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Everything posted by qwijibow

  1. what version of X-Windows ??? Both versins i know of (Xorg and XFree) will both use the VESA driver if they cant detect a specific driver. The card i used was a 4meg PCI card by ATI. a very very old one ! Even with very old computers, i would stll recomend an up to date distro (for the security / bug fixes) just make sure the eye candy is off, and no un-needed services are running by default. Last time i looked, even the newer fedora distro's still come compiled and optimised compatable with the old i386 processors. unless you have a super old i286 that you stole from a dinosaur museum, i think you will be okay. (your 433 megahurts celleron is an i686) However if Yordan turns out to be correct, it only takes a second or 2 to switch X over to the VESA drivers.
  2. The Easyest Operating system to use, is ALWAYS the one you already know how to use !You have to be sufficiantly motivated to learn somthing new.ANYWAY, the reason i use linux is not beause program X is better than Program Y.Its the freedom.The freedom to have complete controll, to re-program, recompile, re-configure the kernel.Have everything working exactly the way i want it.Even if someone managed to proove beyong all doubt that windows was the best OS,I would still use GNU/Linux, or somthing similar (FreeBSD?) because of the open and free(not cost) nature of it all.i like to customise, fiddle, re-compile, tweak all the inner workings.
  3. Untill recently, i had a system with Pentium2 266mhz 128 megs ram, 1Gig hard disk.It ran KDE desktop fine with a litle delay in reatiion time, but very usable.So that system should run any up to date Distro fine.I may be tempted to run GNOME or some other lighter weight Desktop Environment than KDE though.
  4. Thats apache.see documents and other help at apache.org
  5. Anouther thing to look out for is the type of hard disk...SCSI, IDE or SATA.IDE is the most common, SCSI is supported by very few boards, and SATA is a littrle faster, and usually supports hardware RAID.If your board supports it, It may be worth paying a little extra for SATA especially for video editing purposes.It may even be cheaper to buy 2 150 GIG disks than one 300 Gig disk.then with Hardware Raid, you can cause the Operating system to see both 150 disks as a single 300 Gig disk.Having two differant disks worjking simultaniusly as RAID devices has the added advantage that when you save a large file, half will be saved to disk one, the other half will be saved to disk 2.Effectivly, halfing the time it takes to write the file, and doubling the disk writing speed.definatly worth looking into.
  6. Sorry for the Off topic.... But Linux is developed by a handfull of programmers, who work for free, recieving no money. and give the work away for free download on kernel.org. There's lots of money in servers, and mobile phones, and other devices which use linux. Linux is like oxygen, its pricless, worth a fre billion lives. but there is no money in selling oxygen, it freeee, given away. I once saw a tv survey that asked a few thousand americans if they thought flag burning was legal. somthing like 45% said yes. People are a lot more *free* than they often assume. Can you really see yourself being arrested for using a free alternative ? BACK ON TOPIC. I would definatly say that its better to run a native OS than an emulated OS. Always Always Always. Emulation slows things down, Plus Computer sold purely for games like Xbox and Play Station tend to be cheaper. Company's Like Sony and Microsoft dont mind losing money when they sell the hardware, because they know they can make it all back with the expensive games software.
  7. what about Linux on the Cell CPU inside the playstation3. (Ps3 hard drive will ship with linux pre-installed) I dont think a hadware company can decide what software can and cannot be leghally installed on there hard drives. unless of course this software itself is illegal, for example copy protection circumvention etc etc. Also, there is no money or company. MS could demand that they stop the Xbox ports, if they broke any laws, but i think that is all
  8. goto https://www.whatismyip.com/ this will give you yuour PUBLIC IP. its gets your IP from the source field of the IP packets, so it knows your true global IP rather than your local IP.
  9. He asked for tutorials on FC4, not a distro recomendation. Please read the first post before replying.
  10. wow... thats confusing. my Athlon64 3400+ with stock cooling, and a unde-volted case fan, new thermal paste, and cool n quiet enabled runs at 28 - 32 degrees idle. 45 degrees flat out. I can put my hand into the hase, onto the hea sink, and feel no heat. However, i do Live in England, And its raining right now so ambiant tempreture is low. However, i have only used AMD-Thunderbird, AMD Athlon-XP and AMD Athlon64. And Intels Pentium3. Maybe its some strange voodoo, who knows. I dont know why i had to reply. Maybe its just web-forum psychology. If someone posted about the sky beeing blue, i would probably feel obliged to inform them that in my experiance, the sky is usually grey, dull, and full of rain. What predictable creatures we are
  11. install guide : https://docs.fedoraproject.org/ Its impossable to learn everything all in one go. Install GNU/Linux Then seek help for problems as they arise. Linux is much easyer to use that it was 5 years ago. Learn Linux the same way you learned how to use windows.
  12. Linux terminals are your comunication with BASH Bourne, Again, SHell. Basically the latest shell. You could spend months learning bash, its a very usefull tool. Its a method of comunicating with running programs, its also a programming language. Fortunatly, you dont need to know everything about BASH to use it. This will get you started, http://linux.org.mt/article/terminal/ it covers the basics you need. but its not a complete guide, it doesnt go into programming, or advance techniques.
  13. its got nothing to do with linux.Its based on FreeBSD, but with a re-written Open Kernel used in MacOSX.and without Aqua.to the best of my knoledge anyway.
  14. You replaced the motherboard.Did you seperate the heat sink from the CPU direing the process ???If yes, then you should clean off the Thermal Paste, and re-place it.Whewn you remove the heat sink, then re-place it, air bubbles get between the CPU and the heat sink. Air bubbles are insulators, and stop heat from moving from the CPU into the Fan.Thermal paste is very cheap, about £0.5 at my local computer shop.Remove the heat sink, clean the old thermal greece off with a tissue and a tiny ammount of solvent.use your finger in a pllastic bag to spread new thermal paste over the metal heat sink as THINLY as possable.. the less you use the better.Then place a small blob of paste into the middle of the CPU.about a half the size of a pea.Push the heat sink down onto the cpu firmly.This will ensure that no air bubbles come between the CPU and heat sink.With high quality thermal paste, and stock cooling, my Amd64 3400+ with cool 'n' quiel enabled runs at 32 degrees idle, 45 degrees under high load.
  15. no no no. Dual core's are a waste of money for gaming. The fast majority of games are programmed single threaded. so one of your cores would be running 100%, and the other core would be idle.
  16. good ol cat 5 ! even the cheapest of the cheap ethernet ards are faster than wireless, And more reliable, and secure. cat-5 cable is dirt cheap. Wireless is good for coonnecting a large number of machines, or for laptop computer than move around, but not really needed for stationary home computers. I run 25 meters of cat 5 that goes through a hole in my bedroom wall, to outside, round the wall to the opposite side of the house, down to ground level, then through anouther wall into the room with my broad-band box
  17. After reading up on these kick *bottom* cell processors (STATE of the art, much nicer that x86)im thinking of buying a PS-3..Im not going to play games on it.IBM sent kernel patches to the linux mailing list for the cell cpu's. and they work.infact, Play station 3 hard disks are pre-installed with Linux.so im happy (aslong as i can plug the ps3 into a lcd monitor )
  18. There are still some rare IE6 only web-sites out there. Here is an English job cntre page (the gonvernment) https://www.gov.uk/ On NON IE6 browsers, all 4 job search boxes are empty, on IE6 they are full of job adverts. ive tried spoofinh the User-Agent in firefox, this doesnt work. I have tried the following browsers.. Mozilla Konqueror Epiphany Firefox links. Would a mac user care to try safari ?? Some banks are IE6 only too, but not mine fortunatly
  19. Typeing error, my mistake.But my post still stands.On the D-Link support website, there is no DLink DWL-520+ Rev. Bbut there is a DLink DWL-520 Rev. B and a DLink DWL-520+One of them has a driver in progress.One does work, but its only in version 0.2.which do you have ?If you have a 520 Rev B, Someone will be able to help you install it.like the read me i posted says.. getting the device working in linux involvs1) getting the linux source code2) patching the linux source code3) configureing the linux source code4) compiling the linux source code5) Installing Linux kernel6) Compiling 3rd party, un-supported driver7) Installing 3rd party un-supported driver8) Configureing 3rd party un-supported driver.Its not easy. but I, and others here could do it, so possably talk you through it.The easy option would be to buy hardware that supports linux, or is supported by linux. That way, the device will fully work.
  20. This is by far the worst that ive been wronged, far beyond winXp and its error code 10.So... ive had a chaintech motherboard for a year.when i bought it, the bios was on version 1.every time a new bios was released, i updated it, hoping it would fix certain bugs involving AMD cool'n'quiet and 2 ram sticks.Yesterday i was using version 5.today i noticed version 6 was out.i downloaded it, and flashed it.re-booted and went into bios settings, Chaintech is crap at detecting ram timings, i usually have to set them manually.anyways, to my surprise, timings were okay.. time to test cool'n'quiet.i hit save and exit... and the machine freeeeeses.so i hit re-set.the machine is now a brick.it turns on, fans and disks spin, and the network cards power light lights up, and goes out every 2 secondss or so.re-set button does nothing.ctrl+alt+del does nothing,monitor does not switch on.tried re-setting bios with that jmp1 jumper.. nothing.so thinking that ive burned a wrong bios, i go back to chaintechs site..after a load of detective work.... i discover that i did flash the correct bios.but the buis had been uploaded an hour or so before i downloaded it, then taken down off the site literaly minutes after i downloaded it.There is no notice or anything on the chaintech web-site, but the fact i bios was uploaded, then removed an hour later is a huge admission of guilt.SO... my bios is DEAD. my computer will not boot so i cannot flash version 5 back.im planning on hunting down the guy that made this mistake... and chewing his face off...but in the mean time.... does anyone know any magic tricks for this kind of porblem ?i have a Chaintech vnf3-250 motherboard ( socket 754 Athon64)
  21. you mean netstat ! its a very common tool, it exists in solaris, *BSD, Linux, and even WindowsXP ! read "man netstat" you prbaby want "netstat -npl" n = show posrts as numbers (e.g. show "80" instead of "http" l = show ports in state listening. p = report program name/PID of the running program. example output on my machine... localhost ~ # netstat -nplActive Internet connections (only servers)Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State PID/Program nametcp 0 0* LISTEN 7132/smbdtcp 0 0* LISTEN 7737/privoxytcp 0 0* LISTEN 6691/cupsdtcp 0 0* LISTEN 7685/tortcp 0 0* LISTEN 7132/smbdudp 0 0* 7135/nmbdudp 0 0* 7135/nmbdudp 0 0* 7135/nmbdudp 0 0* 7135/nmbdudp 0 0* 6691/cupsd running tor proxy, privoxy proxy, cups and samba.
  22. there are a million levels of "not working so great" so before we can even start diagnosing the problem, we need to know the symptoms. What have you managed to do with the card ? Does Ubuntu detect the wireless card ? If so, are you able to start the network interface ? uf so are you able to ping other computers ? I have done a quick google for a driver. It seems that D-Link does not support its cards under Linux. And Linux does not support D-Link cards. However, there are 3rd party open source projects on source-forge working on developing a linux driver for these wireless cards. http://support.dlink.com/ErrorPage.htm Unless UBUNTU have integrated these drivers into there distribution (un-likely) then you will need to install the yourself. This includes installing kernel source code, patching the source, configureing the patched kernel, compiling, and installing. This is not too difficult, but its somthing you will have never even heard of under windows. You said your card is a DLink DWL-520+ Rev. B i assume you meant either a DWL-250 Rev. B or a DWL-250+ The driver for the 250 Rev B is currently in version 0.2 (use at your own risk) The driver for the 250+ is still an Alpha, not even released yet, but un0finished source code is available. install instrutons for the Rev B are at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ if you have the 250 Rev B card then it seems its possable to get working under linux to a limited capacity. But my advice would be to buy a Wireless card that [ supports / is supported by ] Linux. ANYWAYS.... If you have the 250 Rev B card, have a look at the install instructions i posted, if you get stuck anywhere, post back here and someone will help you.
  23. Darwin is considered the 4th BSD.Darwin is basically MacOSX with X11 instead of Aqua. The open source components of the Macintosh.
  24. lol, i love this... question: and the first answer given is to Dont worry, linux isnt the only operating system, Darwin will work fine. I would recopmend risisting the usual newbie tempations to install Apache2. for your first web-server try Lighttpd http://www.lighttpd.net/ there are no pre-compiled binaries for Darwin, so you woul need to compile yourself the usual way. configureing lighttpd is very easy, and its default asettings are also the most secure (unlike apache) By default, lighttpd is a simple httpd server, bt can also do some more complicated things like cgi-scripts etc etc. once its running, making your web-site is as simple as saving your html files to /var/www/htdocs/
  25. As far as linux is concerned it doesnt matter.. with linux you can have as many or as few partitons as you like, and you can put the partitons anywhere you like.Windows somtimes gets upset if it isnt on the first partiton of the primary drive, but the linux boot loader (GRUB) can fix that should you need to move windows to anouther partiton.
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