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Everything posted by overture

  1. exactly jipman. you (dungsport) should use the strip_tags() function or the htmlentities() function. the first one obviously removes all html tags (<script><style>...) thus preventing any execution of code. htmlentities() lets the code be shown but it removes the ability for it to function.
  2. My first was AdWare which i was informed about by my Bro. That was and is great but it came up with a hell of a lot of stuff which were not spyware but i think it couldn't distinguish between them. The second was Spy Sweeper, that was very good. The third i used and still use is Bazooka Spyware Scanner. Bazooka is extremly good and small and it leads you to webpages which give you a full descriptions on how to remove the spyware.I would say it is a toss up between Adware and Bazooka... i cannot decide.
  3. Herrco i tried this before and it never worked. Like you said it shows the "]>" at the top of the page which if you have something which needs to be positioned right at the top then it will be moved out of place. it did not even open the links in a new window. i had this answer in an old forum i was at before i came to this one and still it didn't work. i still think the little bit of Javascript is best and most efficient way as it works absolutely perfectly
  4. mahen: it would be nice if you could write about what the final image should look like instead of giving just the steps on how to create something. going one better would be giving us a link to an image you have created with this process. :(hope to see more from you
  5. normal hyperlinks reference: a:link, a:visited, a:active {[tab][/tab]color: #000000;[tab][/tab]font-weight: none;[tab][/tab]text-decoration: underline;}a:hover {[tab][/tab]color: #880000;[tab][/tab]text-decoration: none;} ---------------------------- i just tested it and it works fine for me. try adding this in the css page: li a:link, li a:visited, li a:active {[tab][/tab]color: #000000;[tab][/tab]font-weight: none;[tab][/tab]text-decoration: underline;}li a:hover {[tab][/tab]color: #880000;[tab][/tab]text-decoration: none;} so if a link is within the <li></li> tags then it will be formatted to whatever you put into the code i have given above. what browser are you using? it works for me fine in IE and FF.
  6. who would need a (free)webhost urgently. if it was that urgent and they had a good enough idea to use the space well they would get a paid host or a quicker (but not as good) host. like m^e said many people have it figured out how they can get hosting quicker and what needs to be done to get it is worth it!
  7. this is another nice piece zorlen. usually space is quite dark and gloomy although i have never been there so i cannot say for certain. i agree with Silent Soul X about the glowing stars, there are too many and are too bright it takes the little depth away from the picture. the colours are very nice. is that planet the same as the one from your Planetary Experiment in a previous topic? the nebula is very nice. ps. if y'all wanna do a nebula yourselfs go here: Nebula well done!
  8. there is not really anything to comment on here ebbinger_413. i am guessing the top section with be for the navigation and the bottom for the content? umm... personally i don't like flash very much. you could use some nice css for the nav bar and a rollover image. something simple though like maybe a gradient with some diagonal lines fading into what ever colour is at the bottom. you could divide the bottom bit up into a smaller column and a larger column. the small for some kind of shoutbox or tagboard or whatever.sorry that is all i can think of with what you have given. giving anymore would be basically giving you the whole design for the website.
  9. This way is using CSS. The form: <form id="select" action=""> <p><select name="menu" class="jump" onchange=""> <option class="mnu_title" value="" selected="selected">// Title</option> <option class="options" value="page.html"> Sub Item</option> <option class="mnu_title" value="">// Title</option> <option class="options" value="page.html"> Sub Item</option> <option class="mnu_title" value="">// Title</option> <option class="options" value="page.html"> Sub Item</option> <option class="mnu_title" value="">// Title</option> <option class="options" value="page.html"> Sub Item</option> </select></p> </form> the CSS: .jump { font-family: Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; background-color: #dddddd; color: #505050; font-size: 10px; width: 130px;}.mnu_title { background-color: #dddddd; font-weight: bold;}.options { background-color: #eeeeee; font-weight: normal;} This is the menu and css that i have used before. the classes refer to the title items and sub items in the menu which i have made clear. The .options is the light colour grey and the .mnu_title is the dark grey. the .jump class formats the basic look of the menu itself - width, font face, font size and colour. the reason classes are used instead of id's (#) is because classes are required when you want to use it more than once. with id's you can only use once on a page for example you can't have 2 divs with the same id. you can do this only if you want it to be valid css by the W3C standards.
  10. god damn! i hope it doesn't find its way here (england). Assuming is to make an *bottom* out of yourself/themselves - get it? *bottom*-uming! no?...how dare they start to attack you! or anybody for that case. is it even legal? as you were downloading (legally) an MP3. I would not even know how to stop such an attack or figure out what the hell was going on lol.i rarely download if ever any songs. besides i only buy from artists who i think really deserve it not just anyone who becomes a pop or whatever star. i really think they went to far with this. do you think it was automatted or was there a person on the other end with big black rimmed glasses with the lights off and a jug of coffee or coke?i'm a little lost for words actually...luckily you were in the right though and smart enough to be able to stop what was going on.
  11. Well i believe Windows XP has taken up most of that space. I think it takes around 5BGs or more, compared with Win 98 which uses only around 500 MBs. Nothing is as it says it is like on MP3 players, one that has memory of 256MBs really only allows about 246 or 248, you have to think about everything that XP has, it is extemely big.i guess it might be a setting in the BIOS, but i don't know much about that.
  12. Yay! it is a nice feeling to think that i took part in helping it get to 50 million by downloading Firefox. And i am sure many people will continue downloading it for years to come unless a better browsers comes out.woo!
  13. I really like what you have made here. The stars and varying brightnesses of them is very well done, although to me it looks like there are a tad too many of them. The lens-flare that you have used is perfect and a great colour choice there. The texture that you have used is great and not too dark at all.It looks as though some areas are very pixilated, but i don't know how you optimised the image or how big of an image can be hosted on Photobucket.For a fourth attempt it is very good. i really like it. well done.
  14. it seems to be a CHMOD issue, is the parent directory the default (public_html) or one that you have made. you could always try setting the default dir to 777. or this could be a temporary problem as a result of the down time to Xisto, as some of us did have problems logging in cpanel and the like.what is the code you are using?although it does seem most likely an issue with the CHMOD settings although 755 should allow creating of folders shouldn't it?lets see what the mods or admins say. they are smarter than me lol.
  15. i really like the first one you have made. It seems to be slightly grunge-y while i get a sort of Western (like the films) style about it from the 'Pickers Eve' text font.The first one seems a little crammed to me, although you are trying to get all the information people need to see the band plus i am sure that it would look better on paper being as it would be larger . you have got a good colour scheme for all of them; kept it simple in that respect which i like.the second and third one i quite like the vectored-ish person with the violin, the colour is again well used and would probably suit whatever you want to put on there. you could probably add some faint background image, again something raster or vectored quite bold thick lines with some grunge effects done to it.the third has to be my favourite because of the image i like it lol
  16. i believe most people have blogs on their site in one form or another, some people can have ones from wordpress or aj-fork or from where ever but others just upload news by themselves adding to an existing page (not exactly a blog but still).I am currently making my own blog system as i want one to call my own, this is common with all the scripts i do, i don't like using others scripts. Blogs are certainly gaining popularity as people feel the need to talk about their life - however interesting they may be.I say rock on BLOGS! and rock on SHOUTBOXES! (me = shoutbox/blog entheusiast)
  17. i think you will need Javascript and/or DHTML to achieve this. you could go to Dynamic Drive.com (i think) or type in google Image Fading javascript. i think it can be done with some microsoft filters but i am not sure. that maybe for just static images changing their opacity and so on. good luck. but i don't think the image fading if you can get it to work will be visible in firefox. grrr, i need an Edit button.
  18. a content manager system (CMS) is for a website. it is usually a full friendly interface that lets you control the website - upload images, add news entries, create entire pages and edit the site basically. ... i think. they are very useful to people on the move with large websites to maintain. you can go here to find out more about content management systems : CMS's Notice from moonwitch: Posts merged on users request
  19. i don't know what could have happened. i just logged in and everything is as it has always been. mysql databases are fine and all entries in them are fine.i just checked your forums and blog and all are fine. with posts in tact. perhaps the server want a bit funny i guess that is the technical term.all that matters is that all is fine now
  20. wow, thanks for the info Rhys_Rhaven and Rudy, very informing. we did a unit about this crap in college but the teacher was rubbish lol. thanks.overture.
  21. So Adobe controls Macromedia now?this is interesting, i hope they do not fu** up Photoshop or Illustrator (i'm not bothered about any other programs) with any incorporation of Macromedia products or anything like that. i will be interested in what they do with it now.Adobe also took over Syntrillium didn't they? - those who gave us Cool Edit Pro - music editing/creation program if anyone remembers.
  22. I'd just like to thankyou for starting this topic, it was very convenient for me this has helped me as much as it has helped you Vujsa. An extra thanks to M^E for the extensive explanations . thanks.
  23. it is pretty easy to achieve what ever you generally want in Delphi, i learned it in College although most of it on my own time . I have a few sites for you ones we got from college: http://www.swissdelphicenter.ch/en/ - This has a lot of tips and code samples about many many things and alot on Databases. http://www.delphibasics.co.uk/ - This one is very good, it doesn't really offer any downloads of code samples, but it has alot of information about Types, Structures, Files and Units and has practically every Type and its descendents you could use. http://www.delphi-central.com/ - many tutorials, tips I don't know many websites for you as I have never actually used them, being as it was for college i learnt from books and examples we got at college. What you want to do is possible but may take a little patients and knowledge on your part for connection functions and so on. p.s. have you used the examples which have come with Delphi. if you go into the Borland program folder and click on Delphi 7 then on Demos you will see all of the examples and executable files with full code which you can run and change which will probably help you alot. if you have done PHP before then this may come easier to you like M^E said. If you find something difficult in the future or require some help on this project then feel free to send me a message or some one else if they have more knowledge which will most likely happen on here lol. good luck overture
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