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Everything posted by qwijibow

  1. thats way more than you need. for a file server, a 600meg partiton will do fine.
  2. Ahhhhh Amarok.. possably the most initially confusing audio player, but also one of my favorites i was just joking about desktop clutter I guess one of the things that attracted me to Gnome, is that it is part of the GNU/Linux Project. plus... gnome loads in just under a second... its about 4 seconds for KDE.
  3. lol, thats exactly the type of desktop i hate..there are no programs running, no windows open, the desktop is not beeing used for anything, but yet its completely cluttered.you could get a kernel panick, and a memory dump on that screen without noticing the differance Nice game screenie though.. what game is that ?
  4. Damn Small Linux !You coul boot off a 50mb thumb-drive or install to the hard disk (200 megs) or boot the CD.OR... you can copy the boot CD to ram just before boot up, an ompletely run off the *ram disk*DamnSmallLinux has Excelent hardware detection..But for your system, you dont really need hardware detection, you only really need to make sure one driver is loaded, your network card driver.DamnSmallLinux also has a tiny X server, its fully X11 compatable, but very light weight.Im 95% certain that DamnSmall Linux will have samba and NFS servers, but you may want to chech first.Last time i user LFS, its used the IceWM window manager.. which is possable one of the fastest window managers around (except for twm.... but twm sucks )but if you really want it to fly, dont bother with the graphcal user interface at all.My vote is for DSL ( with slackware in second place )
  5. your GUI will run alot faster when you get the nvidia driver working. run "emerge -pv nvidia-kernel" what nvidia driver version does it report. I had a problem with some drivers on my AMD64, it turned out to be a driver bug, and i fixed it by changing versions. to get a list of nvidia driver versions available in portage run ls /usr/portage/media-video/nvidia-kernel/ you can cause portage to install a different version of nvidia-driver with the command emerge '=media-video/nvidia-kernel-<version>' be sure that you also change nvidia-glx version to match the nvidia-kernel version. The latest 1.0.6xxx version would probably work, this is rock stable. but if you want to go th other way, and try a bleeding edge version which gentoo calls *probably stable but not well tested* (Meaning that nvidia have released the driver as stable, but its new to gentoo, and not tested well amungst gentoo users) then you can install a version highter that the one gentoo installs by default. to do this you will need to tell portage that you dont mind using *stable but not well tested* versions of nvidia kernel and lxlike so... echo "media-video/nvidia-kernel ~x86" >> /etc/portage/package.keywordsecho "media-video/nvidia-glx ~x86" >> /etc/portage/package.keywords (basically, add the package name, followed by ~x86 *meaning testing for x86) then running env-update after you have emerged a different version of nvidia-kernel, unload the nvidia kernel like so "rmmod nvidia" re-load it "modprobe nvidia" set Xorg to use nvidia instead of nv then re-start xdm. It seems complicated, but after a while, emerge portage becomes second nature. Gentoo's speed relies on how you install it, what CFLAGS you used, and what USE flags you set. There are many things you can do to improve the speed further. like using native linux threads insead of the default pthreads, and using kernel's optimised for desktops, and aggressive schedulers etc etc.. but i dont want to ovrload you with Info
  6. Ever since i started using linux, ive been a KDE user.Every now and again, maybe 4 times in total, ive tried Gnome.I dont know why, but i just keep getting drawn towards it, only to then gt scared off, and go back to the familiar KDE interface.Only this time, ive moved over to Gnome, and i love it !gnome 2.8 didnt quite work for me, but 2.10 (and the up comming 2.12) have me hooked.Ive even started un-installing most of my KDE components.I think in the end, it wasnt that i prefere Gnome to KDE, but rather, i prefere GTK to QT.KDE just seems so clutttered, and so harsh, thick deep lines, and too higher contrasts (like the way winXP blinds you with that awfull shade of blue)If you have ever read "the restaurant at the end of the universe" you will understand what i mean when i say that with Gnome.. the desktop is sooo slick, that your eyes will just slide off it if your not carefull.Dont get me wrong... i still like KDE.But Gnome is just gives a more minimalist feeling to it all.the desktop looks soo beautifully vacant.I have included some screenies of my Gnome desktop with the "water vapour" GTK2 theme, and OpusOS Window theme.Some people will spend ages customising there desktop, this is pretty much a default gnome desktop.
  7. No problem, answering forum questions is a welcome break from job seeking [ just left university ] :sIt seems that one of the ram sticks was over-clocked, but surviving.Maybe a gentoo stage 1 full compile for several hours on an over clocked ram slot must have killed it.Good luck and next time, make sure your ram chips frequency's match
  8. okay.. im not an expert.. but here's what it looks like to me....You motherboard has a Max FSB of 400 Mhz, but is running at 333mhz.333Mhz FSB will run your ram at 166mhzYou have 2 sticks of ram, one is 133mhz, one is 166mhzSOOOOOit looks like the motherboard's bios has detected that it needs to slow your FSB for your ram.here is a crazy theory ( that may just prove correct)Maybe your BIOS only probed your first RAM stick for its clock speed, and then assumed that the other ram stick would be the same.An then clocked the FSB to match the ram in slot 1.Your fastest ram stick is in slot 1, with your slowest in slot 2.Anyways... What if... Open up your case, ans swap over the ram sticks.So your 133Mhz stick is in slot1 and your 166Mhz is in slot 2.Maybe your motherboard will then set your FSB to 266mhz (which is the correct speed for the slower stick)If this works, it will slightly under-clock your faster ram stick, but hopfully wou should get your stability back.Maybe half-life 2 will stop crashing.Alternativly....If you can get your hands on some PC3200 Ram, then your motherboard will be able to run at its maximum 400mhz FSB. (assuming your CPU can handle 400mhz FSB)
  9. We have already had a Linux user Post a windowsXP skin of KDE...Is anyone actually running KDE in windows ???
  10. possably the source of the porblem... Lets say for example you have 1 stick of PC2700 and one of PC3200, and you run your buss at PC3200 (400 mhz FSB) then the slower stick is overclocked, and possably causing the trouble. When you have 2 different ram sticks with different frequency's you have to set yor board to run your ram at the slower sticks speed, for the above example, 333Mhz FSB (PC 2700) If you have your Mobo set the the fester RAM clock speed, set it the speed of the slower ram stick... You may find that this fixes your crash problems with HL2.
  11. Your hardware is faulty. No doubt about it. It seems your hardware is working fine under low stress. But memtest86 is designed to run your ram at full speed, doing read/write operations at every clock cycle. Its most likely your Ram, or possably (but un-likely) the CPU. Are you over-clocking your hardware ??? Did you tweak your ram timings ? i used to get crashes, and a bad memtest86 because of a bios bug that ran my ram with bad timing settings.. i have Kingston ValueRAM.. my motherboard defalts the ram timings to 1& 2-2-6-3. i fixed the stability issues by chaging ram timing to the Kingston approved 2T 3-3-8-3. You may want to run memtest86 a few more times. If its always the same area of ram that fails (the same address range) you can config the Linux kernel to not use that area of ram. ANYWAYS...... You are right to give up gentoo. Compiling the kernel, and things like glibc under faulty hardware will give you a vey very un-stable system. At least your ram is running fine under low-stress. Do you ever run memory intensive programs under windows / slackware ? for example memory benchmarks, or high performance games ?
  12. Gentoo wont damage your hardware, its just that compiling from scratch will run your CPU at 100% for a few hours, if your cooling isnt up-to it, it may overheat. you missed "-fomit-frame-pointer" from the CFLAGS, but this should just reduce performance a little, and should not cause any instability. the porgram to monitor cpu tempreture is lm_sensors, you need to have compiled support for your monitoring chip on the kernel. when you check the md5sums, test the cd's md5 againsed the .iso.md5 on the server. the corruption may have occured dureing download. memtest86.com http://www.memtest86.com/ this is a confusing error ! Faulty hardware would normally cause a kernel panick, and memory dump. So i would guess its not your hardware. And Bugs in the compiler / KDE should cause a seg-fault error... and your not getting this. is it possable you made a mistake somwhere ? Gentoo is probably the second hardest distro to install, right behind Linux From Scratch. Maybe try a stage3 install ? i stage3, all important and critical software like the compiler, and glibc are pre-compiled. yo just need to compile Xorg and KDE. Otherwise... Keep hacking through, get dirty, find the problem and fix it..( the fun bit, lol ) Or... go back to Slackware. I Think gentoo is fantastic, But if you dont enjoy doing some dirty work, and tinkering with the inner workings of linux, It can become quite annoying at times like these. EDIT: oohhhh, and about your nvidia problem... assuming you have compiled and loaded the driver (load with modprobe nvidia) and you get the sae error starting X, have a look in /dev/ for the files /dev/nvidia0 and /dev/nvidiactl. if they dont exist, run the following as root. mknod /dev/nvidiactl c 195 255 mknod /dev/nvidia0 c 195 0chown root.video /dev/nvidia*chmod 0660 /dev/nvidia* then restart X /etc/init.d/xdm restart
  13. Gentoo has never failed to compile except when i unmask testing / unstable packages on my system.The fact that it sometimes compiles fine is a bit of a worry !Gentoo puts your system under a very high strain, is it possable that your CPU is over-heating ?I have never had a compile error except for when i unmask and delibratly try to install testing / unstable versions !check your md5sums again.if you have hardware monitoring support on your motherboard, keep an eye on tempreture.Because with gentoo, everything is compiled locally, the system is very sencitive to faulty hardware.do you have a memtest86 boot disk ?it may be worth testing your ram too.Are you able to underclock your CPU / RAM on your motherboard bios ?if so, try compiling somthing with an underclocked system, if this works, it may be a sign of faulty hardware.Anouther method of keeping the cpu cool dureing long compiles is to allow it to sleep periodically.for exaple, when the cpu starts to get too warm, hit (ctrl and Z) to put the porcess to sleep..when the cpu cool down, run the command "fg" for i to continue where it left off.please post your /etc/make.confdid you use any unstable optimisation settings ?If all your checksums matchand your hardware is not to blame, then as a last resort, maybe try re-compiling gcc.Ive never ever ever had the "Hardware or OS error." error.Lol, i know i said gentoo was one of the hardest distro's to install... but it shouldnt be this hard.Are you installing from stage 1,2 or 3 ?
  14. My Fastest full boot was 6 seconds on a 1.2Ghz Athlon. Running Linux From Scratch.now thats impressive !!!!Ofcourse it was just running the standard boot services, nothing fancy like Xorg, LOL.
  15. ok okay... i was going to surgest you re-compile gcc.but if your md5 sums dont match its definatly an error caused when downloading, or burning the CD.It is actually possable to fix this type of error without re-installing, but i guess you have already started.Its actually a mirrqcle you got as far as you did with corruped install media though
  16. emerge kde will emerge every kde package I usually go with "emerge kdebase kdenetwork kdemultimedia kdeartwork" anyways..... There's non of that silly numbers thing in gentoo... You get 2 different run-levels to start with "boot" and "default" boot always runs first, then default (or some other run-level) will run. you maniplulate what services run at which run-levels with the command "rc-update" so for example, to add X to your default run-level you would run the command rc-update add xdm default you have probably used rc-update dureing the install for things like starting your network interfaces. if you have not done so yet, you should also edit /etc/rc.conf and set #set kde as default login manager DISPLAYMANAGER="kdm" #set kde as default desktop XSESSION="kde" righty... in portage, there are alot of symbolic ebuilds... for example, KDE is made up of lots of components... when you emerge kde, the kde ebauild tells portage to emerge kdebase kde-network kde-artwork kde-multimedia.. etc etc etc.. and some of those things are symbolic ebuilds.. for example kde-network tells portage to emerge packages like kde-kopete kde-irc kde-ftp etc etc etc. after you have emerged kde, you dont need to start emerging kde's components, they are already there. What exactly is the seg fault... what commands are you trying to run, and what is the error spitted out ??? if somthing is seg-faulting, i think the best thing to do would be to re-emerge it.
  17. http://www.noreply.org/tor-running-routers/totalWeekly.html so ive only got about 250 attempts to be honest, im a but stumped already... going to read this entire thread for some clues, just noticed what you said about no spelling mistakes... i was assumeing that was a spelling mistake, lol.
  18. The best way is to download linux, and install it. jump in at the deep end, in my opinion anyway. There are many distro's aimed at first time users. i would recomend oone of the following... https://www.ubuntu.com/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and if you have any problems, post here, and someone will help.
  19. stage1's are kept in the x86 folders on the server, (i assume you were looking in i686) they dont put stage1's in the i686, as in a stage 1, there is no point in optimising, as EVERYTHING is going to be re-compiled. anyways... glad to hear its all working (especiially after i recomended it so highly )
  20. AHAAAAAAAAAAIve finally found out how to telnet, AND netcat through the TOR network....Goodbye annoying IP block (not that im expecting to get much further)
  21. this is complete rubbish. Here's is one reason we need 64bit... In 32bit systems, the maximum about of addressabloe ram is about 712 megs in practice. (a little elss than theory) Seriously, your computer can only use 712 megs of ran at once. When you are running more ram than that on a 32bit system (for example a gig of ram). you are adding an overhead, as the kernel has to start using ofsets to address the different areas of ram. this slows the machine down. a 64bit Cpu can address hundreds of gigabytes of ram... which should be more than enought for quite a while now.
  22. Sorry to upset you... But if current trnds continue, we will have computers powerfull enough to simulate the electrical activity of a human brain by 2025. by 2030, computer will be powerfull enough to also emulate the chemical influences in out brain. so in 25 years, we will have neural network computers, capable of doing anything a human brain can, if properly taught. If computers ever turn againsed us, it will be the NEURAL NET which allows them to do so. Its completely possable... In conventional computers, like the one you are sat infront of, humand program them,.. so the computer does exactly what the humans programmed it to do. With Neural networks, NOBODY programs them... They Learn, mimicing the way human brains work. there is no reason that a neural network could not be everything humand are, just made of different materials... Read up on Neural networks that can drive pretend cars in computer games... You dont program them to drive... you just teach them that they can avoid objects by turning, and/or slowing down... they learn, they program themselves... and then they drive around a mase, completely un-predictable.. they *CHOOSE* which way to drive. Neural Networks are Fascinating things.
  23. +Vizskywakled is correct.Windows x86_64 is more of a proof of concept.Released so that Intel would release a desktop 64bit CPU.Windows 64 uses emulation to execute your 32bit software.And currently, all windows software is still 32 bit.Unless you have an operating system like *BSD, or GNU/Linux there is no point in having a 64bit CPU untill windows releases a proper 64bit Operating system, and other software ventors release 64bit applications.By installing 64bit windows, you are forcing windows to Emulate all of your 32bit software.Which is a real shame, because the Amd64 chip can run native 32bit AND 64bit at the same time.Not only does windows64 not take advantage of the full 64bit architechture, it wasts time emulating the 32bit code.Just wait till you get an OS with full 64bit support... My Athlon64 3400+ FLYS !
  24. Script version 1.1 (to replace script in first post) Install instructions within the script. #!/bin/bash# re-scans partiton table of multi-media card readers prior to mounting them# (allows linux to SEE newl inserted cards)# INSTALL...# 1) edit /etc/fstab, change filesystem of multi-media card reader enteries to "card"# e.g. "/dev/sda1 /mnt/slot1 card noauto,user,sync,umask=0 0 0"# 2) run "sudoedit /etc/sudoers" and add the following line# %users ALL = NOPASSWD:/sbin/hdparm -z /dev/sd[a-z]# sudo must be installed first# 3) save mount.card (this file) to /sbin/mount.card# set owner... "chown root /sbin/mount.card"# set permissions... "chmod 755 /sbin/mount.card"# After completing steps 1,2 and 3. you can insert a card and ount it at any time,# without hac#ving to re-attach the usb card reader.sudo /sbin/hdparm -z `echo $1 | head -c 8`sleep 1mount -t vfat $@
  25. Ohh, and sorry for the shameless plug, but we have a few origonal hacking challenges here. in the challenge section. and for an even more shamless plug, an encryption hacking challenge / tutorial written by myself. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/83748-topic/?findpost=1064302535 It contains en encrypted web page, and the source code to the sotfware used to encrypt it. you must try to de-crypt it. Ive also included a spoiler, and a brute force source code i used to crack it. So far, its only been managed by MasterComputers.
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