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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. Tricky to clrify the Most helpful member is a member that helps other members out either through the shoutbox, topics that pose questions for various things like web site reviewing, computer hardware support stuff like that. Yes, it is a bit difficult for a member who is brand new to the forums to really base an opinion on awards such as these, but usually you can form an opinion pretty quick base on members you interact with the most or see interact the most.
  2. At first when I read this it sounded like this was some sort of abuse on the boyfriend part, although that could be the case because of the time frame. Like everyone else I am curious why she didn't want to leave, even though see suffered a traumatizing event in her youth. Since you have a few thousand phobia's that you could connect to why she didn't want to leave. Of course now she might have to get use to sitting into a wheel chair for the rest of her life, but of course what I really find interesting that in the 16 years they live together that he wouldn't notice something was wrong with her the first day. Personally I would have drug her with sleeping medication, called in the medical people to get her out and brought her to a psych war with her strapped in a bed. As for the boyfriend situation I wonder what kind of charges will be brought to him because there no abuse, he kept her alive while she was suffering, and although he didn't try hard enough, he was trying to get her to come out. It will revolve around him not doing enough that is for sure but really pinning abuse on his part is hard to prove since she did this to herself, for the most part.
  3. Well to answer topic's question technology plain and simple, back when I was in school about 10 years ago we didn't have all these social networking websites, ubertastic cell phones and all that other stuff. Of course school is no longer a safe haven for kids anymore because now teenagers have accepted the fact that killing students and teachers just because someone made you mad is normal trend now. So parents are to blame 70% of the problems for the public school system as most don't even care now, because when it comes to covering costs for the school system, every adult is quickly to say no on raising taxes for school sakes. Yet They say yes for improving roads and adding 200 gas stations with in a 5 block radius. Heck private school or home schooling seems even better options then before because being a teenager now is 10 times as difficult as it was 10 years ago, and you can blame society for that with all this glorification of being thin and having a -10 waist, doing drugs, drinking large amounts of alcohol, and making women believe the only job they can make descent money is by stripping and prostituting themselves.Of course this religion crap has to stop because quite frankly every single religion out there has no form of peace, if there was peace everyone would be one of the top religions which are catholic, protestant, Muslim, or Buddhist, violence begets violence that is what history has taught us. This whole fear of God complex is really old and until there is some sign of real "god" then religion is just another way to control people, it is simple as that. The only mistake that I see is the fact humans even existed, and I think the line in Matrix that Human's are a virus is true, all we do is destroy and don't put anything back. Heck I would think after the last human drops dead or we move off this planet, Earth will continue on it's path of destruction and that either being nuclear war, environmental disaster, an act of "God", or something from outer space blowing us up. I feel sorry for my niece and nephew that they have to live in a world like this, and I have the tough job of setting them straight once they are old enough to figure everything out.i wouldn't be upset if the last of the oil disappear in the next ten years because then people have to start thinking again, and find ways to survive without the use of oil to power their cars or heat their homes.
  4. If I didn't know any better I say the specs you have are for a Dell XPS Desktop computer because it is impossible to dual hard drive a laptop without making the case a whole lot bigger. Of course if you plan to go with a Dell brand then the XPS laptops are just as good but of course you don't have much room for upgrading them, although get the stock is just as good as you can customize them later with memory and hard drive space. However, another recommendation I would make based off OpaQue's post and check out newegg's website on laptop.computers because you can get a some good one's at a cheaper price.
  5. Well I give the Mozilla team this much when you run firefox 3B4 it does seem to load fast and at a nice 30K this is the smallest yet. However, after 6 tabs open to various website it jumps up to over 80k, and so it seems that each tab takes a lot of memory regardless the new memory stuff they used. I will say this though it takes a bit longer this time for the browser to use up memory. As for that virus scan in the download manager that is non-existent and I still prefer the firefox 2 version then this one interface wise that is.I like to mention after visiting the release page it would seem depending on the operating system that firefox looks different so I might installed this on the vista computer just to see how it look. Also for you web developers the IE Tab works with this version, but sadly the Web Mail Notifier does not, and the latest headlines folder icon has a new look which I like. Of course I still find it dubious that between FF3B3 and FFB4 900 fixes were done to this. and that gives it a total of 12,000 fixes to this browser in 3 years. Ok first off they were still working on firefox 2 at the time, and so either they were working on the gecko engine at the time or they were working on both versions of the browser but I don't want to think about it though. Of course the question is now when will they final release this browser now that IE8 just went beta, granted that FF3 has a year and half start give or take a few days it would seem that the final release will come this summer.

  7. For direct access to Cpanel no I don't think it is possible to have two accounts pointed like that. However, you can set up FTP access to the domains and that way you have two different passwords; one for cpanel access and the ftp password for direct access. So log into Cpanel and go to FTP management and set it that way, a smart idea would be to have three passwords one for each account and then one for cpanel access that way if all you need to do is upload pages to the website you can do that with the ftp software, and if you need to do back end work, MySQL Db's, backing you can log in a different password. OF course make sure your passwords are different and hard to figure out, and that way your providing a second level of defense into getting into your hosting account.
  8. Playing video games has have always been a joy for me especially playing video games such as Ghost Recon, SOCOM, etc. Because of the fact I could be something I could never be in real life and that being a hardcore sniper, or hell on wheels with a gatlin gun . I think that is why we crave militaristic games like these just because we can be that gun ho hero with an arsenal of weapons taking out the bad guy and saving the world. Of course when your a powerful gaming company they like to cheapen it but making these games short and emphasize online play with just bragging rights that you can kill someone from a rooftop. That is what EA did with this game, as it was far too easy to be this game, heck it would took a few hundred rounds to take the two hero's out, and no darn well full body like the one's they wore could do that, especially taking a grenade blast at full force. And that is the case with Army of TWO in which you take the role of one of two mercenaries in the war on terrorism to an extent. It is a game based on strategy but this time stealth is not an option as your basically shooting non stop taking out the bad guys and so on and so forth. However, I have this problem I don't like to rent games and like so many others I drop the cold hard cash for a game, and I should have took heed on the warnings how short this game was, and boy was it short. The other problem I have is after I finish a game I don't bring it back to get in some trade value for it just because it less the nhalf the original value and so to me it is pointless. I finish this game in a total of 8 hours, maybe 6 if I really pushed it since it was pretty hard to die in this game. I do like the fact you could customize the weapons, and of course awards cash in order to upgrade those weapons ($175.000 for a gatlin). The game play was awesome, sotry was great especially with it's great humor and I am glad they drop the f word many, many, many times . It is a war zone and quite frankly being able not to go what the ---- after getting shot at, blown up and other good stuff you might have some problems in your mind. Of course I think the most pointless weapon, except for some parts, was the sniper rifle just because when you do the campaign it was pretty hard to get settled into sniper mode and hit the targets as quickly as possible without getting shot at the same time. The Graphics, and sound was top notch but the fact that this game was so short I am pretty upset that I wasted the $60 for this game, I might have gone maybe $40 but I don't want to wait two years for that to happen. Of course for those who bought NFS Pro Street, many speculated that EA will be added new stuff like that, albeit for online mode, and not for us solo players. Although what makes this game interesting is the fact you can have someone play with you either online or though another control, might remind you that if you do the second controller option plan to have a big TV (27"+) in order to see much of the split screen as possible. Of course for those who do enjoy online play it is just crap, think it as a cheap version of COD4 but in order to play you have to wait long period's of time to get into an online game, and basically you need a list of friends in order to play this game as well. Army of TWO Some Screen Shots Game Maker: EA Year:2007-2008 Price: $59.99 (PS3) Levels: 6 Sound: 10 Graphics: 10 Mini-Games: no Difficulty: 6 Game Play: 7 Re-Play Value: 4 Overall Ranking: 6/10 If your hardcore gamer who likes to play shooter games "online" then this game is for you if you still want to play it just rent the game because you will finish it in the 3 days the rental is worth. --Now for some copyright info-- Images and of course games are copyrighted to it's perspective owners blah blah blah. Roms are illegal and so don't get caught blah blah blah or else blah blah blah. Reviews and opinions are my own so don't argue with me unless you can prove other wise why this game sucks and 100% of the time you are wrong because one your either a new school gamer and don't know a good game when you see it or two, well their is no two so HA!!. All slogans, trademarks and names excluded the games I review are copyrighted to me blah blah and blah. 2007 SM Old School Legend.
  9. I am sure thoughts and prayers from all the members of trap are out for you and your family through this rough time. As always family comes first so you shouldn't have to worry about your trap account, on the plus side the termination script hasn't worked as there are members with 50+ on the negative side. Distractions are always good sometimes to help to get your mind off things, but of course don't try to bottle it up because that kind of stress doesn't help sometimes, but it would seem you have great support within your family to talk to about what is on your mind.
  10. Well I know how rusty my web design skills have been since I been tinkering with your code compared to a demo site that has the same set up as your. I believe you might need to use overflow in your css for this to happen not to sure about that anymore. I compared your code wit the demo page and it seems to good, but I could be missing something though. Here is demo page to use for comparison Of course if someone does see it wow I am rusty .
  11. This should help you server in downloading email attachments and stuff, just make sure you have thunderbird set up to you gmail account in order to use this. The description closes matches what your looking for to an extent on managing your email attachments and stuff/ https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/thunderbird/addon/attachmentextractor/ Well after finding out that you don't pop3 your email account I did some more searching and I found this attachment manager tool, you might have to do tweaking and setting stuff up but this would be the closes thing to non op method I mentioned earlier. Link
  12. Well at 500MB of space you should be able to hold several forum software with a few thousands posts apiece so it shouldn't be a problem getting it installed. With the first plan it usually set up for a blog or a smaller site not usually a forum, especially when you start adding mods to it and stuff.
  13. Now that the week has started hopefully we can get more people to post some nominations and what not. So don't forget to pick your favorite members and all that good stuff because no date has been set for closing the nomination process so everyone has plenty of time.
  14. Awww look at the little spammer , the last pic with the red makes him look awfully suspicious, almost like he wants to pull a stewie wanting to take over the world . Either way Congratulations Baw on the little sprout, and I do mean that after seeing your belly pick I thought he would be bit bigger but nope he looks to be a healthy 7-8 pounder. By the way I though you had your chin piece I couldn't tell in that belly pic .
  15. That is what it comes down to it soldiers who been in combat for so long that reality is slipping for these young kids. Maybe they know what they are doing, and maybe they don't but regardless if you seen the conditions of Iraq we are doing most of these animals of favor by ending their lives. There is no facilities to care for these animals and most likely 90% are disease ridden anyways, and Josh is correct almost every soldier that is there is in PTSD mode especially those who are in the streets 24/7 watching for people with guns pointing at them. Trust me Vietnam was 100% times worse then Iraq when it came to unnecessary killing as more soldiers were killing Vietnam civilians to let out their frustrations and what not, but now 32 year later the laws on killing humans is very strict. Look at all the soldiers who are getting 10+ years in prison, death sentences for killing Iraqi people so I ask you this question would rather kill unknown animals with who knows what or would you rather have these 18 year kids kill more people?The is the problem with you people, yeah we went to war for the wrong reasons and all that, but still we are at war so take some perspective and realize that if you were them would you have not done the same or would you take the cowards way out and put a bullet in your head after finding out you just killed someone's father, son, brother, sister, mother etc etc.? I highly doubt it besides if we didn't go to war you wouldn't be able to post this topic right now, because America would be controlled by the Nazi's or even Communist Russia of 40 years ago. You kids of the of 21st century have it so easy that you don't even realize it, but instead you join gangs, do drugs, and all that other crap that your dishonoring those who died for you regardless the reasons why they are there. How would you feel if you found out that a relative of yours was killed over there? You be pretty damn angry, and besides if you don't like it then get a political degree and go to Washington D.C and make changes to the Military if you don't like them.
  16. Maybe as a kid when I watch horror movies and other stuff like that, but after watching enough of them and knowing that they are fake and not real to the extent that Freddy Kruger is not going show up in my dreams and slash me up. Although I would say when I do dream everything that I have seen has form a bases of those dreams and what not. Of course there are sometimes that my emotions will play with my dreams and what not, but usually I don't remember them by the time I wake up and stuff.Of course I know when people are sleeping being able to be very susceptible to what people tell them to do, not full hypnosis, but something like it. Can't think if their is a word for it though so not to sure what to call it.
  17. Well the awards are centralized on forum activity and so that is why posting is essential not because of getting credits for your hosting account, but being able to help others through forum posting, designing, and what not. Usually depending on a persons activity really determines the outcome, so you can be brand new to the forums but if you stick yourself out people will notice you, that is why I tell people not to limit themselves to just one forum.
  18. Well I am not a hardcore fan boy like some people are, but I been a loyal PS customer since 96, but of course the other reason is that the xbox controllers are a real turn off for me. They are too bulky for me I would like a good grasp of the controller that way when I have to do some button mashing it doesn't slip out.
  19. Hidden This should be interesting since there are a lot of new names, heck took me about an hour to list them all on my nominations. Of course I will really be upset if I lose Comedian of the Year and GfX designer of the year, but hopefully a lot of names get up there that way all these credits I win don't go to waste . Of course that is why people need to post and junk of course I plan to alter my voting depending on the outcome.
  20. Introduction Welcome to the 3rd Annual Xisto/Forum Awards, this year we will be adding in some new categories to the ever growing forums and with the number of active members the competition to recieve these awards should be better then ever. As usual we will start with nominations this will last till the end of the month and that way it will give everyone plenty of time to send in theri nominations. Also You can nominate your but please be reasonable if you don't actively post in some forums don't nominate yourself in every. Besides there are categories only the Xisto staff can nominate in. I would like to thank those who have donated to the Xisto awards pool, as we have 600 credits to give away, and with the match donation from OpaQue we have 1200 hosting credits to give away. So Good Luck everyone, and please read the rules of how nominations work and check out the website where you get to place your votes once nominations are completed. Website http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Past Winners 2005-06 Xisto Award Winners 2006-07 Xisto Award Winners Nomination Rules -You can Nominate yourself but be reasonable, Don't nominate yourself in the Moderator of Year unless you are one. -You can nominate as many people as you want in each category -No Off Topic Spam, you talk about the nominations if you wish, the awards themselves -Quote your lists using the QUOTE Tags, Of course a comment or two would be appreciate in your posts, so to follow forum protocals, but there is some leeway, refer to the spam rule above on that. -No Complaining if you haven't got nominated or you didn't get enough nominations, or someone has got too many nominations. Treat this like any other awards competition. -One Post per nomination, but if you like to add more people to the list make sure to use the edit button. Nominations End To Be Determine Awards Well to Start off the awards we will go through the list of the awards from the Elite Award of Trapper of the Year to Noob of the Year. Also if you want to you can still donate credits to for the Xisto prize pool just send them to my account and then send me a pm of how much you donated and I can move them accordingly to the prize pool.
  21. Ah yes I remember that little fiasco and that had to do with Cpanel X, but now that csp clarified his topic, same answer somewhat applies but with a twist. In order to to update any software such as Cpanel you have to test it out and see if there are any conflicts, such as the update from 9 to 10 when people couldn't access their accounts. Of course it also depends on what kind of updates cpanel has as well, and if it is not security related you usually don't want to update it anyways because you need to give about 4-6 month for possible bugs to fix when the update goes into it's final version.
  22. Of course you oculd use any controller from any system if you wanted to, I think the N64 controller would be a lot more efficient, but of course using a flight stick would be better. Of course I would be curious how they jerry rigged that set up though, but of course if Microsoft saw that video I htink a lot of people would quit if Microsoft started manufacturing tools for destructing an all that stuff. To be honest the XBOX vs PS3 wars here is small compared to websites like GameFAQS in which people go back and forth when a game comes out that is multi-platform. The fanboys of every system go at it saying this games is better on this system and blah blah blah.PS3 RULES
  23. Well it seems we had another Terrorist Attack though a small one, but what shocks me is that the government didn't even go into lock down and do the thing that we sunk billions into this Homeland Security and look what happens. Of course that just proves that Bush hasn't done anything to stop this people from doing this crap, of course the cowards who did this sent their claim in that they did it, but of course the group's name hasn't been made known. What is shocking enough the media didn't go overboard with this blatant terrorist attack, but of course they didn't make a big deal about since no one was killed since I guess that tells people about what is important stuff. Of course the one news outlet that did cover this attack 5 seconds later mentioned that al-qaeda was stepping up their attacks, I wonder why I bother watching TV especially the news anymore. SOURCE
  24. The sad thing is though all these billionaires money is in stock and trade and maybe like 1% is in actual money, but looking at the top 20 if they donated $20 billion dollars imagine how many families they can help that struggling to stay warm and provide for their children, imaging how much of that money could be use to clean up the environment, and so on and so forth. The problem with Rich they only donate and give their time as little as possible, but of course when you have people like Buffet and Gates Foundation giving billions who need it the most. Personally all that money these people have is wasted money because it is not being put to good use, and on top of that the gap between the rich and poor is so huge that being a millionaire is considered poor. If that analogy makes any sense, but that is the reality of how the World Economy is working, yeah people give but not enough to actually help someone. True people need to be able ot help themselves in order to get anywhere, but when some receive charity they don't even bother trying to make themselves better, heck you got people even stealing from these charities and thus making it difficult for those who really need it.In my thinking the way the stock market is going right now, all it would take is to lose a few thousand points before almost everyone is on equal terms. Of course I really hate those infomercials that claim they can make you more money by trying their "secret" system, which is a bunch of bull but they let these people on TV anyway.Thanks for the vent but anyways their was story going back to 2005 that Bill stop running Microsoft and been working with the foundation since then, but of course a story broke out that this year Bill Gates is stepping down, albeit a minor supervisory position. So it should be interesting who the number one person that will lead Microsoft in the 21st century.
  25. Well it seems you are a cool guy I guess , but welcome to the forums anyway, and yes this forum is awesome in every way because of our spam...I mean topics and post, great designers, great hosting, and other great stuff I might have forgotten but you will figure it out. So welcome again and enjoy your stay here on Xisto.com.
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