumers won't care less using a counterfeit software. What are your opinions? Mine is, it's their advantage, not ours! xboxrulz
  16. what max bitt said would be a disgrace to the Linux community. One of the points Linux is successful is because it's ISN'T like Windows, why would anyone what to be Windows and be crash prone. Windows will never be the "best" OS, because Microsoft usually make the software "beautiful" before it makes it "secure and useful"Anyways, I won't be getting Vista, because it looks like Windows XP on steroids and it's just using the same mainframe. I'm already fed up w/ Microsoft Windows Genuine Advantage!xboxrulz
  17. qwijibow is correct, Microsoft has been "barring" alternative providers since the early 90s and gotten worst during the start of 2000.xboxrulz
  18. Slasher, that's a Windows solution not a Linux solution, anyways, the Linux partition is easier.Anyways, since Gnoppix is a branch off Knoppix, it should have the proper partitioning system. From what I use the most, just type sudo qtparted, then you can start partitioning. I recommend the YaST partitioning system over QTParted, but if that's what you want, then go for it.xboxrulz
  19. nice one maceace8, I totally agree! Check my post "What's Wrong With Microsoft?", there's currently a debate about it there.xboxrulz
  20. Another theory of mine is that, there might be more than one universe, this universe of ours in part of a local universe cluster and it is part of a super universe cluster which is part of the "uber universe"We will never know, yet religion still insisted that it is created by God, but when the law of mass conservation states "matter cannot be created or destroyed", then they're wrong. It is still strange to me how Christians thought of the world being created in 7 days, while we all know that Earth was created in 3 billion+ years.Science vs. Religion, an endless debate...xboxrulz
  21. Graffiti, true that Microsoft has attracted more attention to malware, virus and etc. Yet, you must know how Linux, Mac OS X and any UNIX-based systems are built. They are built using the permissions system, where types of programs cannot write or delete any files that it doesn't have permission to. Regular users' accounts don't have write access except for their /home directory. That means the virus, malware and such cannot attack /sys, /usr/bin/, /proc, /opt/, /etc/, /lib/ directories because they don't have that option.To add to that, NSA (National Security Association) of the US created something for Linux called SELinux, it provides something like FreeBSD's chroot jail, which in this sense stops any any malware and virus running because it terminates it before letting it run. These features are currently UNIX-based features. Distributions like SuSE, Fedora, Gentoo and other major one (except Ubuntu) has this built-in. For SuSE, just change the line on the bootloader selinux = 1, and then SELinux turns on.The permission system that Microsoft has is easily broken, regular user accounts' permissions have work-arounds that hackers can plant a virus or backdoor.To attack on Windows' technology, Windows XP is based on a 15 - 20 year old technology that has alot of design flaws and holes. Linux, on the other hand is based on a technology that has been proven to be secure for 30 years. Windows NT, hasn't really improved since it first came out. Windows XP didn't really do anything to address the security. Linux (and other UNIX based distribution) has been improving UNIX's security by adding new features. The chroot jail and SELinux are recent technology to fend off malware and viruses before it actually attacks UNIX based machine.The Windows GUI (WIN32, or WIN32-64) is familiar to all, yet so is KDE (X11-based). KDE makes a UNIX system to look similar to Windows. It doesn't replace it, but it's sure a good alternative.That's all I have to say right now. Happy computing!xboxrulz
  22. great comments guys. qwijibow is correct, there's no way for others to make business because M$ abuses their monopoly and shuts others down. The reason Linux is alive is because it's free (both beer and liberty)!xboxrulz
  23. I found an article on oneandoneis2.org and it describes how Microsoft's invention, Windows made everyone ignorant at learning and that they all don't really know and use a computer. Your opinions? http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/wrongms.htm xboxrulz
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