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Everything posted by manuleka

  1. Microsoft stopped supporting their IE browser on mac in 2005... for best IE performance and usage on Mac i suggest running Windows on VM... maybe virtualbox
  2. i remember when AMD first released their AMD 64 CPUs... they were pretty good and out-performed Intels' (back then) highly clocked CPUs, AMDs 2 GHz CPUs beat Intel's 3GHz... now Intel is pretty much dominating the performance side, so AMD relies on their cheap pricing system
  3. Windows 7 Live? never really seen Windows on USB Live...
  4. i find the Ubuntu Online Forum to be very very lively and queries gets replies almost instantaneously.... that's one of the reasons why i went back to Xubuntu because there's quite a lot of Ubuntu Users...back to HUD... yes Apple and Windows will follow because this HUD interface seems to have quite an attention...
  5. best bet is reading materials online... there's a tremendous amount of online reading tutorials and articles on Linux, even Free Ebooks are available, just a matter of googling and searching for it (with a bit of patience of course)
  6. there are some pretty good readings online about getting started with Linux or books about Migrating to Linux... http://www.tuxfiles.org/
  7. i'm sure there's a lot of disappointed Ubuntu followers with this Unity implementation... although i don't really like Unity i don't hate it either... but like you starscream i prefer the old classic layout... i use Xubuntu 11.10 due to speed and simplicityLinuxMint is quite nice too (Fully Loaded with tons of necessary codecs)
  8. i'm just curious to know what's the real difference between these two Forums? they both seem to offer post for host servicesregards
  9. very cool and innovative, great to see the Ubuntu team bringing in some new concepts to the old Desktop platform... one doesn't have to use it if not want to...
  10. manuleka

    Silly Siri

    i've installed Siri on my iPhone 4 just to try it out... pretty cool tool but the only downside is, that it requires internet connection to connect to Apple Siri Server for it to be able to do anything... even the most simplest of tasks like going through local files, contacts etc... nice tool but it would've been awesome if it can do simple tasks locally without having to connect to its Server
  11. your right... just wanted to point out how quickly mobile devices are getting more powerful...
  12. hehe quite true... but look at the powers of todays mobile phones: my iPhone 4 runs on a 1GHz CPU with 512MB RAM, the 4S packs 2 core 1GHz with a 1GB RAM and the upcoming new Samsung Galaxy S III is to run on 2GB RAM with a 1.5GHz+ "Quadcore" CPU.... compare those to my current PC which runs on a 3GHz P4 and 2GB of Ram...
  13. wow... very innovative design... just awesome i think when the device is used as a game controller the mouse buttons are inactivated and vice versa
  14. in time ARM mobile architecture will dominate the CPU market as Mobile devices increase in share-market... now a days mobile devices outsells PCs... pcmag.com its interesting that mobile CPUs are increasingly faster and faster, it's a matter of time before they catchup with PC top CPU speeds
  15. they have tried this before and failed, i won't be surprised if they will try again later
  16. contacting them might resolve you're issue the quickest, if that would cost you then maybe researching a bit further would be best and leave it as your last resort
  17. IE 6? that's ancient, i remember last time i use IE 6 was a couple of years agon on Linux... it was for testing Websites, was known as IE4Linux You should encourage your friend to Upgrade...
  18. hang in there buddy... just keep with your postings... so you can get credits to buy you're service, it's well worth it... only requires a few posts every now and then
  19. yes you will love it sagarzz, cpanel with lots of space and also great support here at forum from admins
  20. I'm not surprised browsers will adapt to chrome's simple layout... Opera now comes default (on Windows) without the menu bar... Chrome rocks
  21. aah i see... interesting, do you use you're friends PC a lot?
  22. i've got i-funbox running on my Windows XP machine which i use for transferring files between my iPhone 4 and PC... now i want to add my backup photos from my iPod Touch 4 (on PC) in to my iPhone and was wondering if anyone here can direct me on the correct approachi've tried copying the photos directly into the "/private/var/mobile/media/DCIM/100APPLE" folder which contains images taken by iPhone camera, but it wouldn't show up on my iPhone although through i-funbox i can see that they're there
  23. nevermind, most game with multiplayer option has wireless/bluetooth capability setupcheers... Street Fighter 4 rocks and Asphalt 6
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