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Everything posted by galexcd

  1. So then how are you planning to go with a paid host?
  2. If you don't want your iPod to break, don't drop it... It is my job to work with these things all day and I have yet to find a touch who's display "broke" by itself without you dropping it, assuming that by broke, you mean physical damage. If you mean that his display stopped working by itself, (which is quite rare), he can have it fixed by making an appointment at the genius bar. Go to apple.com/retail, select the closest apple store and make a genius bar appointment to resolve the issue. All iPods come with a one year warranty that covers any problems except accidental damage and theft. If there are no apple retail stores nearby, your friend can call 1-800-MY-APPLE.
  3. Actually this is not true at all unless you are using an ancient version of iTunes. iTunes is able to differentiate different iPods and store separate sync settings for each iPod. You do not need multiple users, just plug in your iPod into your computer. The only way the iPod is erased is if you do a restore or you attempt to sync your iPod with another computer. Music and videos in each iPod can only be synced with one computer, however each computer can be synced with as many iPods as you wish.
  4. Domains are much cheaper then paid hosts... If you are going to go with a paid host why bother working so hard for a free domain here if you can get one for under $10 a year? https://xisto.com/
  5. This thread makes me laugh... What script could you possibly be referring to? I must not fully understand this because all I see is a few lines of html code to put a link in a table with a css class applied. I'd like to see you prove that anyone actually used your code on their forums, I mean there are only so many ways that you can put a link in a table... And most of those variations would only differ by new lines. Also, it looks like you're using IPB's css code and javascript code there. Did you ask them for permission on using this? I'm sure it took the developers over at IPB much longer than the few minutes it took you to make this to make their ipb_forum.js file.
  6. Hello Acinihada and welcome to Xisto!It's always nice to see new members especially ones who have been lurking around in the shadows long enough to know what kind of forum this is and the type of members and posts that this website offers. Some more information about yourself would have been nice so the community here can learn a little bit more about you. Other than that all I can say is sit back and enjoy the ride because I think you are going to have an awesome time here. :lol:I wish you the best of luck with your stay here and I hope to see your posts around the forum.
  7. there is no default content for you htaccess file unless you had any prefereces such as error pages set on your website. If you leave it blank you shouldn't have any errors.
  8. This can be caused by any of the possibilities you mentioned. The easiest case to check is the cable so I would suggest trying a new FireWire 800 cable first and see if it resolves the issue. If that does not resolve the issue it is most likely a burnt out port on your comuter. If you frequently unplug the drive while the computer is still sending data, the port on your computer could go bad. I'd suggest trying the drive on a different computer that has a FireWire drive (if you have one available to you) and see if the computer mounts it.
  9. Hello retypepassword and welcome to Xisto! Thats quite an interesting name, I'm sort of curious what made you choose that, however I suppose it doesn't much matter. It is nice to have a member who wants to join this website for the content and the community instead of just free web hosting. I suppose we don't have to worry about you spamming or doing any other evil deeds just to try to get credits. I look forward to reading your posts around the forum.
  10. A class is basically a piece of code that can be stored as an object in memory. It can be very useful if you want to be able to store a variety of data in one variable, and you want to modify the data easily by running methods. You can read up on Object Oriented programming in PHP here.
  11. I was kind of hoping to see "Google" in the list of birthdays at the bottom of Xisto's board list, but I guess google doesn't have an account with Xisto... yet... I wanted to bake a cake shaped like the internet and send it to them but I don't have cake mold shaped like the internet.
  12. Hello migdadraza and welcome to Xisto. It's nice that you took the time to write yourself a welcome post but there is too much empty space in it. Fill it in with some more information about yourself. What general area of the world are you from? What are your hobbies? What made you decide to come to Xisto? These are all questions that help us to know a little bit more about you so you can be a better part of the community here.
  13. I don't know why you guys are complaining. I love the new title. I used to think it was confusing and strange to have the main board list to be called "free web hosting, no ads" when really it was just one sub forum under these many forums of content that deals with web hosting. Open discussion seems to make much more sense. And you have to remember that the title of the entire website hasn't been changed, just the forums.
  14. There are plenty of options available. One of course would be to get Microsoft Office for mac. If you go with this one I recommend the student/teacher edition ($149.95) instead of the full program ($399.95). Unless you are going to be using it for business, or you plan on writing a novel the student and teacher version is sufficient. However, you may not feel like dropping $149.95 to be able to read word files, and there are many other options that might not be quite as compatible but still sufficient for normal use. One would be to get iWork, ($79.00), another would be to use Open Office, which is free. As saitunes mentioned Open Office does use X11, however if you are running leopard, X11 is already pre-installed. All right lets see what other solutions are there? You didn't mention anything about opening word and excel files, you just said "reading" them. If viewing the files is all you are trying to do, and you are running leopard you can always quicklook them. Quicklook supports microsoft word and excel files even if you don't have an application installed that can open them, however I doubt that you only want to read them, you probably want to be able to open and save to them. Another option would be to use google docs. Sign up for a google account and upload all of your word and excel files to docs and read and edit them there. If you want some more free solutions I'd try searching version tracker for any word and spreadsheet applications that support the word format.
  15. First of all its Wi-Fi not wi5. And secondly do you think a laptop is a waste of money because you can't connect to the internet with a wi-fi connection? What do you think the internet is just magically everywhere? If you are connected to the internet to be posting this post right now then you are already paying for the internet, all you need to get it working is a wireless router, which you can get for less than you payed for your ipod touch. The wireless router broadcasts the signal for your internet allowing devices that are wirelessly enabled to connect to the internet without being directly connected to your router.*
  16. It seems like you've already got this issue resolved, however I'll post anyway. Your browser is looking in the same directory as that file, however your images are not in the same directory as your file. You have your images in the directory /images/. To resolve this issue you can add "/images/" to the beginning of all of your images.
  17. I personally use cinema 4D for rendering my 3D models. It may not be free like wings and blender and it may not me the best tool for modeling with, but it does a gorgeous job at rendering. In fact what me and my friend used to do was model in wings and then import them into cinema 4D to texture and render them.
  18. an iPod touch is able to do every thing you listed there. The only disadvantage is that it only picks up Internet over wifi because there is no monthly bill paid to AT&T for a data plan. The only feature you listed that doesn't come standard is a sketchpad but with the app store you can download an application that can do that.
  19. HAPPY Xisto BIRTHDAY!!!!!! So What did I get you for your Xisto birthday? Well everyone knows that your Xisto birthday is way more important than your real birthday, so I gave you 4 gifts, one for each year you have been spamming. populating this forum with interesting content. So you get a certain number of gifts for every year it is of your birthday, sort of like the 12 days of christmas, but instead of 12 days, it's 4 years... And instead of christmas it's your Xisto birthday... So in fact it's not anything like the 12 days of christmas. I don't even know why I brought it up. Without further ado I give you: 4 Spammers spamming: quas_death elhadi alex1985 lhitvietnam 3 Moderators moderating: Jlhaslip Rvalkass Velma 2 admins admining: OpaQue BuffaloHELP And a brand spankin' new topic for your Xisto birthday: Saint Michael's 4 Year Xisto birthday topic
  20. I'm running ubuntu on a macbook pro, the airport card didn't work when I first installed it, but after installing madwifi it worked perfectly. I have yet to find a wireless router that is not compatible with my configuration.
  21. Hello Yai64, welcome to Xisto!It looks like you've already realized that Xisto is more than just a place to get awesome web hosting, it is a great community as well. I hope you enjoy your stay here, and let it be a long one. I look forward to seeing your posts around the forums.
  22. Where did you even get the notion that anyone on the internet would give you his or her steam account, even one that isn't being used anymore. How dumb can people in this world get. I mean seriously? If I stopped using my steam account I'd rather give it to a friend of mine, not give it to some random person on the internet to be gone forever. Get a job and buy the game yourself. It's not that expensive.
  23. What I was really hoping google chrome would be was more than just a browser. I was hoping that this was a browser that would attach itself to your google account, display your google bookmarks, always keep you logged into all of google's services, and perhaps help you sync your google information with your computer. But it turned out that it's just another browser. Now I'm not saying that Chrome is a bad browser, I just had slightly higher expectations when I heard the rumor that google was making their own browser.
  24. This is not possible because this can cause a huge security risk for users of your website. Someone could easily set up a phishing website for paypal, and modify the url to say paypal.com instead of whatever false url they were using before. Why would you even ask for such a thing to be possible? If any browser were to adopt this ability all users of that browser would be at risk.
  25. You become a Newbie[Level 2] at 25 posts. You stop being a newbie at 50 posts. Here are the different levels, and the number of posts a member needs to have to get to that level: For more information you can see my reply in this topic, where I quote this post.
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