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Everything posted by qwijibow

  1. all 3 keys at the same time ( ctrl alt + ) to increace screen resolution. ( ctrl alt - ) to decreace screen resolution. Alternativly, use the screen size and rotate porgram (part of KDE in the system menu) Xorg will let you scroll through screen sizes that are listed inn /etc/X11/xorg.conf porvided that thay are compatable with your refresh rate (also in /etc/X11/xorg.conf) your card, and the driver. you may need to edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf to get those tiny resolutions. But to really get the frames up, you are going to either have to get the game running in OpenGL mode, or install Cedeger to get it working with DirectX. Alternatily, have a look at flightgear.. a free open source flight simulator for Linux. google for it. EDIT: Nope... Wine suppports DirectX for things like sound, Joystick, Keyboard, and mouse.. but not the graphics component (Direct 3D) Only cedeger does...
  2. [ off-topic ] I love it when people say that... LOL. Wine is a recusrise Acronym for "[W]ine s [N]ot an [E]mulator" its the same for other Porjects like for example GNU. peoplle are always saying GNU is a UNIX, even though GNU is a recursive acronym for "GNU's Not Unix" [ back on topic ] Wine (The free as in free beer version) does not support DirectX. I would guess that F22 is detectng that DirectX is not available, and dropping back to software rendering. Cedeger fully supports DirextX 9 ! If you really want to play, maybe you could fork(); out the £9 it costs to get a subscription, Are you a student ? if so... broaden your horrizons, and instead of spending the £9 on saterday night beer... spend it on WINE LOL.. Im using Cedega right now...it supports DirectX 9b (the latest avalable) It runs Counter Strike Source and Half Life2 at the same frame rate as windows. possably cos Linux can take full advantage of my amd64 ??? Plus....ive not had to touch any config files... yay for the Point2Play GUI go buy cedger.. its worth it !
  3. Have you installed your graphics card ?If No, then you will be running MessaGL, which is Software OpenGL.To use hardware accelerated OpenGL, you will need to install the drivers from Nvidia.com, or ATI.com depending on your cards GPU.the program glxinfo will tell you what client and server openGL you are using, if the word Messa shows up anywhere, then your card is not installed, or not configured correctly.
  4. They should release the devce under the Open Source GPL. We have Open Source Software, Open Source Beer... so why not Open Source Electricity Then maybe we would see a similar Microsoft VS GNU/Linux FUD Campain from the Oil Company's. LOL.
  5. So you have version 2.2.x and you need version 3.x.The 2 obviouse solutions are to update samba, or use a non anchant version of GNU.for example fedora core 4. Or better yet, an up to date version of Redhat Enterprise.
  6. The install the hard drive option is great !It turned the spare out dated parts under my bed into a fully functional computer !With NO USB or CD-ROM, booting a live distro was out of the question,and the hard disk was only 512 megs.so installing DAMN small linux, along with the pluggin programs like Firefox, Open Office, ssh daemon, and monkey httpd.. i got new life to an otherwise useless machine.8 months later, the graphics card (or possably the AGP bus) died... but it was still cool while it lasted.
  7. is nobody going to point out that.... 1) both those cpu's will give almost identicle performace (similar to a pentium 4 2.5Ghz < which is what the 2500+ means) 2) Unless you are planning on using Linux, going 64bit is popointless. Wino#dows XP 64 is pretty much just a proof of concept, all comercially available software is still 32bit. AND, when Vista 64bit is FINALLY released, that cpu will probably not be powerfull enough. DONT WASTE YOUR MONEY ! keep the cpu you are currently using.
  8. Hey, i know advrtiseing is not allowed here, so i wont post a link, but im currently selling a cheap stills / video camera on ebay.its a 3.1 Megapixel camera, and will store 2 and a half hours of continuous video on a 512 meg SD memory card.However it only has a 4x zoom. It has a night mode, but not night vision.send me a pm if you are interested.
  9. There are plenty of other threads in the linux section about which distro to choose for different ppurposes, so i wont get into that.With Linux, you need 2 or more partitons depending on variouse things.a popular yet basic partiton scheeme is to create only 2 partitons for linux, a root partiton (the main partiton) and a swap partiton (for virtual memory) 3 partitons in total, 1 for windows, 1 for linux main, and a small one for swap space.a better partiton scheeme would be 3 partitons for linux./ (root)/home (home partiton)swap (virtual memory)the addition of a home partiton adds 2 advantages.1) you can format linux, and install a different distro without having to backup your files or settings.2) having your home partiton mounted as a seperate partiton means you can mount it with different settings to your root partiton. a good setting would be "noexec"mounting home as "noexec" means linux wil not allow you to run scripts or programs from your home partiton. all programs would need to be officially installed by root first.This reduxces the risk of getting a virus in desktop linux from practically zero, to almost definatly zero.some people will also put /boot /tmp and /usr on different partitons, but that benefits servers more than desktop's so i wont do into that.enjoy.
  10. Slackware 3.. ay...Lets See how Linux Kernel 1.3 handles my AMD-64 machine... do you think it has drivers for my nForce-3 motherboard.. LOL
  11. The comparason to c++ is not fair. You will probably find that the c++ compiler is optimising your code, and replacing for ( a=1; a <= 10000000; a++ ) { /* 100 x more than in bash !!! */ } with the following code a=10000000; both pieces of code achieve the same end result. try compiling the the zero optimise flag -O0
  12. Plus, each linux distro is the same thing put together differently.All Linux distro's use the same kernel (Linux)All Linux DIstro's use the same Operating system ( GNU )
  13. i586 will work, but i686 will be better optimised to your hardware ( i586's pre date pentium 1's) or -athlon -pentium4 architechture would be a litle faster. EDIT: oops, it seems mandrake dont release optimised version newer than i586. stick with i586. not exactly. at some point early in the windows install, you will be asked where you want to install windows, go into the partiton options and delete the C/ patiton. ets say for example that partiton is 20 gigs, create a new partiton 15 gigs or smaller, and use that partiton to install windows. then dureing the linux install, linux will find that un-partitoned space, and use it. this is not vital to the llinux install, but it makes things a little easyer. My 2.2 Ghz AMD Athlon 64 fully compiles an entire distro in about 4 hours. Which is a long time, but the added performace boost is worth it, gentoo fly's For example, Mandrivia is optimised for i586 (the Pentium processor released in 1993 12 years old) My Gentoo is optimised for my AMD-64 cpu. processors have changed alot inn the last decade, and using the enhanced optimisation features isworth it Also, i dont think gentoo is that hard to install, the handbook tells you what to do step by step. But ill stop puching gentoo, otherwise you will never make a decision, LOL. Mandrivia should be a nice gentle introduction to linux, and help you learn the basics. ver few people ever stay with the first linux dstro, ive been using linux for about 3 and a half years. i started on redhat 9, then fedora, then mandrake, then slackware, then Linux From Scratch, then gentoo. my main [rpblm with other distro's is installin things, endless package dependancy's. you install 1 porgram, it says it needs you to install 2 dependancy's, ten those 2 dependancy's have anouther 4 dpeendancy's etc etc etc. with gentoo, i can simply type "emerge apache" and the source code is automatically downloaded, automatically optimised and compiole, then installed, along with any dependancy's it may have..
  14. Lol, no porblem.I assumed you didnt notice this was in the linux section.Your instruction would be better suited to a windows sectionPlease keep windows specific tutorials out of the linux section.
  15. If you actually READ this tutorial, you would have noticed..1) This tutorial if for making memory cards hot-pluggable for LINUX2) Windows already does this by default by probing the device on a continuous loop. (which i personally think is messy, and a waste of resources).By following this tutorial, linux users will be able to use memory cards that were NOT inserted dureing boot up.Otherwise, i user would need to unplug the usbn card reader, or re load the drivers, OR run hdparm -z /dev/sdX manually.please read a post before replying, otherwise it just clutters up the thread with nonsens like the second and third reply to this tutorial.
  16. Notice from qwijibow: Ignore all scripts on this page, auto probing of USB card readers is handld by the Hardware Abstraction Layer. Make sure HAL is installed, and the daemon "hald" runs during boot-up (or at least before you start using the usb card reader) However, the first post will still be of use for help installing the usb card reader drivers. My Multi-Slot USB card reader didnt work exactly how i liked itout the box, so i made a few tweaks. Here's how and why. my Card reader is a 21 in 1 Memory card reader, which has 4 slots for cards, and is capable of using upto 4 different cards at once. All 4 cards run off the SAME single usb connection (without an internal USB hub) This adds an unseen consiquence. Bu doing this, we forfeit USB's hot plug abilities. For example, a single card reader will use its hotplug abbility's to reset the usb drivers when a new card is inserted or removed, causing the kernel to re-scan the device, and detect vital things like the cards size, partiton table read/write etc etc. Multi slots cannot do this. Imagine One card is in use, and we insert a second, if the device was to use the normal hot-plug trigger, the in use device would be re-set. possably losing data. ###################### Question: Ahaaaaa ! But windows seems to be able to detect new cards beeing inserted just fine ! and without upsetting other cards in use... How does windows do this ? ###################### ###################### Answer: Windows does not use the hotplug usb feature either, it polls each of the 4 slots every second or 2, asking them if they have a card inserted, if the answer changes from no to yes, it knows a card was inserted, if the answer changes from yes to no, it knows a card was removed. ###################### So, a simple solution may be to implement the windows method into a linux script. The script would be fairly simple, somthing like white truedo/sbin/hdparm -z /dev/sdX || sleep 9sleep 1donereplace X with the slot character [a-z] This script loops round checking the usb card reader for new cards every second. if a card is in use, the script waits 10 seconds untill it continues checking. This basically how windows does it. BUT i hate this method for 3 reasons. 1) The disk activity light constantly flickers, annoying, as my card reader is eye hight, and its distracting. 2) Its a messy solution, and possably slows down performance of the card reader. 3) it fills the messages log will /dev/sdX is busy mesages. People are always saying how customisable linux is, and how its so easy.. so lets show off, and make a better solution. BUT first off, lets make sure your multi slot cad reader is working. make sure the following modules are loaded (run lsmod as root, and look for the following enteries) if any of those are missing, run the following comand as root, for each missing module modprobe <name of mising module> if the above command ever returns a module not found, dont worry, the module if porbabl in-bult into your kernel by your distro makers, and noesnt need to be loaded speratly. now, just to make sure your card reader is supported, run the following command. dmesg | grep scsi you should see output similar to the following. NOTE: you will have extra enteries if you also have SCSI disks as opposed to IDE disks. If you dont know what SCSI is, you probably dont have SCSI disks look at the "lun x" enteries, you SHOULD see on lun for each slot in your card reader. i have lun 0 to lun 3 (4 slots) If you only see one lun, and have more than 1 slot, your kernel needs a re-compile. This is very un-likely, but if this is you, reply here, and i wil help you do this. basically you need to go to Device Drivers -> SCSI -> and select "PROBE ALL LUNS ON SCSI DEVICE" and re-compile. Each slot will be accessable as a differant /dev/sdX1 device. Insert your memory cards, then un-plug the reader, and plug it back in. ########### QUESTION: why did we have to re-plug it in ? ANSWER: Remember what i talked about above ? because no cards were inserted when you turned the computer on / loaded the drivers, then no cards were detected, linux has not re-scanned the device, so still thinks no cards are inserted, re-plugging it in, caused linux to re-scan the device and find new cards. ########### I am NOW going to show you how to make linux re-scan for new cards all by itself, when needed, withoout user interaction. you will need to install sudo if sudo is not already installed (it probably is !) edit /etc/sudoers with the following command AS ROOT visudo -f /etc/sudoers and add the following line. to the end of the file. this will allow normal users to probe the memory cards without the root password (if you have more than 5 SCSI devices + memory card slots, edit the "[a-e]" if in doubt [a-z] will allow ou to use all of them. now make some mount points for your memry cards. mkdir /mnt/sdamkdir /mnt/sdbmkdir /mnt/sdcmkdir /mnt/sddchmod 777 -R /mnt/sd* now edit /etc/fstab add the following lines AND FINALLY.... we are going to program a *FAKE MOUNT* The job of this, is to replace the real mount. it will snoop at what the computer wants mount to do. if mount is beeing called to mount a memory card, it will probe that card first. re-scanning its partiton table. cd into /bin/ and rename the mount program cd /binmv mount mount-real now add the fake mount. save the following file as root, to /bin/mount. Notice from qwijibow: This version of the mount script is obsolite, use the mount script, and install instruction from post =6 of this thread !!!! #!/bin/bash# Code by Chris Stones (chris.stones@ googles email [i hate spam])# If you can think of a better way of doing this ( patch the usb_storage drivers ?) Please let me know;)# fake mount !!!!# intercept parameters to mount.# may need to re-scan the media pannel for new / removed cards before mounting.#this script assumes you have sudo setup to allow regular users to run hdparm -z /dev/sd[a-z]#add line "%users ALL = NOPASSWD:/sbin/hdparm -z /dev/sd[a-e]" to /etc/sudoers#this script ALSO assumes the mount points are /mnt/sd[a-z]#if anyone can edit this script to parse /etc/fstab, please do so, and let me know.test_wait() { if [ ! -f $1 ]; then sleep 1 fi}probe() { sudo /sbin/hdparm -z $1 > /dev/null test_wait $1"1" test_wait $1"1" test_wait $1"1"}if [ `echo $1| head -c 7` = "/mnt/sd" ]; then probe "/dev/"`echo $1 | tail -c 4`fi# call real mount/bin/mount-real $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 now make the script executable chmod +x /bin/mount This little script is quite simple, if you call mount with parameter "/mnt/sd[a-d]" the script will instruct the kernel to re-scan the device you are about to mount. it then waits upto 3 seconds for the kernel to find a card, and add a /dev/sd[a-d]1 device node. it then passes control to the real mount. If you are NOT mounding a usb card reader show, control is passed instantly to the real mount. Try it out, you should now be ableo to mound your cards like so mount /mnt/sda or with KDE's graphical mount tools (or gnome / whatever graphical envronment you use) So, what do you think ?? Better solution that constant probing ? or do you prefere the Windows method ?
  17. KDE is the most popular desktop. Its similar to windows, in the way that its goals are to make everything integrated. For example, Windows has the porgram explorer. Explorer does eerythign in one, it can show pictures, it shows PDF's it browsers the internet, it rowses the hard disk, any maybe even does a few more things. KDE aims to be integrated like this. Gnome is the opposite, it aims to be modular. each program performs one task, and is specialised for that one task only. Also GNOME is very lean, Zero bloat. Loads and runs faster than KDE. get screen shots at https://www.kde.org/, and https://www.gnome.org/. its about personal pe#referance, you can easily install them both and switch between them whenever you like. There are many other desktops available, like for example Enlightenment.org Which is perhaps the most inovitive desktop. And IceWM.org which is a minimalist distro.... LIGHTNING fast, but minus eye candy, and other conviniences. ABOUT dual booting..... You have 2 options.. resize the windows partiton, shrinking it by a few gig, then running the linux install. OR format the drive, install windows, but when it asks where to install windows to, go into partiton options, delete the origonal partiton, and create a new partiton, what doesnt ake up the whole disk, then install to that partiton. THEN install linux. In both cases, dureing the linux install, pick the empty *un-partitoned" space to install linux to. I know it sounds complicated, but its really very easy. for re-sizing the windows partiton, you ave 2 options, either use a tool like partiton magic (not free) Or find a friend with a bootable knoppix CD. (Knoppix is a live cd linux distro, it givesa full working linux desktop from a bootable cd, without having to install to hard drive) knoppix has a porgram called qt-parted. this can resize windows partitons. I know this is probably swamping you with data. Perhaps the best advice i can give, is backup your data, download the distro of your choice. (im still recomending slackware or gentoo IF you want to take the fast route crash course without too much hand holding) and just dive in. no matter how much info we give you, you WILL make mistakes.. its how we learn. In fact, i would say breaking things is the best way to learn !! You break somthing, spend 15 minutes reading about how it works, and how to configure it. spend 5 minutes trial and erroring your way though the config.. then by the end, your an expert in that small area of linux. Go forth, and make mistakes... and remember... No matter how bad you break somthing, nothing ever ever requires a re-install,, even if linux wont boot, there is a faster way to fix it than re-install, although a re-install is easyest, it wont teach you about what went wrong. (ohh, unless you acciently format the root partiton, then you need ot re-install.. lol)
  18. Question1: I strongly disagree with yordan. Mandrake and SUSE are *newbie* distros. They hide the *REAL* linux behind auto configureation wizzards, and graphical interfaces. Great if your a newbie, but a pain for those who want to learn hard core Linux. I would recomend Gentoo or slackware. Gentoo is all about editing config scripts manually, and compiling all our own software from source code. All of gentoo's scripts are well documented. so, for example, if you want to edit your network config script, full instructions on how to do so are in the config script itself. so you learn how to edit, as you edit, without having to look for a 3rd party how-to. One down side to gentoo, is compiling an entire linux distro on old hardware can take all day. If you have a slow cpu, go or slackware. Slackware is similar to gentoo, except that all the program packages are pre-compiled. =================================================================== Question 2: I've never used SuSE. =================================================================== Question 3: this is all meaning less. Lets talk Primary Master's Secondry Slaves, and partiton numbers. Any Linux Distro will allow you to setup a dual boot. Most, including gentoo do it as part of the main installation. It makes things much easyer if you have an empty disk to install linux to, or if you dont mind formating windows and staring again. otherwise, you will need to shrink your windows partiton to make space for linux first. But on thing you must pay attenting to... NEVER INSTALL WINDOWS AFTER LINUX ! when a linux installation detects windows, linux sets up a dual boot. When windows detects a linux installation, it somtimes demands that you format linux first. The windows installer demands that the windows partiton be in a certain place, the first partiton, and MBR... this is a load of rubbish, windows will work nomatter what partiton you run it on. Im cutrrently installing windows to partiton 5. ============================================================ Question 4: 1) Open Source ! You dont like somthing... Reprogram it ! 2) Open Source ! the system is completely open, if somthing ever goes wrong, it NEVER EVER requires a format and re-install ! 3) Securety.. MS windows has 1 line of securety, The firewall. and one line of damage limitation, the virus scanner. Linux has the firewalls, Stong user [privilage access rights, SE-Linux, GR-Securety, CHROOT JAILS, GateKeeper, TripWire, NIDS. When all securety is in place, a hacker has 1 hell of a job owning the machine.... Lets Say they make it though the firewall... then thers is NIDS (network intrusion detection system) watching the network traffic. if you send a known virus, or known exploit shell code, you are blocked at the firewall level. lets say you get through that, and send exploit code to a vulnrable server.... things like GRSecurety, SELinux, and GateKeeper are watching the server. of the server does anything its not supposed to, like send the syscall fork() (used in many server exploits) then the call is blocked. and even if you compromise the server, you are only running with access rights "nobondy" you dont even have right access to anywhere except /tmp/ and you only have read access to the files that that srver owns, and uses on a daily basis. you then need to somhow gain access rights.. hopefully root. THEN you have to escape the chroot jail, to aaccess the real root directory tree... OHH, and i forgot to mention, that by default, most newish distros like gentoo 2005 use randomising stack protection inthe compiler.. so its almost impossable to overflow even unchecked buffers. Linux has so many securety features that windows just cant even dream of its un-real... Then of-cource there is FreeBSD, which is slightly more secure than linux. then if you want to go insane... there is OpenBSD, which boasts only 1 securety hole in the last 10 years...
  19. Read some tutorials.Learn the basics of CGI programming, and how the HTML <POST> tag sends forms to cgi scripts.after you have studdied the basics of CGI (common Gateway Interface) its very simple.This is a challenge, not a tutorial.If you cant do it, then you cant pass the challenge.
  20. then dont, use gaim ! Anyway... Lets Compare Googles Gmai to Microsofts Hotmail. Adverts: Gmail = small discrete adverts, only adverts that are relevant to your email. your email is about computer hardware, maybe you will get a inpel pentium 4 advert. small discrete. ALSO, Gmail allow you to use SMTP and POP protocols, bypassing the web interface, and all adverts. Hotmail: You are assulted with a random advert, right smack bang in the middle of the welcome page. The inbox has anouther huge banner advert. both on the top, and down theright hand side. Google wins ! Lets compare spam email... Hotmail, i get about 30 a day in my inbox, loads more in my spam fp;der Gmail, none. Gmail wins again. Storeage space, 1GIG vs 250 megs... Gmail wins again. Ohh, and who remmebers that time someone found an URL in hotmail that let anyone read anyone else email... ? i do ! gmail wins again. Plus, on my windowsXP partiton, which i only use for occasional gameing, msn messenger doesnt even work, it just hangs, and pops up loads of annoying error report email things. I think its quite obviously Google who are the good guys here. google doesnt read your email... it just scans it for keywords to decide wether or not any of its adverts may interest you.
  21. Let me start off by saying although i talk alot about linux here, the broblm occusr both under linux and winowsXP.but linux reports error messages alot better than windows (which just denies the device is even plugged in)so ive talked about linux more.But the problem itself is Hardware, so for you windows users, please dont stop reading. Ii need your help too!thanks.===============================================================================Hello guys.Im going to explain this all step by step because the solution the edidence points to just doesnt make sence.hopefully you can spot what im missing.Recently, i bought a Multi-slot USB card reader/writer.Its internal and fints ionto the cd-rom drive bay.It runs off USB. the cable runs though the insite of the computer, out a specially designed PCI slot cover with a hole in it :Dand into a USB slot at the back.First boot the slot worked fine, but i had not configured the USB2 driver ehci_hcd to load by default.so the device was working from USB 1.1 ohci_hcd.the usb mass storage loads a different scsi lun for each slot in the reader (so you can use multiple cards at once)/dev/sda/dev/sdb/dev/sdc/dev/sddeverything worked perfect, but at slow usb1 speed.so i modprobed the usb2 driver ehci_hcd.The kernel repoerted that the devce had detached from usb1 and attacjhed to usb 2.but then i get several errors in dmesg saying the device rejected address X, error -71, and read error/64 -71.ALSO, in usb2, no /dev/sdX nodes are assigned, and the "ACTIVE" light, which is normally ON, and flashing dureing activity went dead. The power light remained on.So i tried everything i could think of.re-compiled kernel without PRE-EMPTIVE.compiled several different kernel versions.tried under MS windows, Same problem.then as a last desperat act, i decided to try different usb slots.one usb slot was too far for the cable to reach (i taped down the usb cample inside the case to stop it restrictng airflow / hitting graphics card fan, which its close to.so i had to use a USB extenstion cable, about 60cm long..then suddenly, the device started working as USB2, i tested with file transfere's, and it was much much faster.also KDEinfo center reported the device as EHCI.i took the computer apart again, removed tape, and let extra cable through to reach the working USB slot.then everything stoped working again. same error in dmesg.i have now discovered that it was not the differant usb slot that fixed it. but the usb extenstion cable.I only have 1 usb2 device, so imnot sure if its a buggy usb2 controller, or a buggy BIOS, or a buggy card reader.but extending the cable with a usb cable extender, made for my mp3 player fixes everything. when i remove it, its broke again.i cant work out WHY extending the cable fixes it !?even without the cable, when it doesnt work, the kernel still manages to identify the device correctly with id codes and product names.my hardware....motherboard = Chaintech vnf3-250chipset = nForce-3relevand loaded modules code:sg 27576 0sd_mod 13208 0usb_storage 25156 0scsi_mod 99120 3 sg,sd_mod,usb_storageusbhid 20612 0ohci_hcd 16388 0ehci_hcd 25288 0usbcore 85496 5 usb_storage,usbhid,ohci_hcd,ehci_hcdrelevant pciinfo. code:0000:00:02.0 USB Controller: nVidia Corporation CK8S USB Controller (rev a1)0000:00:02.1 USB Controller: nVidia Corporation CK8S USB Controller (rev a1)0000:00:02.2 USB Controller: nVidia Corporation nForce3 EHCI USB 2.0 Controller (rev a2)kernel 2.6.12-gentoo-r9the USB device is a "Trust CR-3300 Media Bay"All this cable is doing, is maybe adding a sligh resistance, and a slight extra signal delay.WHY does it fix my usb ????Ohhh, and i ve also tried updating the bios, this didnt help.adding the extension cabl makes usb2 work perfectly, removing instant stops usb 2 from working.but under usb1, it works fine without the usb extension.if anything, adding an extension cable should make thesignal worse right !?
  22. You should see some of the great things other Unix like operating systems have as a backup for the first line of defence in securety. For example, chroot envoronments (AKA Jails) can be used to make solid bounderies around different applications. For example put Apache web server in a GNU/Linux chroot jail, and if Apache has a vulnrability, and is hacked. The so called hacker is isolated to a small area of the system. FreeBSD takes this idea even firther with *ZONES*. Similar to a chroot Jail, except limits can be places on other resourcesa zone can take, for example CPU time, and physical memory. GCC, (the GNU compiler) uses stack randomisation, meaning smashing the stack on un-checked buffers is virtually uimpossable. If Windows Compilers did this, virii like MS.Blast, and other worms could not have spread my MS's RPC exploit. Projecst like GRSecurety GATE-Keeper, and SELinux add extra constraints around applications. They know exactly what areas of the disk an application is allowed to use. They Know what SYSTEM calls an application may need to use. And if a *hacked* program attepmts to make a system call ists not allowed to (for example the fork() call, which almost all virii / explits use) then the compromised programs are terminated. The home partiton is by default mounted as noexec. The ssytem will flat out refuse to execute any program which is not owned by root, and lives on a users partiton. So email virii just dont have a chance. To add the abouve securety features to Windows would take a LOT of work. But they are moving towards these securety idea's slowly, for example in Windows Vista, The web browser runs with reduced privilages. *Nix has been doing this since the WWW was put into use... but never late than never. Windows was designed as a cheap home use Operating system, And its good at its job. But when you start trying to use it as a web server, or it becomes the target of virii writers, its a little out off its depth.
  23. Lol, calm down its not really a war. GNU/Linux just provides a great Unix like Operating system. Microsoft doesnt like it because its a threat to its dominance, and unlike other problems, GNU/Linux cannot be bought. ever. For Linux to be sold, every contributer who has ever contributed to any part or Linux or GNU would have to agree. and thats not going to happen. so i would say, its more of a Microsoft kicking Linux. And Linux just sitting there smiling. barely a war.
  24. You mean the frame buffer ? Regardless of wether the linux console is written to the screen by manipulating the frame buffer or using the video cards BIOS, The console is still the console. Some distro's just use the frame buffer because it allows a higher resolution that the video cards default BIOS. You can make the kernel go back to using BIOS calls to write to the screen in console mode by removing the video= and vga= options from the kernel line of the boot loader. The cursor you see is the gpm daemon. It allows you to copy and paste in a console environment. you can remove this by stopping the gpm daemon from starting by default dureing boot up.
  25. Everyone is getting so excited about Apples Port to x86 from PPC. First of all, out of everyone who is excited about this, how many actually know the differences in the architechture between x86 and PPC ??? One Advantage of PPC over x86 is the RISC architechture. But who really knew that risk meant MacOSX is written mostly in C. C is architechture independant, The Vast majority or OSX will not need re-porgramming for the Port. MacOSX x86 will still NOT run on your PC. you will need to buy a new PC from Apple. The Only change the swuitch will make to the consumer, will be the ability to run MS-Windows on your Apple PC without using emulation. But this kinds defeats the object of buying a mac. The news has got the consumers all hyped. byt all that will be diferent is the mchine code, which non developers never see anyway. Why oh Why are people getting so excited bout screen shots of OSX, showing the cpu name as Intel instead of IBM's PowerPC ? Ive been reading that this move will make MacOS more popular !!! Why ? you will still need to buy your PC from Apple shops, (your PC world computer will not run MacOSX) FreeBSD on which OSX is based is already on x86, has been for decades. The PPC chip is no more secure than the x86. Ive been reading that the change will increace the number of virii aimed at MacOSX. securety is all about the OPerating system. MacOSX is still the FreeBSD Operating system, which is still one of the most secure Operating systems around, right behind OpenBSD. Apart from the hype of the Intel name, this change makes no differance. Linux Is KLinux, wether its running on Intel, AMD, Apple, or Sparc... And MacOS is MacOS wether its running on PPC or x86.
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