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Everything posted by googlue

  1. If you have already parked it successfully, these should be correct: 1. You must have registered for that domain with uni.cc before November 2004. If you have registered recently, DNS is not among the options given. 2. It must point to your root folder, that is http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. However, you can direct it anywhere using the 'manage redirects' However, if it is not showing anything when you query it with a browser, it just means that the DNS settings have not yet propagated. You need to wait for at least 24 hours, sometimes more. It is important not to panic. Do not keep on changing the settings, it will take longer. Take a break
  2. It is high time that you expand the choices in the poll. Just php-nuke and post-nuke are not the beginning or end of CMS. Mambo and Drupal are the current hot favourite CMS softwares. If your poll does not have these options, you are missing something very very important. It is like leaving out Xisto from the choices of a best free web host poll I personally use Mambo wherever I need one. And I have customized it too... Check out http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/, it is built on Mambo and edited extensively. I have tried almost all CMS. I have stuck to Mambo now. It is the best, in my opinion...
  3. Check out my sites... they are in my sig. I have used Mambo Open Source. Then I have customized it to my requirement. Both of them use the customized 'Javabean' template. Check out the Javabean template preview here. All you have to do is to edit the html elements in the index.php file of the templates folder. And then you will have a great looking customized CMS of your own. Hope this is useful to you... Googlue!
  4. Yes you are right.I just sat back and thought.I AM A TRAPOHOLIC! And that's the right word. Thanks for this term.I spend hours in Xisto, just reading members' posts, and thereby deleting some unwanted stuff.Then I post some.And then, I get onto my site hosted on Xisto and work on them... everything related to Xisto, right?That makes me a real trapoholic.... and this is one addiction that I do not want to come out of!Thank ou Xisto for trapping me!
  5. I never mentioned the 'toilet seat' in my post, did I? no9t9's comment is very comprehensive about equality as demanded by women and we shold not restrict it to a sultry toilet seat. It is just an example and let us take it as an example only.
  6. Absolutely correct, well said! no9t9, you have really made one of the best statements by a man on women's rights I have ever seen. Something like this has always been there in my mind, but it was never expressed this explicitly! Thank you Googlue
  7. Well, the latest version of Mambo - 4.5.1a is available in Fantastico, so you really need not upload it through ftp and unpack. It is just there waiting for you The older version only was available in the add-on scripts page, but once Fantastico has been installed, you have the latest version. Check in your control panel now - Mambo 4.5.1a is available there. Googlue!
  8. cragllo, finaldesign, shadowskazi, serverph, ill, round, ket and SENV, Thank you so much for all your comments... Either for liking the design or for providing your constructive criticism. Your views have so far been very useful. I will keep them in mind when I redesign the site anytime in the future. I am getting a little tardy as far as adding the content is going, however, things should hasten up very soon. SENV, If you want to see the previous version, it is still available at this link, temporarily however... http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  9. Talking about image manipulation and enhancing softwares, though slightly going off-topic, I would suggest Picasa 2.0 by Google. It has been recently updated and has a lot of excellent features... An I'm feeling lucky button is there in that program too, like in Google search and it just improves all the aspects of a photograph and I am very impressed with it! Most of my photographs have become crystal clear now... Thanks to Picasa. I have tried mPowertools by ACDSee and even Photoshop, but none of them worked this well.You must try this, however, you can't "edit" much there...
  10. Thanks ket for your comments. But I never used a template for the site earlier... This is the first time... using Mambo here as in medspan.info too I have modified the template of Mambo to make it like this... However, talking about the logo, the logo is not static. It changes whenever you reload the page, but the differences are very subtle so may not have noticed it! HoweveI am going to stick to the steely grey background for sometime... till i get bored with it. Then I may change it to a solid colour. What colour would you recommend ket? I do appreciate your comment though.
  11. Welcome to Xisto, and enjoy your stay here...This is a great community that you would want to continue in even if you do not want hosting.... Now with the hosting too, it is just great, isn't it?Tell your friends about this and let them also join. The more members here, more chances that your hosting continues to be free for a long long time...Googlue!
  12. I have >30 credits as of now and I see no reason why this system is bad...This is just great and this must continue... It is a great piece of work done by OpaQue and it must be encouraged and nurtured by us...Anyone who does not like this sytem is just plain lazy and wants to reap unjust benefits of the effort put in by others...Unlike the posts counts which semed not to have any advantage after a particluar level, the hosting credits are always useful. If your credit is not going up, it must be for some very good reason
  13. Why do you want to look elsewhere? That too asking for such help here at Xisto forums? You must be crazy like hell Here's where I would ask you to go... https://xisto.com/ The basic 50 MB plan is just $10 per year!
  14. Well cragllo, this thread really seems to have come to a halt... Why don't you heed to Becca's request and remove the car she made She may make another shop for you if you do what she asks you to do Well, personally, if I had liked the shop I made, I would have made more, but I just hate it! Used to love purple for a long time, then turned to orange now embellishing in steely gray colour so that's how it is... Hope some good graphic design artist here creates a good shop for your project... why don't you PM finaldesign about this? His site: http://www.finaldesign.tk/. He is really good, like you.
  15. Clicksor sucks, they do not even have a 'decent' website. In my opinion, the best is Google AdSense and that of course goes without saying. But there is one more that is good, and that is AdBrite, but watch what you subscribe for! Adhearus is also good, but they take you to an interim that syas that you have clicked on an ad and you have to click once again to reach there, which the users of your website might never do! SO you never get paid So, my recommendations: 1. Google AdSense - https://www.google.com/adsense/start/?gsessionid=SgYiEY_aF0aSlcIi2QsPEA 2. AdBrite - http://www.sitescout.com/adbrite/?utm_source=adbrite
  16. All that is really strange. I have seen those movies and have wondered how the American Flag could flap on Moon? But I have never been to Moon, so I do not know whether the American Flag can flap there... May be we can try that with some other Nation's flag and check whether they also flap? You know, things are always different for Americans... :DBut will somebody, as a part of a respected organization have the guts to cook up such a story and stage a hoax? Just for this reason I believe that man has been to the Moon... Now I have heard that India is planning a mission to the Moon... I am pretty sure that they cannot stage a hoax of this nature, Americans will be the first to trip them over :DIf they succeed, then we will be certain that man has really set foot on Moonland!
  17. Well, is there really any decision to be made? It has been done and proclaimed over and over again!!Have no doubts... It IS Firefox! Or whatever they choose to call it the next version (It was called firebird earlier )Firefox is technically superior and there is no doubt regarding that. But we should keep in mind that it lacks something that IE is blessed with. IE is bundled with Windows and Windows is the OS of >90% (I think) of all the Pcs in the World!!! Most of the people out there using PCs for basic purposes haven't even heard of the term 'browser' leave alone 'firefox'! So how do you expect them to download and install that software?Most of the 'learned' men with whom I work do not even know the basics of surfing... how do we expect them to 'switch' to firefox? Firefox CANNOT rule the World. Unless Bill Gates buys it or adopts it ...which will be a shame if it happens...So, the truths:1. Firefox is the superior browser2. IE is the dominant browser3. Firefox may never be the dominant browser4. It is a pity... and a shame...Hope I will be proven wrong...Googlue
  18. Yeah!Even I was looking for the Fantastici icon... using rvblueAnyway, Never had problem with ad-on scripts but when I saw somebody had a problem there, was worried. Then saw both of your shouts on the shoutbox and then 'discovered' the Fantastico icon!It seems to have the latest of the updates and I would prefer that over the add-on scripts anyday...Thank youGooglue
  19. I have plenty of email addresss, though I use only a couple of them... Then many other websites, and not to mention the PC itself...For all the passwords, I depend on AiRoboform. It is very good and offers the correct passord for the particular webpage.Gator is supposed to be spyware, but not AiRoboform and you can prevent it from calling home by having a firewall like ZoneAlarm Basic.All these are freeware too! And just to mention it here, I have now become a freeware freak!
  20. I have used Skype earlier and liked it a lot...But somehow, I did not get to use it much... Though the internet phone option is excellent and the quality is also exceptional, I am not using it, I don't know why :DWill give it another chance on my PC.Right now, I am using Gaim which is an excellent cross-service messenger, and am in love with it :PGooglue!
  21. Yeah, I did check AdBrite recently... What with the spin-offs? Do you mean the adult content? They have even tied up with AVM and it may become worse. But you have the option to allow the display of only 'good & clean' ads. I did not know that initially and had allowed intermediate adult content - like viagra... gambling... My family life was affected because of this, you know . There was an adult ad on my site and it was XXX! One of my family members even demanded that I take down my site and forget entirely about the project!!! But now it is ok, I have allowed only clean ads, and so far, there is no problem! ARE THERE ANY OTHER SPIN-OFFs? It is very important for me to know... hope you understand! Thanks in advance...
  22. Well, this topic is witnessing a lot of replies, but whenever you post here, please give a little more detail about how you discovered this site rather than just writing just a few words... that would be very nice of all the members...This topic/poll has already seen 254 votes and the trend is changing from the earlier. Only 33% have come from web hosts review, while 21% have come from a search engine result.May be I will do some statistics on this a little later...
  23. Well, YOU have put words in your site. There is no way you can make your site the top without having relevant content. CONTENT IS KING! There is nothing to beat it. All other claims are bogus. But what also helps is the links to your site from other sites. So you develop friends, affiliates who can post a link to your site from theirs. But then, without content, all this will be a waste.Googlue
  24. Hey, what do you mean you have to pay to get it reactivated? I had my account deactivated and have never known about reactivation issues... I had to make another account with a family member's name... CAn you please explain how I can reactivate my original account? I had some balance there... but how much will I have to pay to get it reactivated? Your answer will be very useful... Thank you in advance Googlue
  25. Hey, what do you mean you have to pay to get it reactivated? I had my account deactivated and have never known about reactivation issues... I had to make another account with a family member's name... CAn you please explain how I can reactivate my original account? I had some balance there... but how much will I have to pay to get it reactivated? Your answer will be very useful... Thank you in advance Googlue
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