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Everything posted by warbird1405241485

  1. Nice done. Very cool 3D effect. Maybe you could send it to the makers of the lion king to use for their site -=jeroen=-
  2. The Nintendo Revolution should be able to play all the games of the GameCube and you can download all the games of the other Nintendo consoles, even the SNES and NES.-=jeroen=-
  3. The PSP is maybe a bit more expensive, but I think that you should buy the DS if you only buy it for gaming. The touch screen just give it a bit better playing expierence. The PSP is also good, but in another way. It can play DVD's and MP3's.I would buy the DS, it has better games and I don't need a MP3 player. I love the touch screen it's so a pretty way to controle yours games.-=jeroen=-
  4. The Nintendo Revolution is gonna be the opponent of the Xbox 360 and the Playstation 3 in the war about the best game console. You can play games of the new Revolution, the GameCube and you can download games of the older Nintendos until even the NES!!!-=jeroen=-
  5. I tried it once, and I didn't like it at all. I prefer GameMaker, it's just so much better then RPG Maker. You can't only make RPG's but also other types of games and even 3D FPS's. -=Jeroen=-
  6. Thanks for the warning Trekkie. I blocked it immediately so it can't cause any damage. I hope it will not attack the Xisto servers because I'm gonna kill him for that -=jeroen=-
  7. Sure you can, at the cost of 10 credits. Post here your application here: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/103-forum/ Hope I helped. -=jeroen=-
  8. Errr... this is a bit of a off topic discussion, please stop talking here and move to "the lobby". This is a bit annoying for other users because there's more junk then good posts in here -=jeroen=-
  9. Sorry, my apologises for that. I didn't understand that it had to change two frames, I tought that it was meand to change the second frame.-=jeroen=-
  10. There's already a Windows version without Windows Media Player, maybe they should force Microsoft to make a version without any kind of Microsoft stuff, just windows and nothing else. They now say it's a problem that companies that make other music software don't get the chance to sell anything, but that's the same problem with browsers. If Microsoft wasn't allowed to sell IE in his Windows package, then there would be much more users using Firefox or Netscape.-=jeroen=-
  11. Try http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. It's a very handy site about World of Warcraft. There's also a topic about a WoW forum on Xisto: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/84925-topic/?findpost=1064310459. Hope I helped. -=jeroen=-
  12. Windows Media Player is a very good program for playing .avi movies. You can download it here: https://support.microsoft.com/help/17777/downloads-for-windows. If you don't want it you also could try Quicktime, not as good as WMP if you ask me, but it's also nice. -=jeroen=-
  13. You are not a [HOSTED] member, so that's maybe why. Or do you are hosted on another hosting company in that case contact the admins of that company. -=jeroen=-
  14. Very nice tutorial, I tried it and I've a lot of use from it. I now use it for some routines that always annoyed me to do manually. Anyway just very nice. -=jeroen=-
  15. Try to replace the cables of your "thing" one by one, if that doesn't work then go to replace the "thing" (this is sounding like the Adams Family ) or the Network card, if you have some luck it's cheaper then buying everything new.-=jeroen=-
  16. http://www.vinden.nl/ is a very good way to find mp3's. It's a Dutch site but I think you can use it quite easy even if you aren't Dutch. I don't use it very much but it's a good site. You also could try http://www.ewoman.net/ that's maybe an even better one. -=jeroen=-
  17. Note: this is *NOT* the right forum to discuss this, put it in the software section next time please.-=jeroen=-
  18. Paint Shop Pro definately, it's just the best in it's kind I think. Easier to use then Photoshop and cheaper, some say that Paint Shop Pro is the little brother of Photoshop, but I think it's the other way, Photoshop just isn't as good as Paint Shop Pro. -=jeroen=-
  19. I can't answer 100% correct because I haven't played Doom3, but I played the other two and I think Halo2 is the best one of that two so if you wanna buy one of this three you realy should buy that one I think.-=jeroen=-
  20. So the shuttles are still not safe enough? Do you see what I mean? The US goverment just don't care about their people, the only thing they care about is their reputation and their money. Ok, sometimes they say they do care, but yet again just to get their reputation high, it's all one and the same here in Holland. I almost would say that our "president" J.P. Balkenende is a copy of G.W. Bush. They're almost the same. The Columbia accident were just seven young people who died for their country, or actually for their gouverment. How could they be so stupid to step into a spaceshuttle that isn't safe? Were they forced? Or didn't they know it wasn't safe. The CAIB said that the goverment already knew that the Columbia and other spaceshuttles weren't safe. But did the crew know? The goverment say that they didn't know anything, but the CAIB say they did know. Someone is lying, but who is it?.... If the CAIB can prove that the goverment did send the Columbia when they know there was a risk that they would crash then I think the goverment will be in deep, deep troubles....... -=jeroen=-
  21. Ok, after my first question about Linux here's already another one. I have some .TCL files that I have to open, do you know how to do that? I would realy appreciate any help. -=jeroen=-
  22. Errrrr... What is this????? The Frankenstein within SPAM? I don't understand a word of it do you guys do? It's English I see but I can't decrypt anymore of it -=jeroen=-
  23. Just put this in your page: <a href="chapter1.html" target="frame1"><img src="chapter1.gif"></a> and don't forget to give the target frame the name "frame1". hope I helped -=jeroen=-
  24. That board message have to be removed by an admin, so if there isn't any admin who has time to do that it will not be changed. I think they have something better to do -=jeroen=-
  25. Wrong guess, I'm Dutch, always been, will never change . Thanks for the tips guys, I showed it to my father and he now also use FireFox . -=jeroen=-
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