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Everything posted by warbird1405241485

  1. I don't play that kind of free games much, or they are a disaster, or it's just a demo and you have to pay for the full version, like RuneScape. I played it a while, but it was getting annoying when I did all the F2P quests so I stopped with it and started to play games like CS and FarCry again. It's just impossible to make a game for free that's good enough to keep me on play for more then 1 single month . RuneScape was a good try, but just a too small F2P-world. That's why I don't know many good game sites. You could try http://ww42.funnygames.com/. It's a pretty big site, one of the "best" in it's kind.
  2. You can ask me and I will not dissapoint you, but I don't think you will trust a newbie like me, do you?
  3. Thanks man, I wanted to give you a reputation point, onfortunately I can't for some reason .
  4. Ok here's the problem: I'm trying to make a calculator thing for in my site. Problem is, if I push the = button, then it should trigger the function calculate() but for some reason it doesn't work. Here's the script: <HTML><HEAD><script LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> function fieldWrite(t) { with (document.Calc) { textField.value += t; } } function clearField(p) { with (document.Calc) { a = parseFloat(textField.value); textField.value = ""; } } function calculate() { with (document.Calc) { b = parseFloat(textField.value); switch(o) { case "+": c = a + b; break; case "-": c = a - b; break; case "*": c = a * b; break; case "/": c = a / b; break; case "%": c = a % b; break; textField.value = c; } } }</SCRIPT></HEAD><BODY><FORM NAME="Calc"><INPUT TYPE="text" ID="textField" ALIGN="right"><P><INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE=" 1 " onclick=fieldWrite("1")><INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE=" 2 " onclick=fieldWrite("2")><INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE=" 3 " onclick=fieldWrite("3")><INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE=" + " onclick=clearField("+")><BR><INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE=" 4 " onclick=fieldWrite("4")><INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE=" 5 " onclick=fieldWrite("5")><INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE=" 6 " onclick=fieldWrite("6")><INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE=" - " onclick=clearField("-")><BR><INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE=" 7 " onclick=fieldWrite("7")><INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE=" 8 " onclick=fieldWrite("8")><INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE=" 9 " onclick=fieldWrite("9")><INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE=" / " onclick=clearField("/")><BR><INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE=" # " ><INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE=" 0 " onclick=field_write("0")><INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE=" = " onclick=calculate()><INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE=" * " onclick=clearField("*")><BR></BODY></HTML> Please tell me what's wrong with it.
  5. Ok, let's see. I started with HTML 3 years ago. I saw a book about webdesigning and I bought it. 1/2 A year later I started with JavaScript. Another 1/2 year later I tried C++, but it was too difficult for me and I stopped with it. But then I found GameMaker and started making my own games in GML, my first real programming language. (For the people who don't know GML, it's a programming language pretty similar to C++, but more simple and easier to learn). After that I tried C++ again, this time I understanded it and since a few months I'm now trying to learn PHP. That's my story, I know, it doesn't sound very impressive, but I'm only 13 years old now and I've got plenty of time to learn more and more.
  6. I don't think aliens exist. Do we ever found any trace of them? Yes of course we have the Rosswell-accident, but that just appears to be a crash of an experimental US weather-balloon. A boy in my school class (an alienfreak) ever said that it would be just a sign of arrogance and weakness if we would say that aliens don't exist and that we're the only "smart" civilization in the universe, but if that's true why we have never seen them and why they don't wanna share some information with us, if they're so smart and advanced. Are they scared? Or don't they do it because they know we will do wrong things with it and maybe use it against them? I don't think so, if they realy can reset brains, why they let everybody being nice to each other? No, aliens just don't exist, there is maybe life on other planets, but not as advanced as everybody say if they're talking about aliens.
  7. I don't use programs like that much, I more like to just type it all in Notepad so I see what I'm doing. If you don't want to type everything in Notepad, I strongly recommend that you download some of the following WYSIWYG editors.1. A trial version of DreamWeaver, realy the best, but exspensive.2. Netscape Composer.3. A lite version of Frontpage.And you realy should learn HTML, if you are good in it, you can do more with it, then you can ever do with a WYSIWYG editor. Ok, I agree, it takes much time, but the results will be worth it.
  8. I started programming when I was only 10 years old (I'm now 13). I saw a book about HTML and I getted interested. I buyed the book and I started studying and after a few weeks I was able to make my very first, very simple site, I still have it on my computer, but it never came online because I didn't know anything about uploading and things like that. A few months later I found GameMaker and I started to make my own games. If you wanna start games programming then you should search on web, it's the largest library on earth and you can find more about game programming then you will anywhere else in this universe. That's also the way I found Xisto.com and Gamemaker.nl, the last one is the site of a very good gamemaking-program that I use now for a couple of years and still like it. The programming language GML that is used in it is pretty similar to C++ but much easier to learn, at least I think so. I tried to learn C++ but the first time I didn't understand the halve of it. Then I started with GML and after that I readed some books about C++ and believe it or not but now I totaly understand the most of it. I can make nice games in GML and I now started to make some games in C++. The thing I want to say is: you should try GameMaker, it's such a nice program and it's realy beginners-friendly. If you want to try it, and I highly recommend that if you are a beginner that wants to see good results at once. You can download it at https://www.yoyogames.com/ with a complete documentation that will help you a lot. You can also search the web for tutorials or check the tutorial section at Xisto.com. Here it is: http://forums.xisto.com/index.php?showtopi92&hl=gamemaker It isn't the best tutorial I've ever seen, there have to be some better ones on the web, just do some googling to find them. You will get about 557.000 hits if you do. I'm sure there will be some good ones between them that will surely help you to improve your coding. If you don't want that and just want to C++ I also suggest you search on google, you will find some nice compilers and lots of resources and tutorials. The Xisto tutorial forum has a own section for C++ where you realy will find some interesting things.
  9. I agree with you fearfullymade, but if you start you better should start with GML, it's the same, but C++ (and Java) just have some more options that you don't have in GML but you will not need them if you are a starter so that's why I say GML. Another "problem" with C++: because there are more then one compiler you can use, the result will change a bit sometimes, that's not a problem with GML, it just has one compiler: GameMaker.
  10. If you are good in GML (GameMaker Language, the language of GM) you can make games that are better looking then Mario and games like that, but you can't make big games like Sims or FarCry with it. If you wanna make your own games you realy should try it, GML is pretty similar to C++ but much easier, so if you know GML well then you can go to learn C++ to make more complicated games.
  11. The new version of the free game-creating program GM is released; v6.1, this is what the site says about it: "The latest version of Game Maker is version 6.1. Version 6.1 adds a number of new features, in particular a better installer, a simple explosion and special effects generator, drawing surfaces, and an improved image editor. Also a large number of small changes were made and many bugs have been corrected. " You can download it here.
  12. If you realy want C++ then I can't help you on that point, I don't have much expierence with C++, but I can do some 3D modelling and I would love to learn something from you .
  13. GML (GameMaker Language, the language of the game-creating program GameMaker) is very user friendly and it's pretty much similar to C++, it's like a stripped version of it. You will like it I think. You can download GM here.
  14. 1. Definately IP/TCP, just because it's the best , don't know why, I just like it.2. GMSock, because MPlay is less safe and my father always wants the most safe-system so... 3. ???????????????? Don't understand the question ???????????????????? 4. I always use guaranteed messages, unless it takes to much time.greetingz, -= Me =-
  15. hmm, I like it. How did you made it? Photoshop I suppose? I tried a few times to make some siggies and things like that, but it always was sh*t. Click here to see one of my "creations". Say to me if you like it, I'm sure you will not response because you died when you saw the awful thing it's just horrible I think.
  16. ihope: yes, w/e means whatever, I was forgotten to put that in, srry. mods/admins: maybe this topic should be sticky????
  17. This is my very first siggie, I hope you like it. It's not finished yet, so if you have any ideas plz say it.
  18. I like the first more, don't know why, maybe because the red stripes. Very nice!
  19. So this is what you need to do: 1. - Upload the image 2. - Go to your "My Controls" 3. - Click "Edit Signature" 4. - Put this in your signature: [IMG]http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/;
  20. That effects are very annoying, but if eja wants to use it, let me do it, it's his problem not our. But I think it would pretty handy to do it right if you do it. Like signatureimage already said
  21. Do you play online-games like CS or wolfenstein: enemy territory but you don't understand a word of the language people use on the servers? Here's a list of words that ppl (people) many use online, uc (you see), if you think there's something missing, say it then ill add them. - Brb = Be right back - Brt = Be right there - G2g = Got to go - Gl = Good luck - Hf = Holy f*ck - Hlp = Help! - Ic = I see - Idk = I don't know - K or Kk = Ok - Jk = Just kidding - L8er = Later - Omg = Oh my god - Omfg = Oh my f*cking god (sorry for this, I hope I don't hurt anybody with it) - N2m = Not too much - Np = No problem - Nvm = Never mind - Plz or pls = Please - Srry = Sorry - Stfu = Shut the f*ck up - Thnks, thx or thnx = Thanks - Ty = Thank you - W/e - Wtf = What the f*ck - U = You - Y? = Why? - Yw = You're welcomeHere are some additional, "funny" words that I was forgotten: - Lol = Laughing out loud. - Lmao = Laughing my *ss off. - Rofl = Rolling on floor laughing. - Roflmao = Rolling on floor laughing my *ss off.
  22. Well I don't have any script but they do have at bravenet. Maybe you should try that site, it has web-tools for everyone: http://www.bravenet.com/
  23. Very, very nice. black/white, nice font, gothic style. I like it. Maybe you could make the face a bit more grey instead of white, but that's your choice. Oh, and btw, like bigredrosen already said, the text is a bit hard to read but that doesn't matter.
  24. I think that it are very good books, maybe except for the second one. If you want to learn game programming in C++ you realy should read them. I hope the other agree with me. Buy the first and the last one, and the second if you want to spent money ^^ .
  25. It's very handy when you have a site with much pictures also, you store them there and you link it to the site, or does that not work??? plz tell me, if it's true what i'm saying then i realy go to get a account.
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