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Everything posted by warbird1405241485

  1. There are tons of professors, docs and other highly educated people who spent a life time trying to discover Nessie. Why shouldn't we just accept the fact that he/she (is Nessie male or female actually) doesn't exist. It could be he maybe did exist actually and people saw him hundreds of years ago. Maybe he did exist but he's now death. Ever thought of that possibility? -=jeroen=-
  2. As far as I know you can't. But there's another thing you can do if you want to pay for your hosting. Xisto offers very cheap payed webhosting. This are the prizes:-> 50 MB of Space & 1 GB Monthly BW for only 9,95 USD a year.-> 100 MB of Space & 2 GB Monthly BW for 14.95 USD a year.-> 250 MB of Space & 5 GB Monthly BW for 29.95 USD a year.New plans:-> 2.1 GB of Space & 33.3 GB Monthly BW for 3.33 USD a month.-> 4.5 GB of Space & 77.7 GB Monthly BW for 7.77 USD a month.-> 5.4 GB of Space & 99.9 GB Monthly BW for 9.99 USD a month. Hope I helped,-=jeroen=-
  3. I think it's a very cool game. I played it a while but I uninstalled it because it's quite a big game (about 2gigs) and I needed the space. If you like trains you sure should buy it. Only disadvantage: it's hard to learn all the controls and sometimes it can get a bit boring because you have to wait for a while.-=jeroen=-
  4. Yes he did actually say that, but they also did helped him, if he use a proxy server they won't know that it was him. They only would know there was "someone" on there network after school and they would trace it back to him. -=jeroen=-
  5. NO!! This is realy not a joke, I saw it myself on TV, and he realy was badly immobilized. I know what you mean, I got several of that kind of e-mails, but people in Holland maybe also have seen it on Netwerk, a news program here. -=jeroen=-
  6. Well since they're said to have to rewrite the whole source code it's just the question if they would get to that in the new release. Of course it would be nice, but aren't there a lot of problems if you could do that. I think the chance of crashes would be rather higher if you can already see the desktop before the programs are able to run?-=jeroen=-
  7. I think you'd made the right choice by trying those languages. You'll sure have a good chance in getting a job with them. In Holland the exspectation is that we'll have 10.000 programmers short over 10 years. I don't how it is in your country but I'll think you'll have very good chance with them. One little hint, try GML. It's very funny and I'm sure it helps you becoming good in C++.-=Jeroen=-
  8. Thank you so much for supporting them, I already send the letter 3 times, but I never got it answered. You'll have to know how worse it is to have spina bifida (I didn't know it was called that in english, I only know it in Dutch. Thanks for telling me.) Thanks for helping and best wishes to your nephew -=jeroen=-
  9. I got my ( or actually my parents ) first computer when I was about 4 or 5 years old, I started playing games when I was about 6, probably 7. My first game was Age of Empires, a very good game for it's time with amazing graphics and a very good story ( I think the storyline is one of the best I ever saw ). Anyway, we didn't had internet in that times so I never played online. Until ........ On a rainy day in september my father got home with a surprise, after times of asking and asking we finaly got our own internet connection. In the beginning I couldn't play much because I didn't know the password. After several times of trying and sneaky looking at my mother ( she doesn't type very fast ) I found out or password. Since 1 1/2 years we got ADSL, now I can play online as much as I want. I think I'm about 3 or 4 hours online everyday, sometimes more. Of that time I think I spend 1 - 2 hours at gaming and the rest on forums ( Xisto mainly ) and chatting ( MSN ).-=Jeroen=-
  10. As you will probably know our gouverment here in Holland is quite hypocrite, and so are or ministers. But this story is just to mad. A little boy called Casey and his mother are thrown out of this country because this land because they don't have the right papers. Ok, you'll probably say. Pity for them, but such things happens more. I know. There's only one little difference. The boy in question, Casey is heavily disabled, and if he will be send back to Cameron (that's where they're from) he will die for sure. The gouverment said that by themself in the letter to his mother. Isn't there any rule or law that says that he can stay here? For so far as I know are there 12 main fundemental rights of children, also accepted by the Dutch gouverment. Two of the most important of them are the right to get necessary medical help and the right on parents. According to this rules I think the Dutch would commit and crime if they would send them back, what do you think? -=Jeroen=- Sorry for double posting, but I just wanted to say this, for more information go to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ (it's a Dutch site). -=Jeroen=-
  11. UBUTU should support it. I'm sure about it. Download it at http://www.ubutu.com/rg-erdr.php?_rpo=t. But like MajesticTreeFrog said. Linux is for more expierenced people. If you don't even know how to make a new partition you shouldn't use Linux (nothing to shame about that, it's just a fact, there are lot's of people who don't know how to do that.-=Jeroen=-
  12. 1. A 2 years old DELL Dimension 8300.2. I'm currently running a dual boot sysmem with Windows XP and Linux Redhat Enterprise.3. Mozilla Firefox and sometimes Microsoft Internet Explorer.4. Microsoft Outlook Express and Hotmail.5. Windows Media Player, Flash MX 2004, Photoshop CS 2, Paint Shop Pro 7 and a bunch of other software6. Microsoft Word or Adobe Acrobat for somethings.7. Norton 20058. Zone Alarm Pro
  13. Don't fool us! These sigs are just too great for someone who never used photoshop before. I most like the nr. 3 the purple one. Maybe you could make one for me? I'd like one in Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory style. For some pics try http://enemy-territory.4players.de/news.php or try google image search. Thank you so much. Please PM me or send me a mail: E-mail: jeroen.barnhoorn@freeler.nl Thanks already again, -=Jeroen=-
  14. I heard of that one, it's not a realy company. It's just a site made to get attention for a webcontest. The site that got the most hits in a month won. Of course this site was the winner . -=Jeroen=-
  15. Here's a Dutch translations:"Beste [receiver of email],""[user] vond dit een zeer interessant artikel en dacht dat het u zou interesseren." "[user] beveelt u deze site aan en raadt u aan om deze site eens te bekijken." "Als u deze persoon niet kent of dit bericht u op enige andere wijze verdacht voorkomt, stuur deze e-mail dan a.u.b. door naar [admin email]."Hope I helped you a bit,-=Jeroen=-
  16. If it's suspended: make your credits get above zero and try to get more credits. When deleted, get 10 or 30 credits and apply again for hosting. See the announcements.
  17. Who said he died by a heartfailure because of playing WoW? Maybe he just got a heart failure, not because of the game, but because there was something wrong with his heart. Isn't that a possibility? It sounds more plaussible I think. For so far as I know can a human survive without water for about 72 hours (3 days), maybe more if it was a healthy young man. (I think it's more possible that a young guy of 16 doing that then a old man of about 60 or 70 like abhiram said. Ok, it's possible, but not realy likely, is it?) -=Jeroen=-
  18. Thanks a lot mate. I did like to have Opera but on the other hand I didn't want to buy a reg code. Thanks to you I got one now ;)Thanks a ton,jeroen
  19. If you are so sure you'll pass the bandwidth that has to mean that your said will be very popular. Sign up for a Adsense or a simular pay per click program so you'll get money for it. Use the money to get payed hosting so you get more bandwidth. Check the Advertising section for more details. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/108-forum/. -=Jeroen=-
  20. I've got the same problem. My father is afraid that his personal files will be corrupted or stolen, he don't have any on this computer but he's still saying it. But on the other hand he don't buy any firewall or router. Bittorrent don't touch that kind of files so he shouldn't be scared for that. The only danger of P2P programs is that there could be some files that aren't clean and can contain a trojan or virus. Bittorrent is also quite safe on that point (more then programs like Kazaa for example) and I think you'll more likely get something from a normal site then from Bittorrent. Like Elforeal said their are many, many other ways for a cracker to get into your computer if he wants to do that. (not a hacker like he said, hackers won't harm anybody, they do it to test systems. Crackers are the guys that create much troubles in this world) _=jeroen=_
  21. You could use GameMaker. To be downloaded at https://www.yoyogames.com/. You can find an example of a RPG style text-box at their forums: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I hope it's what you're looking for. I don't think it will be possible in Flash MX. GM is not as powerfull as C/C++ but it's more powerfull then Flash and I'm sure it will be possible and more easier to learn then C/C++. Hope I helped, -=Jeroen=-
  22. Then you can do two things. Learning how to use it or take a gun and end your life No, just kidding. If you want to learn it maybe you should read the documentation. Or you could look in the tutorial section on Xisto. Here is a nice tutorial made by l337 Nurse Pedestrian. I hope it has some use for you. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/82083-topic/?findpost=1064290379 Also try the gamemaker forums. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ It's true that you can make also other things then games with GM. Btw, could you help me a bit? I tried to make a Web Browser too, but I didn't have any idea how to do it. I would realy appreciate your help. -=Jeroen=-
  23. This explains a lot to me, sometimes I shoot someone three times on the place where his head is supposed to be, when he's standing still and he just stay alive. That can be so strange and anoying. Maybe I will be some better at CS:S now, because that's one of the few games I realy suck on. I always make headie after headie in Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory and other games like that, but CS:S just seemed to be not my strongest part. Maybe I can improve myself a bit with this information.1000 times thanks,Jeroen
  24. Thanks for the tip, I was searching for an old version of BPM studio because I don't like the new version at all. I haven't found it yet but I'm gonna check it out right now. I hope I will find it. Thanks anyway, it's a very good site.Regards and lots of thanks,-=Jeroen=-
  25. First off all I don't think Rixxon will answer you because he hasn't been online since I don't know when (long time at least). I'll try to answer your question as good as I can, but since I don't know much about creating a server I can't help you with that part. But I can show you how to make a kind of MMORPG script. First the player have to login. He will give a name and that information + his IP-address will be send to the server. //////////////////////////////////////////////// //// Script by Jeroen Barnhoorn //// //// Copyright 2005 by JBproductions // // All rights reserved //// ////////////////////////////////////////////////var name{ global.nickname = get_string('Give your nickname:','') if (global.nickname == '') { show_message('Give a nickname!'); exit; } else { if (mplay_init_tcpip(ip)) // Replace ip by the IP-address of your server room_goto(nr) // Replace nr by the number of game start room else show_message('Failed to contact server. Try again.') }} I don't have much time now, so you'll have to figure the rest out by your self, I will try to help you at an other time. Sorry for this, but I have to do some urgent work. Hope I helped a bit, -=Jeroen=-
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