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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. mmm well hopefully my new pop out looks better which im doing now on a ps cs2
  2. well on the graph yeah that can go but with the animation though to make it look good you should have animated the squence backwards to make it more fluid that how i do my animated sigmaybe work on the coloring just a bit to if you decided to get rid of the animation
  3. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v474/ForsakenIscarioT/stroke.jpg Now your done! Here is what I came up with:
  4. ok since im in the graphic mode im going to do a series of adobe ps issues for you noobs beginners intermidate advance and god like graphic designers NOTE THESE TUTORIALS ARE COMING FROM PIXEL2LIFE.com everything will be in quotes blah blah blah don't blame me if i miss something which i won't HA. but in all seriousness the graphics are copyrighted to the user but not the text. im like in the intermediate section since alot of the stuff i find or do is hard well for me it is well anyways lets start it off first tutorial im going to talk about is place text on objects and the example i have found is place text on a coffee cup ok next tutorial will be on blending in text in your graphics pretty simple and since the user of this tutorial decided to make a graphic out of his tutorial i will post it as is hmmm yeah i know why post the whole image when you can go to other websites. Simple pixel is a good source of info anyways the next text tutorial i will show is a metal text effect ooooh to finish this up read next post due to limit of pics per topic
  5. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://www.hugedomains.com/domain_profile.cfm?d=animeshrine&e=com http://s8.invisionfree.com/AbstractNotion/hp?showforum=22 http://planetrenders.net/renders/index.php
  6. cuz i am very beautiful***busts out some hand gestures***
  7. bow down to the sig god well at least on this site MUHAHAHAHAhey johnny question the light effect the sigs i see on gamerenders got some kickning lighting effects how would i pull it off
  8. this is my pop out sig but the transparency is not working how do i fix that? so jpg format will not save the transperancy hmmm i saved it as a gif which works splendors hmm i might showcase pop out sigs now woohooo
  9. i think dis shiznit is coolhahaha white people can rap
  10. not a bad idea i know to forums tat will be full Tutorials and sigs
  11. im seeing a light blue background on your pop up phyre maybe its my computer but i see it
  12. you all welcome recommend me for rep points when it comes back up again
  13. hmmm yeah it has loaded faster but the arcade though i have seen some games that have not been uploaded on here kenka was a waste of space and the goold ole army system going into its 3.0 stages is going great the color looks good toohey whays the hosting tokens about to i notice them in my profile in the edit part of it
  14. what about blending in the globe into it, i tried to do the animate light for the globe but was usijng something different which did not work out as well
  15. im trying out borders for the text but for some reason when i do the border it don't show up at all but who knows will read some more into it
  16. get rid of the light blue background then its more pop uppish
  17. yeah i just posted my sig i should get my butt ream from then if im lucky enough to get a response but since i have those 1600+ screw them HAHAHAHAHA
  18. hmmm animate the light maybe and maybe blend feather or whatever other then that good
  19. well even though emulators and roms are illegal blah blah i sitll use them NINTENDO ALL THE WAY you can post the links to the websites you just can't put attachments and downloads on this site for them
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