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Hacker Wannabe If youre a hacker please come in
qwijibow replied to rantsh's topic in Security issues & Exploits
Level 7 is wrong !!!it says my answer is wrong but 0xBADCAB12 hxadecimal is decimal 3 135 023 890or am i mis-understanding he question ???i did the base16 maths myself, then checked my answer with google converter.anyone else get this ? -
Drivers Using Cellphone cellphones can maximise accidents
qwijibow replied to atm's topic in Science and Technology
I think there called tesler coils :mellow:not jusy bobile phone killers, but just about everything that uses a radio wave..ive heard of home made coils setting off neighbours water sprinkler systems, lol. -
LOL.... i went to smartlinks home-page. i clicked driver downloads. i clicked "linux users click here" i accepted the licence agreement. and there it was, the linux driver for smartlink modems. the first place to look for drivers is always the Home-Page of the product. Driver: http://www.smlink.com/emall/shopHome.asp?sc=error Install Instuctions: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ ENJOY ! Lets answer the questions that he asked first YES the SmartLink PCI modem will work fine under linux. The poor guy asked for a driver, and has had partitoning advice, distro advice, promises of modems working without even knowing the modems brand, and questions about why he's leaving windows. anyone would think he tried to escape a cult. LOL.
Yes.its called mixing.you can use a software mixer (like the arts sound server)If you are usin KDE then arts is probably running, configure xmms to use arts as its sound output pluggin.Alternativly, you can use a mixer at the driver level. have a look on the ALSA home-page on how to configure mixing at the driver level.
Here was an interesting trick i used for my Amd64 3400+by adding extra case fans, you cool the air inside the case, and theCPU fan can work more effectivly.BUT case ans are noisey... so here is what i did... I added 4 case fans, but undervolted them all.4 fans running at half speed are completely silent, but work as effectivly as 2 or 3 full speed fans. and a case fan only costs £2 ish.Here is what to do...Put as many fans into the case as you can / want.Now wire them as follows...All the red wires of the case fans to a red wire from the power supply.All the plack wires from the case fans to the black of the power supply.and leave the white case fan wires un-attached.The fans are resigned to run from 12 volts (the yellow wire) but the red wire is only 5 volts.Its cheap. and effective.In the summer, (i live in england, not the hottest of places)it lowered by amd 3400+ cpu temp from 55 degrees under high stress, down to 45 degrees under stress.Not a huge differance, but easy and very cheap. Especially if you can find the fans from spare parts. (the fans on the inside of power supply's are usually exactly the same as normal case fans.Just be sure to use insulation tape around any soldered power supply wires.. IDEALLY, use a junction box.
I think so.Have you ever booted a freshly installed version of XP?it boots quite quickly.Dureing use however, if completely fragments the disk.eventually grinding to a hault.Disk fragmention doesnt cause crashes, but i would still consider it a stability issue, as performance degrades over time.The disk de-frag tool is a cheap and dirty fix to this flaw.in the wndows95 days with 2gig disks, it was an acceptable solution,but over a decade later, 120gig disk sizes, and windows has still not resolved this issue.
I dont like the way that you have to watch the disk activity light to know when your PC has finished booting in windows.for exampl, you login,and the desktop shows, but the computer is un-responcive while other background proccesses load.It would be nice if there was a message box, or better yet, the desktop didnt show itself untill the computer had fully booted.
There is way to much miss-information here ! ALL linux distro's use the same kernel.. (the linux kernel !) And as a result, all linux distro's are able to use the same software, the same drivers, the same everything. no, no, no. Windows-Modem support under linux is poor, you annot make such claims without even knowing the modems manufacuter ID, or Product ID. For drivers, it does not matter which distro you use. Please dont post linux advice unless you know what your talking about, your not helping.
The problem with terroism, is that when you respond to it by bombing IRAQ, you are simply fueling the hatred that the terrorists use to recruit more terrorists.We all saw the photo's of the children, who lost both parents to stray bombs, and were hospitalised.When a terrorist tries to brainwash this person when they grow up, telling that this person that amerca is evil, it will be hard for that person to dissagree.You cant stop terrorism by fueling hatred with war.You cant free iraq from dictators, who abuse citizens, and then go on to hold your own citizens without trial, all the while singing "innocent untill proven guilty"
Jipman... I agree.When it comes to Administering linux, it can be more difficult, depending on the distro.RPM's were origonally designed for Redhat when it was primarily a server distro, designed for server admins.And as you say, i wouldnt want to force rpm's on my mum B)But what about Linspire's install program "Click'N'Run"Im just argueing that not all aspecs of linux are difficult.And 99% of users on this forum are "techies" that could learn how to use RPM's in a few minutes.Linux IS harder than windows to administer, but its not beyond anyone's abilitys's in this forum.Too be honest, i wouldnt want Linux to be accepted by the masses.. (makes me feel special.. LOL nerd )
alot of pople say that, what other OS's did you try ? and what did you find difficult about them ? The funny thing is, m the oppiste way around, i cant figure out how to use windows properly. for example, in linux, if the networking is not running, i sumply run "net start" but to do the same in windows, i hae to go into control panel, and follow this endlessly annoying Wizzard... and god help me if i neet to setup IP masquerading or Ntwork Address Translation, lol. Im also having the opposite porblem wiith games... I have Half Life 2 installed on windows and linux (the same machine, dual boot) In Linux, running a DirectX9 emulator, i get about 50+ frames per second... I tired in windows, and i get 14 frames per second... ive tride everything, inclding re-installing graphics drivers, and AGP gart drivers. In theory, windows should run DirectX games faster than a Linux DIrectX emulator. There MUST be somthing wrong with a driver... if there was somthing wrong with a linux driver, i would run "lsmod" to make sure the driver is loaded. and "dmesg" to see if the driver reported any errors. but in windows, well... there's a trouble shooter wizzard that keps asking me to make sure my Graphics card is plugged in.
I agree, Once our family PC broke down. so my mum, used my computer (linux). She has only used a computer twice in her life, the first time, i showed her how to use windows to write a letter and rpint it out, write and recieve email, and browse the internet. On her 3rd use of a computer, she sat infront of Linux, having never seen it before. Wthout any help, using common sence, she opened the web browser by clinking the main menu bottom left, then licking internet, then clicking "web browser" she was also able to fine the email clientThunderbird, AND the office program Opppen Office. Having never even seen this OS before, and having only 1 10 minute lesson on windows, she managed to use linux without even noticing the differance. whats could be more simple ??? Nobody is saying windows is bad... its just not the best. Its the OS with the best marketing, no doubt. and no doubt Bill gates is an EXCELLENT buisness man. But windows is not some miracle of software engineering. Every major feature in windows, was already around in anouther OS before. For example, *nix beat windows to True Multi-Tasking by a decade or 2. *nix has had anti root-kit for a long time too, windows is only just started getting such utilities. *nix beat windows to multi-cpu support, and 64bit technology. *nix beat windows file access rights, which were introduced to NTFS, but tuned of by default. *nix beat windows to networking, I hear windows Vista will support the ability to run applications with different / reduced access rights to contain [possable intrusions through thins like a web browser... *nix has been going this since the beginning. windows get this feature 30 years later. Windows is good... Just a little behind on key *nix features. Widnows file shareing,, thats anouther that *nix was doing long before windows.. thelist goes on.. Everything you had to wait for in windows, was available first in Unix/Linus/*BSD.
So in other words, what you are saying, Is that on its own, windows would fail my little hyperthetical test. and needs 3rd party help, where linux has it all built in, and installed by default. Im talking about the OS itself, not the ability to patch the holes with 3rd party, NON MS applications.
PCI hardware modems are usuallly supported, but winmodems AKA Softmodems can be a problem. post the vendorID and ProductID of the modem. The best way to find this is with the command "lspci -v" from within linux. or, if all else fails, open up your computer, and have a look at the vhips on the modem, (you may need to peel of some stickers) Look for a chip with "connexant" writtten on it. Most of these modems have been reverse engineered, and work with linux, although you will need to buy the driver. Some are supported in linux, some are supported with 3rd party reverse engineered drivers, and some just wont work.
from what i remember about slackware, in version 10.X the 2.6 series kernel was in a testing folder in the packages directory of the install disks.i think its just a mattr of installing it, then editing grub or lilo.I think Slackware 10.X is 2.6 ready.I liked slackware, but didnt like the absence of an optimised kernel etc.the slaware kernel is i486 otimised i think, or atleast it was in 10.0.u used to re-compile it with Athlon optimisation.Not that the performace boost is noticable or anything, i just like re-compiling things.. lol, such a nerd
What Do You Think About Making An OS ?
qwijibow replied to infamousflame's topic in Websites and Web Designing
So you are saying its not a true OS untill it ignores all POSIX standards, and forces any potential users to re-learn everything ??? There's nothing wrong with mimicing good design. Why do people keep talking about linux ? is this thread about creating a new OS, or a new Kernel ? -
cool... It takes longer to install than most distro's but i think its worth it. for example... "emerge -pv mplayer" (meaning pretend, and verbose) shows.... all those listings after the word "mplayer-1.0_ore7-r1" are use flags that effect the building of mplayer. +means that supposrt for that use flag is curently set to ON. "-" means the opposite.... (in the console they are also colour coded) so for example, when i compiled mplayer gentoo added support for Xorg, DVD's, OGG Vorbis, and the MAD mp3 decoder. gentoo also removed support for many things i dont want or use, for example direct frame buffer, mythTV, XMMS, Xinerame (dual monitors) duigital video broadcast, and many many other things, as you can see. before you start installing gentoo, you look through a large list of possable use flags, and enter the ones you choose. This is why i think gentoo is the most customisable, and optimisable distro out there (except for Linux from scratch)
But Portage does so much more.apt-get just downloads pre-compiled packages, probably optimised for i686.portage will download the source code, and configure / patch it according to your USE variables, and then compile it, optimising for your exact CPU.My machine is fully optimised for AMD-Athlon64.Other 64bit distro's are optimised for x86_64, which is general optimisation for 64bit cpu's by both AMD and INTEL.USE flags are amasing, for example, lets say i want to install Office tools, but i dont have a Printer.Pre-compiled binary's will have the dependancy "cups" (common UNIX printing system"whch you will need to install.Since i dont have a prnter i put "-cups" into my USE flags, and the dependancy , and printing support is removed from anything i install. Only possable becaus ei am compiling from source.By removing un-wanted functonality from programs in the mannger, dependancy lists are reduced, binary file size is reduced, and as a result, Bloat is removed, and performance increaces.Hands up, how many disstro's can enable luster computer compiling, even dureing initial installation with a single setting... adding "distcc" to a use flag for example
Help, Windows 3d Perfomance Sucks ! cant work out why ?
qwijibow replied to qwijibow's topic in Websites and Web Designing
No.Faulty hardware would effect both OS's. -
Its the little things that i dont like about windows security.For eample, lets say someon emails me a script or binary program with intent to do damage.For example, a script to format the hard disk, or a porgram that loads up 1000 message boxes that say "you smell"The virus scanner will not pick it up because it doesnt have the "fingerprint" the porgram was written and only used once.. its not known to the scanner.and lets say this script or program is sent in a zip as an attachment or hyperlink in an email.What happens when the user saves the attachment to disk, opens and double clicks it....In windows, your screwed.In linux, i get an error message "You do not have permission to execute this file"So to an absolute computer illiterate idiot, Basic file system execution privilages would have saved them.Remember, there are still alot of users out there who will fall for such social engineering tactics.AND, even if the so called script could execute, it would be locked into that users home directory, leaving the system, and all other users, un-touched.
Need Help - Artificial Inteligence i want to learn more...
qwijibow replied to kenobi's topic in Programming
Introdiction to AI http://www.cs.nott.ac.uk/~pszgxk/courses/g5aiai/index.html AI Methods http://www.cs.nott.ac.uk/~pszgxk/courses/g5baim/index.html Here are the methods i know of... Prolog: a logical porgramming language, nothing special. Searches: (used as computer players in games such as chess) Involvs growing tree's which branch off, exploring all possible outcomes from given events. prefered outcome is chosen, and decision path ttraced backwards. Genetic: Survival of the strongest. A way to EVOLVE computer programs / equations. HARD CORE... the Artifical Neural Network. Involves simulating a large number of human brain cells, and teaching the resulting mass of brain cells to perform a task. Enjoy, fascinating subject. ! -
cool.. gentoo takes the whole upgrade thing one step further. Other distro's have versions... redhat 9, slackware 10, mandrake 10.2 etc etc etc. Gentoo doesnt, Gebntoo has a database called "portage" Portage knows what versions of software you have installed, Portage knows what the latest version is available. and portage knows how to tweak software, to match your own sytem. There is no gentoo versions, just a time since you last updated. New versions of software are relased every day, and included in portage. no need to wait for the next distro releace cycle. You could say that i am running Gentoo Version "Tuesday 27th September 2005 1:30 PM" and if i updated with portage now, i would be running Gentoo Version "Tuesday 27th September 2005 5:50 PM" Okay, gentoo hasnt changed much in the last few hours, but you get the idea. Every week or 2, i update portage, and get the latest bleeding edge stable software. a typrical upgrade in gentoo is... "emerge --sync" ( update the database )"emerge -uv world ( update any out of date programs) Portage, would them download any new source code it needs, configure and patch it, ompile it, and install it, all without any user intervention. Recently, i wanted to pre-link my system, and add support for POSIX threads (lighting fast) this requires a re-compile of many system porgrams including glibc, and gcc. all u had to do, was add "prelink ntplonly" to my USE variables in /etc/make.conf then run... emerge --newuse -vD world and portage knew exactly what packages to re-compile, which order, and all dependancy's that would also need to be re-compiled. In my opinion, nothing comes close to Gentoo's package management (except maybe FreeBSD's PORTS)
KDE_INIT is like a library linker for KDE. kde will load kdeinit for each kde program you start. if you are interesting in speeding up program loading time, and removing the need for kdeinit thenmaybe you should have a look at pre-link. Prelink is a tool which calculaltes linking tables, and caches them. when KDE is pre-linked, KDE_INIT is nolonger needed, and will not run. Also program loading speeds will be improved, especially ones that use a lot of libraries. have a look at prelink how-to's prelink rquires that libraries are compiled with the compiler argument -fPIC. some distro's do this, some dont, try and find a tutorial specific to you distro, you may need to re-compile some packages.
Based on linux kernel ???We know MS are studying Linux.. but who wouldnt, its a smart move to "know thy enemy"but what do you mean by baseing the kernel code on it ?Windows cannot contain ANY linux code without open sourcing the rest of the kernel.I take it we wont be seeing Vista in 2006 after all.Can anyone remember the origonal release date for Vista ?
What Language Is Best For Game Programming? I need some help
qwijibow replied to bigd1's topic in Programming
So im the only one is going to recomend C/C++ ???C/C++, Multi-Purpose, Fast, supports in-line assembly (for eliminating performance bottlenecks), hightly optimisable.