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Everything posted by guangdian

  1. that' no use if you done that in this way..^_^i think you would gave up it.
  2. and you know everyone,bird flue have boast all over the world.and i think if the bird flue 's virus becoming a virus burst between humens ,the time i will have to leave internet.and i think that will be more time than sars.now i have nearly 80 credits left.and i think i will leave for half a year at least.but maybe there is one or more time getting back.as you know 80 credits just would keep for 80 days?and i just don't know how to do with my websites.if i can just keep the site online but my credits not flowing? i think not.so maybe you would help me about that.give me some advice?or let anyone posting for me?guangdian
  3. make warpaper just unbetter than make sigs.and i can not opened the url..plz check it.
  4. just edited your main table with that code <table align="center"></code] but not align="left"
  5. you would just open the system direcotry.winxp-->system or system32-->there is file "host***" or "***host" opend it with notepad.deleted the site url in that.save
  6. i think just a jpg file or gif file instead of will be better.
  7. oh,i just hated flash.. does flash belongs to the graphic , i think not.but someone would made good things with that.i can not.
  8. oh.thank you nehemiah.and there is a suprise for me that.althought the google search results deleted the site of mine.but on the alexa rank i'm growing 5 0,000..i'd like the web.
  9. my site using ipb1.3and when i open the site,there displayed so slow.and when i tried hard to loginto the admin cpof ipb1.3then it became quickerand what's that about it?guangdian
  10. thank you spectre.and as you guide.i checked the search result of "site:mysite.com".there is 100-200 results then only 1 page is "mydomain.com"the other is "bbs.mydomain.com" which has been deleted from the server.oh....i just don't know how i would go with that.
  11. that means Hosting the mp3 file or zip file.if this means on the web directories host the zip file.then i think all host have the zip file.sometimes i just don't belive this type of host providers.they always said they are not the unlimited things.,but they give the better than others.but they can not doing that if they gave so more limited to the host.sometimes a good webhost is just like that:gave the user more freedom power to upload something or download something.gave the stable server and the fast internet connecting speed.and i think if the first time ,or formally they said their so many limited ., i think they will not did better than some serious free web provider.guangdian
  12. now i'm using the flaxftp,i just know of leapftp and filezilla.i'm not learned the smartftp.
  13. and bad luck.it's have been 2 days.when i entered my site title,i just can not found my site on the search results.who would help me with that.my site is a forum but not cheating or spam to the google.i need your help.i just had email to the google support#google.com,i would like them will solve it for me,because i'd got the search enginne for the bandwidth.guangdian.
  14. i think erro custom 404 page would doing that.but or nto?i am using that,but sometimes it don't help.
  15. but,why you don't read the instruction when you install it?you should change some directories( i think 2) to 777.but you didn't change that.what you only to do is read the instruction of the installation.to me,ipb i have installed many times i just can not remember the times,and it's really simple.you just read the readme.txt or the same sort file of that.all projects install are like that.=-=guangdian
  16. what do you mean by this post.the meaning of life is we can wasting our time freely.before we died.if we didn't ,we would regret;
  17. i think the html code can not been pirated easily like php (zend)and if you do that with some script tools,then there would be the problem with your pages.- so if your html is validated with html 4.01 or xhtml that you validat it again after you pirated it.what do you found , i think it can not been validated,can not pass it.i think there is no need to protect the html code,for you why is it?
  18. i just don't know more about php scripts.but you know i'm using the forum or cms project on my website of Xisto.then it sent me the email normally.so that's not the server problem but your script problem i think.and you would just check the script or waiting for the one knew of that php script to help you.thank youguangdian
  19. i'm afraid you can not do something with that.it hiden in the mysql database,.how you will change it from that/you can not i think.
  20. the lucky nomber.every number from 0 to 9 is the bad luck number of me.God..^_^guangdian
  21. bots would ???that's the first time i got that ? is it really,how you got the results that it waste you so much bandwidth? and by the way banned the bots is not clever thing i think.if Google search results not containng your site.then there is no more new guests to view your site.
  22. oh,just one sentence should use quote?oh,i know,okay quote.what i am doubt is i didn't type the full url of my image to the browser to browser it. i just put it to the html code to another webpage.that displayed good.guangdian
  23. hi,before you install it you would just make sure you have read the "readme.txt" or "installation tips" of the project.the problem is that you didn't change the file and directory permisson as the project needed.guangdian
  24. i think the server's uptime is 99%,so just waiting for the back.guangdian
  25. there are lots of urls on the "Urls to Allow Access:"then i deleted them then just type the two domains now i'm using then click the box"Allow direct requests (ie. entering the url to an image in your browser)"and "redirect the hotlink to the url"then click the "Active it"..then i still can put my image to another site,then it displayed good..how i will do with that.
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