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Everything posted by Goosestaf

  1. Yeah, it does only stretch in IE, but firefox is perfect but you should try and do a work around for it. . . . , because most people do still use IE. yeah, sorry, i assume dit was an iframe (bassicly where content scrolls in its own widnow, your ammo page for example), But i assume now that its a CSS overflow function and sorry. . . . im jus picky, but CSS is not a content mangement system, it styles a page
  2. Myspace isnt really any more limited than other profile sites. . . . infact you have a HELL of alot less restictions when it comes to styling your page. Its got lots of features, Music section where u can listen to music of bands, and then add it to play on your page. You can make and join groups, and send off even bulitens to people. theres an IM built into it, as awell as a blog and buliten system. Plus i met my now fiancee on there, so i cant really complain . . . lol but yes, there are more users who are younger, but its not as bad as face party IMO, thats full of 12-16 yr olds trying to be all grown up lol. Myspace is full of 16 -20+ generally, and alot of alternative ppl on there, Emos and such lol. my myspace account add me if ya on.
  3. well, i am biast, as i use Mambo/Joomla, but i see it as the best.It is easy to install, it offers plenty of modules and features and flexibility.yes its true you will need a good knowledge of PHP and CSS if your going to create a template from scratch. But what i'm doing is taking existing templates and modifying them alot. . . . And i dont know alot about php, and have a basic udnerstand of CSS.Like said above, the forums of all the major CMS's have plenty of info and help available. I would not recommend php nuke or post nuke if you want to create and interetsign looking wbesite. . . . as they all tend to have the same layout. . .
  4. Very nice i lvoe the clean grpahics and gradients.very ncie job!
  5. ok, terrorists attacks like they do because its the best way of creating panic and the best way to attack to cause most destruction with their resources.They are not a nation so cna no fight a "proper" war.You say nothings changed. . . . but it has really hasnt it. . . . hate to bring it up but that innocent (in some ways) brazillian guy was shot because of all this. Thats Wudnt have happened if the bombs didnt go off. . . .And you also say your not scared or put off by using london transport etc. . . but theres plenty of people who are scared by it. . . . . generally people who dont live in london and dont have to comute for work. . . . people who live in london and have to comute there to work are forced to just deal with the issue and stand up against the fear.If they did attacks as ofton as attacks in Iraq then i'm sure people would be scared. . . .
  6. i like it yeh, the abckground are the vectors right?how did you make those nice sweeping "tenticles"?
  7. the navigation, external links and Stats boxes are stretching too much on the right. the content is good, but creates a side scrollbar in some of the content pages, which isnt very nice in an i-frame. The Graphics are allright. just a bit blury. whats a css mangement system?i think its funny that u included that he used Lorem Ipsum to test the prototype lol nicework either way, keep at it.
  8. ???? but anyhoo. . . . trends are trends, it'll be gone or changed within a few years or so. and i bet ur part of a trend too, you probably just don't label yourself. I hate the trends where people label them self as a trend. I.E Emos saying their emo, Goths saying their goths, Wanna be Gangsta's callin themselves gangstas. . . . . its all fake. . . people should just be themselves. . . .
  9. you forgot the biggest soyware trap! Smiley Central! "improve your im and email with the next generation of smileys!" *shudders* well, like which has already been said many, many many times, its down to people being idiots They see somethign which says somethign and they believe thats what their getting. They don't stop to think why a website would pay a Hell of alot of money to advertise a free product, or think its too good to be true. I guess the people who click these links are also the same type of people who fall in for internet scams, open weird junk mail "giving" them free stuff and click to win free ipods (as well as having to join an online casino as part of the deal) the bottom line is, people who are too trusting It's best to be paranoid when using the net, its the best way of not getting spyware, viruses and Trojans. incase anyone doesnt have "protection" heres the best free solution. The All Mighty AD-AWARE
  10. why s that so special there have been MP4 players out for sale for ages. . . ones with a better screen a better features. . . . http://www.archos.com/products/av_700/features.html (theres plenty to choose from ranging from 20gb to 100gb!) plus it looks gooooood but well done for apple. . . . another over priced fashion "must have" accessory
  11. i use IE6 and FF for my own use, but when it comes to proofing a website, i use Safari, IE5+6 and FF.I am interested in getting Opera also. Just so i can see how it renders things differerntly. Any chances of getting a free one?. . . . i knew there was a an offer a while ago . . .but not sure now. .
  12. (the links in the flash site link don't work, but i clicked all the links in ur sigs and they work fine and look good, so i have no idea whats goin on.Also The design gallery is quite koo but i cudnt enlarge any of the pics.
  13. overall Very nice :)but a few thigns which have enoyed me alot.ok, u have a splash page, which gives the options of flash or html.clicking flash brings u to a flash website, which all looks very nice and all, but. . .i thought that by clicking html u wud go to a html site. . . . as that is primarily why u wud add an HTML link on a splash page. . .but no . . its another sort of intro page WITH a Flash banner as the naviagtion. . . .sorry but its pointless. . . The Flash aniamtion, grpahics and models all look very nice, but its difficult to navigate, confusing and misleading.if you want to design a sucessful website you need to consider alot more. . . . also. . . the office flash site. . . none of the links worked for me.all i'm going to say is that its a shame that it seems so un planned.The "html" link page looks good just get all the other buttons working. Only two work.i give 5/10 (great aniamtion, graphics etc, but there are lots of problems (noted above) and there only seems to be cotnent in the forum.
  14. its showing my a Xoops Login.mmmmmm well good luck with that. . . .i personally use Mambo/Joomla.
  15. not a bad site.5/10no errors that i can see in IE,a nice clean layout, but nothing special.Easy to read and use.Love the content tho. The bass ur makign seems pretty dam schweet its interesting seeing all the differernt progress shots.
  16. . . . and yet again. . . i would have said hotscripts, but then i would just be repeating. . . oh wait . . . i jsut did . . . . never mind :)its the way to go
  17. Google = simple to understand, clear, good resultsplus it what i'm used to, and what i automaticly type in if i need to search.there coudl be a better one , but i don't know. I'm happy with my google thank you.Google Scholar is also very useful
  18. ahhhhhh time to give you the lowdown. . . .MANY amazing inventions have been invented and patented and then bought out and never seen again.I know sum1 who worked at Ford, and he rememeber seeing some guy who had invented a car which ran on water. . . . simialr to a fuel cell. . .but Ford bought out the Patent to the technology, and it was never seen again . . why?. . . because it would harm OIL produces profits . . . Same with lightbulbs. . . . someone invented an ever lasting lightbulb. . . . the tehcnolgoy was bought out by a bulb co0mpany and never seen again . . . why?. . because if everyone bought them, they would go out of buisness. . . .its quite sad how such efficient inventions and ideas are all swept udner the carpet because people would loose money. . .
  19. ok, my honest opnion is a 4/10 and this is why. . . (if your just learning then don't take my words harshly, i rate everysite in the same way) the major (and obvious) let down are the graphics sadly. i thought the little "sporty talk" person drawing was a joke at first. . . then realsied it wasn't. . . The navigation graphics (like already said) are not very sharp, and why you used that weird font i have no idea. Stick to a relevant typeface/theme when designing a site. There is nothing worse than a website with differenrt fotns and colours all over the place (the colour theme you did well ) The Banner is not too bad either, but again the font is quite pixelated, and why it changes to all those differernt colours i don't know. seems a bit odd to me, and not very smooth or flowing. Now, the layout i don't especially have a prioblem with. I mean the Navigation could be less wide, to free up more room for your content area. the tables are pretty basic but do the job alrite Altho i don't personally like the blue colours, they do fit nicely, so well done on the colour picking The postioning of the content is a thing i'm not liking. Could you not center it in the middle of that section? The forums look good, but the back gorund colour and the main content area are too similar , and both areas seem to just blend in wiv each other. The header banner looks better in the forums so. .. . you've seen my personal opinion on how to improve, now if your stugglin using paint (i no i wud) and cannot afford or egt your hand son a copy of photoshop, then try this : G.I.M.P don't be scared to click the link due to the name its a great free graphics editting program. good luck with the site
  20. It also depends what style your singing, what you define as singing. . .Screamo music style for example. . . very shouty and ugly vocals lolbut thats what its all about. no notes, no tone. . . jsut shouting
  21. nice new layout. A bit differernt from the style ya normally do. I love the vector graphics too (or at least i'm pretty sure they r vectors )y dont u hav a theme choose where the user cna select which style they want, becoz you seem to hav a new layout design every couple months lolbut anyways, ncie work
  22. the creativity bug has hit me again . . . i'm currently redisgning for the THIRD time. . . dam it. . . .oh well. . . BUT! this time i'm pretty sure i'll stick with it till its done!I've got most of my graphics and style working as a theme in mambo and getting used to all the content management :Pit will be sweet when its done. . . . soon i'll stick up a new splash page, he he. . commign soon YET again lol
  23. errmmmm well if the guy knows flash then there's no problem. . . I say Great layout mate! Looks alot better than the last tech website design u showed us. Its made with pretty simple techniques but looks good Obviously, if you were to cut it up etc and stuff and make it into a html based website then you would need to change somethings to make it 100% compatible, BUT if you used flash, (which to me is what the site looks like) then it would be really koo. depends weither you can really.
  24. Joomla is bassicly the latest version of mambo.as far as i know, there won't be anymore mambo releases.Joomla is built on top of mambo.
  25. . . . . seriosuly. . . . . . just try and read my post i said MAMBO, is being REPLACED by Joomla!. . . . and it looks the same coz it is the same. . . . its developed by the same team. . .
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