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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. what johnny just said good effort in the design but his is more fluid and its 0:2 phyre remember kubi (0) is first and phyre(2) is second
  2. hmm everything works except the font, maybe brush in the font just bit would help it out but this is your best one yet8.5/10
  3. hmm it seems that your getting ripped off by your host provider, by paying twice you should be set for awhile and the fact they are taking thier sweet time putting your site up. i would be asking whats going with them since you paid twice and that your domain is still not up after 24 hours of getting it.make sure to ask those questions to find out why your not getting the services that they have for you to use.
  4. oooh i get it know duh i was looking at it like a moron, going to try it out right now.just tried it but it did not work and i know why i have png and gif files in here as well so how would i could the format .jpg/.gif/.png in tho the coding?and it didn't pick up any of my jpg files either when i did it.
  5. yes it has been discuss man times before, everyone is been having problem last few weeks, the weather most likly is the factor why everyone is having so many problems like using ftp, their cpanel, using the forums and what not, just bear with it until the admin find the answers to the questions everyone is asking.
  6. well now that i know that the monitor is 4yrs old how long do you keep your monitor on during the day?of course it can just be basic ware and tear too.
  7. well i wouldn't consider greece a vacation spot any moe since they banned practically all cells phones, du to the game ban that they got in place, i wouldn't mind going to germany for the oktober fest and drink myself stupid.
  8. in order to become a mod you have to have a good reputation and im not talking about the points either, you have to help other people, do good posting, and not be stupid about your posts lik spamming them with one or 2 words and be a negative influence on the forums that would put you through a door of getting banned from the site. thats how i how succeded and failed as a mod, and thus where i am right now and hten some.and the line i know the admin personally is not going to work with the current mods and senior members of the forum either. so instead of complaining how bad the mods and admins are treating you cuz you screwed up, follow the rules.
  9. how heres comes the $64,000 question will game developers push the system to max in should graphics and game play?yeah the controller looks more xbox then sony, but if i was a tech engineer i would by two and take one apart see how well it is designed, most likly people do have ideas on how to do that so they can reproduce roms and bootleg the games.
  10. nah i think its going a step back in programming yeah you can a ton fo stuff with but its mostly in games cuz you don't have to worry about adding too many feature to the game but when it comes to full blown programs it gets a little tricker and thus coming up with disappointing resaults, their maybe a few exceptions which ones i dunno.But i have seen alot of jsp website floating around, curious how java fits in it.
  11. well yeah you can't really compare usa phones to the likes of japan, but the thing is the phones they come out with in japan is just unbeleiveable really you only can put so much stuff in a phone the size of your palm.but of course that proves how wrong my statement is to the japanese cell developers.i think the worse phones are the ones that use to cost $8.00 dollars a minute plan :Dyeah the phone is so cute aaaaaw of course the phone that sucks the most is my first one it was a flip style one and the peice where it connected broke i was like AAAAAARG , but after i got back from the desert going myself a new one and has not failed me yet. well except where i cannot get a signal.
  12. oh yeah forgot that stress was a big factor in me blowing up and i have done that several times at work and in front of alot a people, well of course i had to do some many different things in the army it was unbearable and of course stupidity as well and hte fact people telling me how to my job just makes me want to go on top a building and try out my sniper skills, and they say people in the army are not violent HA!
  13. no he cannot remeber is password to his account, hes got the save my name/password on his other computer, you know you can aah request your password they do have that wonderful feature.
  14. yeah it would but the font works with the render as well, hmm a gothic font should work with it then.
  15. yeah daman uses mspaint or gimp from what i saw.
  16. yes you can post links in the forum as long as thier is no adult content in it.
  17. oh i am, let just say that i would hae an extremely hard time with this, since math is one of my weaker subjects, anything above algebra is like beyond me.oh i know that ijust to telling you how fried my brain is after reading all that, plus i was never good at world problems i prefer the direct equation, it just makes my life simple.
  18. well i decided to start working on themed sigs so ere my first three
  19. hmm i thing the render could have used more depth or this background or the visa verse 8/10 -------------RATE THIS SIG-----------
  20. well that is hard one i don't have a favorite movie but i have favorite genres of movieshorrorsci-ficomedyactionadventurethe tipical man type moves
  21. hmmm 20px 10-15 would have suit ited more and then do a oval shape around the whole left arm.its not your worse yet its just need more work me and johnny usually spend time on ours min 15-20 max 1 year, also when brushing do the alternative of black and white brushes in a span of 8-10 layers, to get the depth going and to give you an idea how to work the brushes in and when your confindent enough trim it down to 3 4 laers of brushing and then alterniated with black and white on those layers where it almost looks grey in color.
  22. well i was looking at this site when i used some info pertaining to another topic on the forum, i saw something about hypernova, well that peek my interest since im a astronomy buff so i want to share with you this wonderful info. what is a hypernova? a hypernova is basically a supernova but alot more powerful here is a description from wilkpedia about it and then the next question would have to be what would happen if one happen near us? well lets just say we have a buffer zone of 3,000 lightyears to pretty much wipeout earth from the atmosphere to the core of the earth here are some figures of what kind of damage it could do: then the next question would be how often does it happen? well lucky for use were past that mark and that the closest star for that to happen is 7,500 lightyears away which means that it won't affect us at all just fry everything thats in orbit of the earth, which means satellite tv will be gone all telescopes gone, mir would crash to the earth (possibly) well my opnion would e bring it on, i rather see that or a comet or an asteroid hitting us then man made destroying earth, but in my luck i won''t see it happen. if you want to read the whole article go to this website http://www.armageddononline.org/hypernova.php would be interested what people think about this topic and other planetray disaters that could happen to us.
  23. aaah johnny has a vegtable garden, watch out for those dirty gophers.and no brushing does not work like that, if it did i would be as good as johnny or he would be as bad as me.
  24. so you serious live in the south pole/antarctica, duuude how do you stay warm down there?
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