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Everything posted by warbird1405241485

  1. I support the EC in their decision to do that. Is it fair that people pay for something they maybe don't want at all? It's a good that they did it because other companies that make similar products are getting in troubles due to that, what do you want if you own a company that sells programs but you don't sell anything because some stupid looking man who claims to be biljonair just sell people something what they don't want but that they do buy just because they don't have any choice? I don't thing you would be very happy. regards,-=jeroen=-
  2. I don't think it will be much more then IE 6, just some changes in the skin and maybe it supports some more things. I'm not gonna buy it anyway, I just downloaded Firefox a few days ago and I got addicted to it. It's just so much better then IE.-=Jeroen=-
  3. It was a very good game for it's time, I played it a long time ago and it was not real for that time. It was just too good. Now it's not good enough anymore and nobody plays it anymore, not much people do at least, maybe some. -=jeroen=-
  4. Did you post this for 10 games? Just to gain hosting credits, I saw you posting this already 2 times, and I know see that there are several other new topics with pretty much the same title. Read the Rules first before you're going to post.-=jeroen=-
  5. I just wanna know what browser you think is the safest, my father is always talkings about a safe computer, but we still use IE and that doesn't seem to be the best at that part so I want your opinion.-=Jeroen=-
  6. I personaly never give games a 10/10 because there always will come better games and then you have a problem don't you? Lord of the Rings: Battle for Middle Earth is one of the strategy games I ever saw, but I don't play much strategy games and this one is the most recent one I played so I could be wrong.-=Jeroen=-
  7. Do you mean that images at the bottom of my post? That's called a signature, or just sig. Just ask someone in the graphic forum, I'm sure there's someone who can make you a good one.-=jeroen=-
  8. If the Xbox version is just as good as the PC version, I'm definately gonna buy a Xbox and the game with it :lol: FarCry is such a good game.-=jeroen=-
  9. You just copied that from me, almost everything of the top is from the list of me, and the other ones you just made by yourself man, this is just spamming -=jeroen=-
  10. Well it is rather expensive so wether you should buy it or not depends on how much money you have... It's really a cool game though. You should buy it I think.
  11. We understand, it's doesn't matter. But try to correct it a bit if you see it's wrong. That would be a great help for us all. -=Jeroen=-
  12. Just a little not: it doesn't sound good, it IS good and the graphics are just amazingHope I didn't hurt you by correcting you so much. -=jeroen=-
  13. Awesome M^E, I downloaded firefox a few minutes ago, just to few this search plugin , it's amazing. Maybe you could also make on for IE or Netscape?
  14. I don't know exactly what you're talking about. You don't mean your avatar? What do you mean then? I totaly don't understand you.
  15. It's quite a good game, I go buy it in a few weeks when I've got some more money . I hope their will be soon some more expansion packs for the Sims 2, just like for the Sims. There's only one expansion at the moment for so far as I know for the Sims 2.-=jeroen=-
  16. I don't think it's that funny, first of all most of the things they copy have copyright, so it's illegal. Second of all you get so much headache and you can't find anything normal.
  17. I tried it, and it looks terrible. Maybe I did something wrong but it was to horrible to look at . Maybe you guys can do it better, but I can't -=Jeroen=-
  18. Why you asking? I mean you can also just use PS or do you don't want to pay for it? In that case you could try GIMP it's also a good program, at least for a free one. =jeroen=
  19. This kind of "services" are normaly not as good as they sound, or you can have a little space, but for more you have to pay, or it's very slow, like http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ for example. When I saw Xisto I first tought that this would be yet another one. Lucky it's proved it isn't .-=Jeroen=-
  20. Maybe he used this one: trans.voila.fr/voila/ I use it sometimes because my french is very bad and I have some friends there who don't speak english so....
  21. Nice, maybe you could add some screenshots, that would be realy cool. It's a nice tutorial, maybe I'm gonna use it for my site.
  22. That would be not very hard to do if you know something about Java, it's not gonna work for PHP but Java should do it, maybe you can ask in the Java forum here for some help-=jeroen=-
  23. C was the C++ predecessor. As it's name implies, alot of C remains in C++. Although not actually being more powerful than C, C++ allows the programmer to more easily manage and operate with Objects, using an Object Oriented Programming concept.C++ allows the programmer to create classes, which are somewhat similar to C structures. However, to a class can be assigned methods, functions associated to it, of various prototypes, which can access and operate within the class, somewhat like C functions often operate on a supplied handler pointer.Although it is possible to implement anything which C++ could implement in C. That are the main differences between C and C++.-=Jeroen=-
  24. Two things:1. Why you don't just upload it?2. Please put some screenshots here, that would be handy.It would be much easier to just upload it, it takes much time to send it by e-mail and that would be much saver, it's not that I don't trust you but there could be a virus in it.-=jeroen=-
  25. VB also has to be great, I never tried it myself but a friend use it and he say it rocks, maybe I'm gonna try it too, can you give me some handy information SadElated? I would appreciate that.-=Jeroen=-
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