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Everything posted by Rudy1405241475

  1. Illusion this is really not a site but an online game to me. Someone will only go through this out of curiosity or if you ask him or her to. The graphics are great but I’m think game, game, game. I think you talent is not put to good use if you don’t consider making a dungeons and dragons game.My 2cents
  2. I myself have had the privilege to play around with java scripts. I think java scripting has the same feel like server side scripting like asp and php for interactive purposes. I am employed to work with hardware and my job keeps me very busy so I have not had the chance to learn php, which I think is the way to go. I did a bit of asp but like php better and really want to learn it inside out. If only I could make the time.I have accumulated a lot of tutorial on php though, and plan to do something about it this year. I have to juggle that with a cisco course I’m doing hmmm, if only I could duplicate myself.
  3. Here you go! Taken from Microsoft "English Knowledge Base".SYMPTOMSA computer running Windows NT may display one of the following blue screen STOP error messages while it processes a datagram packet:STOP 0x0000000A IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL-or-STOP 0x00000019 BAD_POOL_HEADERCAUSEA router incorrectly set the packet fragmentation bit on a browser broadcast datagram packet. The Tcpip.sys driver attempts to reassemble this packet and causes pool memory corruption.RESOLUTIONTo resolve this problem, obtain the fix mentioned below. The new Tcpip.sys driver will now check the length field on the packet to prevent it from processing fragments that do not exist.STATUSMicrosoft has confirmed this to be a problem in Windows NT version 4.0. This problem was corrected in the latest Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 U.S. Service Pack. For information on obtaining the service pack, query on the following word in the Microsoft Knowledge Base (without the spaces):S E R V P A C KMicrosoft has confirmed this to be a problem in Windows NT version 3.51. A supported fix is now available, but has not been fully regression tested and should be applied only to systems experiencing this specific problem. Unless you are severely impacted by this specific problem, Microsoft recommends that you wait for the next Service Pack that contains this fix. Contact Microsoft Technical Support for more information.
  4. I have searched this post and strange but true, I’m the only one from the Caribbean to date. “The World’s Only Paradise”.USVI to be exact “America’s Paradise” Well that’s what it says on the tourist brochures.
  5. Hey, not bad for a first job but here are some pointers.Always try and keep your graphics physical size to a minimal. If you want to display a large graphic cut it up in pieces so each piece will load faster. A fast loading site is what we all like to see. Try as much as possible to keep the number of graphics to a minimal and only where they are needed to illustrate a point. A picture is worth a thousand words and helps to bring across your message even if people can’t understand the language of the text. Always stick to a team on all your pages so your site looks uniform.I always feel that a site is like a book. Target the people you want to come to your site by providing information that is relevant to them, keep them coming back. Get feedback from them and let them know that you know they are there. You will always get the general crowd who enjoy surfing but you have an audience to please, the people you intended the site for.I hope you did not create the site for free.Cheers
  6. It is kind of fun to read these topics because it’s like trying to re-invent the wheel to me.What I mean is, there is a phone on your desk that works right? So why would you want to bother with messaging where you have to type every thing you say when you could just pick up the receiver punch a few buttons and start talking? Better yet you could put a person on hold and talk to someone else, have conference calling and the likes.So why bother with the cat thing? Or get rid of the phone.
  7. This is an interesting question because hard drives have gone through so many changes from ten years ago that even manufacturers have left the HD scene. Asking this question is like asking what the best car out there is.A long time ago there used to be competition in the US with the manufacturing of drives and the companies tried to out do each other. But since then the corporate world has changed and drives are mass produced in Singapore, China or Japan. Now people only care about how much the drive cost and how much storage it has. Cheap labor!
  8. This look like an old post but only one person responded, and perhaps you have the solution already.Your problem can occur if the connection for your ISP is damaged. To resolve this issue, create a new connection to your ISP. Strange but true, this only happen with internet explorer. The information is stored in your user profile if it was setup to have the connection for your use only. Other people may be able to get on the internet with no trouble at all.Click your start button then connect to, select show all connections then create a new connection. Do not delete the old one until you are finished because you may need it for reference.
  9. On a scale of one to ten show your appreciation to the members that provide us the answers to our questions. Just list the member’s names and the rank you give them. A ten being the highest rating and one being lowest.People like to know that the information they give us is useful and worth the time and effort they take in presenting it to us. Let us give them some incentive to really dig up those facts and feed us like babies.
  10. I think this could be your problem like r3d said timeout set to 15 minutes.Here is what to do.If you are using IE Select tools then internet options, then connections. Highlight internet (default), then select settings. Under dial-up settings select properties next to user name, then options. You will see idle time before hanging up. Set the time in that window. Mine is set to four hours.What really happen is if there is no keyboard activity within the given time the hang up time is set to, the modem will hang up. Now if you set it to never the modem will not hang up and if you don’t remember to disconnect the modem you could stay connected until when ever you go back to your computer. Then it could be a day or two like in my case before you realize your computer is on line. It’s a good thing I was not paying by the hour.If you are using FirefoxThe setting can also be done by clicking start (windows xp) connect to, then internet. Select properties then options you will get to the same window. You can use this way for both browsers.
  11. Hi I was in your shoes once and found this midi search engine about a year ago http://musicrobot.com/. The site is still up and running. It let you sort by band, song name, alphabetical order etc. You can even search for the lyrics to the songs. I hope it make your day it did mine.
  12. I have a Polaroid “juke Jam”. It’s got a 40GB hard drive and looks a lot like an Ipod. It has a line in and a line out socket, and a built in mic. I use it mostly for transferring data between my computer at work and home. It is much cheaper than an ipod of the same capacity hard drive.My main reason for purchasing it is to load sound effects on when I go out to DJ. It makes it easy to sample the effects from there rather than swapping cds.
  13. There is nothing wrong with sound on your site if you chose to add it. A site can not be generalized to meet everybody’s liking and therefore you try to target a certain kind of views to your site. If you have good content and updated information sound is just a minor distraction. Better yet if it could be turned off.It’s like a bank or business place where they play background music, some enjoy it and some don’t but their main concern is getting their business done. I add an intro sound to some of the sites I create, on the main page.
  14. This is really a job for a sql database. Php scripting and mysql will handle this problem quite nicely, even though you can use a java applets (very slow).
  15. Mastermund is right about keeping your originals. Also you must take into account that the larger the file the longer it takes to render on your page. You can use a "graphic optimizer" really a compressor to make the file smaller in storage size.
  16. Web servers have protected and public areas without you having to create them. The best way that content is protected is to create a virtual site for public viewing. This is if you are setting up the server yourself. This virtual site has a unique name that does not reflect the true name of your folders or storage space. Most commercial sites name their virtual folder “public html” and the actual website name is virtual. Take for example on a unix server the “cgi-bin” folder is protected by setting a “read, write, view” access called a “change access permissions” (chmod) access. This folder is for running perl cgi scripts that need to be protected. You can also create folders and protect them with “htaccess” protection. I could go on and on with this topic but the information is out there tons of it.This should give you a heads up. Find out more about “htaccess” it has tons of features.
  17. I like FlashFxp it's great! I have used a lot of others including CuteFtp and much more.I now only use FlashFxp.
  18. I have used telephone wire before and had no problem. The important thing to remember is that the wires are twisted pairs to prevent interference so try to stick to the matched colors. That is blue with blue and white, orange with orange and white etc.The pairs are 1, 2, 3 & 6 on the RJ45 connectors.Hope this help,Rudy
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