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Everything posted by guangdian

  1. it's just so deep color & i got some errors in my ie browser.
  2. Does anyone know if there is a cheap domain registration service on the net? NetFirms appears to be the cheapest according to my brief research, at 4.95$ per year. It is not my preferable choice, however, because it appears that they bill you by mail. I don't want to be hit with some really odd service charges. Has anyone used the service? Is 4.95 really what they charge? Thanks
  3. a webhost is a room for your web pages on internet servers.a website is a site with all of your web pages & files.
  4. it so big to install it need abt 70M webspace i think.and it's not simple.sometimes i found error in the my browser when i viewing it.
  5. it normally like that your web host don't support jsp..when i upload the asp file it can not run,it goes as the code
  6. just imaging u have a cool 1 billion dollars, how r u gonna spend all the freaking cash !!!!!!!!!!!!!! As for me, i am gonna buy an island ....... my own country -- the island... buy PLAYBOY ...............the whole company .......... Life just got Goooood..... invest in some deposit for some steady income ..... must secure my future ..... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Add your dreams here ...... $ ONE BILLION .............. What r u thinking ??????????????
  7. <body bg="url.img"> you need it fit any resolution.your backgroud must be so little then it can expand your screen.
  8. well done Xisto.but just changed the blue bar on the top..it's so blue.but the whole page is white
  9. it is unuseful to me. so there will be the second microsoft? it's really sucks.. so many bundling?just don't know what is their next steps.
  10. you mean that you just wanna the forum add some jscript to do that effict?.it can not do it.i think.if you just visit ipb forums , you will find there are not so much things.
  11. the moderator named BuffaloHELP gave me 40% warned .i am more than yours. don't worry,it's just nothing.i don't mind of it. you lowered it if you wish,you increased it if you wish. this can do nothing to me.
  12. why you wanna kick them .? you just don't know what to do with them then you said you wanna kick them ? you just think the wrong way..you can not talk to them or post reply to them but you mustn't do your way.
  13. i just suggested you use gmail..and gmail is also supported pop3. i think.it will good useing for you .good luck
  14. i suggested you just format the disk then install the OS again...it will delete the virus
  15. come on hey...if you just use that it's just the same as me ever...but the problem is..can you find that ?if you just upload some zip file from filemanager then you just click to extract it on server ..when you found your all files extracted the permission is no read no excute..if you install something you must change the permission of every file.if you just worried of the every file you just use the ftp then select all to change the permission it's so boring.so i suggested just upload with ftp programe.
  16. what do you mean by the original username? the owner of the user? but if you are not the owner of the username then how can you post with it?i think it's not the IP banned....somtimes we didn't use ip banned.if this ip is DDOS or do sthing unsafe to me..yes..i'm sure of it.i just suggested you give me more details what's your prblem then? /can you give it to me?
  17. yes,if lots of ip connected to click your ads..then it will be blocked.
  18. can not access not access the server .so server is down....
  19. favorit cartoon i have something to say.yes..cartoon.when i am a little child in school.the cartoon films or movies is my best love.from that time i got so many so many cartoons.then i will say it to you...just take it easy:when i am 10--15 years old i got cartoon like as from japan..tes,yes,there is so many good cartoons .. i just don't know the english name of it.so i just skip it.i just remmemer Dragon Ballz.yes.this is the best favorit.when i am in mid school..from that \time to now i just met so less cartoons.i just like Dragon ballz it's the perfect cartoons in my child hood.and your? i think everone has it's best favorit..when you are in each time of the lifehood.but which country are you in is also connected with it.ye,when you are in america you just like the euro or us ish cartoons like superman or anything heros..they usually is the only person to save the whole world.but in eastern countrys or in japan that's not..there are so many heros in one cartoon to do a same thing..heha.
  20. i have given up IExplorer it's so big so lots of memory it used i just don' how to solve it..really it always down down down...like the windows..but when i changed to use firefox it's not quick it's really so bad work i think i'm using.it's really so bad thing i ever met when i changed to frefox..so i give up fire fox then ..i changed to mozilla.mozilla feels so nasty a logo i just use it.days after it changed so slow i just can not accept it..yes,mozilla it says that it 's a best explorer on the world but it's not on me..no.really not.is it opensource.how opensource can bring us?no no ! it just changed our life harder & harder because no one contribute it for no money even there is .he won't paid he most energy for it..yes.no one would do his best .human being is just like that.yes.we only can accept a worse world by the technology grow...i just changed to Internet explorer & i bought the new version of microsoft windows because i am sure the paid thing is better than not paid or free.if you get a person to do things for you but you don't paid him or paid for hime a little how you think your man will think.yes.he won't do his best...so i 'm using IE now it's really good for me because it's business software then i wanna say i used ie so i don't use tab.yes.tab is no use..tabs so lot it really use the memory as more windows it's my own opinion thank you .good luck you use firefox and mozilla.and i just wanna say if IE got it's own Tab window it's just a bad action for it.yes.bad very bad luck of me.i just wanna buy a new web browser if google or any other company open or sale ..i just buy a new one if ie use tab.
  21. Which one of the following is my favorite online game?1> Oh yea.. king of chaos not played.2> the army system just played CS3> i don't know how to played it4>MMRPG
  22. usually i have learned to play guitar it's so hard.then i just play & play again ,day by day..when i think i'm so good either.i take my guitar to play for some one but they played so much good than me.but they didn't pay so much time on it.so i gived up it just thinking it' because my genius so weak...
  23. i'm be using it from last year september. so it's just half of a year i came here.although I'm being so good community.and i think i would something to say:it's really a host provider but not free..i paid so much time on it.but i am sure it's cheaper very cheap than any other host. & the Xisto is my best friend.I wish Good Luck Opaque,just to be continue.you will be the best one..
  24. my ftp address is server : yourname.trap17.comuser cpanel userpas
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