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Everything posted by overture

  1. How do i clean my laptop screen. Is there a safe way to do it that will not damage it as they are expensive to replace i think. If anyone has any tips on how to do it or get rid of smudges that laptop screens get i would love to know.Thanks
  2. Well it can allow you to choose from a greater range of colours, rather than just using 'red' 'white'... Also just a little note here, when using hex colours in CSS to define a text or background colour or something you can just use something like this: body { background-color: #ccc;} as you can see there are only 3 letters for the colour and hex has to be 6, what it does it will carry on and put another 3 'c's. this only works however for all hex numbers that are the same like 'eeeeee' or 'cccccc' or '000000' and so on. just thought it was interesting.
  3. I have always used notepad to do my coding from HTML-PHP, allthough now i use my version of Notepad, which i have personally made . as for images Photoshop CS of course, who needs anything else.
  4. have you applied for hosting yet? if you already have a domain name (.com/.net/uni.cc) then you can point that address to astahosts servers, if not you will get a subdomain with your username (http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/) i think. you can get a free domain name from http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/, you can point it to that subdomain and it will be hidden from viewers if u use that during the registration.
  5. You could use flash but if you require something like suicide needs then this is a good and simple way to do it, the only way i know of. I don't think it is that hard to figure out what the code does, even for a "newbie".
  6. This is a good site for brushes if you cannot find any good ones at Adobe: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ And this one: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ If you search on google you will find a heck of a lot more. the last link also shows you how to make brushes.
  7. overture

    Learning PHP

    For some people it can be extremely hard to learn without the aid of a teacher or a good book, i think many people cannot learn by looking at pre-made scripts or can learn but they do not understand what they are actually doing - what code does what, and how to efficiently manage and minimise the code. For me i have never been one for theory, but i have learned that designing the scripts/programs with appropriate testing is needed for any good programmer it is a good practice to do so, i have done so from teachers but mainly just by practicing and practicing and practicing.I advise you to take your time, learn at a steady pace, do not jump straight into something as it may be beyond your capabilities. Many people use pre-made scripts change a few pieces here and their and pass it off as their own. Doing this will quite possibly come back and bite you in the *bottom*.
  8. Image Ready, has improved a great deal, although i have only used it a couple of times which were required for college work, before that i tried Paint Shop Pro, this comes with a GIF Animator, it is quite decent as far as i can remember, people might like to use this as an alternative one, being as many people use PSP as an alternative to Photoshop(WHY!).
  9. someone told me a while back that some free webhosting services do not allow the .PNG format. Does anyone know if this is true, i think that Xisto does, as i see no reason for hosts free or otherwise to not allow the .PNG format. many many people that i know are using this format more and more, i think it is excellent .
  10. If you do not want AdWare, and you would like an alternative you could always use Bazooka Spyware Scanner, this is a great little program it lists all spyware on your system, it is very upto date you can update it everyday, also you can click on the spyware name and it will bring up a webpage with detailed information on how to get rid of the spyware on your system, it is very detailed. I recommend you get it Bazooka
  11. @ iTagger: Bob = "The guy with the ***** *BLEEP*". sorry i had to write that down. i apologise if i offended anyone.
  12. It appears to be just you i just tried it and it worked fine for me. Could you post your iframe code? maybe i could then help.
  13. ok this is my code for you. i will explain as good as i can This code is to embed the sound onto the page. the loop value makes the sound loop until it is stopped. the autostart value is there so it starts when the page loads and the hidden value is there to keep the sound from showing up on the webpage visually. the MASTERSOUND is there to say that this is the top level sound, if you hade many sounds on the webpage.: <embed name="BlackHole" src="blackhole.mid"loop="true" hidden="true" autostart="true" mastersound> To stop the background music you can call the: document.BlackHole.stop()method. This method is cross-browser compatible... i think. The "document" refers to the webpage the music is on. the "BlackHole" refers to the embedded sound, which it locates through the NAME tag in the embed tag. and the "STOP()" part stops the sound. To call this from a text link use this code: <a href="#" onClick="document.bgSound.stop(); return false;">Stop Music</a> For a button use this: <input type="button" value="Stop Music" onclick="document.bgSound.stop(); return false;"> If you need anymore help or if something doesnt work just post.
  14. that is very interesting to know jcguy, there are tons of things that you can do with meta tags which i have heard about before, they can be very useful for people in certain situations. This topic seems very familiar to me, were you at Inuration Technologys at all? cos this and that UNI.CC tutorial are familiar to me?
  15. Very well done daniel15, i am begining to learn visual basic myself, as it is required for my college work, this is a very nice piece of code from you, i hope it is going to help me out in the future, i am into anything that makes my life a little easier lol.
  16. Lord of the Rings (3rd espcially)Matrix (first, second and third (just amazing graphics))Kill Bill (only seen part one)Analyse That, Analyse ThisAmerican Pie TrilogyBlade 1 & 2Bad Boys 1 & 2
  17. as wappi suggested you can use the onload="" in the BODY tag and then call the function from the javascript file to load, something like this: <body onload="popup()"> The above code calls the function from the Javascript file or if you have it embedded in the webpages. The below code is what you need to open the page in the popup, this can be pasted into an external file which contains all the javascript or embedded as i said previously. function popup() { window.open("popuppage.html","Homepage","resizable=no,status=yes,scrollbars=yes,width=260,height=500");} If you require any help or do not understand then ask .
  18. You dont HAVE to know html to be able to program in PHP although it would be pretty stupid to not know html and program in php as you need to include it into webpages with some kind of layout or you will have to echo out some html code in the scripts. It isnt a must but it would be a great plus to know it.
  19. I am guessing that you can use this technique in Photoshop. Imageready is accompanied by Photoshop, they are both made by Adobe. I see nothing in the tutorial that you cannot do in Photoshop. You could probably do this in Paint Shop Pro, although i am not sure i have not used PSP much. I am a Photoshop man.
  20. This is a great site for you, if you want to learn how to do Javascript yourself:http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ have about 30 primers which are tutorials for people to learn javascript, they are very unique and are done with great detail. The site also has a ton of other stuff for html.http://www.java-scripts.net/ is a great one.
  21. overture

    Learning PHP

    For me learning PHP was quite easy, as others have said i learned from looking at other scripts and usually enhance them my self. I also program in Delphi which sytax wise is quite similar to PHP. I have only been doing it a few months and i think i am doing quite well. Also books for some people can be very useful, i cannot learn from them myself. I think you will be able to learn quickly, there is alot of information on the net about PHP, i think you will do fine.
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