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Everything posted by qwijibow

  1. Yeah, you are wrong :)In the beginning there was MS's IE and Netscape Navigator.the browser wars !Ms won, some think they competed unfaily, and the courts agree'd but lets not start anouther flame war over that.Probably to to p1ss MS off, Netscape released its source code to the Open Source community, and the non profit organisation "Mozilla" was formed.Mozilla has all the features of IE, and outlook express combined, along with alot of bloat.Firefox was completely rebuilt.however most browsers are built on the Geko engine.The Graphical User interface is only a very very very small part of any program. so although they look similar, the guts of the browsers are very different.
  2. Mp3 or OGG is not better than wav.mp3 and ogg are compressed wav'sthey are also lossy meaning an mp3 or ogg will always be lower quality than a raw wav.however its usually not possable to tell the difference just by listening.
  3. CS source isnt meant to be a new game.. it doesnt claim to be.its the same old counter strike, but it uses the Half-Life 2 engine.in other words.. same old ganme, better graphics.. (love the bump mapping !!!)Counter strike is a tacticle game, like chess... if you can appreciate the skill involvde and enjoy competing againsed others, its a great game... but if you want plot, story line, or Thermo neuvclear missiles like in Ut2004 then you wont enjoy the game.pesonally, i think its excellent if you can find people of a similar skill level to you..sometimes you end up playing againsed th kids who play it all day every day, and you just spend most of the time dead
  4. some links to my beloved OGG vorbis... http://www.vorbis.com/ Ogg vorbis Better than MP3 ?? http://www.vorbis.com/faq/ compare for yourself ! http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and best of all, its free... no annoying patent issues.
  5. mp3 is Mpeg Layer-3.i think mpeg audio and mp3 are pretty much the same thing.Mp3's are compressed WAV'sWavs are Raw sound wave'sand the size depends on the audio quality and length of the sound.so i assume that you actually mean which format gives best compression at highest quality.Mp3 is lossy, but most are, its not a bad thing since microphos often pick up alot of noise which is out of the range of human hearing.ANyways, as far as i know, the best auio compression is .ogg (ogg vorbis)an open source fomat.for high non lossy compression, flac is probably your best betif you use MS windows, you probably cant play these formats out of he box (you need a plugin)the reason online music shops dont use ogg or flac, is because it doesnt support DRM.. which personally i think is a good thing... lol(DRM==Digital Rights mangment)
  6. Potential Spoiler below..-----------------Half life 2 is an AMASING game...amasing AI, amasing graphics, amasing playability.... just amasing !but i thought the ending was rather poor.just stopping the administrator escape ?no plot was revealed, no information about the overlords or whatever they were called.in half life 1, you go and kill the queen alien and suposebly save the world...did that have no effect apart from stoping the aliens from being able to teleport over ?ok, the ending leaves the foor open for a 3rd half-life, but still.. i would have prefered to fight a boss at the end... or seen a cool end game sequence, instead, there is just a congratulations from G-Man and a good night till next time.apart from a little dissapointment when the end game credits played, it was a very very great game..one good thing about the ending was when time froze before the blast wave hits you :)what do you guys think ?
  7. Antimatter... Scientist have known about it for decades. Has anyone here studdied Physics at College Level (A-Level) in england ??? if you have, you will have done all sorts of anti-matter equations. A typical Exam Question is.... this is a cliche' but its True... Mass and Energy are the same thing. How to make a Photon (a lump of light) simply allow an anti matter particle to collide with matter. 2 photons are generated. Have you heard of "Conservation of Charge" ??? Light has NO charge, its not positive or negative, no energy has charge. but matter does have charge, Protons and Posetrons (antimatter electrons) are positive Electrons and anti-protons are negative. Anti Protons are simple proton made of different Quarks (a quark is the smallest Known particle, possably indisisable (we used to think that protons were in-devisable, they are not)) so when a proton and anti-proton come together, their charge cancels each other out, and they are neutral (same as energy ans do become light) so anti matter is chemically identile to matter, only it has an opposite charge. 20 anti protons + 20 protons = 40 photons (light) Here is Why anti-matter energy would ROCK ! chemical energy, for example burning Coal is very weak. Neuclear energy such as fission and dusion is very stong. this is because an Attom of Uranium is actually HEAVIER than the sum of all its components. so when you split Uranium, you are converting a small % or matter to energy. (i think its like 0.1%. HOWEVER.. when you Mix matter and anti Matter, 100% of the matter is converted to energy !!!! (thousands perhaps millions of times more powerfull than a nuclear bomb !!!!!!!!!) Its verry hard to make Uranium explode... its relatiivly safe... but with antyi matter, if the confinement fails, your looking at conditions MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH hotter than the center of the sun. Now.... here is a question that will hurt your Brain.... Conservation of Charge DEMANDS that for every piece of Matter in the universe, there is an equal piece of Anti-matter.,.. our whole solar system is pretty much pure matter. their could be other other systems out there with aliens made of anyi-Matter. If a few milli litres of matter and snti-matter mixed, and could case a equielant neuclear bomb explosion... what would happen if somehow a commet or asteroid of anti-matter the like the one that killed the dinousors (but made of anti-matter) somehow found its way to outr solar system ???
  8. run the firewall test, selecting option 1 when asked.then copy and past what it says here for us to read. (but censor parts of any ip addresses for example ***.168.1.2 just incase you are infected, you dont want to advertise yourself to more script kiddies )
  9. Has anyone EVER had a hard disk fail on them ???i havent.I have a 10 year old Fuji hard disk (6 Gig) and i quite often do a zero fill on the disk (much worse than a format) and its still running strong.As for noise, you can quieten disks down by changing the read heads swing speed. (ofcourse this will sacrifice a little I/O throughput.I think the days of theHard disk are comming to an End.Their hot, noisy, and in-efficiant.Non Volitile Electronic memory is getting cheaper, faster and bigger.By the time i have kids, they probably wont believe me when i say computers werent always silent.
  10. Or.. if you are a bit of a computer p0rn star you can install MacOsX on your PC.If i could get my hands on a *Free* copy of OSx (i swear i will pay for it if it works, and i like it)i would....1) install my own super cut down interpretation of Linux From Scratch.On an old 1.2Ghz machine with a 10 year old hard disk, i manager to get a Linux From Scratch Install to Boot in just over 6 seconds... but if i only installed the requirements for the Mac Emulator, it would have ben smaller, and on my new comkputer, boot almost instantly.2) install the mac Emulator.3) install MacOsx.Aslong as their is a Linux Driver for your hardware, it will work.Last time i looked, the MacOSX emulator was claiming to emulate at 97% the speed that native code runs,so for example by 2.4Ghz Athlon would run OSx asit it was a 2.3Ghz CPU...Which Aint Half bad !!!If anybody Knows how i could get maybe a Trial version of OSX to try this out on, i would be more than happy to Export my Linux From Scratch to some kind of Install CD, and post a tutorial.I just dont want to risk buying OSX, only to find it doesnt work as well as i would hope,just incase i have problems returning the product with the excuse "yeah, i dont have a Mac, i was truiing to make it run on a home brewed linux distro"
  11. You forget that Apple is not a software company.Apple is a hardware company. MacOSX is a tweaked up version of FreeBSD (https://www.freebsd.org/) thet make their money from selling the hardware.If MacOSX ran on x86, who would buy ppc.
  12. Yep, PCI express is AGP16 equivalant,a good AGP8 card is plenty powerfull for the next few years.I always buy the second newest PC components, they are much cheaper.
  13. Ive never met a Linux Zealot, nor spoken to one.as far as i know, they are just inventions of the windows zealottes lol.That text you coppied sounds like its meant to be attacking the Linux Zealot, but instead seems to attack GNU itself.Their is Opinion, and their is fact, i saw nothing but opinions there.Kde Stole the windows GUI ?in terms of WIMP then yes....but Microsoft stole theWIMP idea from Apple, and Apple stole the WIMP from NextStep (which is a linux GUI)so the free software KDE, used idea's from the Free software NextStep.and this is the whole point of Open Source.its not stealing when its free.Some people may not like MS for *Stealing* because NextStep made no money from their idea.... MS did.
  14. There was a discussion about this not too long ago.it LOOKS pretty, but it takes 5 times longer to organise your disktop.there are too many awkward features that you dont need.beeing able to fold windows is a good feature, but rotating them around the z axis is pointless.. (unless your eyes are fitten sideways )i used this desktop for about a week before running back to my beloved KDE.
  15. Im not familiar with that Firewall, but you need to somehow get details about the so called attacks, destination and source, protocol, port, TOS, as much information as you can get before you can correctly diagnose the problem.so called false posities are quite common.One day, my network securety tools went mad, they thought i was under a smurf attack (local machines pinging the broadcast IP) it turned out that this was just my samba (windows network support for linux) searching for other computers on the network.
  16. Either....1) buy a case, if you find a good shop theu are dirt cheap.2) make a case yourself3) dont stack the drives... buy a round ide cable and ut them side by side4) get some rubber feet, or make wedges so seperate the stacked drives, put some air between the disks.You really should have a case, a case will Protect your computer from possable sources of interfereance, and keep the dusk out.
  17. its an interesting script, but would it not be more simple to use the existing boot scripts for example: /etc/init.d/iptables save/etc/init.d/iptables restore or directly useing iptables-save > /etc/iptables.confiptables-restore < /etc/iptables.conf
  18. I used both "coldplug" to autodetect my hardware, one of the drivers coldplug loads is "gameport"i assume this is the joystick pot on the reiser card, but i dont have a joystick to test my theory. Glad this post tutorial was usefull to you. How did you find it ? has google picked it up already ?
  19. if there is no makefile, then the configure script must have failed, read the configure scripts error, it will tell you what to do.you cant just ignore errors.as for the.run file, just run it. its executable... (you may need to make it executable first.."chmod +x fileName"
  20. Shareaza Will run in Linux useing the Wine wrapper (https://www.winehq.org/)also.. have a look at giFT, its a very powerfull p2p daemon that can use th gnutella protocal, the fastTrack/Kazaa Protocol, and the OpenFT protocol to search and download all at the same time...its purely a daemin, so u will need to use it via a frontend like Apollon.Also, checkout LimeWire.
  21. Bandwidth is the amount of data that can be transered per second.In memory this is usually meased in frequency, for example 100mzh 133mzh 166mzh or 200mhz, sometimes sold as PC2700 PC3000 etc etc.higher prequncies are better, but if you buy 200Mzh, but your motherboard can only handle 100Mhz Ram, it will work fine, but you have wasted a little money.(other way round, motherboard faster than ram may damage yor ram)Latency is the Time is takes information to bet from source to destination.EXAMPLE.. Networking...Bandwidth is the amount of data i can transfere from England to China per second.Latency is the time it takes a piece of information from England to China.In memory however, becase all x86 have the same wordlength, both latency and bandwith are controlled by frequency. (essentially, inversly proportional)When building a computer, the most important thing to mach is FSB.getting it wrong may cause faster compnents to have to be underclocked to slow down to the slower components levels.
  22. hehe..... Definition of irony.... The guys who were planning on developing a free open source operating system Knew that many people would confuse it with unix... so they decided to give it a name GNU (recursive acronym) for GNU is not Unix. so the full anme of suse would be said to be... SuSE - Gnu is not Unix Operating system with a linux kernel. and yet still people call linux unix. ALSO, peeople are always calling WINE an emulator... despite its name (again recusrive acronym) WINE Is Not an Emulator. hehe.
  23. whats the problem anyways, just closing a window doesnt meanyou have stopped listening. when someone sends a new message, the windows will spawn again.closing the window just clears desktop / taskbar space, which is pretty vital.im used to my GNU/Linux with multi virtual desktop's, so when im in windows with only 1 distpo i get clostrophobic :)Just explain to her that she is too fat, and taking up all your destop, im sure she will understand
  24. In my opinion, its only an invasion of privacy IF someone is actually wathing you.for example, most cctc camera's record, but the tapes are only watched by human eyes when a crime has been comitted, no crime, no1 watches, no invasion of privacy.to stop p0rn, you should configure the proxy to prevent porn and keep logs.reading logs is okay, but seeing what is actually happenning on there screen is a bit over the top 1984 style.
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