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Everything posted by overture

  1. Here you go. This one is done in java script: Spoono's Stylesheet Switcher It is extremely easy to do it in PHP, i have made one myself for use a long time ago. If you would like it i will give it to you, just send me a message or reply here.
  2. thankyou m^e, that is what i have just done. I remembered the profile as i looked around for it before for another reason. It was the profile from which it was restoring the original settings and the like. I deleted it and it was perfect. :PI'd give you a reputation point for the speed of the response and for the vast knowledge which is welled up inside your brain, but i can't yet
  3. I just updates firefox to the latest version 1.0.4 and issues keep arising with it. like the history; when i had it set to 0 days it never remembered any sites which is what i want but now it remembers them no matter what. Certain sites i visit are now different and the downloads window keeps appearing whenever i download an image, big or small and doesn't close after it has finished which i have told it too.I also cannot seem to get a clean install it comes back with all the old settings, i have deleted all of what i know about but it installs and keeps the original settings with the default user rubbish.Anyone else having these problems?
  4. The code works fine for me. It may be the including files which may be the issue, there maybe something wrong with them. Try making a blank html page and type something in it and save it as test.html. Then include that and nothing else: <html><head><TITLE>FEAR AND LOATHING | did I say that out loud? can they hear me?</TITLE><LINK media=screen href="index.css" type=text/css rel=stylesheet><META content="Microsoft FrontPage 4.0" name=GENERATOR><body bgColor=#C7B299 leftMargin=0 topMargin=0 onload="window.defaultStatus='FEAR AND LOATHING IN LAS VEGAS';" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0"><center><table cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 style="border: 0pt;"><tr vAlign=top><td><img src="new.jpg" border=0></td></tr></table><table cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=2 width=529 style="border: 0pt;"><tr vAlign=top><td width=150 bgColor=C69C6D></td><td cellpadding="0" width=371 bgColor=#C69C6D style="border: 0pt;"><?php include("test.html"); ?></td></tr></table> </td></tr></table></table></body></html> If that works fine and it shows what you have written in the html file then it is most likely something wrong with your menu.php or blog.php.
  5. First of all it shouldn't be made with Javascript but PHP (if you have it). There is a tutorial on here that dungsport made for his shoutbox that should help you out. There are many tutorials on the net about this, visit phpfreaks.com, or hotscripts.com. It would be a good idea to figure out how you want to store the shouts; text file or database? I find both ways pretty easy but Mysql database is easier to manage. Dungsport tutorial:Shoutbox If you dont want the hassle of creating your own or one from a tutorial then i suggest Shoutmix Good luck.
  6. I have had no errors when using Firefox either. What do you mean by "errors"?. Do you mean annomolies in the layout or actual errors; error messages?
  7. Based on what you have said why not just save the page with the *.php extension to make the file a PHP file?Do you actually want to add PHP code into the page? There is no need to echo out pure HTML using PHP it is pointless unless you want to dynamically change the HTML using variables, form input and what not.You only need to save pages with *.php file extension when you want to add PHP code into it. Like vizskywalker said PHP code starts with <?php and ends with ?> so there is no need to "convert" the HTML.
  8. Do you mean the Icons on the desktop for the programs? or do you mean the FavIcons - those little images in the address bar next to the url address? either of those help you decide what you are asking for? You can see how to make FavIcons in the Tutorial/How To forum here. Try searching around http://download.cnet.com/windows/ Link:Icons search result for download.com FavIcon Tut Link: FavIcon Your explanation is a little vague, so i am not sure who will get it right. Probably if enough people post here you will get your answer eventually lol Good Luck
  9. That is a neat-ish idea. Like sax said it may be abused, but there is a risk of abuse in many online things. May i ask why do you break your sentences like that? i have seen your posts and i am not accusing you of copying from anywhere, it is just your posts get a little difficult to read due to the funny formatting.
  10. You can make a new topic in its respective forum. for example; If you wanted to show someone how to do something - a tutorial - you would go to the Tutorials/How To Forum and click on which ever sub forum you want and then click the "New Thread" button, and fill out the fields in the form and then post the new topic/thread.In every forum category there is the "New Thread" button in the top right and bottom right of the screen.
  11. nakulgupta: i have installed EasyPHP, it have PHP, Mysql and Apache Server. It works fantastically for me. Link:Easy PHP Read the FAQs and the documentation provided it may help you alot in configuring it as i did. Books have never worked for me!
  12. OK. I'm sure your not a complete idiot. Tutorials will help you a great deal and they are probably the most helpful tool when learning something. I would suggest downloading the PHP Manual from PHP Freaks. There are some great beginner and "all you need to know" tutorials in the Tutorials section so you should look there. We all suggest installing PHP, Mysql and Apache on your system so you can test and still code PHP when you are not online also you dont have to keep uploading the script everytime you update it. It is just extremly convenient having it all installed on your system. You can use any editor while making PHP pages the only difference is you have to include all things PHP within: <?php CODE HERE?> in a .php page. If a page has PHP in it it must be saved with the .php extention like file.php. There are some editors out there for scripting PHP but i dont know of any at the moment. I am sure others will know they have been mentioned here before. Good luck.
  13. Here you go, with a small amount of searching in google i found this: <script language="JavaScript"><!--/*Random Image Link ScriptBy Website Abstraction (http://http://www.javascriptkit.com/ Java-scripts.net (http://http://www.java-scripts.net/ random_imglink(){ var myimages=new Array() //specify random images below. You can have as many as you wish myimages[1]="1.png" myimages[2]="2.png" myimages[3]="3.png" var ry=Math.floor(Math.random()*myimages.length) if (ry==0) ry=1 document.write('<img src="'+myimages[ry]+'" border=0>')} random_imglink()//--></script>Source: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ It uses Javascript so it can be used on every single webpage imaginable, as long as the user has Javascript Enabled .
  14. There is probably many pieces of free software that have been mentioned in multiple threads in the forum, so it would be a good idea to look around at some old posts to see. All website are built with at least HTML! that is number 1. Number 2 i think what you want is WYSIWYG Editor, this inserts all of the code for you without you typing much, you will presumably use some HTML your self to edit the webpage. My suggestion is Toni Arts, i used one of the first version of this years ago and i still have a copy, it is a very neat and compact program for you. You really should try and learn HTML and as many web languages as possible, to me it is not really a good idea to let programs do the work for you even though there are programs to do it for you like Dreamweaver and so on. Give it a try you will realise how easy it is Good luck
  15. I love it.Killer008r: the arcade was lost i believe in the upgrade, it was an add-on i think in the first place and not a static part of the board, thus it was lost. i think.
  16. yes that is correct sxyloverboy. But may i say that making ALL images 400px in width is not a good idea. You should only apply it to images bigger in width than 400px to shrink them down. Do this: img.Resize { width: 400px;} now when you insert and image on your site add this code to the image if it is bigger than 400px in width: <img src="" width="" height="" class="Resize" /> You see i have added this: class="Resize" this refers to the class in the CSS file and it links it only to images so if you put it in any other tag it would not work. Remember only place the class on images bigger than 400px in width. Leave the images that are smaller than 400px in width alone so they do not get distorted as there is on reason to resize them really. Good luck
  17. Are you certain you want/need PHP to do this?. Maybe you are getting mixed up, perhaps you want to use CSS to make the menu you need. What do you want this menu to do exactly?
  18. Thank you guys for your very nice words. :(About the shoutbox input text boxes, i made them light as i did not really want anything particularly dark on the template, i wanted to keep a very consistent theme. However if you cannot see the input boxes at all you can just click on the "name:", "website:", and "Message:" text as they are labels and will automatically focus the respective text box.I made the shoutbox fully functional so you can now post if you want too. To view all the message just click on the "All" button and you will get a new window with the shouts.Thanks again. :(ps. i still dont know why when u set the action to nothing in the shoutbox form why it comes up with the error message, that is puzzling me.
  19. hey all who vist this lonely area of the forum I just finished the template for my site, I have included a few bits and pieces like images, lists and some custom random things for me to see what it would look like with basic content which will be used throughout the site. It is my blog/portfolio. I plan on making available programs that i have made and a couple of games i created for college. Aswell as all of my artworks, digital and traditional and perhaps some unique tutorials, for which programs i am not sure of yet. I am in the process of creating the Blog, Shoutbox and Gallery systems as i don't like to use anybody elses code or services when i have the choice . If you could comment of the layout and the few images i have their would be good of you Address: Overture Productions note: Also while you are there could you click on the 'Shout' button on the shoutbox and see what happens. I have never had the message that appears before, usually when the button is clicked it just does nothing but quickly refresh the page.
  20. i think those eyes are how they are supposed to be jerre, it is a wacky cartoon baby. i kinda like it; the only thing is everything is too blended/blurred for my liking, i know you are trying to get the shadows and what have you, right but it is just to blended for my liking as well as the hands. too me it looks like you have the body more like an animal it is like he is walking or crawling on feet as there are no joints. this is especially noticable in the back leg there should be a hip, knee, foot but there is just hip and foot. i know that is the way you have made it but, i dont know. i really like the dummy and the eyes :(did u change the eye brows?
  21. jerre: use the BBCode Tags that are above the textarea when replying in a topic. to show code put them between the and tags, for example; <?php echo "THIS IS CODE!";?> lol that got a bit screwed up. sorry. but i am sure you will get the idea of using the tags thoughout other posts u make here.
  22. nice dungsport moonwitch: the && $file != ".." is basically telling it in the while loop to NOT count the '.' and '..' directories/files which are always present when you read a dir with php. it basically ignores it so it doesn't show up as a file when counting how many files are in the dir. say there is a directory with 10 text files, if you count how many files there is in there it will return 12 unless you specifically state to ignore the '.' and '..'. The && is basically 'AND', if file = 'asda' AND file = 'asda2'. the second thing about the period; you use this when you want to add a variable into a string with " ", if you did not add this into the code when you want to add variables together among other things for example: $num1 = 10;$num2 = 20;$num3 = 222;echo "total: " . ($num1 + $num2 + $num3); output: total: 252 $num1 = 10;$num2 = 20;$num3 = 222;echo "total: ($num1 + $num2 + $num3)"; output: total: (10 + 20 + 222) you see the second does not use the period to join the variables into the string. it is just getting what value the variables have and echoing them out it is not adding them up. hope the examples helped. i am not very good at explaining things lol.
  23. lol. i didn't mean to sound rude at all. its just i answered his question to the best of my knowledge and based on what he wanted to help with. but all we can do is "tell him stuff". :D
  24. why wouldn't telling him stuff not help him? he wanted to know how to update the html file after he edited the psd, which i told him how to do, he didn't ask for help editing the photoshop file he just wanted to know how to change the html template.
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