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Everything posted by qwijibow

  1. They did get jailed. that was quite a while ago.this is old news
  2. the MSN messenger protocol tells someone when the other person closes the window. its just that Microsoft version of the client ignores the message. All the MSN clients i have ever used inform you when this happens... Kopete, Gaim, aMSN. its only MS's versino that doesnt. I assume she used some kind of pluggin, or a 3rd party client.
  3. i thought e-mails were digitally signed with encryption keys !?!? what other methods are there of digitally signing documents ?
  4. if you caught one pigeon, you would have only a tiny segment of the data.you would have to catch a lot of pigeons!Also, homing pigeons dont have to be trained i dont think.you simply allow them to live a the destination.then when you take them avay from their home and release them, they find their way home by instinct.I dont know if it counts as cruelty... but keping and using homing pigeons seems no different from keeping a pet, and excersizing it.anyways, i doubt anyone would ever use this in the real world, read the actual RCS standars on the RFC homepage.
  5. Wont you also need to setup an public/Private encryption keypair ?and get all your friends to import your public key into their keyring ?
  6. use tar to extract tar archives.tar -xjf filename.tar.bztar -xzf filename.tar.gzalternatily, you can brows and extract compressed archives with konqueror.OpenOffice.org is my favorite Ofifice suite.
  7. The sequence is a bit off too :)I assume a few pigeons *timed out* / got lost / died.But pigeons have their advantages too !much bigger range than network cable / wirelss LAN.ALSO, pigions dont suffer from Electro-magnetic interfereance.Plus, yea, securety.i was just randomly surfing, i dont remember how i found that link exactly... LOL
  8. The very first Wireless network ! FRC 1149 CPIP is the protocol name http://www.blug.linux.no/rfc1149/ CPIP stands for Carrier Pigeon Internet Protocol. and althought the first useage of CPIP was on april fools day, i assure you that this is no joke ! (maybe origonally intended as a joke.. but it was actually done !!!!) Here is how CPIP works.... A normal outgoing Ethernet packet is printed out onto a small piece of paper, which isthen attacjed to a homing pigion and sent of the the destination address. On arival, the message is scanned into the computer, and converted back to an IP datagram packet. And the crazy thing is,.... it works !!! They tested it with 2 com[uters on either side of a small mountain in Bergen ! here is the output of the Ping command !!! (note the HUGE ping times) vegard@gyversalen:~$ /sbin/ifconfig tun0tun0 Link encap:Point-to-Point Protocol inet addr: P-t-P: Mask: UP POINTOPOINT RUNNING NOARP MULTICAST MTU:150 Metric:1 RX packets:1 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:2 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 RX bytes:88 (88.0 B) TX bytes:168 (168.0 B)vegard@gyversalen:~$ ping -i 450 ( 56 data bytes64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=255 time=6165731.1 ms64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=255 time=3211900.8 ms64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=255 time=5124922.8 ms64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=255 time=6388671.9 msâ ping statistics â9 packets transmitted, 4 packets received, 55% packet lossround-trip min/avg/max = 3211900.8/5222806.6/6388671.9 ms[/code]
  9. if you dont select it, packets will be sent in a FIFO style (first in, first out)
  10. But i bet you overclocked them !AMD's tend to run much cooler than Intel chips.my 2.4Ghz AMD_64 is currently running at 36 degree's !!!
  11. Society without Homosexuals would be a society without.....1) Freddy Mercury (lead singer of band Queen)2) Alan Tureing (the man most credited formodern computers, and breaking the germal encryption codes in world war 2 !!!) without Alan, we may not have won the second world war !3) Brian (forgot second name) (lead singer in Placebo, my fave band)Its totally pointless to categorise people depending on who they prefere to have relations with.Personally, i prefere girls with dark hair, but if socially accepted norm was to prefere girls with blonde hair, would there be a thread in this forum discussing wether or not im ruining society by passing the so called less attractive brunnette gene to the net generation ?
  12. Either that or you know.... hard work. Open source tends to be more secure, but why ? their are many theory's, including "more eyes miss fewer mistakes" But when we think closed source in a securety sence, we are usually talking about MS windows, or MS Webserver IIS. Closed source douesnt have to be insecure, MS is just giving it a very bad name. Take for example OpenBSD. ( http://www.openbsd.org/) Linux is developed Globally, millions of people around the world. (the many eyes securety theory) But BSD although is released Open source, is mainly developed at the University of california. They develope it in a closed source way, rarely taking patches from the general public. And the OpenBSD distro is much smaller in developer number than FreeBSD. Yet, despite its very smal size, OpenBSD is hands down, no question, the most Secure OS available today. the reson is that each line of code is gone over very carefully, and almost all bugs removed before the project is even released to the public ! If microsoft spent more time worrying about securety than it spent worrying about how many year behind there foolish release dates they are, there is no reason they couldnt take the same amount of care that OpenBSD does. the price for securety.... is that in OpenBSD, new versions are software are generally not available for a few months's maybe upto a year because of the carefull checking of code. but who cares, most windows users are probably still using Office 2000 right ?
  13. When i started out on linux, i only had a 56k modem, and i downloaded Fedora core 1 and 2, slackware, and 2 different versions of knoppix.11 CD's total ! anyways, places to buy Linux cd's....1) best place of all.. from the distro's web site. Help the cause :)2) cheapest place of all ...ebayBuying linux is surprisingly cheap, You can usually find some kid on ebay who has a fast internet connection, and downloads and sell's linux distro's for £2 for a bit of extra pocket money.
  14. Cool, they used to do this for gmail accounts before gmail enabled pop and smtp access.But i would recomend that you make sure your firewall blocks all external traffic to port 25, just incase a spam bot finds you.
  15. The reason your bandwidth is often limited to slight below actual bandwidth is becase of buffers. There are buffers everywhere, There is an output and input buffer on your computer, anouther set on your ISP, anouther set on the server you are doanloading from, and maybe several other along the way. if your connection is running flat out maximum, then these buffers tend to fill, and you get what is called Latency ! (the time it takes a packet o get from A to Limiting your bandwdth only sligtly reduces bandwidth, but keeping buffers empty means you get a lightning fast latency. for example, online gaming quality (lag / ping) has nothing to do with bandwidth, only latency. its true that higer bandwidths tend to have lower latency, but if you mess with your Qos, you may get increaced bandwidth, but very likely at the expence of latency ! Tweaking Qos to increace performance requires a good knolege of the network you are in, and a general rule like this may work for some machines, but not all.
  16. The isle of man has its own linux distro !!!i idnt even know they had a computer.i would love to go to the isle o man one day, its sooo tiny !some of those islands around scotland have nothing on them except for a road running from north to south on the map.and you americans think england is small
  17. Any modem that plugs into your ethernet network card is supported.and as far as i know, any usb modem that does not require firmware to be uploaded every time you boot should also work.I bet you are using Freeserve / Wanadoo broadband ?im using the broadband box that came with my NTLworld broadband.the main reason your usb modem isnt compatable out of the box is because of the firmware.the firmware is not open source, and therefore not budnled with linux.and the internet company's dont bundle linux installers for the firmware.however you can download the firmware, and use softwarefrom that site you mentioned to get that modem working.Also, you may want to consider nagging your ISP to include a linux installer onto their cd's.im sure they will ignore you, but enough people complain about the linux support, maybe they will take action.it wouldnt take more than a few hours for them to write a script that install the software from sourceforge onto your machine.Linux didnt used to have shockwave support, but after a petition, and an open source clone started, shockware quickl released a linux version.
  18. Apart from the lare storeage space, very vry very few adverts and complete lack of spam, my favorite thing is the pop / smtp access. you can use your gmail webmail account through your normal email client, like thunderbird or outlook express. MOST webmal providers dont allow this because this means you can use their service withjout seeing any advertisements what so ever. has anyone used hotmail recently ? *shudders* the adverts all jump off the screen and assult you, all at the same time.
  19. its done in html tags and javascript.. here is the html code of the http://www.sane-project.org/ page which re-directs to http://sane-project.org/ <!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en"><html><head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <meta http-equiv="REFRESH" content="10; URL=http://http://www.sane-project.org/; <title>HTML REDIRECT</title></head><body><h1>SANE web site moved</h1><p>Please update your bookmarks. The new SANE web-site is at:<center><font size=+1><a href="http://http://www.sane-project.org/ should be redirected to the new site in 10 seconds. Click <ahref="http://http://www.sane-project.org/; to visit to the new siteimmediately.</body></html>
  20. Glad to hear it.Fedora core is a great Distro, its the one I started out on. Not my favorite, but we all have our own tastes.The fact that your Modem isnt supported could be looked at as a mixed blessing.its a pain in the a$$ having o use winmodems (software modems) in linux, butonce you have it working, you will have learned some usefull skills.
  21. OOps....yeah, i tried it on some webpages ive written, and it always flashes up current time.maybe i should have tested this more before i approved it :)ohh well, we all make mistakes.
  22. Moved:the How-to's and tutorial section is for people writing tutorials and how to's. please post here when you have a question to ask. in answer to your qustion, this software will test your ram http://www.memtest86.com/ if your ram passes this test, then the problem is elsewhere, if not, then you have a hardware problem, most likely ram. possably cpu. How many ram sticks are in your machine ? if more than 1, try removing all but one, then test again. if that fails, try removing that ram and insterting one you removed.
  23. amasing !!!Often i find myself reading documentation and tutorials on the internet that doesnt hve a date, doesnt have a software version number, and i dont know how dated or usefull the information is.once i was trying to get a modem driver to work with a 2.6 kernel.the instrctions i found were very well writtem, but turned out to be for the 2.0 kernel, and therefore useless.this will be very usefull to me!thanks.
  24. im pretty sure telnet was around when ArpaNet was first tested in the early 70's i think, maybe in the late 60's. im not sure. Telnet is fantastic ! its basically a tool for talking directly to a server. have you guys ever sent an email via telnet ??? its quite easy http://www.yuki-onna.co.uk/email/smtp.html infact, almost all the internet protocols are mostly plain english, http, ftp, smtp, pop all work with telnet. bash-2.05b$ telnet smtp.****.com 25Trying 212.***.162.8...Connected to smtp.***.com.Escape character is '^]'.220 ESMTP server readyhelp214-This SMTP server is a part of the InterMail E-mail system. For214- information about InterMail, please see http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/- Supported commands:214-214- EHLO HELO MAIL RCPT DATA214- VRFY RSET NOOP QUIT214-214- SMTP Extensions supported through EHLO:214-214- EXPN HELP SIZE214-214- For more information about a listed topic, use "HELP <topic>"214 Please report mail-related problems to Postmaster at this site.mail from:*****@gmail.com250 Sender <*****@gmail.com> Okrcpt to:*******@gmail.com250 Recipient <*****@gmail.com> Okdata354 Ok Send data ending with <CRLF>.<CRLF>Hello worldHow are you today ?this is telnet email !!!!goodbye.250 Message received: 20050226223641.ZMZP9818.aamta03-*******com@[80*****209]quit221 aamta03-winn.*******.ntl.com ESMTP server closing connectionConnection closed by foreign host.
  25. because linux is https://www.kernel.org/ which is basically a huge set of drivers, and very low level software. preety much useless to most people on its own. linux only becomes usefull when its paired up with a totally unrelated porject http://www.gnu.org/ Origonaly, all us linuxers would have been using GNU/Hurd. but the Herd Kernel was far from finished, so som clever individuals started using the GNU operating system, but with a different kernel, the Linux kernel. Linux started life as a *sit in* while Hurd was finished... but linux was such a huge sucess, that GNUHurn never really made it. but their are plenty of other threads discussing this topic lets try not to repeat ourselves.
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