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Everything posted by Rudy1405241475

  1. Microsoft has released âVisual Web Developer 2005 Express Edition Beta 2â. Claimed to provide everything you need to begin building Web applications with ASP.NET 2.0. It provides: Have any of you tried the first beta version? Let us know if you like it and compare it to PHP. Here is the link to the download: visualstudiogallery.msdn.microsoft.com/site/search?f%5B0%5D.Type=Affiliation&f%5B0%5D.Value=DevLabs&f%5B0%5D.Text=Microsoft%20DevLabs
  2. Spoilt brats!Now everything you use at some point give you trouble right? Now things happen and like moonwitch said a long time ago that something was wrong. So why all the fussing and so many chiming in to state that oh my site is not working.Even paid services have down time so all it need is a little patience.
  3. Have you been having the problem since you did the installation?Perhaps you need to talk to a technical person at the cable site about your problem. The reason is that some cable sites set their system to renew ip addresses periodically which changes your ip address. The reason for this is to keep clients from keeping their system on line or hooking up a net work to their service without being billed for it, and run web servers and mail servers.For regular users with a straight connection they will not see the change because their system is set to use dhcp and just get assigned another ip. But those of us who run routers and servers that need a static address get caught.Maybe this is the case maybe not.Try using the router in a regular net work and see if you still have a problem with it.
  4. I think you guys have done this and it’s more trivial than looking for things.Go on line just to see if you site is up, click the link then get off if it loads.
  5. It looks like it was a propagation issue. It would be nice if when someone ask for hosting they would have at least part of their site completed, if only their index page.It looks much nicer than a line of text stating that you site is coming.Note:This is in reference to the person who gets hosted not the hosting site.
  6. I don't think there is a problem with you site because I see the same thing on mine any time I check it.
  7. Saxsux your reply is not advertising because it is a reply to a post and you are providing a choice for the person who started the post. But if you start a topic with the intent to advertise a product then you are in violation of spamming.I like IrfanView because it’s small and has tons of features. I would recommend it to anyone.
  8. I checked it and got the same error "no site with that name". It could be your site is not fully propagated yet depending on how long ago it was created.Your site need at least 24 hrs for it to propagate.
  9. Most button action like that is done in java script or dhtml script.Visit:DynamicDrive (http://www.dynamicdrive.com/) OrDhtmlCentral (http://www.dhtmlcentral.com/)you will find a ton of them.There are also web sites that offer to make the menu for you and let you copy the code.Advance HTML For Beginners (http://www.ahfb2000.com/dropdownmenumaker.php)
  10. Something is wrong with the information you are providing. I could not find a website with http://www.marginoferror.com/, or even without the http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ may also be subscribing to a hosting service that do not allow ftp access. Check the hosting site again.If your site is up there would be a home page displayed by the hosting site until you change it.Take your time and go back through what is offered to you by the hosting site and what your actual site name is.
  11. You forgot the visited link code.Here you go:a:link { color: blue; }a:visited { color: blue; }a:hover { color: red; }
  12. Ok enough with all the rambling. hehe I like saying that.Here goesYou can make a cross cable if you can put your hands on a crimp tool and have two rj45 ends. Here is the pin connection:1-------------------22-------------------13-------------------64-------------------55-------------------46-------------------37-------------------88-------------------712345678 ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ |_______| |___|Now the next thing you need to do because you will be using TCP/IP is to setup a workgroup and ip addresses.You can use this range for your ip addresses and you have to setup a subnet mask is no need for a gateway if you are not trying to connect to the internet via lan, but this could be setting for all this is in the network setup for the nic cards in control panel.Oh and NETBUI is not the default network protocol in WinXp, but it could be configured to work if you don't want to use TCP/IP.
  13. I use Godaddy for all my sites and think their service is great too. There is also “NetworkSolutions” https://www.networksolutions.com/index.jsp?bookmarked=c331ca233508646a63fbb3ba45ed.028
  14. This is a nice little button to place on your site to show your appreciation to Xisto for hosting your site. It’s a modification to the one on your cpanel. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  15. I just got my Gmail account about two weeks ago and have not been using it yet to any extent. But it does look a whole lot better than HotMail. Even though hotmail got good spam control and antivirus checking.I do not have a problem with email accounts at all because where I work has its own mail server, which I manage and I can setup as many accounts I want for myself. The server also has no limit on storage size.Besides that I manage several websites and have multiple accounts on them. More than I thin I really need.
  16. I must agree that this kind of protection is useless against someone who know how to remove it, but it will stop the 60% to 80% of surfers who don’t know how.I would suggest you use water mark text in your photos and still keep them in their highres format, and use the code if you want to.
  17. FSB does stand for “front side bus” and is really the data channels that take data to and from the cpu, memory and other devices for processing. FSB has different clock speeds just like the cpu and memory.Cache can be on the microprocessor chip and is random access memory. Because the cache is local to the cpu the microprocessor can access it much faster than it would access regular ram and so it is called fast memory. But hard drive space is also used as cache too. Even hard drives have cache memory.Computers have a lot of factors that determine their speeds, including bus speed. So the difference in the cache size of a cpu may not be enough the make a computer with a slower cpu speed faster than one with less cache and faster cpu clock. The cpu clock speed and the amount or ram is what most people look at to determine which machine they thin is better.
  18. A broadband connection could be wireless (wifi) or some sort of DSL service. Do you subscribe to any of these services? If not it’s most likely your built-in wireless detecting a wireless signal when it attempt to connect to a broadband service.If you use dialup service then set it as your default internet connection.Go into control panel and select internet options. Chose the connections tab and select “Always dial my default connection”.You will now see the little box that let you click connect when ever you start firefox or internet explore.Hope this helped
  19. Notice from Rudy: Ripping commercial movie DVDs is illegal! Topics like that are not allowed here, I’m certain you will find that kind of information in abundance elsewhere.Please read the TOS if you are not sure about the rules.I have edited this notice for Friso's sake
  20. I use it but see short comings so I use outlook too. First off it is a trip to get it to send mail via more than one account. You even get a warning about trying to use multiple accounts for sending mail.The second reason I use outlook is for PGP security. I am still fighting with getting it setup correctly in thunderbird.What I like about thunderbird most is the plug-in capability, and the way it manages junk mail is ok. All in all it is a fine mail client and I expect it would get better.
  21. Ok here is my first few hours, more to come. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Ok I had fun today.... I might do some more playing around tomorrow. 4/18 I am now working on some Xisto - Web Hosting bannners.
  22. You have not really said enough to get a proper answer. Answer these questions and let’s see what we can do for you.1 Do you have a separate cd-r and dvd-r, or its two in one?2 If you have a separate cd-r and dvd-r, are they on the same cable?3 Can either of them play cd or dvd media?4 What was the last thing you did before they stop recording?
  23. Ok I was waiting till the dust settled to spend some time and give this banner thing a try.I will spend some time this weekend and give it a try.
  24. Vagodeoz is right you don’t need the cables with now a days drivers they use the flat cable to transfer sound. But think a little harder, if itunes is what attempts to play your cds then the problem is with itunes. It is using the wrong driver to play sound. Uninstall it then reinstall it with the right drivers, or associate cd playing with another program like winamp or windows multimedia.
  25. There are so many problems you could have burning a CD that does not relate to Nero or the cd burning software that it will make your head spin.A lot of us upgrade our OS but forget that the hardware when developed was meant for the current OS when the hardware was manufactured. So we end up with half updated systems.Then there are the products that barely meet the legal required standard that we buy cheap and expect to perform miracles.So what really could be the problem?Anything form buffer under run problems with the cd-rom, poor quality cds, not enough hard drive space to write the data to for transfer, or incorrectly configured software. And the list goes on and on.Always read warning messages and look closely at the errors, they always tell a story.
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